Tommie held the phone close to his chest ro compose himself before taking a deep breath and putting it back against his ear. "Stiles... why the everloving ef, would someone send you an ear in a package?"

He heard multiple voices all at once on the other end of the phone.

"Did he say ear?"

"Who's ear is it?"

"Do you think those guys sent it?"

"Is it human?"

Tommie was losing patience. "Stiles!" He shouted into the phone. "If I don't get a reasonable answer in five minutes I'm calling the police and will have you arrested. Don't test me, dude."

He heard Stiles shush the others in the room. He started to speak but Tommie stopped him. "Put me off speaker."

He could almost hear Stiles' frown. "You're not on speaker."

"Then how did all your friends hear me?"


"You know what, it doesn't matter. You wanna explain to me why someone sent an ear to our dorn?"

Stiles hesitated. "I think it was a waring."

"A warning from who? Stiles be honest... are you doing drugs?"

"What?" Stiles asked surprised from the other end.

"I mean hey, it is totally cool if you are, but I would really appreciate if you kept your shady deals outta our dorm because-"

Stiles interrupted him. "I'm not doing drugs."

Tommie exhaled. "Oh thank God I was so not ready to handle that. But if not drugs, what have you gotten yourself into?"

Stiles huffed on the other end of the phone. Tommie rubbed his hands through his hair anxiously as he waited for his answer.

"Would you-" Stiles stopped mid-sentence. "Would you accept me asking you to trust me?"

"Instead of an explanation?" Tommie asked annoyed.

"Look. Give me till Saturday night. I'll explain everything then."

"Stiles, I barely know you. You want me to hide an ear for you? What if whoever sent this comes after me?"

Stiles sighed. "Just... trust me. That's all I can say right now. But I promise, it is nothing illegal and if you would just wait, I can give you a logical explanation."

Tommie pondered this for a second. "I'm not doing anything illegal?"

Stiles thought for a second. "Not that I can think of. Just... hold tight."

"Dude." Tommie enunciated. "I'm trusting you. But Saturday if I don't get an explanation I swear to you-"

"You will. I promise." Stiles reiterated.

"I better." Tommie hung up the phone and threw it behind him on the bed.

"I better." He muttered as he continued to stare at the ear in the box on Stiles' desk. He so did not need this in his life right now.

He carefully wrapped the box back up and put it in Stiles' closet, cleaning up any residue from the dorm. As he shut the door behind him he muttered to himself one more time.

"Better be a damn good explanation."

"You got yourself one hell of a roommate, Stiles." Tim said in his thick draw as he stood arms crossed, against the wall in Stiles' kitchen.

Stiles, Scott, Tim, Liam, Melissa, and Sheriff Stilinski were all in the Stilinski kitchen as they talked about what to do next.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't blame Tommie if he decided to call the cops on us. I am in the FBI training program afterall." Stiles said from his spot at the table. He put his head down before raising it and resting it in his hands.

"I can't believe I got an ear sent to my dorm."

"Do we know who sent it?" Melissa asked.

"Probably the weird werewolf drug dealers." Stiles lamented.

"We should call them the chemists." Liam interjected making all the heads in the room turn towards him. "I mean... it fits right? We can't just call them 'mysterious drug dealers'."

"Does this fit... 'the chemists' m.o.?" Scott asked looking at Tim.

Tim ignored the smug look on Liam's face when he answered. "You bet. They must of figured Stiles was apart of helping us track them down. Or maybe they knew that Stiles was close to you. Either way, definitely them and definitely a threat."

"Why send an ear? Why not a note or something else a little less... messy?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

Tim unfolded his arms to gesture with his hands. "They wanted to show you they were serious and that they meant business. The most effective way to do that was-"

"To send a human ear?" Scott asked disgusted.

Tim shrugged. "Sure did get a rise out of you."

Melissa looked worriedly at Scott. "If they know where to find Stiles, does that mean they know where to find all of us?"

"Should we all go into hiding?" Liam asked concerned.

"And let them keep doing whatever it is their doing to kids and get away with it?" Stiles asked annoyed. "Since when do we hide from a fight?"

Liam huffed. "We're not hiding, just staying safe until we figure out a plan."

"By the time we do that the chemists could have killed a dozen teenagers. We need to act and act now." Tim added.

"You're not even in the pack. Why should we listen to you?" Liam asked defensively.

"Now hang on-" Noah said, stepping between Liam and Tim who were now edging closer to each other.

"Tim, what Liam is trying to say is that we need a smart plan. We can't just rush into it." Scott tried to add peacefully.

"We can't do nothing." Stiles said, now standing. "We have to stop them before they threaten us again. The first warning was a freaking ear, I don't wanna wait long enough to see what the second threat is."

Liam turned towards Stiles. He was about to say something when Noah's phone rang. He left one hand out between Tim and Liam and used the other to grab his cell phone from his pocket. He took a look at the number and then back at the two boys.

"I gotta take this. Try not to kill each other." He said as he answered the phone and left the room. As soon as his hand was gone Liam and Tim looked at each other with equally furious expressions.

"I don't think you want to challenge an alpha." Tim said slowly.

"Yeah but I would wanna challenge an ass-hole." Liam retorted.

"Woah!" Melissa yelled as the two of them advanced on each other again.

This time it was Scott who stepped between the two of them. "Stop it, both of you! Fighting with each other isn't going to solve anything."

Stiles stepped up besides Scott. "He's right. Let's just everyone calm down."

Tim backed up and brushed off his jacket. "Fine." He said putting his hands up. "I'm chill."

Scott turned towards Liam and gave him a look. Liam just frowned. "Yep. All cool here."

Stiles clapped his hands together. "Good. Now can we figure out who the hell the ear belongs to? Cause I'm just dying to know."

Noah came back in the room with a grim face. "I know who it belongs to. And you're not gonna like it."

Lydia was having a bad day. To start it off, her alarm mysteriously didn't go off this morning. Then while running to get to class on time, her shoe broke. Added to the fact that she failed (okay, an 87 isn't failing, but it might as well be) her exam, her day sucked.

So to say that she was ticked off at Stiles for not texting her back would be an understatement.

For some reason the entire pack seemed to drop off the face of the Earth, leaving her to listen to voicemail after voice mail. All she wanted to know was that everyone was okay.

When she screamed, she wasn't sure who it was for. Instant panic gripped her at the thought of it being Stiles or Scott or Malia or someone else she cared about, but after evaluation, she knew it wasn't one of them.

Those screams, the ones for people she loved, those were different than the ones she had for strangers. But there was one thing she knew from the scream: the person was in Beacon Hills.

There was no doubt about that. She didn't need to be a rocket scientist to associate the bad feelings with the scream, and the fact that no one was answering made her sick to her stomach. She should be with them, not worrying about stupid exams.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ding of her phone. She hurriedly ripped it out of her back pocket, bypassing the lock screen of her and Stiles and going straight to her messaging.

She saw the one text from Stiles and felt relief flood through her.

Hey babe. Everyone is safe. Will fill you in soon. Love you and be careful.

She frowned at the text before shooting him another one.

Love you too.

She sent another text.

Are you safe?

Ten seconds later she got a reply.

Are you kidding? I'm surrounded by superhumans. I can use them as my human shield.

She smiled.

What is going on. I screamed, Stiles.

She waited for his response impatiently.

Call you soon. Tell you everything.

She trusted him. She trusted him with every cell in her body. But that didn't stop the dread from making her stomach knot up. She trusted him with everything, but she knew he was lying to her.