Hello, and welcome to the next chapter!

DocSlendy; Read and find out hehe~

hellspam; Well, I am glad that you're having fun while reading this story. Yup, she appeared, and she'll be appearing this chapter too. It is going to be quite the ride.

Guest 1; Aah, don't worry, they'll eventually be reunited again. Eeh, the katana is gonna be quite cool looking, but it is only temporary for now, he'll be getting something more permanent later on. That would be pretty funny, like she's still considering what is going on and if she would, and if he would, and other things like that. Ooh no worries~

Guest 2; That actually looks all good, and I can see them being quite the strong tag team together. Yeah, they look really good to me! Thanks for the idea!

Guest 3; Actually, yeah I have been considering them lately. I like those ideas, they seem cool. And the weapons look pretty cool too. If I was going to do one next, it probably would be FF13, or FF10, but it could also be FF7, since that was my first FF game that I played, so it does seem cool to me.

Anime PJ; It kinda was, and kinda build up for this chapter too~ Lisbeth really went for it, didn't she? Good thing he knows how to run, or he would've been killed by Lisbeth. Yeah, that girl is gonna be important to a story arc I have planned later on, so keep your eyes on her, she's going to be, something.

Well, with those lovely reviews, it is time to start the chapter!

The Christmas wish part two

"Ooh, so you got it then?"

Lisbeth asked, as Squall made his way to her. It was the day after doing the quest, so the 15th of the month, she thought that Squall and Asuna would be able to get the good metal from, and it proved true when it was a good piece of metal that she could see that was within his hands.

In her setup temp shop on the third floor, she held a smile on her face…but he looked a little bit different. She couldn't place it, but she saw that he was noticeably more down than he usually was, and she wasn't sure why he looked like that.

Squall nodded silently, and took out the item, holding it towards her.


His voice barely was above an echo, it sounded distant, and lonely, something that Lisbeth picked up on right away, he was quite shocked that he could sound like that. She hadn't heard even the tiniest bit of sadness from him before, so hearing it in his voice now was, quite shocking.

"Hmmm?" Lisbeth hummed, seeing his face had dropped since the last time she had seen him. "Is something wrong Squall? You don't look that happy…did something happen on the quest? Something between you and Asuna?"

She guessed that it would be that, but to her surprise, he didn't even acknowledge that. Not really. He just seemed to be thinking about something, distantly thinking about it, and she wasn't sure what that thing was.

"N-No…nothing really, just…it doesn't matter…Asuna-chan and I are good…we're…erm, it doesn't matter…"

Lisbeth wasn't exactly satisfied with that answer. Just something about the melancholic face that he had, made her feel depressed too. She didn't like seeing Squall like that, considering him a good friend to her, so it was surprising that he was like that now.

"Oh…if you say so…" Lisbeth took the metal from Squall, and examined it. "Yup, this indeed is the metal that I was thinking of. It looks good, and it could be a good weapon too. Yes, that's the best thing, I should be able to make a new weapon out of this, it would be a good thing. Yes, this is it, Squall. Thanks for getting it."

"It's okay…weapons are important…"

Offering a small smile, Lisbeth knew it was fake.

The fake smile almost was unbearable to look at.

She went over to a nearby furnace, and began melting the metal so it could be moulded.

As she did, she watched as Squall just sat down, and waited for the metal to be made into a katana, and he just seemed…different. He didn't hold the usual cheerfulness on his face that he usually had, and he didn't have that same sheen to his eyes that always made her feel better than she was feeling right now.

"Hey, Squall…erm, are you sure you're alright? Did something happen?"

"Nothing really…just been thinking…about something…"


Lisbeth's question wasn't answered.

He just sat down and looked at the ground, unable to say anything, unable to even move much from what she could see. She found it worrying that he was suddenly worrying himself like he was, it almost looked like it was something weighing on his mind.

"Squall, you don't have to worry about…erm, whatever it is you're worrying about. If you want to talk, I'm here."

Speaking like a concerned friend, Lisbeth tried to connect with him.

But Squall just smiled a little weakly, unable to speak that much, just thinking about something that felt troubling if he was honest with himself.

"Thanks…it's nothing…"

She knew he was lying, but she couldn't do anything other than offer a sympathetic ear if he wanted it.

She hammered the metal once it was done, and continued to do so.

Every once in a while, she'd look up to see his face falling downwards, and felt some sympathy for him. She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew something was going on, and whatever it was, truly was weighing him down.

Once she was done, Lisbeth sighed a brief of relief, the katana being realized. The blade was sky blue colour, it looked like the sky itself, hence the colour Lisbeth thought it represented the most. The blade quite long, and the tip looked sharp enough to her. The handle had akin to Angel's wings on it, the guard that was. The end of the handle also had a Angel like motif.

"Phew, that was hard. But it was well worth it. I'm just glad my skills have raised since the last time. It was difficult, but I'm confident that I've been able to make a good weapon for you, Squall. The stats are even better than the last blade, it looks good, and light as you like it, yet not too light. The strength of the blade is excellent, and the speed is…also good too. Though a little bit more heavier than last sword, it still is pretty light, yet durable." Lisbeth picked up the blade, and looked over it. "Hmm, Angel's Piercer. It looks pretty cool to me, I like it."

Lisbeth walked over to Squall after looking over the blade.

Standing in front of him, she held the blade out for him, but he didn't say anything for the first few moments.

He just looked at the floor, and while having heard what Lisbeth had said, he was in his own world for the first few moments.

"Squall, here. The sword."

Lisbeth patted him on the shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Oh, Lisbeth-chan. Thanks, the blade looks great."

Squall took the blade from her, and swung it to the left so it didn't touch her, and felt good with the sword in his hand. Nodding to himself, he put the sword on his back, and offered Lisbeth a kind smile, but Lisbeth saw that he was struggling to smile.

Unable to see her friend in pain, she sat down next to him, and put a hand on his leg.

"Squall, what's going on? You look depressed. Has something happened?"

He appreciated her opening to give him a place to vent his feelings, but he couldn't lay that burden on Lisbeth, it wouldn't of been right if he did lay his burdens down on her, it couldn't be right at all, so he didn't say anything about what was really bothering him.

"It's nothing really…just thinking about something…"

He couldn't really say the reason, he couldn't say anything to her about it, it wouldn't of been right to say anything since they didn't really know one another all that well.

"Can I, do anything?"

Offering him as kindly as she could, Squall felt like she really was a good friend, and appreciated her kindness.

"Erm…no, I'm okay, I'm just…thinking about stuff on the outside…I just…thought of something important…and it dawned on me…is all. This world…it really does dawn on you, after everything goes on…I didn't have time to think and it just dawned on me what's…happening here now…"

"I'm glad Squall is here."


Squall was left baffled by Lisbeth's sudden words.

Lisbeth's face adopted a kind smile, and hugged onto his arm.

"I know it sounds quite maddening to think like that, but I'm glad that Squall is here. He's different to everyone else here. I quite like his company. And he makes Asuna happy, I'm happy about that too. More over than that, I am pleasantly surprised that I found a nice guy here. Before meeting you, I was drawn into the world that I was failing into, and I couldn't see a good way out of it. But then I met Asuna, and we became friends. After that, I met Squall, Silica-san and Agil-san, and we all became friends. I became friends, and began enjoying the time that we had together. Even if it was just me making armour and swords for you, I find myself enjoying your company more and more. I don't know what's wrong, but I know that whatever it is, you don't have to worry about it because I'm here for you."

Squall felt a sharp bang in his heart at the friendship Lisbeth was displaying to him. Looking upon her, he found himself drawn into her pink eyes, and found comfort with her, it just made his feel good inside of himself, the kindness she was displaying.

"Lisbeth-chan…thank you…"

"Hehe, silly. You're always saying that when I make you things. You don't have to thank me for something like that. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, when ya need me. Even if it is just for a good old talk, I'll happily do it for you."

Squall's eyes lit up for a brief moment when Lisbeth's voice reached him, making him feel truly accepted.

"Lisbeth-chan…thanks for making me feel better…you're really kind to do that for me."

He truly meant it. Even if it was a little bit, she did make him feel better.

"Hehe, no worries~ Next time, I'll just have Squall do something for me instead~"

Lisbeth's singsong voice actually elevated Squall's mood a little bit, but his mind kept being drawn back to the thoughts of what was plaguing his thoughts, and while he knew it was stupid, he just couldn't stop thinking about it, he hated it.

On December the 16th, Squall went back down to the first floor, via the teleportation gates, and was helping with some of the kids, along with Sasha. The others remained on the first floor, Squall just needed to go and see if he would be able to help.

