This will be the final chapter! I am so very sorry this took so long. This has been a crazy year, and there's really no good excuse, but here's the final Chapter of Kamikazi!

Many of my stories are otherwise being put on hold due to failing muse. I hope to update To Learn To Dance soon, another one of my Voltron fanfictions!

The trip back to Earth was a long one. They didn't rush, since Lance insisted on wanting to learn how work the suit better. There were still times when he would be wearing it, walking somewhere, and fall as he stopped paying attention to what he was doing. Sometimes he would forget to charge it, and it would shut down and he would fall again. Because of this, everyone was afraid to leave him alone. He already got a concussion after falling one day shortly after they set their course for Earth. Despite Lance's usual careless attitude, he had always been good about remembering to charge things.

Part of what was causing the problem, as Hunk suspected it was, was the anxiety of what they were about to return to. Hunk knew that Lance was worried about how his family would react. Would they remember him? Would they welcome him back if they knew what he had done? Had they moved? How long had had Lance been away from them? It was all reasonable fears, and Hunk felt the fears as well but being an only child, he had a little less to worry about. Pidge had her brother and father with her, but what would they be returning home to? Keith and Shiro didn't have anyone to return to.

Regardless, the anxiety of not knowing what awaited them at home was surely distracting Lance. He couldn't focus on learning how to work the suit the right way because he was too worried about what was going to happen when they landed back on Earth.

Another problem team Voltron was facing was where did they land, who did they send home first, and how did they all get sent home? And of course, what would be their cover story, because you can't just tell someone you basically snuck out of the Garrison, got abducted by a giant robot lion, and thrown into a crazy intergalactic war with aliens. That would land you in the psych ward of the hospital real fast. The team would need to come up with a story about how they managed to stay well fed -well, Hunk had lost a little weight on this diet of space goo- and a story for their new scars, both physical and mental.

That night at dinner, they decided to discuss these things. Lance's arms had regained enough strength that he could finally feed himself, so it still took him a while. He also needed a chair that would hold him up, since more often than not, the suit would need to be charged and he would be stuck without for a few hours.

"I think we should tell the Garrison what happened." Hunk suggested. "I mean, it could happen again. Maybe not in the next few thousand years, but if it happens again and the Garrison has records of this war, then those records could help save Earth."

"But what if the Garrison doesn't believe us? We've been missing for who knows how long. They may just think we've gone crazy." Pidge argued.

"We have Allura and Coran. And Slav is still here. Three aliens that are impossible to even try to claim they're human." Keith said.

"We can't have them try to take them in to study them." Pidge countered.

"Then we draw up the terms first." Shiro said. "We can send them a transmission when we get close enough. Iverson will listen to me."

Lance wasn't so sure Iverson listened to anyone but himself, but he didn't speak up or take part in the debating. He was anxious to get home, to see his family again, but he was also so afraid of what would happen when he got there. He was paralyzed. He would never regain the use of his legs. It was miracle he could even move his arms! Spending the rest of his life either in the suit or in a wheelchair...that was not something he had ever expected to be a problem. Sure, he had wondered what would happen if he crashed a ship one day, but he always expected that would either kill him instantly or just leave a few scratches and bruises, maybe a few broken bones. How would he get upstairs to his room, if his suit needed to charge? Or go surfing! He hadn't realized how important his legs were until he couldn't use them anymore.

In the end, it was decided that they would be going to the Garrison first. That would be the best way to avoid any trouble. From there, they would call the paladin's families and they could come and pick them up. So the next few days were spent preparing for this. They made sure to fill in Coran, Allura, and Slav on some of the basic human customs, and practiced what they would say to the Garrison officials. How they would react to Shiro's arm and Lance's suit was one of the biggest problems. Shiro was sure he would be fine without his arm. He would adapt. It wasn't like he had been given the arm right away after losing it. But Lance needed his suit. He was learning how to use it, how to walk again, having it taken away would be like losing the use of his legs all over again.

