Chapter One - The Beginning

"Master Yoda. I have news that there is a young boy with a high midi-cholorian count," Qui-Gon reported to Yoda. "Hmm... train him, you will. Clouded future, he has. Hmm..." replied Yoda in his usual form - riddles. "Recruit him, you must, Qui-Gon, hmm..." added Yoda. "Yes, master," said Qui-Gon impatiently, and with a nod, he exited the room. Yoda shook his head.

"I ask you again, are you sure you are willing to send your son to the Jedi Temple where he will stay and be trained?" asked Qui-Gon. "Yes... I am... sure," replied Crion, still showing signs of uncertainty. Qui-Gon hesitated. He felt a sudden impact in the Force. A strong ripple coming from the boy. Yet he sensed a something dark... something sinister about the boy's future. "Very well, I shall take him to the Temple," was the last words Qui-Gon said to Crion before leaving in the starship with Xanatos.

"Wanna know something? I'm from a very rich family. Once I finished schooling, I'll be able to claim the family wealth as my own. Cool, huh?" said Xanatos, as usual, bragging about his wealth and high position. Qui-Gon looked from afar, shaking his head. Not that Xanatos' bragging will affect his training... his Jedi skills were exceptional. He could defeat the older students at anything - lightsaber skills, Force powers, etc. - but he had a few bad but deadly qualities. He had an amazingly strong control of the Force especially when he harnessed the Dark Side emotions - hate, anger, etc. "Yet there's still hope that I may convert him. He may not be destined to be a Dark Jedi," thought Qui-Gon.

"Master!" whined Xanatos. "First rule. Do not ever question a Jedi Master's decision. Surely you have already learnt that from the other Masters?" said Qui-Gon. "Why? Why can't I brag about my money? It IS mine, after all!" Xanatos half-shouted, half-asked. "Have you ever paid attention to the lessons about the Dark Side? Jedi are humble, never proud. We protect the innocent, not brag about our belongings. And no, once you have acquitted yourself to this Temple, you are part of this collective, defenders of peace. Crion's wealth belongs to him," began Qui-Gon. He was always the best at lecturing students. "And furthermore... I heard that you acheived good scores in everything BECAUSE you harnessed the powers of the Dark Side," said Qui-Gon. "What? Did Afod tell you this? Don't believe him, Master Qui-Gon, he HATES me!" said Xanatos, frantically, emphasizing the word 'hates'. "No, the OTHER Jedi Masters informed me of your cheat. And now that you mentioned it, what did you do to earn his hatred?" asked the Jedi Master. "Please Master, I apologize! I'm really really sorry for not following the rules. Please don't tell the other students of this," pleaded Xanatos.

"Very well. I will let you off this time, with a warning. If you ever break the rules again, you will be brought to the Jedi Council to face the consequences," said Qui-Gon with a sigh. "This is the first time the best student Xanatos has got into trouble. No doubt he won't want this on his record," thought Qui-Gon. He watched Xanatos leave quickly and relieved, and sighed again. Somehow, he sensed Xanatos won't change.