Notes: This a little series I wanted to create for awhile. It's short and I didn't how know to present it. I decided to use this type of format because it shows different pieces of the actual story. For this story, Odd will not be presenting it. Others will present the story in their own point-of-views. If the readers want, I can continue with other pieces of the story that I make mention of and/or write out. I do enjoy this story, and I hope you have too. Thank you for reading.

Additional Note 10/12/18: Tweaked and edited. Tried to search for repetitive sentences, incorrect words, improper phrases, and simple spelling errors.

1. Code: Earth

The plan was simple in Ulrich's mind. Get Principal Delmas to approve Aelita's files so she could attend school. Jeremie ran the program in trial, now he was ready to bring Aelita to the real world. Odd agreed with him to confront Delmas in the morning, and right now the two were standing in the office of Sissi's father.

"Now tell me, what is your cousin's name Odd?"

Looking out from the corner of his eye, Ulrich spotted Odd's usual poker face when it came to the lies he's told over the school year, "Aelita, her name's Aelita Schaeffer."

"Where does she come from?"

The purple loving teen responded simply, "She's from Switzerland." The brunette never really questioned why Odd seemed to insist Jeremie write all the extra information on the fake forms the Einstein created. When Jeremie and him questioned the svelte teen, he only answered that his father's brother's last name was Schaeffer and if anything happened, he could ask his Uncle and Aunt to cover for them and act like Aelita was their child.

Delmas straightened himself in his chair, "Well, all her forms seem to be in order. And your parents have recommended her highly. So I see no reason why she cannot attend school here. Let me know when she arrives." With that, both boys took off to the halls with smiles on their faces.

"Yes!" Ulrich threw his hands into the air. Odd held out his hands in a low high-five, and Ulrich slapped them with glee. Odd laughed once he did so, falling into a walking pace between them. They were giggling idiots as they continued their pace. Well, all until Jim stopped them.

"Well, what are you two up to, huh? You know this building is off limits to students, especially at eight in the morning!"

Odd's smile grew just a bit cheekier as he chirped, "My cousin's coming to school here soon. It'll be nice to see another familiar face, y'know? Just had to check in with the Principal to let him know she's coming pretty soon. We made an appointment with him, you see."

Jim started to chuckle, "Oh what a lame excuse, ha ha. What do you think I am, an idiot?"

Ulrich stifled a laugh as Odd sweetly replied, "Well. . . We did made an appointment with Principal Delmas about my cousin coming to school. You just don't believe what I said."

"Quiet," Jim growled, "I bet you think I'm not onto your pranks with Jeremie and Yumi. You disappear into the park like some sort of magic," As Jim ranted, Ulrich glanced to see Odd shrug with a 'well-he's-ranting-might-as-well-accept-it' face. Ulrich covered his mouth to hide his snicker as Jim went on, oblivious to the duo, "You plot in your rooms-!"

"Hey," Odd interrupted, a cheshire cat-like smile on his face, "It's not a crime to talk with your friends about your cousin. We even video chat sometimes, don't you know?"

Ulrich blinked as Jim reared his head towards him, "Oh, is that so?"

"Y-Yeah," He added as soon as his voice came back to him, surprised at what Odd just said, "She's pretty nice."

Odd grinned, "We inspired her to come here and see what France is like. She lives out some place in Switzerland and goes to a public school, so it'd be a nice change for her to go to a private school and see what it's like. She knows she'll enjoy it here with friends like mine."

Jim shook his head, astonishment clear on his face as Ulrich quickly added on, "Yeah. All of us really like her. We can't wait to see her in person."

"Well. . . maybe you're not making pranks. Now you listen up, I will figure out what you guys are really up too. Even if it is talking with your cousin, it still doesn't make sense for you four to disappear into the forest."

The blonde with a purple splotch had on a shameless smile, "We hook up Jeremie's laptop to show off the nature in the forest. She doesn't like it that much, but she still finds beauty in the forest outside of school."

Jim spluttered, at a loss for words before catching himself and answering, "W-Well, to the cafeteria. Hurry up!"

