When Rin was fifteen years old, he came to realize his foster sister Naruto Uzumaki was a weirdo.

He did not remember the exact moment he came to realize the strangness of the blond-haired girl was a weirdo but this belief had been building up for years now. It might have to do with the way his sister would disappear to the forest, only to appear again when their father called out to her or how her eyes would always go blank during their lessons though Rin couldn't blame her; their lessons were boring. Yukio would say Naruto had ADHD but Rin didn't believe it because their foster sister would give him strange looks when she think he wasn't looking at her.

Sometimes he could hear her muttering under her breath, arguing with someone that wasn't there. The title Kyuubi always seemed to came up though Rin would wonder where the hell Nine-tailed fox came from. They didn't exist so why the hell did his friend always mention it whenever she thought no one could hear her. Though he was the only one who know about it; his father and brother had no idea about Naruto's thing with foxes and he would keep it that way.

"Mind telling me why you got into a fight in the first place?" Naruto asked, snapping him from his train of thought. He blinked his eyes, opened his mouth to tell her that it was none of her business only for his brother to dab the anthestic on his knuckles, causing him to yell out in pain. The blond-haired girl frowned. "C'mon you know you can tell Yukio and me about it. It will be another bonding experience before Yukio and me go to True Cross Academy."

"Still can't believe you are abandoning me," Rin hissed when his younger brother placed the anthestic on him. "How the hell were you able to go from being near the bottom with me to near the top of the class with Yukio in just a matter of one year?"

His twin brother rolled his eyes at him but Rin just ignored him, keeping his eyes fixed on the frozen girl in front of him. She's hiding something, he thought as the blonde shrugged her shoulder at him. He wasn't as smart as Yukio but he wasn't a complete idiot. It shouldn't be possible for his best friend to reach the top with her habit of falling asleep during lessons and skipping school with him yet, Naruto had been able to do it.

"I just decided to study instead of planning for my next pranks," Naruto explained, shrugging her shoulder. "I knew there was no way in hell I am going to get a job when I have no idea on what I wanted to do so I decided to study up. It wasn't an easy choice Rin and maybe it is time for you to think about what ya want to do with yourself...we can't stay here forever."

"Oh are you going to give me a lecture too?"

"Naruto is just worried about you, Rin. Father and me are also worried about you," Yukio said, drawing his attention away from their closest friend.

Rin looked at Naruto, who nodded her head, and then looked down at his bruised hands, which servered to remind him of the fight he had gotten with the asshole that dared to hurt animals and made comments about Naruto, who they only saw once walking with him. He knew for the longest time they weren't always going to be together, no matter how much he wanted to be around the two of them. His twin brother was always going to be somebody while his best friend could be anything she wanted to be when she set her mind to it.

He could still remember the day where Naruto went on a hunger strike because their primary school teachers were calling him the child of a demon.

"I might not look like it but I'm serious about this," Rin said, staring at his bandaged fingers. "I really want to grow up, make myself respectable but I dunno...I just can't seem to find the chance."

"You know you are always going to be respectable in my eyes," Naruto declared, smiling widely at him. He blinked his eyes at her, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to process the information given to him, before looking at his twin brother for an explanation. "I'm not crazy, Rin! Yukio! Sure you get into fights but most of the time you get into fights because the bastard was doing something which stood against your morals...and if that doesn't make you respectable then I don't know what does."

"Or he could always go to that interview Father got for him," Yukio stated.

"Getting a job doesn't make everyone respectable," Naruto said with a pout on her face as she crossed her arms against her chest. "Do you know how many times I had my ass grabbed just because I had a couple of drunk people thinking it is okay to do it just because my skirt is short."

"Who is the bastard who did that to you!" Rin yelled, slamming his fist on the table, which cracked under the pressure of his fist. He knew he shouldn't have gotten fired from that job, not when people were always going to look at her in the wrong way because of how pretty she was. No matter how good-looking Naruto was or how naive she could act, it did not mean people could hurt her in that way.

