The first flying class stirred some excitement in the first years. Everyone was looking forward to it, everyone except Granger that it. Harry made his way to the quidditch grounds with Blaise and Theo by his side; all of them carrying a broom in hand. He was followed by Draco and his cronies. The quidditch ground was…large to say the least. Harry thought it had to be thrice the size of a normal soccer field at least.

Madam Hooch stood there, waiting for them. She stood silently as the Gryffindors and Slytherins assembled in a line each.

"Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch!"

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. You shall join up in pairs so that I can teach each of you individually, but before we do that let us learn the basic lesson that all flyers must learn before they ride their broom" she said.

No one said anything as they waited in baited anticipation, eager to see what they had to learn.

"All of you get to the side of the broomstick you are most comfortable with. What I mean by that, is if you are right-handed get to the left side and vice versa. Now, extend you dominant hand over the broom and say up. On the count of three now, UP!"


Harry's broom immediately leapt to his hand. So did Blaise's and Draco's, and to Harry's annoyance Roderick as well.

"Keep trying till you get it!" shouted Madam Hooch.

Harry watched as the children desperately cried to their broom hoping for it to come up. At the end, while everyone had got it, Granger had to lift her broom physically to save herself from further humiliation.

"Now, Pair up! A Slytherin and a Gryffindor please!"

Several Groans were heard as the condition was laid out. Everyone partnered up with the person opposite them. Harry stared at the person before him in disgust, it was his brother.

"Revenge sweet brother!" growled Roderick wickedly.

Unfortunately, they were first in line.

"Alright! Brother with Brother I see! Let us begin now. Mount your brooms. Yes that way, Roderick you are doing perfectly!"

Harry followed Madam Hooch's instructions and slowly mounted his broom. He remained calm, despite the fact that this was his first time on a broom.

"Now on the count of three push yourself above the ground. Do not use your hands or you will go far above than what you intended. Now, gently, One, Two, and Three!"

Harry gasped as he felt himself rise above the ground. He was off his feet. The feeling was nothing like he expected. No pain in the groin, no feeling of being unbalanced, no nausea, nothing. He was only a few feet off the ground, Roderick grinned evilly at him beside him.

"Perfect! Now Let us-"

"Help! Help" screamed a voice. Harry turned around in panic as he saw the Longbottom boy spiraling into the sky at a dangerous speed. Madam immediately rushed over to him, zipping through the air like a fish in water. The boy had accidently flown off into the sky and lost control of his broom.

"Stay still Longbottom! Hold the broom in place" she shouted.

"Well, I guess it's just us now, brother" said Roderick. "I'm surprised you can fly, being half squib and all"

Harry simply sneered in response. They were no such thing as a 'half squib'. It was ridiculous how his brother showed his ignorance with every breath he took.

"ROD! The squibs ball!" a voice below shouted.

"Give it here!" Rod shouted back. Harry stared with wonder as he saw an actual Remembrall being thrown up in the air to Rod. The thing was priceless! The things had complex enchantments on them to help the owner with his memory. It had various uses, including in the instruction of occlumency, storing memories and mind healing. It had to mean something to Longbottom. He would want it back.

"Give it here Roderick!" he shouted over the wind. Roderick smirked in return.

"Come get it then you squib!" He shouted back and sped off into the air gaining height.

Harry did exactly that. He followed Roderick.

"It's not yours to keep! It's Longbottom's. The Remembrall is worth more than you know!"

"Is that so! It'll be a shame if it slipped off my hand then!" he snickered. Harry watched in horror as Roderick threw the ball into the air with all his might. He did not waste time in thinking as he tried to fly as fast as he could to the ball.

A gasp escaped him as he felt the air drumming against his ears, he felt like a bullet. His heart thumped loudly in his chest and goosebumps erupted along his arms, but all of that was a blur to Harry. Eyes focused on his target, he leaned over, his nose almost touching the broom. The ball was just a few feet away. Time seemed to slow down for Harry as he somersaulted in the air on his broom before leaping of his broom as he caught the ball in the air before he landed right back on his broom, pulling buck just in time avoiding a crash in to the tower window just two foot away.

He realized with jolt what he had done. What was he thinking! He could have died! The rational part of him died out as he remembered the pure ecstasy he felt while flying in the air. He couldn't help but grin as he remembered the wind blowing against his face, the landscape a blur, only the ball in sight. It was freedom that he felt. Freedom he had never felt in his life. He gracefully landed on the ground, for the first time noticing the slack jawed looks he was getting.

"That was bloody incredibly Harry! That was honestly the best flying I have ever seen. You're a natural" said Blaise excitedly, "Even snobby Draco was impressed!" Harry grinned in return

"Mr. Potter! What were you thinking?" shouted Madam Hooch as she landed beside him. "You could have met Death today! Fifty points for such irresponsible behavior!"

"Mr. Potter!" a voice barked. Harry gulped. He would recognize that voice anywhere.

"Yes Professor Snape" Harry replied immediately.

"Come with me"

"Severus you know I can't do that"

"You lifted the restriction on the first years. Surely Hadrian can join the house team!"

"Yes, Severus but that had a purpose and you know it" answered Dumbledore tiredly.

"Yes" Severus sneered, "To let your precious Golden Boy to play for his house. You changed a rule for him. I don't know if you know this, but the new rule applies to all! Hadrian is an excellent flyer! You should have seen him Dumbledore, the boy has extraordinary talent in him. I am only speculating but the was probably Potter's first time!"