"So, it seems that the four floor is going to be opened up soon, from what I hear?"

Sasha brought up as she, and Squall cooked in the kitchen area.

"I think we're going there, on the 20th, from what I've heard."

He replied as he diced some vegetables.

"I see. I hope you're being careful Squall-kun. It's really dangerous."

"I'm being careful Sasha-san. A-And yourself? Are you being safe? Is everyone okay?"

Even if he was in a funk, he still wanted to make sure that the children were okay. That was always going to be a priority, no matter what was happening in his life. He always made sure that they were okay.

Sasha smiled lightly, nodding her head.

"Everyone indeed is okay. They've been missing Onii-sama though. They're glad that you've returned."

"Ah…I'm sorry I haven't returned in a few days, just been a little busy."

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he dropped the vegetables into the boiling water nearby.

"No, no. Don't sound so depressed, it is okay. We all know that you've been trying your hardest. The children understand. We're just glad that you're back now, it is good when you're around. The place is so full of energy and delightfulness…" Sasha stopped when she saw Squall's face. "…but right now, it seems like you're not that, happy? Why is that?"

"Ooh, it's nothing really. Don't worry."

Squall dismissed her concerns, and scribbled something down on a piece of paper nearby.

Sasha didn't quite believe him, but didn't know what to say regardless.

"I see…well, either way, I am glad that you're around Squall-kun."

"Thanks Sasha-san. Anyway, how has it been going with everything around here anyway? Anything to report or…"

He trailed off, wanting her to continue off, which she did with a kind smile on her face.

"Not really." Sasha stated as she finished off the stew. "It isn't that bad, around here. Everyone has been acting pretty well. thanks to everything that has been happening lately, the clearing of the upper floors, the children are becoming more hopeful, and even keep saying "Onii-sama is definitely going to clear the game!" which made me smile, with how much these children really believe in you."

"I see…well, that's great, thanks."

Squall spoke with a kind smile as the food was done. Unlike the real world. It didn't take all that long to prepare the meals, and they were done within minutes, which was actually one of the good things that happened to be in the game.

"It is great. They really do care about you."

"Yeah, but don't forget that if you're doing the one that looks after the children the most. Your job is just as important as the clearing squads that happen to be doing what they are doing the best thing by clearing those floors."

Sasha's face turned embarrassed as they began serving the children together. As they did, the children all smiled and laughed as their 'Onii-sama' was able to come and spend time with them again.

"Onii-sama, you're still clearing the levels, right?"

One little girl asked as he petted her head.

"Of course Mira-chan, I'm clearing the floors easily…or hardly. Either way, they're getting cleared."

He served her some food as she smiled like a truly cute little girl would.

"Onii-sama, I heard that you're doing a boss battle soon, is that true?"

A small boy with red hair pondered as he was served by Squall too.

"That's correct, yes. I am going to be doing a boss battle, so we can reach the fourth floor. Isn't that good of us, Sam-kun?"

"Hehe, I can't wait to grow and become strong like Onii-sama is!"

Squall smiled softly at the boy, and continued to pet his head.

"Well, if you eat your vegetables, and do your daily work by Sasha-sensei, I'm sure that you'll all grow up into a truly kind and strong people. You never know, you guys one day might be leading the clearing guild, you have to become just as strong and kind as the adults that are good people."

[Yeah! Onii-sama!]

Squall smiled gently as he finished serving, and sat down himself. Taking a spoon, he slipped some soup into his mouth, smiling as the children smiled, laughed, and other things like that. Sasha sat down next to Squall, and quietly ate her food.

A small girl, that only looked to be 8 years old, came towards Squall, and held a shy expression on her face.

"Oh, hello Lucy-chan, is there something wrong?"

He asked kindly, showing his elder brother smile towards her, despite how he was feeling. He always made time for them, no matter what.

"Onii-sama…c-can I sit on your lap?"

Squall smiled, and nodded his head.

"That's okay. Sure, please sit down."


Lucy smiled widely, and sat down on his lap, showing a wide smile towards all of the other children, most wearing jealous faces.

It was something between the children, all wanting to have their 'elder brother's' attention. And whoever got it the most, always seemed to be the best one in his eyes, even though that really wasn't the case, as he cared about them all, no matter what.

"Isn't this wonderful? Onii-sama really has the attention of the children, doesn't he?"

Sasha laughed to herself as Squall smiled softly as well.

"Yeah…it's wonderful, it really is."

"Yes…it is. And you know, they all care about you, Squall-kun. I mean, you're mostly what they talk about when you're gone, how well you're doing on the battlefield, what you might bring back for them, and how you will come back, and play games with them. They all love that, when you do that, Squall-kun."

Squall continued to smile as Lucy swayed left and right on his lap. Squall smiled, and petted her head gently.

"I'm glad, I'm able to keep up these children's spirits. And don't forget, if you need me, I will definitely come and do whatever I can. Even if I'm on the battlefield, I will come to your side, and do what I need to do for you guys and girls. You're all important to me, after all."

"I'm glad that you feel like that, Squall-kun, because you're important to us too. All of us think the same as myself. So, whatever you do, always come back, okay? These children depend on you, and I myself like having your company around. I always wait for the time that Squall-kun comes back and visits us. I really do like you."


Squall tried to express his surprise, but he didn't get the chance as a little boy called out.

"Onii-sama! Sasha-sensei has a crush on you!"

"W-Wha…? D-Don't be silly Simon-kun!"

Sasha denied it straight away, her face turning a little red at the same time.

"It's true, Sasha-sensei always talks about Onii-sama, and says how handsome he is."

One girl brought up, causing Sasha's face to heat up even more. Squall giggled nervously, just believing it to be childish nonsense.

"D-Don't say such things. Squall-kun is already involved with Asuna-san, and I've never said anything of the sort."

"Why does everyone keep saying that…?"

Squall muttered as the children began cheering loudly, teasing Sasha more and more by the second.

"Sensei loves Onii-sama~"

"I heard that she wants to get married to Onii-sama~"

"Yeah, she totally wants to wear a wedding ring from Onii-sama's body."

"It's right, Sasha-sensei wants to do kissy face with Onii-sama!"

Sasha's face turned a little more red, if that was possible by now, and twiddled her thumbs under the table, and kept taking shy looks at Squall. Compared to her, he was just laughing along with them, thinking it was a joke. It was anyone's guess if it truly was a serious matter.

"You can't be serious!"

Asuna raised her objections as she, Squall, Silica, and Agil all sat on one side, and Kibaou was sat on the other side, with some of his guild members being around him. While Silica and Agil were nodding, Squall just stayed quiet, his voice betraying him.

It was a meeting for the boss battle the next day, on the 20th of December. And like usual, Kibaou, and pretty much everyone that wasn't in his guild were having a hard debate, a debate that wouldn't be quelled by simple words. It always resulted in shouting, because one had good ideologies, and the other, not so much, and it wasn't difficult to tell which was which.

"I'm deadly serious." Kibaou stated. "Because, this boss is going to be difficult, we're going to need more players."

"Who are, inexperienced?"

Asuna argued, with Kibaou nodding his head.

"That's right, they need to help out too. Even if inexperienced, we're going to need to push forward. We have to fight, and become better, don't you even realize that little girl? We're going to have to fight, and become stronger."

"It's reckless! It really is! Can't you see that!?"

Asuna once again argued with him, but Kibaou wasn't listening at all. In fact, he didn't even think her thoughts were relevant by now.

"I can see it, but I don't care. If we're going to clear the floor, then I'm thinking that bringing in more players so they could act as-"

"No, I won't allow that kind of reckless thinking! You want everyone to die or something? No, the plan was to have-"

"I don't really care about your plan. This is MY plan, and we're going to be doing it this way, is that understood little girl? We're going to be the ones who take the lead. You're lucky to have even been standing here."

"That's because, unlike you, I actually get on the battle field, and fight. You might take care of one or two little minions, but you're the one who doesn't even get in the way of the thing at all. You just stand back, and allow others to do your dirty work."

"It's called surviving. That's what a leader does, he survives."

His words disgusted the likes of Asuna, and the others…but Squall didn't say anything.

That's what surprised the others.

He didn't say anything at all, when most thought that he'd be the most vocal. But this time, he just seemed to be really restrained, and it worried the others. Especially Asuna, she was really worried that he didn't say anything.

Asuna couldn't take it, and looked at Squall.

"Hey, aren't you going to say anything?"

Squall didn't answer straight away.

He couldn't answer straight away.

He took a few breaths, trying to collect himself.

"She's right…Kibaou. You're acting…foolish."

"That's all you're going to say?"