The blue-eyed girl blinked her eyes, shook her head and gently whacked him in the head. "It doesn't matter who it was, Rin 'cause I already dealt with him after work."


"If anything actually happened to me then you will be the first one to know, I promise!" Naruto declared, smiling widely at him. She shook her head and jerked her head to the kitchen door, where one of their father's fellow priest stood there with their back against the wall and a suit in his hands. "Now go get change and ace that interview!"

"His interview is today, right?" Naoya asked, holding up the suit. "What do you think of the suit, Naruto?"

"Isn't it a little bit too fancy?" Naruto asked as Naoya shoved the suit into Rin's hands. "But I guess it will give a good impression to Shiro's friend which I guess is a good thing? Why are you asking me, anyway?"

"Yeah why are you asking Naruto? Everyone knows she doesn't have an interest in these things," Yukio stated, earning nods from the other two teens.

"Well because out of the two of you, only Naruto had been able to keep a part-time job," Naoya stated. "If anyone knows how to make a good first impression then it would be our resident maelstorm."

"I went to my job interview wearing Rin's t-shirt and my rip jeans so I'm not the best person to ask," Naruto reminded the priest as Rin took off his hoodie. The blue-haired boy ignored the raised eyebrows from the priest, knowing better than to tell them that he thought the shirt had been too tight on her. The blonde would give him a rant about how he didn't have the right to judge her on her clothes or the very least asked him why he had even been looking at her clothes.

"It's better than what Rin did," Yukio stated. "He accidentally insulted the interviewer and got into a fight with his fellow employee; you at least controlled yourself."

"Why do you three talk like I am going to go to that job interview?" Rin asked them as he placed the rest of the suit over his head while carrying the first aid kit with his hands. "I haven't even said to you guys that I am going."

"Because if you go, we will make Sukiyaki," Naruto declared, cracking a grin. "And we all know you can't ever refuse meat."

"Why do you know me so well? You know it has been months since I got to eat Sukiyaki," Rin muttered, ignoring the disbelieved look on his brother's face.

"We have been the best of friends for the past ten years...you don't think I would pick up the habit that will make you do our bidding?" The blonde asked retorically as he slowly made his way to Yukio and his room. "But remember Rin, the deal is over the moment you lose the interview!"

"I could lie and tell you I got it!" Rin called out to her.

"I have my ways of knowing when the hell you mess things up," Naruto yelled, shaking her blond hair at him.

Rin snorted but didn't dare to argue against her words because the blonde did always know when he messed things up. She also always knew where to find him when he was upset with the teachers and the other kids, always coming to the playground with a can of coca-cola and a listening ear. With her, he never ever felt like he was being judged for being different.

With Naruto, he always felt like she accepted him for who he was, both the good bits and the bad bits.

"You're planning to follow Rin, aren't you Naruto?"

Naruto sighed when she caught sight of her foster father standing in front of her with his back turned to her, not even bothering to look at her as he said those words to her. No, her father still had his eyes fixed on Rin's back. Was he going to tell her not to follow him? Was he going to tell her to let Rin handle things? She knew her friend would be fine since he was an amazing cook but something was telling her he was going to be in trouble soon. No, she knew he was in trouble because people always seemed to be picking fights with him.

"So what if I am, Father? What if the people that he fought with attack him again? What if they brought more people for him to fight, which will cause him to lose his interview?" Naruto questioned, earning a sigh from Shiro, who slowly walked towards her. She bit her lips and looked at Rin's fading back, not wondering for the first time if it was okay for her to continue on with her high school education while leaving him to find a job. If she hadn't began dreaming of the red-haired woman, who kept talking about the dreams she had for her child then Naruto wouldn't do it.

Hearing the words of that pretty red-haired woman speaking to someone had made Naruto wonder if her biological mother and father would be disappointed in her for not doing well in school.

