Rachel I need you to please do me a favor."


"My mother is coming to NY to visit me in two days. She want to see how I've been doing in NY so far."

"Ok so what do you need me for?"

"I told her that she can meet my "girlfriend"."

"Oh no Noah I can't."

"Yes please Rachel do this for me."

"Why can't you ask someone else like Santana?"

"Because that's Brittney's girlfriend and that's weird."

"Eliza from work?"

"No she has a boyfriend."


He laughed. Then he was serious.

"Rachel I want you."

She looked up at him with a shocked reaction.

"I want you to be my pretend girlfriend." He played it coy.

"Ugh fine."

~ Two days later~

"Mom , So great to see you." Noah hugged and kissed his mom.


"Mom, this is my beautiful girlfriend Rachel you remember her from Lima right ."

" of course I remember Rachel she is beautiful how are your parents "

"Awe thank you Ms. Puckerman, they are wonderful thank you ."

The whole night went really well. Noah's mom love Rachel and watching them all bond really made him happy.

"Thank you for doing this."

"Don't thank me, your Mother is amazing."

Later on in the evening Noah watched as Rachel interacted with his mother. They were just having a normal conversation. Laughing and smiling.

Noah walks over to Rachel and whispers in her ear.

"Be my girlfriend."

"I am silly."

"No for real."

She just smiled and nodded her head yes.