Asuna was surprised even more by his laidback attitude it took for something like this.

"What else should I say? No one is going to listen, Kibaou has all of the power, they have to see for themselves that he isn't a fit leader. We can't force it down their throats. We'll just have to prove with our skills, and abilities that we'll be able to show that they are good leaders out there, better than him, won't we Asuna-chan?"

While it sounded like a good answer, Asuna didn't sense the usual emotion that his voice held. It just sounded like he was being a robot, monotone. It didn't sound real to him, it sounded like he was just going along with anything, and it made her feel complicated that he wasn't really his usual self, it made her feel worried.

Once the meeting was done, everyone began leaving, but Asuna didn't leave, since Squall just sat there, and looked at the table, thinking about things intently.

"Squall-kun." She said, after everyone had left. "Why aren't you the usual you?"


He didn't answer, Asuna being more concerned by the moment.

"Squall-kun, has something happened that I don't know about? When Kibaou is sprouting crap like that, you were the first person to always call him out on it, and he always stops when you say something because he's frightened of you or something. But today, you didn't do anything. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I know that I seem weird lately…I just can't seem to focus that much…"

He admitted, Asuna furrowed her eyebrows at the complex face that he was making.

"Squall-kun…I'm concerned about you…"


That's all he could say, and Asuna couldn't say anything else. She could only look at him, worried by the second that he was slowly turning into a different person before her eyes, and she couldn't figure out why that was.

"Phew, another boss done."

Silica breathed as she watched the boss turn into particles. Dancing around the boss room, she looked around to see if there was anything that there was needed for the time. She saw people looking exhausted, she saw that there were people mourning some people that had died during the boss fight, and wondered if she would be able to recover herself after seeing so many people dying around them all, it was difficult.

The time was 4 in the afternoon, and they had defeated the boss for the third floor, and were allowed access to the fourth floor. The date was 20st of December, a few days before Christmas. Since the first boss, Silica, Kirito, Squall, Asuna, and Agil have continuously been trying to fight against the bosses, and of course others have, something called a 'clearing squad' has been formed, but Kirito wasn't apart of that, Asuna was, Agil wasn't sure, and Squall and Silica tended to stay out of their ways and only come to fight the bosses, since they also wanted to get out of the game.

"Yeah, we lost ten people this time."

Kirito, who was next to her, sighed out, Silica nodding her head.

"Everyone knew this was going to happen. Even Onii-chan thought so, since Kibaou did the stupid move of just having people that don't have much fighting experience and putting them on the front lines. It doesn't make sense. Why didn't he listen to us?"

Silica didn't know why that was. Even asking Kirito, she wasn't sure if he had the answers that she was seeking. She just wanted to vent her own feelings on the matter, wanting to get out everything that was circulating her mind.

"He's just someone with power, and a huge ego. Once he shows his true colours and the others are willing to listen to it, they'll soon see that others are better at leading a group, other than someone like him."

"M-Maybe Kirito-san would be able too…"

Trying to cheer him on, Silica put her hands together in a prayer like stance.

Kirito allowed a ghost of a smile to appear on his face.

"I'm glad you put so much trust in me, but I think that I wouldn't be suited to something like that. Your Onii-sama seems to be quite like that, and that other girl, I think her name is Asuna, she seems to be good too."

Silica showed a mild jealousy when Kirito praised Asuna's skills, but held a smile on her face, though she felt like it was cracking a little bit.

"Y-Yes…maybe…b-but, erm…Kirito-san…y-you're going to be at the next fight, right? I mean, at the boss fight, right? We need you."

"I am."

Agreeing with it, Silica felt relieved.

At that time, Silica saw that Ceba was walking past, and Kirito's eyes were on her. She didn't know why, but it seemed like he was enthralled with her, personally.

He then began walking forward, brushing past the worried looking Silica.

"K-Kirito-san, you're going again? You didn't stay last time either, we're worried about you Kirito-san. You don't have to…you could stay close to us…we're going to be in the same town and all…we could go together…"

"I'm a solo player." Explained Kirito, striding forward without looking back. "People don't want me to be near them, because I'm a beater." Looking at Kibaou, who was slowly raising in political power, he held a disgusted look for Kirito. "People don't want me around…but, I'm glad that you're safe, Silica. I'm happy that you are. Stay safe in the future too."

Silica smiled sweetly, shyly, and twitched her body.

"It was tough, but I am able to continue forward."

Silica addressed the concerns that held on Kirito's face, which actually did alleviate his worries for her.

"Good…maybe we'll see each other at the next boss…"

Kirito made a trying smile, a smile that was meant for Silica to make her feel better.

"Kirito-san. Doesn't going alone worry you at all?"

Silica seemed more worried than Kirito actually was right now, her face painting a thousand words about how worried she really was right now. She didn't want to admit how worried she was right now for him, she didn't want to appear childish but she was worried all the same.

"I'm okay, there's nothing to worry about. Just worry about yourself, and your Onii-sama too. He seems to be a little depressed, I guess that this place might be getting to him huh."

"Onii-chan said that it isn't, he just said that…"

Even Silica couldn't answer that.

Squall has been acting a little different since reaching the last floor, this time it wasn't even a contest that he was acting different. He was acting so different that he couldn't even say anything other than it was amazing how different he was acting, like he wasn't even there.

"Maybe he isn't as…"

Kirito didn't finish, seeing the worried look on Silica's face as he bent his neck backwards towards her.

Taking a breath, Kirito went forward towards her, and patted her head gently. Each gentle pat allowed her to feel more and more excitement and feelings that she couldn't even describe at this moment in time.


She hung off his every word, wanting to know more about what he wasn't telling her.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay."

Assured Kirito as he strode towards the entrance of the next floor.

Silica could only watch on as Kirito went through the door to the next floor. She felt helpless as she continued watching his form leave her sight. She wished that she'd be able to do something, but she wasn't able to do anything. She couldn't even think about what Kirito must've been going through, she couldn't because she had people around her, he didn't. He didn't have anyone, while she had her elder brother…


"What do you think you were doing out there!?"

Asuna roared as she looked upon the baffled looking Squall. A red mark appeared on his face from the place she slapped him, her eyes focusing directly on the lost look that was on the boys face, annoyed with him.

"…Why did you hit me?"

His voice sounded different, distance, like he wasn't even really talking to anyone, but himself.

Asuna only became madder, folding her arms across her bust.

"B-Because, you didn't even look alive out there! What the hell is going on with you? Since getting to the third floor and that quest we did with one another about four or five days ago now, you've been all melancholic, what's going on with you? Going out into a fight, a boss fight no less, with a mentality like you've had, isn't the best way to fight! You could've gotten yourself killed! You nearly did!"

While she was raging, she also felt a deep concern for Squall, a concern that wasn't going to go away. She wanted to make it better for him, take everything that he had inside, and turn it into something else, something more positive and while she was trying her best, Squall just seemed to be passive.

"Oh…yeah, I guess…"

Like he was lost, he attempted to move forward, but Asuna didn't allow him, staying right in front of him.

"That's not the right answer. You do realize that if you die here, you die outside in the real world? What about that don't you understand? Can't you see that I'm just concerned about you, and don't want you to die? Can't you even see that at all?"

"…I can, I understand…next time, I won't bother coming…"

Asuna sighed heavily, and went to slap him again, but stopped when seeing his depressed eyes.

"H-Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Squall released a breath.

"…Nothing, I'm fine. We beat the boss, didn't we? Yeah, that's great…let's go I guess…"

He attempted to move forward, but Asuna wasn't going to allow it. She stood right before him, like an unmovable wall, a wall that couldn't be moved in the slightest, she wasn't going to allow herself to be moved.

"No, we're not going, because you almost just died. Don't you see that? I don't care if you don't care anymore, but I freaking care what's going on with you. That boss, nearly claimed your life, you nearly died, and you're acting like nothing matters. Ever since that day I mentioned Christmas, you've been all down and looking like you're out. What's so bad about Christmas that you're not going to be the usual you?"

"It's nothing, don't worry…I'm fine."

Mumbling to himself, he walked towards the exit of the floor, going towards the next one. But Asuna once again wouldn't allow him to go, she refused to let him go, putting her hands outwards in order to stop him from leaving.

"You're not fine. I'm so sick of hearing you say that!"

"If that's the case, why do you bother hanging around me so much?"

He didn't mean to make it sound as horrid as it did sound. It came in a way where it sounded like he was questioning her very presence in his life, when in truth, he liked having her around, and that was the best feeling.

"Good question."

Asuna felt her annoyance go through her, and turned around, walking away to the gate.

