The team was gathered in the main room of the cave, lounging about on various sofas. Impulse was going around knocking people off their perches until Robin got fed up a tripped him.

"Team to mission room," called Nightwing over the intercom.

The team- consisting of Robin, Impulse, Blue Beetle and Superboy- rushed to the mission room. Nightwing was waiting there for them.

"Team, there has been suspicious activity…-" Nightwing trailed off and pulled out his escrima sticks. "Get behind me," he said.

Then the team noticed the growing sphere of light in the middle of the room, not dissimilar to when Impulse had arrived. The light suddenly contracted, then rapidly expanded.

When the team regained their sight, they saw two people lying where the light was. A girl with dark hair, and a boy with stupid hair.

"Ugh, that hurt, what happened?" asked the girl.

"No idea," the boy sat up and glanced around fearfully. "But, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

"Really Fletch? Film quotes?" The girl sat up too. "Oh."

Nightwing prepared a smoke bomb.

"You are such an idiot Fletcher! Does this look like the American Sanctuary to you!"


"Yes, sorry," the girl. "Umh… hi? Sorry about this, it seems my boyfriend forgot how to teleport, we'll be out of your hair in a moment."

"Teleportationthat'ssocool,canyouteachme?" Impulse said.

"I don't even know what he just said."

"How did you get in here?" Nightwing asked with authority.

"Didn't I just say? Teleportation, you know poof, you're somewhere else," the girl explained.

"This base is secret; how did you find it?" Superboy pushed.

"Do you use Zeta beams?" the boy asked.

"Yes," Superboy replied cautiously.

"Then it isn't my fault, it's yours!" the boy said triumphantly.

"Why exactly?" the girls voiced was sharp.

"Skulduggery told me to be careful around it, because it pulls you in."

"We need to ask you some questions," Nightwing said, now fairly certain the two trespassers weren't going to lash out.

"Fun as I'm sure that would be, we have places to go and people to punch, so bye," Nightwing lunged as the teens linked hands and disappeared.

Batman was going to literally kill him.