Otaku: Oh well hello again. It's nice to see you all again.
Peter: Where have you been! Do you realize how long I was stuck in this bed!
Otaku: Calm down Pete, I've got you don't worry.
Peter: How am I not supposed to worry!? You left me in a fucking bed, with non functional legs!
Steve: Language!
Otaku: Yeah Pete, language.
Peter's mind was awash with a mixture of both good and bad emotions. On one end, he was glad to have a roof over his head. He was getting meals everyday. He had a comfy bed to lay in. And as weird as it was he even had the avengers hanging out around him. Admittedly he'd had the urge to run every time they were around him for extended periods of time, but it was still OK. He had Tony, spit balling tech ideas off of him. Cap-Steve, was always happy to answer questions about what it was like in the war. Clint was even showing him how to play cards. But his favorite person to spend time with was still Nat. It had only been a week sense he'd been brought to the tower and while no matter how hard he tried to be thankful he couldn't help but feel guilty for the Avengers wasting so much on him. Peter had gone so far as to have apologized for everything they had to do for him that Tony had jokingly ordered Jarvis to keep count of how any times Peter had apologized sense they had brought him to the Tower. According to Clint, last he had checked the current count was at 67, and it wasn't likely to stay there for long.
It was because of this that Peter had actually began to appreciate Thor's presence the most, Second only to Nat. Any time Peter so much as began to lip an apology Thor would cut him with an almost angry tone saying."If you plan upon an apology, don't. We are merely repaying the dept that hangs upon all of us." While peter knew that he always wanted to say more there was always He knew that they would never allow him too. Those words stuck with him and he couldn't understand how he could have accrued a debt with anyone let alone the avengers. To him Peter had done nothing but fail those around him and bring nothing but pain and problems. Even now, how much money was Tony spending on him just to keep him comfortable and stable.
Weeks rolled by and finally the one and only Dr. Hank Pym showed up at the tower. . . .
"Sir, Mr. Pym is on has arrived and is on his way up." Jarvis' voice interrupted the Avengers movie night as they all sat around watching the titanic, Clint having just joked about how it was more of a horror movie for men then a romance movie seeing as how all the men die in the movie. As soon as the familiar voice cut in over the towers intercom filling the common area everyone looked around at each other faces eager with excitement knowing tha they would finally be able to find out if they could do anything for Peter.
"Thank you Jarvis!" Tony said before jumping from his seat and making for the elevator as the rest followed suit behind him. As soon as the got near the Elevator the doors had began to open revealing the familiar face of Hank Pym and his guest. Tony quickly shook Hank's hand saying "Thank you for coming Hank, I realize you've been busy so we appreciate you taking time to give us your, specialized assistance." Pym took his hand happily shaking it firmly saying.
"Not at all Tony. I'm just sorry I couldn't make it sooner. So why exactly am I here? You weren't very clear on that. You just told me that my particular, Skills, were necessary something important?" The confusion on Hank's face was just as apparent as the worry but only outweighed by his worry about the strange guest he had brought with him who was to busy slack jawed marveling at the rest of his Avengers. Tony cleared his throat before pulling Hank to the side before saying.
"Hank, this is a very sensitive matter here so I need to know, who is this guest you brought with you exactly? And why is Sam giving him the stink eye?" Hank Turned around to see Scott shaking hands eagerly with as many Avengers as he could introducing himself with Sam hanging back staring at him almost angrily pulling a soft chuckle from his lips.
"Oh that, yes uhm about that. You see he's the new me. Or I guess more accurately, the new Ant-Man, and he may or may not have had a slight tussle with your friend over there and won. But don't say anything to the rest of the Avenger's. Scott said he wasn't going to say anything about it because he felt bad about it. You know, heroes fighting heroes and all. Anyways he's trustworthy so can you give me some explanation now as to why I'm here?" Tony Looked fro Sam to this Scott person before chuckling to himself for a brief moment saying.
"Oh god, there is no way I'm letting Sam live this down, getting beat by a rookie. Priceless."
"Tony. Please Scott asked me personally not to say anything about it so please just drop it. For me?" Tony looked at Hank for a moment before giving into him with a long exasperated sigh like that of a child saying.
"Fiiiine. Follow me. I'll explain on the way." Tony Quickly Waved for everyone to follow him and started for the infirmary. "So I don't know how much you keep up with the super hero's in the world but there's a local New York hero known as Spider-Man. He's been hurt, bad. He's got shrapnel lodged in between his vertebrae paralyzing him from the waste down. But we be leave if we can remove it without causing anymore damage his healing factor can repair the current damage and he will walk again. The problem is it's in such a tricky spot that we need too much accuracy. The kind of accuracy that only someone of, microscopic proportions could pull off." Hank had listened silently through Tony's explanation but when they got to the infirmary he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of not a man in the bed but a young boy instead. Turning to look at Tony he opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off by Tony. "Yeah I know. Not what you were expecting. I know. The name is kind of misleading. Listen Hank. I don't care what it takes. You do what you have to do for this kid to get him walking again. Do you understand me."
"Tony it's not that simple. I can't just operate on somene and . . ."
"I don't care Hank. I've got the best technology in the world. With all of us in this tower we collectively hae the power to help this boy. So you do what it takes. Do you understand me." Hank couldn't understand where this was coming from. He knew Tony had always been an emotional person. He knew that Tony was prone to wanting to "save the world" but asking the impossible was not something he was used to from a stark. until he looked around to see the looks on the faces of everyone else. They were all desperate to help this kid. They would give anything to help him. He didn't know why but he didn't need to. He understood. It was the same look he had on his face when his daughter had been in her first and only car accident. They needed this kid to be Okay. Hank looked at Tony and merely nodded before looking at Scott who was watching him with watchful eye's having, been listening in the whole time, saying.
"Suite up Scott."
Tony just smile from ear to ear at that.
Peter: Wait does this mean what I think this means?!
Otaku: And what what do you think this means?
Tony: Oh come on now don't tease the kid.
Peter: Seriously! Am I getting my legs back yet?
Otaku: Soon Petey, soon. we are almost there.
Peter: Oh thank god!
Otaku: Anyhoo! Sorry for the Hiatus I had to take a trip to the loony bin for some mental issues but I'm all better and only slightly mentally jacked now instead of completely ^_^