Squall watched her go, and felt crappy about what he did to Asuna, and how he must've made her feel. He felt like an asshole right now, he didn't mean to be mean to Asuna, he just couldn't sort out the feelings bubbling inside of him.

"Onii-chan, are you and Asuna-san fighting?"

Silica proposed a question, as she walked closer to him.

Squall hung his head downwards.

"Silica…because Asuna-chan doesn't know about it, she can't understand why I'm upset…and I can't tell her either. It is…well, how can I tell her something like that…it's my own problem. Don't worry, I'll go and apologize to her for being an ass. I did kind of slack off during that fight, and did nearly die, but she saved me, so I have to thank her for that. Don't worry, we'll make up again, we usually do."

He told her so she didn't have to worry, but he was worried that she might hate him now, he didn't want that to happen. He couldn't handle it if he was ostracized by Asuna, he had grown to like her a little, and couldn't stand being away from her.

"Good!" Silica raised her hands upwards, and tightened her hands tightly. "Because Onii-chan and Asuna-san are really good at fighting together, and when Onii-chan is down, then Asuna-san feels down too. Some people are even calling you Thunder and Lightning!"

"Thunder…and Lightning?"

Squall held bafflement on his face, as he looked upon the girl with a strange face.

Silica inclined her head as she grabbed his hand.

"Because Onii-chan is the muscle to Asuna-sans quickness. What she lacks in strength, you make up for, and what you lack in speed, she makes up for. It is really poetic really. Onii-chan and Asuna-san are good together. So, when you two fight, I become depressed, please don't fight much longer, okay? I won't be happy if you do Onii-chan."

"Thanks, I'm glad that you said that…Thunder huh…" Squall smirked as he lifted Silica up, and placed her on his shoulders, embarrassing her greatly. "I'll just have to be even more thunderous, won't I!? Let's go Silica!"

"Onii-chan! Dooooooooooooooooooooooooon't!"

Silica's pleas fell on deaf ears as he ran towards the gates of the next room, bypassing Agil who smiled weakly.

"Squall…I suppose you haven't even told her yet, have you? You're an idiot sometimes…but I suppose it must be difficult speaking about it, when you don't even know her that well…I guess that he doesn't think he should tell her…"

Sighing, Agil walked forward, towards the next level.

Squall ran all the way towards Asuna and caught up with her, seeing her looking annoyed.

"Asuna-chan! Wait! Please wait a second Asuna-chan!"

Asuna stopped walking, and looked towards Squall. Squall caught up with her, and placed Silica down on the ground. Silica, knowing they needed a few moments, and turned towards somewhere else, walking away with a smile on her face.

Asuna looked over Squall, and released a breath.

"What is it?"

She thought that she'd humour him at all.

He panted a little bit, and adopted an apologetic face.

"…I'm sorry, I'm being quite insensitive lately, aren't I?"

Asuna nodded and held one of her arms.

"I'll say…just, what's going on with you? Did you have a bad experience at Christmas or something? Is that why?"

Asuna was only trying to understand, she was just concerned for him. She didn't want to guilt him, she didn't want to make him feel bad. She only wanted to make sure that Squall wasn't so depressed, she didn't like it. It didn't suit him.

"No…it's nothing to do with Christmas, it's just…something personal. I shouldn't be acting all mopey, I know that…but, I just can't stop…just thinking about it is making me feel…it just makes me feel truly annoyed that I can't do anything…Asuna-chan, I'm sorry about being insensitive these past few days…you don't have to forgive me…"

"You're such an idiot, come here."

Asuna couldn't stay mad, and while she didn't understand what was happening, she pulled him closer, and hugged him. Squall felt her smile to be soothing, and her hugs to be magical, allowing him to feel better, even if it was only a little bit, he liked her hugs.


His voice sounded so low, Asuna's eyes wandering to his body, and tried to sus out anything that was wrong with him, but he couldn't even think straight right now, it just seemed to be a very difficult thing for him to do.

"Squall-kun…It's okay, I…"

"I'm sorry…"

Asuna for the moment accepted the apology, but she also felt like she was going to drown under the emotions that held in his voice, or lack thereof. She only wished that she would be able to do something for him, to break him out of his funk.

On the 24th of December, Squall was walking around the fourth floor, attempting to get stronger, and he also was on a personal mission to become a little stronger. He hadn't fully recovered from what he was feeling just yet, but he was attempting to, so he didn't worry the others around him, especially the likes of his younger sister, and Asuna, he didn't want to worry her about it.

As he walked through the forest, he came across a mantis like creature that looked to be pretty strong.

Squall bit his bottom lip and rushed forward with the new blade that Lisbeth had forged for him.


Squall rushed forward and went to strike with his blade, making complicated movements with his body to distract the mantis before it could even grasp his movements, having learned that from Asuna.

The mantis had blade like claws, so it swiped for him.

Squall brought up his blade as he ducked, the blade of the mantis going over his head. Squall felt the air change above his head, but that didn't dissuade him from the intended target that he was going for.

By using the blade that he held going upwards, he cleaved through its arm, cutting off the blade hand it had, and it fell to the ground, turning into polygons, nothingness.

"You ain't so tough, are you?"

Squall danced around as he avoided swipe after swipe from the creature.

Squall was surprised by how he was able to dodge the strikes of the creatures remaining blade him, all in thanks to the training Asuna gave him, along with Agil, and even his sister. All of them had helped him become at least competent, and he was very grateful to them for helping him become strong like he as now. While not their level, he was dedicating his time to trying his best, and that's what he intended to do.

When another strike came, Squall brought his blade up, and clashed violently against the blade of the mantis, pushing it away from his body, protecting himself, sparks surrounding the blades briefly. Squall saw that thanks to the blade that he used, he managed to crack the blade of the creature, so he smiled to himself.

"Okay, here we go!"

Squall saw his chance and rushed forward like a bullet.

The mantis tried to swipe at Squall, but he managed to use the new shoes that he gained from the field boss on the previous floor to aid in his jumping, like he was hopping high.

Squall appeared in the sky, twirling his blade around, activating a sword skill.


With that word, Squall came thundering down, impaling the creatures head, draining it of its life, and caused it to burst into nothingness. Squall's body fell to the ground as an icon appeared in front of him.

He saw 'Level up 15-16' which he was proud of, smiling to himself as he looked at the drops he got as well, some being quite good.

"Yeah, this is good. These are some good drops too. I can use that to make something later, some bug food…ewww, I actually sound happy about that. this stupid game has turned me into something I detest…but on the bright side, I've levelled to level 16, and that's only one behind Silica now. Haha, seems like I'm improving all of the time! But I'm sure that Silica must be worried about me so I am going to go-"


Squall's thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone screaming.

The voice sounded distressed, full of panic. Like something truly devastating was happening to the voice. Squall couldn't take it, immediately gripping his sword as tight as he could, wanting to do his best to make sure that nothing happened to that person.

"Sounds like a girl…better go now…"

Muttering to himself, Squall rushed towards where he heard the sound of the scream.

Going as fast as he could through the forest, the screams became louder and louder, Squall knowing he was getting closer due to the sound of the screaming, he was okay with the pace that he was going at, and was doing the best that he could.

When he made it, he saw that there was a girl that had shoulder length black bluish hair. She wore a light blue tunic with a chestguard, a knee-length short skirt and grayish boots. In her hands, was a long spear, and her eyes displayed fear. She was shaking, as she was surrounded by some mantises, and she wasn't able to get away from them.

Tears came from her eyes, they wouldn't stop flowing from her eyes. The fear on her face was very telling, it really showed that she couldn't stand the fear that she felt at this moment in time, like she was going to be broken apart by the very world that surrounded her.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Squall yelled, and jumped up. "Spinning waltz!"

Like a buzz saw, Squall span around in the air with his sword stuck out. Moving towards the mantises, they were cut down by being caught off guard by the boy, with the blade that Squall got from Lisbeth.

The girl looked on, shocked that someone came to for.

His body continued to spin and slash some of the creatures, cutting some of the weaker creatures down, turning them into little bits of data, and then he landed on the ground in front of her, and while it looked cool to her, he felt a little bit dizzy but remained strong. He looked behind him, seeing the girls health was falling down into the red, biting his bottom lip.

"Stay here, I'll deal with these."

The girl didn't say anything, holding a shy look to her face.

Squall took that as an "Okay!" and went forward. He saw that there were only a few, so he didn't play around this time, he couldn't play around when it came to someone else. His blade shined the sunlight up in the sky, and he readied himself.

"Try this!"

Squall met his first opponent and saw it swinging for his head. Using his quite good reflexes, he ducked the blade and avoided it all together. Squall using that chance to skid on his knees, and appear below it, and activated a sword skill, stabbing upwards, and drained it of its HP, killing it off, the girl looking on as she held herself.

