Back again with another really cheerful story where every one is happy and dancing while holding hands and... Whaddyamean you don't believe me? I must say I am strongly... Honoured that you know me that well. Or that you read the summary. You are a good person. Thanks.
As a note, this fic might look like it echoes from the scan but really it is up to you, there is no spoil whatsoever in there ;)

Gintama belongs to that Gorilla who is damn good at making epic stuff lately.

Kabuki was dying. Not literally, of course. No matter how destroyed it was, the city would still stand here, proud, strong, for ever. But most of the citizens had fled. Many of those who chose to stay were dead. There was a fight, a battle, a real war between the ruins of what was once shops, houses, playgrounds.

Kagura and Okita had taken shelter in what used to be a bookshop, in order to catch their breath. They were both hardly wounded. Even if she wouldn't show it, the ginger's ankle was sprung – and what to say about all the blood dripping from the former Shinsengumi Captain?

"That's fun. We're surrounded and probably going to die, and all I think is that Gin-chan haven't bought this volume of the JUMP yet." Kagura said, browsing the magazine with her blood-stained fingers.

"China." The tone was grave, and she put the book down. His crimson eyes, deadly serious, were staring right at her. "If we ever make it out alive... There's something I need to tell you. Something I should probably have told you a while ago... What I mean is, don't die. We've got to talk and there's no time for that here and now."

Where he looked fierce with determination, her cerulean eyes were soft and sad. She gave him a soft smile as she walked closer to him. And closer. And even when her feet and his touched, she still brought her face closer to him, until their lips touched.

"Don't be stupid. There is no way we are going to make it. So let's be honest with our feelings while we still can, shall we?"

He smirked and pulled her closer for another kiss. "I guess that now there's nothing holding me back, then. Let's fight with all we got until death welcomes us."

She caressed his cheek with a soft smile before kicking the door, sending it to fly away. She winced at the pain her ankle sent to her brain.

Enemies were all over the place. They were not particularly looking for them, but they were actively searching through every house to find survivors, so their hideout wouldn't have lasted anyway.

His sword slashed foe after foe. Sometimes, swords slashed him as well. Kondo-san, Hijikata-san... Everyone... Are you even still alive? What am I fighting for anyway? But a glance at the young woman next to him was enough of an answer. There was no way he could die before her.

Her umbrella shot bullet after bullet. Some killed, some wounded, some missed. Some were not hers and landed in her body. Gin-san, Shinpachi... Everyone... I hope you're alright. I don't know how long I can hold. But she only had to look at the young men slashing every obstacle to get her answer. There was no way she would die before him.

But no matter how ferocious they were, they still were wounded, tired, and outnumbered. Soon enough, they got surrounded by a mass of people with guns pointed at them.

Usually, when you are surrounded and you are at least to people, it is best to be back to back with your allies to get a better defense. But against guns, and here we are talking at least fifty of them, no matter how good the defense strategy, there's no real point. Kagura and Okita knew it, so instead of being back to back, they were face to face, looking into each other's eyes instead of the death sight all around them.

As they heard the triggers click, Kagura chuckled.

"Aren't you going to kiss me goodbye, Sadist?"

And as their lips were sealed for the last time, bullets started piercing their bodies. But over the sound of all those firearms shooting at them, they heard two voices calling their names, again and again.

Their bodies collapsed on the ground, rag dolls in the dirt, and they closed their eyes with a final thought. At least Gin and Hijikata made it.

The fun thing about the Yatos is that now matter how violent their specie is – killing with no difference any race including their own kin – there is no organism in the whole universe clinging to life more than a Yato's.

So even though her body had more holes than a sieve, even though she had lost way too much blood to even be supposedly alive (that would be if she was human, though), Kagura's organism was working hard to heal her wounds, and she soon opened her eyes.

Everything was pretty blurry at first, but she started to recognize that silver and red figure by her side. Silver for the messy perm hair. Red for the blood he had all over him. His blood? Her blood? His enemies' blood?

He was holding her hand and had the most desperate face she'd even seen on him. Had she been able to fully move, she would probably have hugged him.

And then, realisation. She was alive. Alive. As Gin tried to talk to her – blabbers of a scared man – she turned her head to the other side. There he was. Lying on the ground, his face so close to her, yet so white, his body still warm yet limp, lifeless. Hijikata was kneeling next to him, mirroring Gin's pose, holding his hand in both of his. The other hand of Okita was still locked in Kagura's.

Panic invaded her body. Her brain. Her lungs. She turned her head at Gin, terrified.

"No! No, no, no... I can't be alive! I should be dead!"

Gin, shocked, tried to give her an appropriate answer.

"Kagura... I think it's thanks to your Yato body. You're healing. You'll be alright. It's over."

"No!" She interrupted, frantic. "You don't get it! I shouldn't be alive! I was suppose to die here, with him. We died together! I can't live, Gin-chan. I can't. Please, end me here. I can't be alive. This is not where I belong anymore."

"Wha- Calm down, Kagura. Please. I know you must be really scared, but please calm down. We need to take you to a hospital, where you can get-"

"YOU ARE NOT TAKING ME ANYWHERE! If you can't finish me at least leave me here. I'll die eventually. I am not leaving him. Not here, not alone. I can't."

"I must agree with the Boss, though. Would be troublesome if you died here." A voice snickers by her side. Slowly, really slowly, she turned her head to see two crimson eyes looking at her, fighting to stay open. His breath was harsh and slow, but he managed a grin and squeezed her hand.

"Are you for real... You are healing because you are a Yato, but I must admit we've got a real monster here... How can you even be alive?"

Okita smiled at Gin before looking at Hijikata, whose face was even whiter than the two wounded.

"So you survived. Too bad." Hijikata did not answer. Kagura felt some arms picking her off the ground and noticed Hijikata picked up Okita as well.

"Princess style. Fits him."

"Fits you both, Ô Kabuki-chô Queen. We're getting you to the hospital. It's over now. You guys will be fine."

She smiled and rested her head against Gin's chest, closing her eyes peacefully. She knew he was lying. Things could not go fine. But she didn't care. All she wanted to do was getting some rest.

In front of the operation room, two men were nervously waiting. One was tapping his foot on the ground, following a really quick beat, and fidgeting his fingers. The other one was lighting a lighter on and on and on again. They had been waiting here for an hour. They were covered in a mix of their own blood, of their friends', of their opponents, but they paid no attention to that.

"Sakata-san, Hijikata-san?"

They got up in perfect sync, looking at the doctor who just came out of the room.

"How are they?"

"Well... They were deeply wounded to begin with. I honestly don't even know how they were still alive when you brought them. Bullets damaged a lot of organs, some vitals, and... I'm sorry. We did all we could, but none of them made it."

"You don't mean they are... They are..." Hijikata's trembling voice matched Gin's shaking fists.

"All my apologies. They are dead."

In the dark room of the inn, a little after the little hand of the clock reached the 4, Ginpachi woke up with a start, his cheeks wet with tears. The first sound he made while sitting up was somewhere between a scream and a plea. It wasn't random sounds, actually. It was a name.


... The End?

Actually not! Huehuehuehuehuehue

Okay the last sentence might have given it away. It's a 2 chappies story, so stay tuned for the next one! (probably next week ;) )

See ya then!