"You worry about the boy too much Naruto; you should be more concerned about what you are going to do when you enter high school," Shiro said, ruffling her blond-hair. "It isn't going to be like Middle School, Naruto. You can't expect to cruise through your studies like you did, last year. It is going to be a lot more tougher even if you have Yukio to help you. You shouldn't worry about him...he's going to be fine."

Who is he trying to fool? Naruto asked herself as she forced herself to nod her head at the man, who raised her despite not knowing a thing about her family. It had taken her years to figure out the fact the priest had raised her despite the fact she wasn't his biological child, despite not knowing where she came from. If it weren't for the strange dreams she had about the strange red-haired woman crying out her name or the strange animal in her dreams or the voices in her head then she would have never figured it out.

"I'm still going to watch over him, old man."

Shiro frowned, opened his mouth to say something to her but something must have caught his eyes because her adopted father flickered his eyes towards her right side, and had actually closed his mouth as if he realized something. The blonde waved her hand in front of the old man, hoping it would be enough to gain his attention but nothing seemed to be gaining his attention.

"Naruto, I will go check over Rin. You should go back to the church and continue packing your bags for True Cross Academy," Her father said, drawing her attention away from her friend's fading back. "I don't want you to write back home saying that you forgot your clothes because you spent the whole night watching over Rin."

"Old man, I'm not going to let you just watch over him!" Naruto yelled as her father took another step away from him. She thinned her lips, glanced over her shoulder before rushing towards her adopted father. "It won't look good if people saw you getting into a fight."

"Isn't it cute that my sweet daughter is worrying over her old man's reputation? Wasn't it just yesterday when I had been called into your kindergarten because you got into a fight with one of your classmates because they called Rin and Yukio names?" He reminded her as they trailed behind Rin.

The smile on his face told her that her adopted father found amusement in those memories even though he had scolded her for getting into a fights. Naruto barely remember those days but the girl could recall people calling Rin a child of a demon while they called Yukio a scaredy cat. It pissed her off even now because her two best friends weren't any of these things especially Rin being the child of a demon. Out of everyone she knew, her best friend wasn't a child of the demon.

"You still look pretty with your whisker marks; it makes you look like a cute cat."

If Rin was a child of a demon then he would never say words which would cheer her up. He would never try to defend Yukio or her from those bullies if he was a child of a demon. Sure, her best friend was too strong for his own good but he wasn't as strong as her. He didn't have the opprotunity to control his strength. Unlike her, he didn't have a strange voice telling him how to control his strength,though she didn't know why the voice was helping her. She should tell Shiro about it but the blonde couldn't bring herself to do it.

Something told her that he would be alarm to find out about it.

"Why the hell wouldn't I worry about you and your reputation? You are my father aren't you?" Naruto asked rethorically, pausing midstep when she caught sight of Rin being stopped by four ugly boys. She felt her whole body shake as rage, hate and bloodlust washed over her whole body. Which one of those boys were feeling those ugly emotions? It was hard for her to tell when she couldn't differentiate between them.

"Naruto, you should go back home now," Her father whispered as the four boys begin to lead her best friend into a dark alley. "It isn't safe for you to be here."

"What do you mean it isn't safe for me to be here? I come here everyday so what is the difference now, Father?" Naruto hissed, drawing her father's attention away from Rin and those goons and to her. "Is it because those assholes don't look like the nice type 'cause if that is the case then I can handle it! I'm strong enough to protect myself and my freinds. I'm not going to let Rin miss his interview because some assholes doesn't know when not to mess with him."

"Naruto, I can't explain everything to you but this isn't going to be a normal fight," Shiro said, clenching his hands into a fist as he flickered his eyes towards the headband around her waist; the only reminder she had of the mother she never got to know. "If anything were to happen to either to you or Rin then I can't forgive myself so do what I say young lady and go back to the church."