"…H-He's strong…"

She noted to herself, and smiled softly that someone had come to save her, considering this to be the luckiest day of her life.

"Hah! Hah!"

Squall couldn't stop slashing away as two came for him. He swung for the first ones legs, cutting it off, and then sliced it in half, killing it off. Before he could do anything, the other appeared behind him, and slashed at him, cutting down his HP a little bit.

Turning around, he growled in discontent, and slashed once more, cutting the creature down with a sword skill. The blue glow of the blade lit up Squall's eyes, and the girl smiled gently as the blade cut the creature in half.

Squall continued cutting down the creatures, and harvested a pretty good EXP for himself. He was even getting some good drop items for a change. Since the creatures around weren't that strong, he alone was able to handle them. They weren't very strong at all, they couldn't be that strong at all.

Once he was done, he bequeathed himself with a smile, and turned towards the girl, and bent his neck in a kind manner.

"Hey, are you alright?"

The girl poked her fingers together shyly, nodding her head in the same shy manner.

"Y-Yes…t-thank you…"

Squall looked at her HP again, seeing it is still in the red.

"Erm, please heal yourself, okay? Do you have any potions?"

The girls head moved in rejection to his question.


Taking pity on her, he couldn't leave her alone like this, and adopted a warm look to his face.

"I've got some, here."

Squall got one out from his inventory, and shared it with the girl.

She took it with a lovely and timid smile on her face, drinking it. As she did, the HP gage filled up, Squall noticed how adorable she looked, but didn't say anything as she finished the drinking of the potion, glad that she was able to fill up.

"T…Thank you for saving me…"

She said with a warm smile on her face.

Squall bent his head sideways, and looked at her healthbar, noticing something.

"Oh, you're part of a guild, right?"

He could tell by the icon, having been taught that by Silica.

"Y-Yes…that's right…o-oh, I'm sorry. My names Sachi…"

"Sachi-san huh. That's a cute name. My names Squall, you can call me that." The newly named Sachi bowed her head in acknowledgement. "So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your guild anyway? Weren't you supposed to be with them? I mean, shouldn't you be with them?"

"I-I was…erm, I was meeting up with them…w-we got lost in the forest…or more like, I got lost, and then those bugs surrounded me…I'm not that good as a player…s-so, I ended up being surrounded, and couldn't do anything…"

Lending his sympathy ear, as he had been in that same situation, Squall sat down near a tree, the girl doing the same thing. She felt safe now, that Squall had shown up, and was with her. She didn't feel like she was going to be hurt anymore.

"I see, so you got lost huh. Well, I'm sure that you're going to be okay. We should find your guildmates, they are probably worried about you."

Sachi put her legs to her knees, and hugged them tightly. Squall looked on intently as a face of worry came over her.

"Squall-san…you're very strong…"

"Actually, I'm considered one of the inferior players in the game by my comrades. I've just been hanging out with some people that are great at the game, and managed to raise my skills a little bit. Plus I get some good weapons from friends, and such. Same with the armour. I've got a blacksmith friend who makes my stuff for me, it allows me to fight a little bit more."

He admitted, but Sachi didn't think that was the case.

"No, that can't be right. You saved me…you aren't a bad player at all…you're better than I am anyway…Squall-san." Sachi's face turned smiley as Squall smiled too. "You really were good at fighting, I wish I could be good. I was, just a little…I'm quite useless at this game…"

Sachi felt depressed, and hugged herself even more. Squall could see himself within the girl, as he felt the same when first coming to the game, and could sympathize with her plight at being weak, and useless.

"Hey, don't say that."

Squall tried to make it seem like she didn't have to think that she was a bad player, as she thought the same thing.

"But, it's true…I'm just not that good…"

Falling downer into the dumps, Squall couldn't watch her becoming more sadder by the second, and offered his kind smile towards her.

"It's like me, Sachi-san. I thought that too, but I tried my best. You're with a guild, I presume they are your friends?" Sachi nodded her head, Squall glad that she had some friends in the game. "Then, you should be able to grow together with them, rely on one another, and become stronger together."

"…Is that how you became stronger, Squall-san?"

Sachi begged for an answer, so he gave it her while smiling.

"I'm not in a guild, but I am with a party. I had to rely on them, and don't even start on how many times I've been in the red bar of my health, it is too freaking ridiculous to even count. Being strong doesn't mean always having to be the best. I'm not the best, and I fight with the best. Supporting is also okay, because that's what I do, Sachi-san. I support my Imouto, my friends, and we fight together to become stronger. So, don't say you're useless, no one is useless. And even if you don't want to fight, there are other ways to become strong here. You can support in different ways, like doing different stuff. There's tailoring stuff, you could become someone who maxes that out, and becomes a tailor. Your blacksmithing skills could be helpful, your supporting skills like, I don't know, becoming a merchant or something."

Giving words that he had heard Asuna give him before, he tried to console the girl, and make her see that she is worth something too. He felt a certain something when looking at Sachi, he just knew that she was like him.

"Maybe that's the best way for me to continue onwards…I'm useless in fighting…I can't use a sword, or anything. I can't even fight up close like the others can. I can't…even do a single thing, I feel so utterly, and completely useless. I don't even know what I can do in this…"

"Sachi-san…you sound so like me."

"I-I do?"

Squall nodded his head.

"That's right, you do." Squall explained. "I, when first coming here, wasn't that good of a fighter either. Truthfully, I had to rely on my Imouto, and my large friend to defend me, but I couldn't do that forever. Sachi-san…"

"Squall-san, it's really scary, this world."

Sachi spoke, her voice failing her.

Squall nodded his head, as if it was the most simplest thing in the entire world.

"It is, very scary."

"Yes…Squall-san, I know it is rude to ask, but what level are you at?"

She didn't have a particular reason to ask, she just felt safer the higher the level he was. At least that way, she'd be able to get back to town and not worrying about him dying. She wouldn't want others to die on her, and especially when they were only trying to help in the first place.

"Ooh, I'm at level…erm, 16. Just turned actually a few moments before meeting you. I came here to level up a little bit, then I heard you scream. Seems like fate brought us together, didn't it Sachi-san?" Sachi's face lifted up with a kind smile. "Your smiles are really nice."

Sachi's face turned a little red at his praise of her.

"Squall-sans kind…and he's level 16…to think that already after two months…I'm not even level 10 yet…"

"Hehe, from where I fight, my level isn't that good. I know this one guy that's level is over 20 already. He's really great at the game, and he's a solo player as well. He's really strong, and knows how to play this game very well."

Sachi was taken by surprise, she didn't think that she actually had heard right. But the look on Squall's face was super serious. So, she didn't have a choice but to believe him, and his words, even though it seemed insane to her.

"Y-You can't be seriously? Over level 20 already…"

"I'm serious." Squall nodded, remembering the black haired swordsman with a fond smile. "He's really strong, and knows what to do. Me…I am surviving in this world, is all. But, I'm trying my best to get out of here…"

"Sugar milk nipples."

Squall's eyebrows twitched.

"E-Excuse me?"

"Sugar milk nipples…I remember that day, and I remember your face now, with that blonde hair like the sun, and the encouraging look that always makes me smile when thinking about it. You were the one with the sugar milk nipples…and the one that had also…" Sachi's eyes went towards Squall, seeing annoyance there. "W-What's wrong Squall-san?"

"Sugar milk nipples…" His voice was dry, lackluster of life. "I despise that name…"

A cloud of darkness hung over him as dejection worked its way onto his face, holding a hand down to his face.

"Hehehehe…" Sachi released the cutest of laughs, stunning Squall out of his self depression. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. I just thought that your face was really weird when you became depressed. I-I thought that the day you said that, allowed me to feel strong. I don't feel strong now…though."

Squall moved closer, and placed a hand on her shoulder, stunning her. Rather than pull away, she looked on intently, almost longingly, looking for anything that could lead her to something that she wanted, something that could give her hope again.

"Don't worry. As I said before, if fighting isn't for you, then support in your own way, and do what you want to do. Never feel pressured into fighting if that's what you don't want to do. Not everyone is a fighter. People support in their own ways." Sachi's face lifted up even more as Squall stood up, offering the girl his hand. "Come on, Sachi-san. Let's get back to the town."

"Y-Yes…my guild should be there by now…yes, they would be there…"

Sachi accepted the hand of the boy, and was pulled to her feet.

Nodding at one another, Squall and Sachi began walking towards the town again, neither having any crystals to teleport away.

"Stay close to me Sachi-san, just in case."