When they were within range, Shiro sent the transmission to the Garrison. He requested permission to learn and to treat with the Garrison officials, on the conditions that none accompanying him would be interrogated, harmed, or imprisoned in any way. It hadn't been easy, but the Garrison agreed and the Castle of Lions landed just outside the main building.

Keith and Hunk stayed on either side of Lance as he slowly got to his feet. The suit had been charging for a while, and Lance had been asleep for just as long. It had taken a lot to actually make him sleep, but he had needed it, even if he was slow to be waking up. Shiro and Samuel lead the way, Allura, Coran, and Slav behind them, then Keith, Hunk, Lance, and Pidge. Iverson and several other generals and officials stood by the doors.

Being back in the Garrison halls hit all the paladin's differently. For Shiro, it was a mix of regret and overwhelming joy. This is where his journey had begun, where his time with Adam had come to an end, and where he had almost been taken prisoner after crashing landing. For Hunk, it was bittersweet. He had loved the Garrison, every minute of it. This was where he had met Lance and become his best friend. This was where he had really started to hone in on his engineering skills and the place where this whole crazy adventure had started. For Pidge, it was a little bitter but also kind of nice. She had always wanted to go to the Galaxy Garrison, like her brother and father. But then they had gone missing and it became an obsession, a need to find them. She had met two guys who she now considered her brothers. And this had been the first step to finding her brother and father. To Keith, this place wasn't one of happy memories. Just anger, bullying, and bitterness. With no one but Shiro to guide him, until Shiro had gone into space and Keith had been left alone. But then, if he had never come here, never gotten kicked out, would he have ever met this group he now considered family? For Sam and Matt, it was a relief. They were home. They were back on Earth. They could finally have the whole family together again.

For Lance, it was a nerve wracking, anxiety inducing, stomach churning mess of emotions. For one, he had always dreamed of going to the Garrison as a child. It had been his goal forever. He had met his best friend here, and he had gone on the adventure of a lifetime because of his refusal to follow the rules here. But that adventure had also lead to losing his freedom to move around. It had taken him away from his family, for what he now knew had been 4 years. Four earth years had passed since he had gone into the desert with Hunk and Pidge, just to stop Keith from rescuing Shiro and taking all the glory. Four years since they found the blue lion and were dragged into war. He was very glad when the Garrison didn't offer them anything to eat, because he was fairly certain he would vomit if they did.

They were brought into a large room with a long table, and everyone sat down a little nervously. The tension in the air was almost suffocating. Shiro went first. He told them of how the original mission had gone wrong, and him, Matt, and Sam had been taken prisoner by the Galra. Then how he had crashed landed on Earth. Hunk, Lance, and Pidge went next, explaining how they had seen the ship go down, Pidge had heard the transmissions, and they had ran into the desert to get to Shiro before Keith (Keith rolled his eyes at that). Keith explained how they had escaped to his shack, the way they found the blue lion, and how it had taken them into space.

Allura and Coran explained Voltron, and the war that had been going on. Then the paladins gave the briefest summary possible for what had happened: they were the ones the lions had chosen, and they had joined in on the war to save the universe from the Galra. They avoid some of the smaller details and some of the strange missions they went on, mostly focused on the fighting.

By the time they got near the end, where Lance had his accident, three hours had passed and the Garrison members were glued to their seats, listening to every word in amazement. They were sold, much to everyone's relief.

"The Galra ship used a technique like Kamikazi pilots did in World War Two." Keith explained. "It crashed head-on with the Blue lion, at speeds we had never seen them move before. Lance was crushed under the dashboard when I found him. His back was broken. Without the technology we had out there, he would have died." He went on to explain how they had finally reached a planet where healers had managed to help him, and then the Olkari who had built the suit that he needed to get around. Lance stayed quiet, staring at the table, for once not basking in the attention. He didn't want their sympathy. He didn't want to looked at any differently. But he couldn't just get up and walk away this time, because he walked slow and with choppy movements that would only cause more sympathy. So he sat there, pretending to be anywhere else, ready to just go home and see his family.

