"Too bad... I really did like you."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Judy asked, no hint of fear in her voice.

"Oh no no... Haha of course not... He is" Bellwether chuckled, revealing the dart gun holding the Blueberries they had swapped for the Night Holwer. She aimed it towards Nick, and with no hesitation pulled the trigger. The impact caused Nick to fall to the ground, choking and gasping for air as though he had just had it pulled out of his lungs. Nick felt his vision going blurry, and the sounds around him became muffled. Something here wasn't right, and he knew it...

"Judy... Run" he growled.

"Nick, come on please" Judy acted, unaware of what was really happening to her friend.

Nick could feel himself... Changing... Reverting back to the savage form the first animals were like. His vision was getting darker by the passing second, and all sound around him was now drowned out by his instincts.

"Hunt her down... Kill her" his subconscious told him. 'No... I won't hurt her...' He argued back with himself. The voices inside his head didn't relent, seemingly getting louder with every word they spoke, but Nick kept relenting... 'I can't... I-I won't'. Eventually the voices got too loud for him to bear, and Nick started howling and crying, begging them to stop.

"Nick... What's wrong?" he heard her ask through the voices, quiet and soft but still loud enough for him to hear.

"Judy... Run... Hide..." Nick choked out. Judy heard what he said, but she didn't care... She was still convinced this was part of his act... And damn was he good at it. Finally Nick relented, and gave in to the voices. 'Good... Now kill her!' They guided his body, against his will. He had no control over his own body, his mind, was being invaded with horrible thoughts - thoughts of him killing Judy, of him killing anyone he could. He got to his feet, growling as he turned to Jusy, who finally began to run. Nick pursured her without delay, his vision was clouded, and all colour was now tinted blood red. He kept trying to fight what ever was controlling him, but he was weak compared to it. He watched helplessly as Judy slipped on the ground, and he mustered as much strength as he could in an attempt to fight back against the demon controlling his body, successly managing to slow himself down long enough for Judy to recover.

Nick was easily overpowered once again, and his body returned to pursuing Judy, rapidly closing the distance.

Judy could hear Bellwether's laughing over the growling coming from her friend... Thinking Nick was still acting, and therefore wouldn't hurt her, she allowed her attention to switch to Judy.

"Just think of the headlines - hero cop killed by savage fox"

"So thats it, prey fears predators and you stay in power?"

"Yes - pretty much"

"It won't work" 'Come on any minute now she'd get the evidence she needed, but she was starting to get unsure of how long Nick could keep up that performace.'

"Fear always works... And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way"

'That was it' Judy managed to discreetly stop the recording, she had the information she needed, so it was just about waiting for the ZDP to arrive... She slipped onto her hands and knees, before turning to look at Nick, who appeared to be rapidly approaching her. Judy's eyes widened in fear when she looked at Nick, seeing no signs of her fox friend, and instead just the savage blood thirsty mask. She still kept to the plan, grabbing one of the stuffed fawn models and flinging it inbetween her and Nick, before rushing away through the grass and trying to hide from Nick. She watched through the gap as Nick tore the fake fawn apart, before turning to face her with a burning thirst in his eyes, a first for blood - and it was then she realised something about this was off.

"Nick... Stop this - fight it"

Judy backed herself against a wall, her breathing fast and light as she was now drained of oxygen in her lungs. She watched as Nick crept his way through the grass, but his attention shifted to Bellwether as the ZDP arrived beside her.

"Bellwether - where's Judy and the fox?" Chief Bogo asked the sheep.

"Down there" she pointed to Judy, and Nick - who still seemed to be focusing on the others.

"CHIEF - DON'T SHOOT HIM!" Judy cried out, now attracting Nick's attention. The red fox slowly began to make his way towards her, growling - before he stopped a short distance from her. The small lapin looked into Nick's eyes, seeing them full of contested emotions - hatred, bloodlust, anger, happiness, sadness, loneliness - but the one that stood out the most to her was the one that; despite the dire situation still made her heart flutter... It was the feeling of love that he felt, and she somehow knew it was love for her... She was snapped back to reality as she heard the cocking of guns above her.

"Judy, his not safe - we have to subdue him... GET OUT OF THERE!" Bogo shouted.

"No - don't shoot him... Don't trust Bellwether!" Judy replied, before wasting no time and playing the recording of Bellwether to the ZDP 'and I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way' All it took was that moment of Judy averting her attention from Nick for the fox to strike, digging his teeth deep into Judy's already wounded leg. She cried out in pain as his teeth penetrated her flesh, drawing large amounts of blood from the fresh wounds. Finally it clicked in her mind that what Nick was shot with something other than a blueberry. Despite knowing that the fox she cared for wasn't the one attacking her, she still regreted her actions towards him. With a mighty and unforseen burst of strength, Judy rammed her free paw straight into Nick's face, resulting in him releasing her leg and yelping in pain, before looking at her with a gaze of so much hatred and anger, it could break anyones soul. Bogo threw a small firearm down to the side of Judy, and she took it with no hesitation, aiming towards Nick and pulling the trigger. The dart hit him directly in the shoulder, and he quickly collapsed as he lost consciousness. The lapin, ignoring her bleeding leg crawled over to the fox, resting her paw on his head as she whispered to him.

"I'm really sorry Nick... I love you" She sighed as she felt herself grow heavy, before she fainted on top of Nick due to blood loss.