"You know I think there was this really cool manga that I really want to buy, Father," Naruto informed her father as she turned her body in the other direction. She winced when she heard Shiro let out a sigh of relief, telling her that her foster father truly did believe her when she said she was going to the store. The advantage of being the obedient one was that he trusted her but at the same time it was her disadvantage because she didn't want to break his trust.

She really didn't but Rin was important enough for her to go break that trust.

Looking over her shoulder, the blonde placed one leg onto the wall before placing the next leg. She needed to do this quick before someone gets here and notice that a fifteen-year-old girl was climbing a wall without using her hands. If she hadn't had that cruel, meancing voice telling her about her abilities then there was no doubt in Naruto's mind she would have been found out by her father, who would yell at her for not listening to him.

She pulled herself up from the edge of the building and looked down at the alley. Now if she was as big as an idiot as those three, where would she go? The alley would be a good place to go after all, no one would be able to see them beating up her best friend. No, they could always go to the park to finish business but Naruto doubt they were that dumb.

The blue-eyed girl bent her knees and jumped down to the next roof of the building, landing perfectly on her feet. Rubbing the sides of her head, the blonde looked down at the alley and tensed her shoulders at the sight of her best friend being surrounded by five people. No place for him to run, she mused to herself, pulling out the binoculars Yukio and Rin brought for her for her fifteenth birthday.

Of course, she didn't expect her dearest friend to run away from a fight.

"How much do you want?" The gang leader asked, smirking at the blue-haired boy. With her hawk-like eye sight along with the binoculars, the blonde could see the haughtiness and arrogance shining through his eyes. From where she stood, Naruto could also sense the boy's rage and bloodthiristness which threatened to envelope her.

What the hell did he want?


"C'mon, do I gotta spell it out for you?" The boy sneered at Rin and it took all of her will power not to jump down and slam her fist against his cheeks. "My parents are pretty famous, you see, and I'm going to start True Cross Academy soon so it would look pretty bad if any rumors about me started spreading, don't you agree?"

Rin sweated at those words. "Oh, so you are going to the same school as my brother and best friend? I guess I can see what you mean…"

They are stupid if they think you are going to take the money, Naruto thought to herself as she jumped down from the corner of the building, landing on the edge near the alley Rin and the others were in. Her best friend might dress and might even act like a punk but he wasn't one. He never propositioned her, never took her for granted or bullied people like the other delinquients of their high school. Sure he skipped school but with the way the teachers and the other students treated him, she just couldn't blame him.

Yukio and the others thought it should be easy for Rin to suck it up but Naruto knew it wasn't easy, not when people looked at him as if he was a monster.

They never took the chance to get to know the warm person her best friend was.

"...Nobody would really want to deal with a bunch of idiots who think that it is fun to chop the legs off pigeons," Naruto felt bile reach to her throat at her friend's words and not for the first time, she wondered how people could be cruel to cute animals. "Or a bunch of idiots who talk about how they would rape a pretty girl once she was alone with them."

Why didn't he tell her that was the reason why he got into a fight? Naruto questioned herself as the boy let out a cruel laugh and talked about the price to keep Rin quiet. Did he think she would judge? She would have gotten into a fight if she had been in his shoes. She wasn't like Yukio, who could keep his cool and use his mouth to stop them; she would have used all of her power to make them pay.

Why must he be a noble idiot?

"Your mother said almost the exact thing about your father before he died."

Naruto jerked her head around, looking to find the source of the voice before finally realizing that the voice was again the one in her head. Her mother? The voice inside her head never talked about her mother. For the longest time, she believed the cruel voice inside her head was just the part of her personality that she didn't want to reveal to the world or the very least a figment of her imagination.

"I don't need the money and I ain't going to say shit," Rin declared, turning his body around. "Is that all? Because I got somewhere to be."

"You're refusing my offer? You are trying to act all tough guy," the boy snickered and Naruto felt her rage increased at the balent disrespect the gang leader had for her friend. "You don't need to hide it from me! You guys are so poor that you can't even afford a proper education, ain't you?"