"What you said back there. . . how did you make that up so fast?" Ulrich questioned.

Odd shrugged, "Simple. Just use the truth and twist it a little, it makes the best lie. At least he bought it, or I think he did."

The brunette peered at his best friend, "You know what I think? Even with the lie you told him, we still need to be careful. With him playing detective, he may find the secret passage."

A smile appeared on the blonde's face, "Don't worry yourself silly like that Ulrich, it'll never happen."

"Why do you-?"

"Hey guys!" Yumi's voice echoed. The Japanese girl ran towards them, catching her breath before happily saying, "Great news, my parents said okay!"

Dismissing what the cat-boy had said as some sort of joke that he didn't understand, Ulrich grinned lightly, "So did the Principal. Odd, that was a very good letter that you faked from your parents."

"Yeah. Can't say I'm too proud of what I did, but it was for a good cause."

Ring! Ring!

Ulrich quickly answered his phone, "Oh Jeremie, what's up?"

"Can you guys come to my room quickly? I want all of us to be there when we tell Aelita's she's coming to Earth."

"Okay, be right there," Glancing to his friends, they immediately understood the message. Taking off, all three headed to Jeremie's dorm.

Jeremie played around with the materialization program once they arrived. All three of them crowded around, Odd alone on Jeremie's right and both him and Yumi on Jeremie's left. The Einstein clicked away on his computer as Odd played around with the many disk cases on Jeremie's desk, "Y'know Einstein, you really need to organize your disks."

"I'll do it later, Odd. Now put them down." The svelte blonde shrugged, setting down the grouped disk cases into a neat pile next to the computer. Jeremie groaned as he looked at the tower of cases, "Ugh, Odd. Did you really have to do that?"

Amber eyes rolled at the comment, "Not like you'd get around to it. We're getting Aelita later today with the program, right?"

Jeremie sighed, "Just wait a little bit longer. I'm almost done checking the program." Before he continued on though, he glared at Odd and dismantled the case pile, setting each disk case back into different places than they were before.

It was always like that with the two. Ever since the beginning of going to Lyoko and fighting XANA while trying to free Aelita, Odd just. . . didn't like Jeremie. Whenever Ulrich asked him about it at night, which was pretty often since they would always argue or get snarky with each other, Odd would either change the subject or dismiss it. No matter what Ulrich and Yumi (for the geisha didn't like hearing their bickering at the table) did, the two didn't get along.

After a few moments of typing and clicking, a green plus sign flashed on Jeremie's screen. "That's it! We got it!" Glee grew in Jeremie's eye, "It works! IT WORKS!" He softened his voice, looking like he was going to curl in on himself, "I almost can't believe it..."

All three fighters of Lyoko cheered, hugging Jeremie. Odd lost the look of annoyance, instead a grin plastered on his face like it was meant to be there. Minutes later, Jeremie carefully closed out of the program and pulled up the one to speak with Aelita, "Okay! Tell me what the good news is!"

"Aelita," Jeremie started, clapping his hands together, "I don't know how to tell you this but believe it or not, we're waiting for you here."

"Really?!" The program's face gained a look of pure joy. For an artificial intelligence, she could sure act like a human sometimes. Silently, Ulrich questioned the whole situation. Who would create an artificial intelligence inside a supercomputer to fight off a virus?

"Really!" The gang voiced, smiles on their faces.

"The materialization is going to work!?"

"Yup!" Jeremie held up a disk, smile on his face, "It's all in here, and I can tell you it was really complicated-"

Odd held up a hand, "Ah ah ah, do you have subtitles for that?"

Jeremie stopped himself, frown on his face even as Ulrich couldn't help but yawn at the explanation the glasses wearing blonde was going to go through, "Long story short, it works."

"Oh Jeremie, that's so great!" Aelita beamed, "I can't believe it's true!"