Sachi moved closer, and practically hung off his arm as he and she walked together.

Squall looked around, his weapon at the ready. Sachi kept looking at Squall to see if there's anything that she could do, or she could perhaps contribute. But Squall was okay, he was a good enough level to defend her.


Squall heard a noise from Sachi after travelling for about five minutes.

Turning, Squall saw that Sachi was singing to herself.

"Sachi-san, what are you singing?"

Sachi gasped when he noticed her, and bit her bottom lip.

"I-I was just singing…a Christmas song…is all…it helps me feel less fear…"

"I see. Then…" Squall, with a wide smile, and an open heart, began. "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose~ And if you ever saw it~ You would even say it glows~" Sachi's face broke into a smile as Squall sang openly. "All of the other reindeers, used to laugh and call him names~ They never let poor Rudolph, join in any reindeer games~ Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say~"

"R-Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight~"

Squall chuckled as Sachi took over. He went next to her, and offered a childlike smile, which she returned with a timid smile.

""Then how the reindeer's loved him~ As they shouted out with glee~ Rudolph the red nosed reindeer~ You'll go down in history~""

The pair sang together as they walked through the forest.

Eventually, they arrived in town, and the first thing Sachi saw, was her guild. Since she messaged them along the way, and told them where she would be, they appeared at the gates of the entrance to the town. The sun was slowly setting in the sky, the air becoming noticeably colder than it usually was.

"Those your guild members, Sachi-san?"

He asked, already suspecting the answer.

"Y-Yes, we're…erm, that's my guild, Squall-san. The Moonlit Black Cats."

"Nice name, sounds cool to me."

Squall noted, seeing how her guildmates seemed to be really relieved that Sachi was back.

"Y-Yes…and thank you, for saving me."

Sachi expressed her deepest and most sincere gratitude that she held for the blonde haired boy.

"No worries, Sachi-san. I'm sure that I've been saved enough times to repay that debt to anyone else that needs my saving. So, yeah. Be safe Sachi-san, and remember, if fighting isn't your thing, you can just walk away. There are plenty of people fighting, it isn't for everyone. I'm not telling you to not fight, but it is ultimately your choice as to whether you want to fight or not."

"Y-Yes…Squall-san. A-Again, thank you."

"No worries, just keep yourself safe Sachi-san."

Squall turned and was about to walk away when he felt Sachi's hand tug on his shirt.

Turning back, he witnessed Sachi's kind smile being directed towards him.

"Squall-san, will I ever see you again?"

"Yeah, we'll see one another again Sachi-san. Don't worry, we'll definitely see one another again. Goodbye, and oh, Merry Christmas Sachi-san."

"M-Merry Christmas."

Sachi responded, Squall giving one more smile, and then took off in the opposite direction. Sachi watched him run, her face brightening with the smile that she had for the boy that saved her life from the evils of the world, and his inspiring words allowing her once more to carry on.

Meanwhile, as that was going on in the virtual world, in the human world, beside Yuuto's bed, sat Suguha, holding a timid smile on her face as she held the comatose boys hand in her own hand, noticing how it was losing its usual colour, due to the fact that he had spent two months inside of the game, just about, affecting is real life body.

Though she did know that, she knew that she was going to have the best time today. Since it was near Christmas, she wasn't going to cry, she tried her best to not cry, she wasn't going to do that. but as she stared at the lifeless look on his face just made her feel like she was going to crumble downwards.

"Hey, Yuuto-senpai, it's Christmas Eve today, did you know that? Do you…guys celebrate it in the game? I asked Onii-chan before, but obviously, he didn't answer me…I think that it must've been something weird to even think about. I'm talking to you, even though you're unconscious, you can't even hear me now…"

Suguha sighed openly as she squeezed his hand.

Looking at his face, she saw that the cut on his face was healing, thankfully.

"I don't know who that woman was…she just seemed to vanish…where did she go? When I asked, they said they didn't know who she was either, and his parents didn't know about her…so, who is she, and why did she do what she did to Senpai…?"

Suguha continued her thoughts as she used her finger to stroke his hand.

She couldn't do anymore than that, only able to stroke his hand like she was.

It was the only thing that she could do now, she couldn't even do anything more than this for him. He was someone that she couldn't hope to reach now, he was too far away from her, his mind was in another place.

"Senpai…here it is…Christmas…what do you do in a virtual game on Christmas? Do you even do anything at all? I wonder…if you're having a good Christmas…I'm sorry, I won't be able to come tomorrow, Kaa-chan and I are spending it with Onii-chan…"

No response.

Of course there wasn't. There never was.

Suguha moved the chair closer to the bed, and continued holding his hand. She looked at his sleeping face, and tears welled up in her eyes. Nearing the time of seven, she couldn't control it anymore, and some tears slipped from her eyes.

"Senpai…you're…you don't even know that…tomorrow, I was going to confess to you…did you know that?" Suguha's voice crackled with her loneliness. "I was going to tell you tomorrow that I wanted to be your girlfriend…I wanted to be with you…because Senpai…I really do…I wanted to be with you…after all of the times we spent together…our secret little meeting's…our special tree that we carved our names into…I-I thought that we'd be able to be together…"

Tears fell out of her eyes, and hit their connected hands.

She hated that she was crying.

She knew that it didn't make a difference.

But she couldn't stop it.

Suguha couldn't help but cry. This year, she was going to tell Yuuto how she felt, and how she was going to be with him. She thought that he might like her back, too. But now, she wasn't going to know what his response would've been.

She couldn't take it, not knowing.

She wished that she could've just spent more time with him, and gone out together with him more, despite already spending quite the significant time together.

[You've got mail~ You've got mail Sugu-chan~]

She heard Yuuto's voice…

It came from her phone.

She remembered how she and Yuuto had recorded those only a few weeks before Yuuto went into Sword Art Online, so they would be able to hear the others voices on their phones, and set it as their mail ringtone sound.

She smiled through the tears she cried, and got out her phone.

Looking, she saw that she had an email.

"I'm not expecting…"

Suguha curiously mused to herself aloud and opened the email.

When she did…she had a big surprise.

The email, was from Yuuto.

Looking down at Yuuto, he was still asleep…she felt weirded out.


She opened the email, and saw that there was an audio file attached.

She couldn't stop herself from going onto it, and clicked on it right away.

"Senpai, your voice is…"

As soon as she did, Squall's voice came through to her, as her eyes leaked tears.

[Hey there Sugu-chan, it's me, your adorbes Senpai! If this has gone out like I've set it too, then it is 7 in the evening on the dot. As you know, I've always loved the number 7, it's my fav number ever, and you know me with remembering things. I'd lose my own head if it wasn't attached to my body. So, I made a new system where I write the email's before hand, set them to a timed releaser, and they'd be sent to you on dates like Christmas Eve, and day, and important days like your birthday, and such. I did this on October 31st , because that's when I remembered this, I just came in with you, Kazuto-san, and Keiko trick or treating like sad little children or something, and it's like 11 at night now so I'm not gonna keep you long. So yeah, if this has gotten to you, Merry Christmas Eve, and if this hasn't gotten to you, and I've forgotten to say anything to you, then I'm sorry, but you won't see this anyway so I've taken up this for nothing. Rambling, I know that I am. Anyway, I'll end it here and say, Merry Christmas Eve Sugu-chan! Love ya loads and see you soon~ Ooh, I also have a present for you already, I picked it out when we went shopping together that time, but you won't see it until tomorrow~ And don't be greedy and ask either~]

And with that, the message ended.

Suguha brought a hand to her mouth, and sobbed as she made sure that the message was saved, she wasn't going to lose that now. She wasn't going to lose it, since after that, it wasn't all that long after he entered SAO, one of the last things that he ever did send to her.

She went off her emails, and saw the wallpaper on her phone. It was a picture of Yuuto, and herself, though she was cringing while his tongue was sliding up her face, as a weird joke that the blonde did when doing pictures, his weird brand of humour, that she secretly loved.

"Senpai…" Holding a fond and loving smile on her face, she stood up, and placed a kiss on his cheek, smiling. "…You really are such an idiot sometimes, making me feel like this now. I promised to not even cry today, but you've made me cry once again. Congratulations Senpai, you've done it again." Suguha took a breath, and noticed that out of the window, it was snowing. "Senpai, it's snowing…remember the last time we played in the snow? It was really fun, wasn't it? We were able to have fun when doing that. So…come back Senpai, okay? Do whatever you need to do to survive, and then come back with Keiko-chan and Onii-chan, and we'll be able to have fun again…and when you come back, I will definitely confess…I will be brave enough to do it too…"

Making her resolve, Suguha promised herself that she would wait for her Senpai to come back, then she would reveal her true feelings for Yuuto.