"Just take it!" The boy yelled, pulling out his wallet from his pocket. "I mean your brother had to work his ass off and get himself a scolarship while your pretty girlfriend had to work so many part-time jobs just to be able to afford to go to True Cross Academy, right? You guys are pretty much in debt. Just put this towards your fees..."

That was the last straw for Naruto.

Channeling chakra to her legs, Naruto rushed towards the boy and launched her fist against his cheeks, before her best friend could throw the first fist. She ignored Rin's yelp of surprise or the gulp from the boys surrounding them; instead her eyes were fixed on the fallen boy on the ground. This might ruin her chances of going to High School but no one was allowed to insult her friends, to make Rin lose control of himself.

The bastard right there was going to ruin her best friend's chance of getting to the interview.

"Did you follow me here, Naruto!"

"I had a feeling this was going to happen," Naruto said, not bothering to turn around to look at her best friend. "I was going to ignore it for another few minutes but the bastard started to piss me off when he started to insult Yukio and me. What is the fuck wrong for not wanting to let Father not spend any money on me? I ain't letting some spoiled brat insult my hard work. Now get the fuck out of here and get to that job interview!"

"For a small girl, you hit like a demon," the boy snarled, rubbing his bruised cheeks.

"You want some more? Let me show you what the fuck I do to boys like you who insult my friends," Naruto yelled, clenching her hands into a fist. There was a crackle in the air and dimly she realized the ends of her hair were splitting again just like it always did whenever she was pissed off. "I'm going to make you wish you never ever even think of paying my best friend off! Just because we ain't from money doesn't mean we don't have our pride!"

"Get those two!" The boy snarled.

Twirling her body around, Naruto slammed her right leg at the goon to her right and launched her left fist to the goon on the left. The other two goons launched themselves at Rin, who was now staring at her with an open mouth.


The two gang members flew towards the wall, cracking the wall till it resembled the shape of their body. She took out the orange hair tie and began tying her hair to a messy ponytail before glancing at the gang leader, who blinked his eyes at the sight of his two fallen gang members. She grinned before launching herself at the two gang members that were holding her best friend.

"You think because I have a pretty face that I'm some innocent little girl? Idiot, did you forget what I did to the bastards in our middle school?" Naruto retorted, pulling one of the gang members off of her friend's shoulder. Giving the boy a right-hook to his jaw, the blonde allowed herself to enjoy the sensation of bones cracking under her fist. "Rin wasn't the only monster in middle school. Just because I got my act together doesn't mean I'm no longer the girl who doesn't give a shit about what people say about me."

"I can handle it, Naruto!" Rin yelled as one of the goons tightened his grip on him. "You shouldn't be picking fights because of me! This is my fight!"

"It ain't just your fight, Rin!" The blonde snapped. "The moment he insulted Yukio and me was the moment it became our fight! For once in your life let me protect you like you protected your brother and me. You, of all people, should know I ain't some defenceless little bitch..."

She would have said more if it weren't for the fact the spoiled brat burst out laughing, drawing her attention away from squirming best friend. Twisting her head around, Naruto looked at the gang leader and wondered if he went mad. There was nothing funny about this serious conversation she was having with Rin. For the past ten years, Rin refused to accept her help, always defending her while being upset with her when she did the same for him. The boy always got upset because he felt like he ruined her chance of being friends with other kids.

He could never see the fact she was never going to be friends with people who refused to acknowledge Rin for who he was.

"Isn't that sweet? The miserable boy needs to be defended by his bitch for a friend," Naruto felt her eyebrows twitched at his words while Rin bared his teeth at the boy's words. "Even the boy who is called a demon back in middle school needs some puny little girl to defend him, becomes just another job hunter. You're just the scum of society, aren't ya? You are just a coward, hiding behind that bitch's skirt."

"You can insult me all you want but never fucking call Naruto a bitch or weak!" Rin yelled and to Naruto's amazement, blue flames started to pour out of his body, beginning to envelope him like a protective blanket.