"Better get used to it fast," Odd winked, "Cause it's time to make the big jump! Time to finally see the real world and what it's all like and say bye bye to XANA!" Odd clapped his hands together, silly smile on his face, "And I bet the Einstein would love to show you the town! And Yumi can show you her home, and you can see Kiwi and-"

Ulrich chortled, "You sound like you're just as excited as her."

"Can't help it," Odd let out a cheery laugh, "She's my cousin, remember?" Yumi stiffened her giggle while Ulrich chuckled. The svelte boy sounded so used to the fact that Aelita was her cousin, it was surprising to hear the words come out of his mouth. It was good, the brunette guessed, since they'd have to make up the lies for a long time to keep her around them forever.

"Hold on," Jeremie frowned, even with red on his cheeks, "It's not that simple. First I got to set up the program in the supercomputer, then Aelita would have to get to the passage tower in Lyoko's Forest region. That's where she'll get devirtualized. Before she appears in the flesh for the first time inside one of the scanners!"

"In that case I'm off to the Forest right now!"

"Okay!" Jeremie tapped at the keyboard once more, "And we'll go to class in the meantime. And as for afterwords, the factory."

"I'll see you later, my friends." With a salute, Aelita stared at them with a smile.

Jeremie smiled, "We'll be five for dinner tonight." After those words, Aelita disappeared off the screen. Odd immediately abandoned the dorm, opening the door and looking off into the halls. Quickly, Ulrich and Yumi followed along as Jeremie lingered in the room a bit longer.

Jeremie took off with a disk case in hand, followed along by the fighting trio. Jim slid into the hallway at that moment, making Jeremie slide into a halt. Yumi crashed into him, followed by Ulrich then finally, Odd crashed into them all.

"What's wrong? Up to no good, aren't ya?"

"Nope," Odd slid into the front of the four casually, "We were talking with Aelita again. She's going to be here tonight, Jim! Can't you believe it?"

Jeremie gaped at Odd with surprise as Ulrich gulped. He and Odd totally forgot to tell Yumi and Jeremie about the excuse the svelte blonde came up with earlier. Jim, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable once again, "A-Ah, well. Hurry up back to class, now!" He then gave a dirty look at them, "You shouldn't be talking with someone when you have your own classes to worry about! Now hurry on!"

The four fled right as Principal Delmas walked into the dorms. Ignoring the hushed yelling between the two, Ulrich became attentive to his friend's own conversation. "You told Jim about Lyoko!?" Jeremie hissed.

"No, all I told him was that we talk to my cousin through video chat. You guys like her. We show her the forest sometimes, that's why we disappear there sometimes," Odd grumbled.

"Why do you act like the cousin excuse is going to work so well?!"

The purple loving blonde frowned, "Trust me on this one Jeremie, I know it'll work. We just have to play it out and we'll be fine."

"I agree," Yumi added in right as Jeremie opened his mouth, "Playing it out is all we can do once Aelita arrives. Remember, she's an artificial intelligence. She doesn't have any parents, using Odd's family is the best bet for now."

Ulrich weakly smiled to the genius, "Saying it so many times can convince others that it is the truth." With those words, they finally arrived to the courtyard. Yumi split away from the group to head to class and Odd ran ahead to be there before class started.

"But also saying it so many times can convince the person who says it to be true." Jeremie muttered, voice bitter as he walked close with Ulrich to Mrs. Hertz's class.


"Yes, Ulrich? What's new?"

"Yumi come to the park, it's urgent."

"Okay, be right there." Ulrich quickly pocketed his phone once the raven hung up the phone. The three boys charged off school campus, heading straight to the forest. Yumi quickly caught up to them, running beside them, "Mind telling me what's going on?"

"XANA's at it again." Jeremie responded immediately.

Odd jogged beside them, "He knows the end is near, and he's not going down without a fight!" The quartet continued their sprint. A few moments later, they arrived to a familiar manhole. Looking around for a few seconds to make sure no one was around, they moved the manhole and headed down below. Once they all gathered below, they grabbed their skateboards—in Jeremie's case, his scooter—and headed towards the factory.