Back inside of the virtual world, later than it was in the human world, Squall went to the area that Asuna had asked him too. Once splitting off with Sachi, he waited and waited for Asuna to come. It was dark by the time he arrived. It was an enclosed area in the town of beginning's, the place where he and she first trained together.

When it closed to midnight, Squall was getting convinced that she wasn't going to come, so he turned around and was about to leave…when Asuna came into his view, wearing what appeared to be a santa girls outfit.

His eyes widened when seeing how the skirt was quite short. It still protected much of her modesty, yet it was quite sexy in his mind. The dress alone was enough to make him feel complicated feelings. Her breast area had red ribbon, like she was a present herself. Her head had a santa hat there, and her long hair was tied into twintails, something Squall actually liked.

A shy look came to her face, as she moved forward, Squall gulping.

"Sorry for making you wait."

She apologized, and inched closer.


Asuna's face turned shyer as she swayed left to right, the skirt fanning in the wind of the night.

"I was a little busy acquiring this." She explained, inching even closer. "I was a little busy all day, so I couldn't meet you. It was just a good thing that there wasn't anything to do with the boss meeting today."

"E-Even then, Asuna-chan…"

Squall tried to speak, but Asuna stopped him, and stood in front of him very shyly.

"Squall-kun, though I wouldn't do this for anyone else, I just thought that, with it being Christmas, the first one in this game, and hopefully the last, I thought that dressing up would be good. Though I think the skirt is a bit short…Lis assured me that it was the best one that I should wear to such an occasion."

"A-And, that occasion is…?"

Squall begged for an answer, but Asuna didn't answer, and just stood in front of him, continuing to sway her body from left to right, she wouldn't allow anything other than his vision to be on her, and it worked. His eyes couldn't leave her form, it was physically impossible for him to leave her sight right now.

Asuna's face turned more red when Squall's eyes kept looking her over.

"D-Don't look so…like that…"

Asuna's little voice squeaked, though in truth, she really didn't mind all that much, considering the fact that Squall actually looked happy when looking at her, something that she secretly wanted in her life right now.

"S-Sorry, I've just never seen sexy santa before…b-but, I didn't mean it in a derogatory way! It is just something that I didn't know what to…"

"Thanks…I didn't mean to…I meant, I didn't think you'd say something so forward like that…"

Squall's head got scratched sheepishly by his hand, having the same expression on his face.

"Didn't mean to sound it…b-but, you just look…I was shocked…after how I've been such a jerk lately…Asuna-chan, I didn't mean to sound so…and what I've been acting like lately, it isn't your fault or anything…it isn't your fault Asuna-chan…it's just…"

Asuna budged closer, and took his hand in her own hand. The brisk wind blew their hairs, Asuna's hair falling upon Squall's face, drowning him in her sexual aroma, making him feel like he was going to drown in her sensational scent.

"Squall-kun…I know we've only…known one another for a month now…well, nearing two months now I guess…but I am deeply concerned for you…it just isn't you to be depressed like you've been…I couldn't work out why you were like that…even Silica-san didn't know why. I asked her, but even she didn't know what it was…"

"Silica, wouldn't know why I feel the way that I do…I never told her before…I was going to tell her, a few weeks ago, if we had been in the real world…but since coming here, I can't tell her that…I…I can't even tell her that my plans…have been cut off now…"


Asuna tried to understand, though Squall found it difficult to do so.

"Yeah…my plans…it's just…before coming here…I just had been accepted…I had been accepted…"

"Been…accepted…by others?"

"It isn't like that." Squall affirmed himself. "It was…I didn't…have much of a life…before I turned…10 years old." Squall's eyes tears prickled his eyes, Asuna searching for an answer. "…it's just, I had this big opportunity…and right now, if I hadn't been here, I'd be in America, right now…"


Asuna didn't quite understand, so Squall attempted to clear it up, unable to hold back.

"Yeah…" Squall felt his legs buckling, but he was able to continue standing. "…I had this offer from a really good school…I was able to…pass a certain test you see…I was able to get into this school that focuses on what I want to do in life…I was going to be going…no, I would've been gone by now…I would be there…in America…"

"And you're upset, that you couldn't?"

Squall's eyes went to the ground, tears threatening to escape. Asuna looked shocked that it meant so much to him.

"I never…got to run around with the other kids…I wasn't a very well person for the first years of my life. In fact, I was always in hospital…confined there…I couldn't do anything. I could only watch…I could only watch the outside…all of the kids playing…and I kept saying "Why can't I do that too?" to myself…but I never could. I couldn't do it…I couldn't even have anyone near me…no one wanted to be near me…but then one day, it all changed…and I was able to run again with everyone…I was able to have a life again…then, I got accepted to this school…it would've helped me in my life's goals, and my future would've been better, I could've taken care of my family when they always had to make sacrifices for me…but then, I was trapped here…"

Tears fell from his eyes, Asuna only able to look on with teary eyes too.


Asuna's hand wrapped around one of his own, holding it as tight as he could. In a small way, that was comforting, it made him feel slightly better. But the tears wouldn't stop forming, no matter how much he tried to deny them.

"…I couldn't ever do anything for me because everyday, I was in so much pain, and it hurt me so very much everyday, the pain became so much that I wasn't able to do much at one point…I couldn't…but this was the opportunity of a lifetime…where I had control over my life for the first time…and while I might act and speak like an idiot, I kinda test well, and they wanted me over there…I haven't even told Silica this because…we were always together…I wanted to keep it secret…and if I told her now…she'd end up hating herself, knowing what I had to go through in the past…and while I don't blame her even a little bit, Silica might end up blaming herself…s-so, don't tell her anything, okay? I know how hard she would take it if she found out."

"I won't say anything…I promise."

It was comforting that she wouldn't say anything. It made him feel something deep inside of himself that he didn't think that he would, and found his cheeks reddening when realizing that her hand was still in his own, and while sharing, he felt compelled to tell her the truth about why he was acting like he was.

"Thanks… You know, when you said the date…it just came back to me…everything…my life now…what could happen to me…I just thought of what I could've been doing now, instead of making plans to fight bosses, I could've been studying to become…whatever I wanted to be…" Squall's free hand wiped over his eyes as heavy tears flowed from his eyes, Asuna shedding a tear as well. "…it's just not fair…I know it sounds so petty, and childish to dwell on what could've been when I even said that we should look on the bright side, makes me sound like a hypocrite or something like that…b-but, I just…wanted to be…I wanted my chance at life…you know? I wanted to do what I want, and not some damn doctors that kept telling me my expiration date…telling me how long I had left…I just wanted to have a life…and not be stuck in this stupid game…it's the same here…my expiration date…I feel it everyday…I feel like, unlike you guys, who knows what they are doing, I just can't see myself making it out of the game…"

Squall fell to his knees, like he was giving up. Asuna gasped and bent down too, landing on her knees, and hugged around his head, bringing his head to her chest. Squall didn't say anything, but he looked stunned by her actions.

"You're not going to die here…"

He thought that something akin to an Angel said that at first, but was only mistaken for Asuna…he wasn't that far off, he thought that in his mind.

"I wish I could believe that…"

"You can…because you're going to survive…after your bad life…I won't let you die…"

Squall looked up at Asuna, who held a smile despite crying her eyes out too. Just hearing about his past, it made sense to her why he was so determined to get out of the game, why he stood up to Kayaba Akihiko, and why he was going to do what he needed to protect his sister, when he couldn't do it before. Everything was slowly slipping into place, and it made her feel new appreciation for him, and everything he has been trying to do.

"Asuna-chan…you must think I'm weak, pathetic, huh…"

"No, I think you're strong, brave, and kind. After what I've just heard…I'm surprised you haven't broken just yet…when first coming here, I am surprised you didn't break…but that's not who you are. You're stronger than you think you are…I know you are."

Squall's tears fell from his eyes, as did Asuna's, the pair crying, but smiling at one another.

"I don't feel that strong…I've showed such uncool sides to me…"

"Trust me, I've shown you uncool sides of me too…it's nothing to worry about…"


At that moment, a snow flake fell between them.

Squall, and Asuna looked upwards to see that more and more snow began falling down from the heaven's, falling down on them.

Squall, and Asuna looked back at one another, the snow enhancing her already beautiful face. The light of the moon refracted from her eyes, and caused a light to shine within him. His heart beat went a little faster, as did her own.