"I knew it! The bastard actually went through with his stupid plans; he mated with a disgusting human."

If Naruto was in the right state of mind, she would question the voice about what it meant and who was the bastard but she wasn't in the right state of mind. She couldn't process what the cruel voice in her mind was talking about instead the blonde was focused on the fact flames were pouring out of her best friend's body like it was a natural thing to do. The second thing which came to her mind was to find some water and pour it on her friend so that he could cool down.

She never expected this to happen.

"W-What the hell is happening?" The goon yelled, dropping Rin to the ground. He flickered his eyes to her then to his boss and finally at Rin before running away from them with his tail behind his leg. If Naruto was anyone else, she would have done the same but she couldn't do it.

She couldn't just abandon Rin because of those blue flames.

"It looks like I was right about you though I still have no idea about the blonde over there," the gang leader said, snapping her out of her train of thought. His eyes were fixed on Rin, who stared at him with fury shining through his bright blue eyes. "Those blue flames are the real thing, the flames of 'Satan'! Oh, I've been waiting so long for this day! I've been searching for you for so long now, young master."

Flames of Satan? Young Master? What the hell was going on? Naruto asked herself as she rushed over to Rin, who glanced at her and then to the strange gang leader before looking back at her as if hoping she had the answers to everything. The girl just shook her head, causing Rin to slump his shoulders at her.

Just because she improved in the past year thanks to the Shadow Clones didn't mean she was all that smart.

"We could take the girl with us," the gang leader said, nodding his head. "She might look human but I can feel that fake demon lurking near her; Satan-sama would be delighted if she is the key to bringing that fake demon back to Gehenna."

Fake demon? What the hell was going on?

"Satan? Fake demon?" Rin asked, voicing out the questions in her mind.

"O Lord, let each be judged according to his deeds, let sinful conduct beget retribution." Naruto blinked her eyes at the sight of their foster father walking towards the three of them with a smirk playing on his lips, like he was confident that some prayer would be enough to get the gang leader to leave them alone. "Let each pay for that which he has taken. Bring down thy justice upon them."

How could some prayer bring the stupid gang leader to the ground? Naruto asked herself as the gang leader knelt down to the ground, cluthcing his stomach like those words were actually harming him. She glanced at Rin, hoping her friend would have some idea on what was going on but the shock expression on his face told him that he was just as lost as her.

"You.." The boy stuttered.

"Smite them that they never shall rise again," their father continued, curling his lips upwards even more as the gangleader look at him in horror.

"...Are an exorcist!" The boy yelled out, trembling and shaking as his body kicked the ground.

"Blessed by the lord!"

Naruto felt her whole body freeze as the gang leader pushed himself up from the ground, pulling out a knife from his pocket before rushing to their father. Stop him, a voice in her mind yelled at her, trying to urge her to move to save her father from the attack but something stopped her. No, she was terrified and shocked that someone would dare to attack her kind and perverted father.

"My prayer has been answered," her father declared calmly, grabbing the boy's hand and twirling it to the ground. "The Lord is my helper and he is my shield!"

Naruto felt her blood turned cold when her father's eyes turned harsh and cold. Was this really the man who raised her? The kind man who would ruffle her hair, telling her that one day she would find a boy that would look past the birthmarks in her cheeks. The priest who would make jokes about her being overprotective of her two friends. The man who would ruffle her hair and tell her to control her strength and temper because it would be hard for her to make friends with other kids.

"Demon perish where you stand."

Naruto stared blankly as the gang leader pulsved and yelled out in pain, cursing her father as he did so. Was the ground shaking? She asked herself, looking at her shocked friend. No, the girl realized numbly, it was her legs which were shaking like tomorrow, not the earth. She felt herself being steadied by Rin, who looked at her in concern.

"F-Father, what the hell is happening?"

And this was the start of her new life.

A/N: Please review and tell me what you think of this chapter especially if you think if the characters are in character or not.