A/N: So, here we are. The end of this story. This was an extremely emotional chapter to write, but I've had this ending planned since I finished chapter 2. I'm absolutely in love with Lucy and Wyatt and have loved writing every word of this story. (And yes, I will definitely write more stories about them!)

A couple of notes. There are some time jumps in this chapter. It's a bit like the movie Inception, for there's a flashback within a flashback. Every jump is labeled, so I hope it's clear, but if not, please let me know.

Also, the story Lucy tells about Michael Lee and Mary Nihil is 100% true. Google them.

I cannot begin to thank all of you enough for your kind words, reviews, messages, etc. If it wasn't for you, this would've been a two-chapter story at most. As it turns out, this is one of my favorite stories I've ever written. (And I've written a lot.)

So, thank you. I hope you enjoy this final chapter. XOXO

2027 - 10 years later

She smoothed her dress and checked her lipstick and hair in the passenger visor's mirror. She could feel his eyes on her and smirked.

"Eyes on the road, sweetheart."

It was rare they had a night out just to themselves. They'd had dinner at one of her favorite restaurants in San Francisco. They walked along the pier, sat on their favorite bench and watched the waves break against the rocks. They relished this time together. No worries. No chaos. No time travel.

He smiled wide and reached for her hand.

"I didn't mess it up too bad, did I? And hey, is mine okay?"

He motioned to his hair and turned his attention back to the road. She looked over at him and reached across to smooth a few hairs down on the back of his head.

"That's better. Wow. We made a mess of ourselves tonight, didn't we?"

"You know, we have plenty of time before we need to get back. I can always pull over somewhere else if you want to try to not make a mess…"

He winked. She laughed. Oh, how that thought was incredibly tempting. She'd love nothing more than to spend another half hour making out with her husband on a back road in the dark. Visions of fogged windows, roaming hands, and clothes flying; kisses and moans and never wanting to let go.

But they had to get back. They allowed themselves this time once a month, a small break for just the two of them, if even for a few hours. It was much needed and those in their life understood it.

He turned onto the quiet tree-lined street and stopped in front of the craftsman style house. He cut the engine, rested his head against the back of the seat and looked at her. She smiled and leaned over, placing her hand on his cheek. He instantly closed his eyes. (And her heart swelled.)

"Back to life."

"Do we have to?"

She glanced out the window to the house.

"Light's still on. Think they're all still up?"

He sighed and placed his hand over hers on his cheek. He kissed the palm of her hand.

"Let's go find out."

They got out of the car. Lucy walked around to the driver's side and Wyatt took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers. She leaned into him and smiled wide as they walked up the sidewalk to the front porch. That's when they first heard it.

Voices rang out from inside. Lucy looked up at Wyatt and raised her eyebrows.

"Uh oh. Which adventure is it tonight?"

He stopped at the door and turned his head to better listen to the conversation on the other side.

"I think…it's a toss up. Between Bond and when we got engaged." He paused and leaned in closer. "No, wait. I think Bond won." He grinned. That was always his favorite.

Lucy shook her head, smiled and crossed her arms.

"Bond was pretty great." Wyatt groaned. "But – I like the proposal story better."

2018 - 9 Years Ago

"Excuse me, ma'am, is this seat taken?"

She knew that "ma'am" anywhere. It was the only one she liked to hear.

"Is that a chocolate crepe in your hand? Or are you just happy to see me?"

He smiled.


She scooted over on the bench, giving him his usual spot to sit. This had become their routine every weekend. They didn't just need a routine; they craved it. It'd been almost two years without one. She'd told him about this place not long after her mother revealed her true colors, her true identity. That was also around the same time Noah revealed himself to be just as deceiving.

They ate their crepes in their usual comfortable silence. He draped his arm around her back. They'd been living together almost a year. A year since so much changed their lives.

2017 – 10 years ago

Wyatt had invited Rufus and Jiya over the day after Lucy officially moved out of her mother's house. He didn't tell them why, but just said they needed to come over to see something. When they arrived, Wyatt led them into the bedroom where Lucy was waiting, the two top drawers of Wyatt's (no, their) dresser open. This time, however, the drawers weren't empty. Several of Lucy's shirts and socks were neatly folded and on display.

Rufus looked skeptically from Wyatt to Lucy.

"Um, what's…going on? Why are Lucy's clothes in your drawers?"

Jiya gasped and ran to Lucy, throwing her arms around her.

"I knew it! Oh gosh, I'm so happy for you guys!"

Lucy smiled and hugged Jiya tightly.

Wyatt grinned but dropped it a bit when he saw Rufus's face.

"Rufus?" Wyatt took a small step closer to him. "Are you…okay? With this, I mean?"

Rufus's expression turned from shock to sudden elation.

"Okay? Guys, do you know what this means?" Lucy and Wyatt shared a concerned look. "We're totally just like Star Wars! You're Han and Leia, which makes me Luke! I'm freakin' Luke Skywalker! This is awesome!"

Jiya smiled, but closed her eyes and shook her head. Lucy laughed and conceded his point. Wyatt and Rufus high-fived.

The four were inseparable from that point on.

Back to 2018 –

The wind blew her hair as they sat on the pier. She shivered slightly and he pulled her closer to him. It was always natural the way her head rested on his shoulder. She wiped the powdered sugar from the crepe off the corners of her mouth, licking it off her thumb and savoring the sweet flavor.

He nudged her.

"Tell me the story again."

She smiled. She'd told him lots of stories here on this bench over the last year. The stories her mother told her and Amy back so many years, and lifetimes, ago. Tales of the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the 1906 earthquake and subsequent fire, and so many more.