When the paladin's finished their tale, there were several minutes of silence as the Garrison generals processed everything they had just heard. They had seen pictures too, thanks to Pidge's quick thinking before she had left the ship to grab the orange phone-like device that had pictures and recordings of the fighting and the different species they had met.

"Well." Iverson finally spoke up. "There have been rooms set up for everyone. Your parents and family have been called, and a ship is going to go pick them all up now. They should be here tomorrow. Veronica is the hall. She will show you to your rooms." He stood, and the other Garrison members stood as well. Slowly, one by one, they stood to attention and brought their hand to their eyebrow, in a salute as the paladins and their alien friends stood.

The members of team Voltorn who were human returned the salute (Lance a little shakily, since his arms were still a bit weak), and then followed Shiro out of the room. In the hall stood a girl that must be Veronica. The name made Lance's heart ache, because his big sister was named Veronica. He looked down as he walked, wondering what she was doing.


The sound of his name made him look up, and he was fairly certain his heart stopped and jaw dropped, because the woman staring at him was not just any regular Veronica. It was his Veronica. His sister. She was moving before he was, and after a few steps of his own, he practically collapsed into her arms, the suit unable to read just what his brain wanted it to do. He was crying, and he was fairly certain she was too. He couldn't quite feel her arms around him the way he knew they were.

"Lance, you're home. I can't believe it." Veronica gave him a squeeze, then tried to hold him at arms length, but his legs weren't holding him up and he almost fell. Keith had caught him, having already been behind him when they had left the room.

"Whats wrong?" She asked, as it set in that he had not hugged her as tight as he normally did and that he didn't seem able to stand on his own.

When he tried to answer, he couldn't. The pain his chest, the aching pain that comes when you desperately want to cry but you are trying not to, that desperate pain of wanting to something that you know is impossible, was nearly overwhelming.

"There was an accident." Keith answered for him, and Lance was grateful. The red paladin was still supporting him, as Lance slowly regained his composure and was able to stand back up on his own. "It's probably time to charge the suit soon too. Can you bring us to our rooms?"

Veronica looked from Lance to the others, before looking back to Lance. He looked embarrassed, ashamed, and exhausted all at the same time.

"Uh, yeah. Come on." She stayed besides Lance though, the others moving to walk behind them.

Hunk was crying. Seeing Lance and Veronica reunite had brought tears to his eyes faster than onion fumes. It was amazing to see them together again, but heartbreaking to watch the confusion on her face when Lance didn't hug back as tight or when she was told there had been an accident.

And Lance would have to tell the story twice now. Why couldn't Veronica had just come with the rest of his family? Or maybe...Maybe it would be easier with her there. Maybe she could tell the family beforehand, so Lance wouldn't have to.

"There are the rooms. Bathrooms are down the hall on the left. Dinner will be brought in shortly." Veronica said, then opened the closest door and took Lance's hand, leading him in. Lance gave Hunk a mildly frightened look, before following his sister and closing the door behind him.

Hunk, Keith, and Pidge were lounging around in the room that Keith had claimed as his. While Pidge and Hunk hadn't exactly been invited in, Keith hadn't kicked them out either. He was laying back on his bed, staring at the ceiling, tossing a stress ball in the air and catching it. Hunk was fiddling with some loose wire, sitting on the floor while Pidge was sitting on the desk chair.

"Do you he's okay?" Hunk asked, for probably the 5th time.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's with his sister finally, and if his family is as close as he always says they are, they won't let his paralysis change that." Keith reassured him, for probably the 5th time.

"But he's in there, explaining it to her on his own. Maybe someone should go in and give him some backup?" Hunk looked from Keith to Pidge and back.

"Relax Hunk, I doubt he needs help telling her what happened. He's probably embarrassed enough as it is." Pidge rolled her eyes.


"No, Hunk." Pidge and Keith said simultaneously.

"This is something he has to do on his own." Keith insisted.