"Very well" said Dumbledore. He could resist but Severus would still have his way.

"May I ask you something, Severus?" said Dumbledore. Snape remained silent.

"How have you come to favor Hadrian so quickly?"

Snape didn't answer.

"Minerva, Filius, Pomona all say similar things you know? He must truly be a marvel! Of Course, he reminds me of another student though" said Dumbledore. His tone was casual, but Snape understood the gravity of Dumbledore's implication.

"Charming, brilliant, polite, well behaved, polite again, remarkable for a child with such a tragic childhood" Dumbledore continued, "These words were used to describe another boy of a similar upbringing"

Dumbledore waited for Snape's reaction. When Snape remained still, Dumbledore sighed.

"Merely a warning Severus, don't let him go astray. Keep an eye on him for me, will you? Don't make the same mistakes I did"

Severus nodded and left.

"You're in the House team!" Blaise exclaimed, stuffing some bacon into his mouth.

"Yeah. Apparently, the lift on the rule banning first years from having their own broom also lets first years to be in the House quidditch team. Vivian Volkoff, graduated this year and they were a seeker short. Turned out there was no suitable replacement.

Harry smirked.

"When is the first practice?" Blaise asked.

"Next week"

The rest of the meal went peacefully as Harry made his way to the next class, Defense.

"Welcome to Defense against the Dark Arts! A most beautiful subject! Now, can anyone tell what the Dark Arts are?"

Rod raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Potter"

Roderick smirked. This was supposed to be his area of expertise.

"Bad, foul magic, used for hurting other people"

Professor Quirell smiled warmly.

"While that definition may be vague, he is not entirely wrong. What makes magic foul, or bad? How would we categorize it?"

Again, no raised hands. Harry briefly considered answering the question. I probably shouldn't try to raise my suspicion. Borgin also asked him not to flaunt his knowledge, something he hadn't thought about in the last few days. He could picture Borgin right now, with one of his stupid sayings 'Know your facts and make it so only you know them, that is the mark of a true Slytherin'

"The Dark arts have power" Quirell continued. "True power, power specifically designed to hurt, to bring suffering. That is why the ministry considers such branches of magic to be the foul. The truth, my dear students is that there is no good or evil, there is only power"

A few students shivered. Draco smirked. Harry frowned. Quirell was wrong. The Dark Arts had a side of malice. The caster needed to channel his negative emotions, and in most cases, needed to show a desire to cause pain upon his victims. And Quirell's last line sounded all too familiar.

"This is why it is imperative that you learn to defend yourself from a young age. Now that we are done with the introductory lecture, Lets begin with the class, shall we" said Quirell, smiling as he looked at his students.

Something was wrong about him. Harry couldn't place it, but he knew something was off. Regardless he continued with the class.

"You excited for the tryouts Hadrian?" asked Blaise, helping himself to a serving of pork.

"Yeah!" replied Harry, "Haven't played the game in my life though"

"Are you serious? God! You missed out on a lot mate!"

Harry winced. "Yeah, Snape says I'll be okay though, said Flint would give a quick outline of how the game is played. And I already know most of the rules.

Blaise whistled.

"Are you Hadrian Potter?" a girl came up and asked.

"Gosh, would you drop it already Tracey!" said a girl coming up from behind her.

"Yeah, that's me" said Harry warily.

"I'm Tracey Davis and this is my friend Daphne Greengrass"


"Well, we were wondering if you could help us"

"With what?" asked Harry, confused.

"So you see, Daphne and I had this great idea-" Daphne cleared her throat.

"Alright fine!" said Tracey turning red. "I had this great idea. People say you're the most skilled wizard here and we were wondering if you would help us prank the Weasley twins"

"The terror twins? No way" said Blaise in mock fear.

Harry honestly didn't want any troubles with the Twins. If half of what he heard was true, then even Dumbledore should fear them. But this could be an opportunity to widen his circle. He didn't want to start off by refusing them.

Smirking he said, "Alright I'm listening"

Classes were going on as smoothly as one could imagine. Harry felt mostly bored throughout them. He had already started with the fourth-year transfiguration stuff and was pretty sure he'd be done with that too by January. As he progressed through the years' syllabuses, it was taking longer to learn. I guess that's to be expected. He'd finished the first-year books in three weeks, and was almost done with third year, with just Charms, History and Herbology left. If he kept this pace going, he would be done by seventh year by the time he was in fourth year.

Maybe I should ask Snape if I can skip classes.


This Chapter was already posted before with a promise to reupload it again as a longer and more interesting chapter. I was gonna go with a full fledged quidditch match, but I later realized it was too soon. So, I decided to end it here.

The guys who are wondering if Harry is too OP, well, he's gonna be facing the most feared Dark Lord of all time before his seventh year. I'm sorry but canon really annoyed me when it came to this. A sixteen year old boy who seems to know only the disarming charm defeats the Dark lord whose name people are too afraid to speak? A Dark Lord who spent decades studying the Dark Arts, gathering experience and with thousands of spells in his arsenal. What happened to the dueling skill Voldemort displayed against Dumbledore in the department of mysteries? Against Harry he only seems to know Crucio and Avada Kedavra.

Phew that turned out into a rant.

Its just that I want to fulfil my own selfish desire for Voldemort to be who he is supposed to be and Harry to be what he needs to be to kill him.

Please Review.