Final To Go

After the usual morning routine, the three friends planned on what they were going to do on Twilight Sparkle and Spike's last day. "Let's see what's going on," Flash Sentry said, turning to the radio.

The announcer on the radio forecast the weather in an odd, hammy kind of voice. "He should be a comedian," Spike chuckled. "Well, at least he's trying," said Flash Sentry. "Today will be sunny," the announcer went on in his odd, squeaky voice, "Just like today, but I know that you already knew that."

"Good enough," said Flash Sentry, "Today, we're going out." "Ok," said Twilight Sparkle," I'm ready." "So with that said," Flash Sentry went on, "Are you ready?" "Yes," Twilight Sparkle and Spike said together, "We're ready."

"Then let's go out," said Flash Sentry. "Right," Twilight Sparkle and Spike said together.

After they made their final plans, they set out together. "Going to the beach yesterday was a lot of fun," Twilight Sparkle told her boyfriend. "Thanks," Flash Sentry replied, "I'm glad that you had a load, lot, of fun yesterday."

"Thanks," Twilight Sparkle replied, "I'm glad that you had a lot of fun yesterday, too." "Same here," Spike added in. "Yeah," Twilight Sparkle replied with doubt. "Yeah, right, Flash Sentry added in, "Ok, Twilight, let's figure out what to do now. So what do you want to do now?"

"That's a stupid question to ask," Spike said. "Spike!" Twilight Sparkle scolded, "Flash, how about we go walking together." "Ok," Flash Sentry replied, "But where?" "Well," Twilight Sparkle replied, "I'll think of something." "Well, you'd better think fast," said Spike.

"I will," Twilight Sparkle said to her dog. "All right," said Flash Sentry, "Why don't we go around and talk about what you want to do now?" "Ok," Twilight Sparkle answered, "I'll be happy to do so." "All right," said Flash Sentry. And since it's not yet noon, they have plenty of time.

And Flash Sentry wouldn't give up. He was determined to go all out that day. And so was Twilight Sparkle. And Spike, too.