Meanwhile, Lance had just finished explaining to Veronica what had happened.

"The suit needs to be in direct sunlight for a few hours every day to charge. Otherwise, it shuts down and stops working." He finished. He was laying on his bed, propped up on pillows and the wall. He had taken the suit off, with her help since he couldn't do it on his own. He usually wore the under armor from his paladin armor under the suit, because it was more comfortable that way. The suit was laying on the floor where Veronica had laid it out in the sun as instructed.

"Is it waterproof?" She asked, examining the material.

"The Olkari say it is, but I haven't tried it yet. The pool in the Castle is on the ceiling."

She gave him a look, but didn't question it. After a few more seconds of looking at the thing that gave her brother the ability to move, she got up and sat on the bed next to him. When the mattress sank and he leaned with it, unable to prevent himself from it, she put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close.

"Well we'll have to try it. Our new baby sister, Samantha, loves to swim." She told him. "And Denver has gotten so much better at surfing." She continued to give him updates on the family, and tell him about what they had been doing while he was gone, careful to word it in a way that wouldn't make him feel guilty about it. "Oh, Lance, they're going to all be so happy. We're all so happy you're home safe. I can't wait until they get here tomorrow, and we'll all be reunited." Her voice cracked just a bit, and she put her other arm around him, and they stayed huddled like that until they both fell asleep.

Four Months Later…

If you asked Lance today to tell you about how the reunion between him and his family had gone, he wouldn't be able to tell you. It had been such a blur, such a rush of so many emotions, that he couldn't even remember it much. His mama had reached him first, and her rib-crushing hug had broken every dam he had tried to build up ever since that final battle. He had been shaking, and could barely see through the tears, let alone speak. Everyone was crying, except his new baby sister, who he already loved, and his two nephews who had come along. The suit to stand had been useless, because they had all fallen to the ground almost instantly anyway, none of them able to hold themselves up.

When they were getting ready to go back home, back to Cuba, Lance's mama had insisted that Shiro, Keith, Allura, and Coran come with them. Slav was staying at the Garrison, but the other 4 had agreed. It was useful, have the extra hands around. For one, there were less leftovers. While Pidge and Hunk had gone home to their own families, they had promised to come visit soon.

Lance had learned the suit is in fact waterproof, but his balance wasn't quite good enough to try to surf, and even swimming was a huge effort. His mama was afraid to let him go to the beach alone, but thankfully, the rest of his siblings and cousins loved the water as much as he did. While he couldn't surf, he would often sit out in the water on his old surfboard, watching Denver seem to dance over the waves or watch his younger cousins run along the beach, being chased by Shiro the Monster. Shiro was great with the kids. And while Keith didn't really try to play with them, Samantha, who was four years old, loved to brush his hair or try to have tea parties with, and Lance found his endless amusing. He loved all them. His blood family, and his Voltron family. Coran was the perfect Crazy Uncle, entertaining the children at night with his wild stories. Allura was trying her best to learn as many earth things from Lance's mother and Sister-in-Law as possible -her cooking was horrendous. With this group of supporters behind him, Lance would learn to walk with ease again. He would learn to run, to jump, to surf again. Even if it would never be possible without his suit, he would take advantage of every movement of free movement he had. He was home now.

Tis the end. I am so, so sorry this took me so long to write and I'm so sorry if it's a really sucky chapter. I started this story Freshman year, I think. A lot had happened in the show since then, and that kind of messed up a few things, but I worked with what I had.
If you're interested, check out my latest Voltron story, To Learn How to Dance. It's set before Lotor loses his mind and is actually kind of a decent guy. Lotura, because I ship it, and Klance because I ship that too. Mostly Lotura for that one, a lot of fluff, and no crazy paralyzing accidents or crazy whump. That's being saved for a few one shots I may be posting here in the near future. I'm trying to be more active from now on!
Now I really need to be studying for a test I have in German tomorrow because I have no idea what the crime words are and have to write a crime story in German for part of the test, lol.