Heading inside the scanners, all three fighters walked into their places. Ulrich took to the left scanner, Yumi to the right scanner and Odd to the middle. Ulrich dismissed Odd's usual frown at the sight of the middle scanner, he always did that ever since the second time he was virtualized. It wasn't something to be questioned, people have their own experience with the scanners. For Ulrich, it felt like a rush. Sometimes the rush would disappear, other times it would be there once he entered the small cylinder capsule.

The doors closed in front of him as Jeremie babbled the usual sequence above. In moments, winds blew from below and a sense of nothingness consumed him. His vision darkened for a moment, then it allowed him to greet the Forest Sector's wide scenery of trees and green ground. The virtualization process finally finished, and the trio landed onto the ground. They took off quickly, heading towards Aelita's location.

"Okay Jeremie, we're here!" Ulrich voiced once they closed in Aelita.

"That's great," The Einstein's voice echoed around them, "Get ready guys, cause I'm launching the materialization program immediately," Followed by that, Jeremie let out a surprised yelp. Then he groaned over the mic. Ulrich gazed over each of the warriors, seeing Yumi's fingers itch to her fan, Aelita's face decorated in a mixture of emotions ranging from excitement to worry. Then he caught Odd flashing a grimace that quickly went away. Why did he suddenly look embarrassed at that moment? "Oh no! What have I done?!"

"Problem, Jeremie?" Yumi asked.

"I inserted the wrong disk!" Odd shook his head as the genius groaned, "It's Odd's dumb disk instead of the program. . . Stop!" Jeremie growled, clearly annoyed by the video, "I have to go back to the dorm!"

"Okay," Yumi nodded as if Jeremie could see it, "But hurry!"

"And Jeremie!" Odd cupped his hands, "I know you have to hurry, but just be careful!" The blonde outside of Lyoko groaned into his mic, before his voice was gone.

Ulrich turned to the cat-boy, "You made a video?"

Odd looked like he wanted to melt at that moment, "Well, yeah. It's not my best piece of work though."

"What's the title?"

"Break break break dance."

Yumi sighed, "Alright, enough fooling around. We got some cleaning up to do."

"Sir, yes sir!" Both Odd and Ulrich voiced, grins on their faces.

With that, the trio split up. Yumi on the left, him and Odd to the right. Odd raised his paw during the run and shot an arrow right as Yumi took out her fan and threw it. Ulrich quickly unsheathed his katana, "Super Sprint!" He took off in a yellow blur, followed by the first and second Bloks devirtualizing due to the ranged warriors attacks. The brunette sliced into the third one, allowing it to combust in white pixels.

"This is too easy." Odd chirped, a relaxed smile on his face.

Yumi waved her hand, "Aelita, the passage is clear! You can go!" Aelita quickly took off from her hiding place, heading towards the trio.

"Come on, we can all stay in the tower until Jeremie arrives back."

After what felt like to be forty-five minutes, Aelita started to call for Jeremie once again. It was like the genius disappeared off the radar! "Where can he be?" She asked.

"Forty five minutes sure is a long time to pick up a disk." Ulrich noted.

"I sure hope nothing happened to him." Yumi added.

"Come on," Odd waved his paw, "Don't be gloom and doom. Everything will be okay. We'll just wait it out a bit longer. He'll be here soon enough." Then suddenly, the tower began to shake. All four let out surprised yells, trying to keep balance.

"What was that?!" Yumi shouted, followed by Odd taking off out of the tower. Ulrich quickly followed, as did Yumi. A Megatank faced them, perfectly aimed at the tower. Ulrich dragged his sword out from its sheathe as the trio stared the monster down. Its eye opened, charging up a laser. Odd jumped right as it shot, paw aimed straight at it.

"Go!" He shouted, followed by a laser arrow heading towards the sphere shaped creature. The Megatank closed its shell, hiding its weak point. Once Odd made contact with the ground again, the Megatank opened up. Odd took off on all fours, flipping himself over and shooting once again, "Come on, take that!"

