Frank smiled as he brought the last dish into the dinning room followed closely by his two grandsons Jack and Sean helping set the table. "Guys dinner, oh you're helping," Linda raised a surprised eyebrow to her boys then Frank who chuckled.

"Mommy, is daddy making dinner," Sean asked taking a seat between his brother and grandfather.

"He said he'll be here but late, he's working on a case." Linda accepted the now full glass of wine Frank passed to her smiling gratefully at him. From down the other end of the table Henry poured himself a glass settling in so they could say prayer.

Frank surveyed his family hands folded picking his youngest son Jamie a rookie cop to lead prayer. Ducking his head, hands folded in front Jamie spoke slowly, "bless us oh Lord for these gifts we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ our Lord Amen."

When he looked up again Danny slipped into the empty chair beside his wife waiting until prayer finished to apologize for being late. "This case is going nowhere, no witnesses willing to testify, no evidence."

"You can always compel the witness to testify. Or dirty it up, get probable cause. Use the fifth to your advantage, get him to implicate himself, then you have him cold," Jamie advised his big brother before taking a bite of the roast beef on his fork.

Danny looked across the table giving his brother a narrow eyed understanding only two percent of what his brother said. "You want to say that in English for the rest of us to understand?"

Jamie sighed finishing his meat translating the idea, "Get the perp to implicate himself by dirtying up or finding another way to use the fifth amendment to your advantage so he confesses."

"That's a great idea thanks Harvard next time say that the way you just did so we understand. Do you talk to the perp's like that too as you arrest them, probably confuse the hell out out of them," Danny took out his phone texting Baez what Jamie just said promising to meet after dinner.

"Shut up Danny," Jamie mumbled, turning back to his dinner almost wishing he hadn't spoken up.

All eyes swept between the two brother sensing tension which was nothing new. "Hey not all of us went to Harvard so you have to talk like the rest of the population kid. When you're out on the street do you imagine you're a lawyer or are you aware you're a cop," Danny set on his phone down and looked up at his brother.

Jamie put his fork down on the plate returning the glaring look right back tired of hearing the comments about Harvard and not being a cop. "You know what Danny I'll say it so you can understand shut up!"

Even though they sensed an outburst no one expected that from the usually quiet younger Reagan. Danny raised an eyebrow in response surprised too by his brother. "What did you say to me?"

"Oh I said shut up what that wasn't plain enough for you," Jamie retorted temper boiling over after years of comments from his big brother.

"I heard you and if I was you I'd take it back before I come over there." Danny glared setting his utensils down to make good on his threat.

Instead of moving away Jamie sat posted in his chair showing no fear of his brother who so far was all talk. "Or what? You're always making empty threats Danny so if I was you I'd keep eating."

Danny who'd taken a bite of his roll looked up cocking an eyebrow at the younger man. "You think I'm scared of you kid? You go to Harvard, not even a year on the street and you thought you were

what? I wouldn't keep talking if I was you unless you want me to knock you into next week."

Shaking his head Danny laughed amused his brother actually thought he'd be scared of him. "Ruin a perfectly good dinner. Maybe I should talk to Renzulli send you back to academy cause if you came up on perp's like you did me I would laugh in your face. No wonder you're still on patrol or is it because of Eddie? "

A collection of breaths sucked in again waiting for another outburst. Danny looked up grinning, "Hey if I had a partner watching my back like yours does I'd stay too, probably the only way you've stayed alive out there especially when she works after hours too."

All the blood that started boiling inside Jamie exploded by that one statement about Jamie's partner and crush Eddie. Jamie stood up quickly knocking the chair backwards discarding his napkin to the floor as he reached over the table for his brother.

Linda wrapped her arm around Danny pulling him back while Erin stepped in between her little brother. "Enough you two," Frank commanded ending the ensuing fight with three words.

Both brothers remained standing on opposite sides of the table continuing to glare at each other while Jack and Sean watched wide eyed. "This is dinner not a free for all sit down and finish eating civilly that's an order," Frank ordered firmly using his finger to order them back.

"No I'm tired of hearing how bad a cop I am, that I'm to soft. Screw you Danny until he apologizes don't expect me to come back." Jamie walked around his fallen chair swiping the jacket off the floor on his way out.

Erin sighed all eyes turning the veteran Detective shaking their heads. "Go ahead Harvard walk out its what you do best, walk out on the family that was there for you."

"Yea I do and your lucky. I don't know what we ever did to you but all these years I looked up to you and got nothing but jeering back. You were my big brother by blood but that's it. I'm an adult now Danny and a cop so whatever problem you had get over It just like you need to get over your anger issues so you can maybe keep a partner," Jamie glowered.

"Screw you kid. I didn't treat you the same because your not even a real Reagan," Danny shouted at him.

The entire room fell into a dead silence with everyone's eyes scanning between the brothers. Nicky quietly motioned for her cousins to follow her into the kitchen afraid something was about to explode.

"What did you say," Jamie demanded. His hands went up in shock turning to face his older brother.

When Danny didn't answer Jamie narrowed his eyes. "All of a sudden you decide to remain silent? I'm as much a Reagan as you are Danny! You only got promoted because of dad and grandpa."

"Enough you two," Frank tried again sensing everything was about to hit the fan from Jamie who was usually the quiet one now resorting to snapping and Danny's thinned eyes, his face turning red.

"The only reason you're here is because of mom. You're not a Reagan because mom didn't have you with dad!" The minute those words left his mouth Danny immediately regretted it seeing the hurt look on his little brother's face.

All eyes turned to Frank curious and shocked faces wondering if there was any truth to what Danny said. Clearing his throat Frank placed his napkin on the table and looked up, eyes twinkling at a conversation he was not ready to have.

"Is it true dad," Erin spoke up first, voice wavering with emotion.

Frank pushed his chair back allowing him to stand between his two sons. "Years ago when Danny was around nine, Erin seven and Joe four Mary and I were having some problems as couples do."

Henry shook his head not liking where this story was going. He'd remained quiet the entire fight although wanting to step in when it first started knowing both grandsons had tempers once worse then the other.

"One night I came home and Mary wasn't there. We had a fight before I left for tour but I thought she'd be home waiting for me. She didn't come back until the next morning.." Frank immediately flashed an apologetic glance to Jamie.

"I'm not a Reagan," Jamie whispered blue eyes wide in shock and hurt. Sighing, frank walked around the table to his youngest son leading Jamie out for a private explanation while the other family members watched wordlessly.