"You know…Asuna-chan…I feel, oddly comfortable with you…always, when I'm with you, I feel like I'm with someone that I truly can stand beside…"

"Me too…"

Squall's head, and Asuna's head moved a little closer. Each little second they moved closer, both of their faces turned red as a blanket of white surrounded them. A lock of Asuna's hair fell between her eyes, so Squall attentively moved her hand across her face, and brushed the lock behind her ear, Asuna's face reddening at the touch of his warm hand on her cooling skin.

"Say…it's midnight."

Squall noted, as the snow fell down between them.

"Yeah…it's Christmas now."

"Exactly..." Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something above them, Squall tilting his head. "What is it?"

Asuna's face turned a cute pink colour, her eyes radiating some light. Her eyes went towards Squall briefly, and then a nearby building that had a certain something attached to it that was dangling above their heads. Asuna's face once more returned to Squall's face, biting her bottom lip as Squall just looked at her with a confused expression.

"Y-You know, there's this Christmas tradition, that...when you're under a certain something..."

"Under what?"

Asuna's eyes went upwards, indicating with her head for Squall to look up too.

Doing her unspoken suggestion, Squall's eyes went to the snow falling sky, and spied a certain something being there.

It was a Christmas mistletoe.

His mind went blank for a few moments, considering what that meant. Since his mind was already muddled, he was having a difficult time in thinking about what the mistletoe above their heads really meant...

But then it clicked with him.

His eyes broadened dramatically, flailing his arms around.

"A-Asuna-chan! Y-You're not saying that we ki-ki-ki-kiss or anything, are you!? I-I know that you do that when under one, but we've known one another for just two months now! W-What if we aren't compatible or anything like that! What if it is bad for you or myself!? Wh-What if-"

"We just enjoy ourselves, instead?"

Asuna's words silenced him.

Asuna's face was the same colour as her santa outfit, bright red.


His voice was soft, gentle.

Asuna's mind cleared of the thoughts she had, the reservations she held.

"B-Because we're under such a thing, I don't see why we can't do anything like that! It wouldn't mean anything special, or spectacular, and I'd rather do it with you than anyone else! At least, blondes are my type! B-But, you're a total idiot! Don't even think it is anything like anything else! That's all it is, something that you do when you're under a mistletoe!"

Squall eyed up Asuna, the girls face turning pink when she believed that he was checking her out in the small outfit that she regretted Lisbeth, and Silica putting her in.

"Erm...so, you want to kiss, right?"

Asuna calmed her usual Tsundere side down, and adopted a more caring and sweet nature, bashfully flickering her eyelashes.

"I suppose that we could do it this once...it wouldn't be so bad. S-So, what do you think?"


Usually, he was confident and strong in stuff like this...but this time, he wasn't.

He knew it was typical of most people to be like this, but he didn't feel like it should be for him...but there was something.

Something about Asuna.

The way she looked, the way she spoke to him, the way only she could make him confess something within two months, when he wouldn't tell anyone for even knowing them for years. Something about her, drew him to her. He couldn't place his finger on it, he couldn't hope to understand it, but it was very strong, powerful.

In a surprising turn of events, as Squall was deciding what to do, Asuna was the first one to take the plunge, and brush against his lips, seeing if there was any hesitation.

When she found none, she pressed her lips against his briefly, which he did kiss back, then pulled away to look into his eyes.

"Squall-kun…I thought that maybe deciding like this would be..."

Asuna's voice was cut off when Squall's lips pressed against hers, losing all of his worries and doubts, wanting to experience her lips, even if it was only on this single day, at this single time, with a single thing binding them together. He was content with it being a one day thing under the mistletoe, unless they found that they did like one another, they'd have to think about it.

Asuna's eyes widened at first, but then, she stopped, and melted into the kiss. His strong hand wrapped around her own hand, holding it tenderly. Asuna responded by taking his other hand in her own, holding it as tight as she could, keeping it in her grasp.

As they kissed, tears leaked from Asuna's eyes, worrying Squall, so he pulled away, concerned.

"Asuna-chan…you're crying, why?"

Asuna wiped her eyes as she gave a little hiccup, her face displaying the best smile Squall had ever seen in his life.

"Because…I'm happy, that's why."

She whined, not revealing the true reason, but was able to look upon Squall, and finally be able to say that she was able to kiss him.

"You're crying…because you're happy…"

"Yeah." Asuna sniffled, and then shivered as a snow flake landed on her bare shoulder. "Burr, it's a little cold."

"Here." Squall got out a jacket from his inventory, wrapping it around her. "You're an idiot, coming out in something like that. It's cold, you can't wear such things outside, you know that Asuna-chan? It's too cold for something like that."

Asuna giggled ever so slightly, and fell against his chest. Squall moved his arms around her, his embrace warming her up. Her cheeks turned rosy red at his touch, his soothing touch that made her feel special again.

"I wanted to cheer you up, did it work?"

"It really did, and if you don't mind me saying, you're very beautiful right now…no, you always are, you're more…I want to say sexy but I think you might yell at me, so I will stick with beautiful." Squall exhaled, blowing warm air on her face. "Asuna-chan…I shouldn't have told you all of that…the outside and in here are completely different things…I shouldn't have just laid my problems out for you…it wasn't fair…"

"No, it's okay." Asuna bequeathed him with a kind hearted smile. "Squall-kun, it's okay. I understand why now…I didn't quite understand why before, all of the passion, but it makes sense now. I'm so sorry that you had to go through something like that…and are here now…so, that's why, let's get out of here, okay?"

"Yeah…let's get out of here. Asuna-chan, I promise I'm going to protect you from now on. I'm kind of an idiot sometimes, I might fail sometimes too, I'm not that good of a fighter and I will have to rely on you just as much as I have been now, and you might not think I'm good enough for something important like this, but I want to protect you with everything I've got. You're…important to me now."

Asuna's eyes teared up again, edging closer with her face. Her lips brushed against his own, then she nuzzled his face, with her own face. Squall responded by doing the same thing, placing a small kiss on her cheek. It was an instinct that he didn't even mean to do, but Asuna seemed to be okay with it for the moment, she didn't say anything negative against it.

"Squall-kun, if you're going to promise me, something like that, then I want to too. I want to protect you too. So, why don't we compromise and protect one another, and keep the other safe, from whatever is going to happen. And your dreams…just put them on hold for now. Once you get out of here, you can still do whatever you want. Think of it like that. Strive to get out of here, then you can continue your dreams. You didn't give up when those doctors told you that you had no future, but look at you now. You're here, you're alive, and prove everyone wrong that you're not a crap gamer, become a good one, with me."

"Asuna-chan…I honestly don't know if I could've continued on if you weren't here. I'm so grateful to you. So, thank you for everything Asuna-chan, you really are someone that I really…erm, mistletoe still applies, right?"

"Well, we're still under it, so until then, it has like these powers to allow people to kiss and such, i-if that's what you want to do, no pressure from me."

Knowing where he was going with it, Asuna didn't mind. In fact, she was waiting with much anticipation for it to happen, she didn't want it to ever stop, she wanted to feel Squall, and his kindness against her form, and his embrace with her own embrace. She wanted it to happen, for this day, for under this mistletoe, she could be honest with herself. Afterwards, she'd have to let things go, and see how they'd progress, but for this day, and for this single spot, she could do something she had wanted to do...for a while now.

"Good, then I want to…" Squall leaned closer, and caught her lips, Asuna's body melting under the intense eyes that he had. "…Merry Christmas."

He said between kisses, Asuna's eyes displaying happiness.

Asuna leaned closer, brushing his skin with her own skin, and as the snow fell around them, Asuna mumbled "Merry Christmas, Squall-kun." and kissed him once again.

Today, was the only day that she would do this so openly. Today, she didn't have to hold anything back. Today, Squall and Asuna could display this affection, for tomorrow, they had work to do, and they weren't quite ready to take anything fast. For now, they wanted to take it slow, the unspoken agreement between them, not rushing anything, yet also being able to be this close for a single day, it truly was their Christmas bubble.

End chapter!

So, Squall and Asuna have become very close…for this chapter. They aren't officially together yet, but are aware of the others romantic attraction, at least more from Asuna's side than Squall's side, but he clearly does care for her, more than he even realizes. More on that later. Sachi was introduced into the story! Always loved Sachi, and felt bad on how she died, just my own personal thoughts on her. More on Squall/Yuuto's past was revealed as well, that will also become relevant later on. Though there are still quite a few secrets about the blonde, that haven't been revealed just yet. Seems like Sasha has a little something for Squall, though clearly she knows where his affections belong, the same with Lisbeth, though they are still good friends towards him, in his time of need, which he'll be right back towards them in the future too. Suguha got a message from Squall from beyond the coma! It's a way for them to stay connected, huh.

Well, that's the end of it, and until next time!