The Megatank closed its shell again, Odd falling gracefully to the ground on all fours. The cat-boy growled, "Oh come on!" The Megatank quickly shot open, charging up a blast. It released it as quick as it was charged, forcing Odd to roll along the ground. Ulrich and Yumi split up from the blast, managing to dodge the large laser blast.

"Aelita, is everything okay?" Unable to hear her response from beyond the tower, Ulrich watched as Odd shot off two more arrows at the opened Megatank. As quick as they flew in the air, the Megatank closed itself and allowed the arrows to pelt its shell, "It's a long story. Too long, but I've got the program! Now let's cross our fingers and hope it works okay. I'm launching it!"

"Follow me, Odd!" Yumi called, taking off into a sprint directly towards the Megatank. Odd followed along close by. The Megatank shot open, releasing a blast that quickly devirtualized Yumi. Odd flung himself above the Megatank, landing on all fours behind it. He let out a cat-growl at the monster, raising his paw right as the creature charged another blast. Within seconds both Odd and the Megatank devirtualized, the former from the laser blast and the latter by a laser arrow.

Ulrich grimaced at the sight of his friends disappear, but no matter. He stayed close to the tower, watching the area in front of him with keen eyes. "Alright Ulrich, it's up to you. There's one behind you, to your left!" The brunette took off in a super sprint, eyes narrowed at the new monster that rolled over and shot right at the tower after a quick charge, "You have to protect the tower!"

"Understood, Jeremie!" With his sword unsheathed, he sprinted to the open monster. It charged up its beam, and right when Ulrich made it close enough to dig his sword into the monster's eye, it released its blast. Ulrich positioned his sword in front of the creature's blast, a grimace on his face as he was pushed back towards the tower. He grunted, trying to keep himself in place. As long as he held the blast, it wouldn't hit the tower while Jeremie's program ran.

"Hold on Ulrich, just a few more seconds!" Jeremie voiced. Ulrich grunted, virtual body straining to hold back the dangerous blast. "I'm almost ready, Aelita! Get into position on the platform." Ulrich had to guess she was following the directions, for Jeremie's voice echoed, "Alright, ready to take the big jump?"

Catching sight of the tower itself closing in from the corner of his eye, Ulrich grunted as he fought the beam. He had to hold on, just a bit longer. "Then here we go. Code: Earth."

With those words, Ulrich let out a shout as his sword gave away. The blast hit him straight on, and his body disappeared into pixels as it crashed into the tower. The sense of nothingness consumed him once more, before his vision allowed him to greet the scanner room once more. He stumbled out, clutching the side of the scanner for support.

The elevator ran for a moment, before it opened to show Odd, Jeremie, Yumi and surprisingly, Jim. The raven ran towards him, quickly becoming his support as the right scanner closed nearby. It let out a soft hum as it began to work before sliding open. The light was blinding for a moment, as Ulrich closed his eyes for the moment. Once he opened them, smoke cleared away from the bottom of the scanner. On it was a girl with pink hair dressed in a tan shirt with a red jacket, a black skirt and red boots.

Seeing the pinkette, Jeremie spoke with awe, "She's here at last," She perked up, a smile on her face while her apple green eyes glowed with happiness, "Welcome to Earth."

All four children whooped with joy, especially Jeremie. Ulrich cheered the best he could, even with being as tired as he was. Jim continued to stare at Aelita in awe as Yumi smiled brightly at the pinkette. Odd laughed, his amber eyes glowing with delight. It was a moment they couldn't forget, for it was an accomplishment. Their friend was there in the flesh, on Earth.

Jeremie limped forward, reaching out his hand Aelita. The girl took it, stumbling as she was brought to stand. She was in her own excitement, giggling in delight as Yumi swung her other arm around her shoulder. Ulrich broke away from the geisha, having enough strength to stand again. As both Yumi and Jeremie talked excitedly with the materialized girl, Ulrich gazed towards his best friend. The svelte blonde had a smile on his face as he looked at his friends, but his eyes. . .

. . .they looked so sad.