"Which one?"

"You know the one. After the earthquake."

"Michael and Mary?"

"That's the one." He leaned down, pulled her hair away from her ear, and whispered. "Tell me."

She knew he always liked something about that story. Part of her was certain it brought up memories of Jessica somehow. But he'd often ask to hear it and that day seemed no different. He'd heard it so much, she was sure he could tell her the story now.

She cleared her throat and snuggled a little closer to him.

"Michael Lee came to San Francisco from Ireland about 1898. Mary Nihil, also from Ireland, came over a year later in 1899. They met here in San Francisco, two Irish newcomers trying to make new lives in a new country. He got a job, ironically, for the U.S. Customs department. They had gotten engaged and were to be married on Wednesday, April 18th, 1906. But, at 5:12AM on the morning of April 18th, a catastrophic earthquake rocked the city. It was the worst natural disaster in California history. Over 3,000 people were killed from the earthquake or the fires that ravaged the city for days afterward. But Michael and Mary, being so in love and without any family, decided to get married that morning anyway. So, after the initial earthquake early that morning, they rushed to the Star of the Sea church and were married. A newspaper interviewed them later and Mary said, 'We just felt we could face the future better if we were together.' So, they married in spite of the disaster and were together for over fifty years."

Wyatt pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

"We should all be so lucky." There was a long pause and she took his hand and squeezed it. "I'm tired of saying goodbye to you, Luce." She froze and glanced up at him. "Every time we go on a mission, something could happen. Every time we're not together. Every time one of us is threatened. I just –" He moved his arm from around her shoulder, causing her to sit up straight. "I'm tired of saying goodbye."

She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled softly.

"So, don't."

He reached in his pocket and pulled out the ring, twirling it nervously between his thumb and index finger. Lucy gasped. Tears stung her eyes.

She knew it was coming. She hoped it anyway. Her life, in any timeline, any universe, any reality, simply didn't make sense without Wyatt. She knew that now. She'd always know that.

He scooted off the bench and lowered to one knee.

"Lucy, I never expected you. We were thrown together in unimaginable ways that absolutely no one else could ever understand. And a lesser person would've thrown in the towel after that first mission. But you, Lucy, you're tenacious and irritable and stubborn and, let's face it, a bit of a klutz." She smacked him lightly on his arm, but laughed, causing him to smile wide. "But you're also kind, intelligent, loving, beautiful. And you have such a good heart. I love your heart. I know I don't deserve you, but I just need you to know-" He paused to swallow and fight the tears now threatening his eyes. Lucy didn't try to stop hers. "You're- You have saved my life a hundred times over. And I don't know what the future holds, but I do know we lead crazy lives. And I can't think of anyone else I want by my side." He smiled that lovely half-smile. "I know we can face the future better if we're together."

She smiled, let the tears continue to fall, and dropped off the bench to kneel next to him on the ground. Her voice was a whisper as she took his face in her hands.

"I will always fight for you. I will always need you. I will always be by your side." Her thumb wiped one of his tears. She whispered only for him. "I love you, Wyatt Logan."

He smiled, unsure but hopeful.

"So, that's a yes?"

She smiled wide and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"That's a yes."

He cupped her face and enthusiastically kissed her. He pulled away but leaned his forehead against hers. His voice was soft, reverent, sincere.

"I love you, Lucy Preston."

They both stood and he pulled her into another long, tender, slow kiss. The wind blew her hair and he immediately pulled her closer, not giving her a chance to shiver.

They were married three days later in the company of close friends, their best man Rufus and matron of honor Jiya. Her grandfather Ethan gave her away.

Lucy and Wyatt hadn't left each other's side since that day.

Back to Present – 2027

Lucy stepped over to the window next to the door and peeped inside. She motioned for Wyatt to come closer to her. She lowered her voice.

"You can hear better over here. Can see them, too."

They both peeped through the window at the scene in their living room.

On the floor in front of the fireplace, sat Rufus and Jiya, both using grand gestures and facial expressions as they spoke to the small children before them. They all sat amidst pillows and blankets, listening intently to Rufus and Jiya, as the firelight danced against the walls.

"Rufus really gets into it, huh?"

Lucy smiled.

"Jiya, too."

Wyatt leaned against the window frame and watched Lucy. She knew he was watching her, but she just couldn't take her eyes off their kids.

Amy, Lucy and Wyatt's oldest at nine, sat in between her brother and sister. Amy looked like her namesake. Ethan was almost six now and every bit a miniature Wyatt. Then, there was little Denise, the youngest at three. As much as Ethan was like Wyatt, so Denise was exactly like Lucy.

Jiya began to pick up the pillows when Amy shouted out.

"Wait, I want to hear the one about the Hindenburg!"

Jiya ruffled Amy's hair.

"You've heard that one like a million times! I bet you could tell it to us now!"

Ethan piped up.

"That one's lame, Amy. I wanna hear the one where dad got shot and Uncle Ruf had to pull out the bullet 'cause mom was too grossed out!"

Rufus made a face.

"Uh, yeah. That's okay, buddy. Maybe another time. And maybe someone else can tell it."

Amy interjected.

"Just one more story! Please? How about the one where mom and dad really fell in love?"

Ethan wrinkled his nose and stuck out his tongue.

"Ewwww, no! Come on, tell the one with James Bond!"

Denise took her thumb out of her mouth long enough to add her suggestion.

"I like the one where momma fell off the horse!"

Jiya rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Guys, it's close to bedtime and we promised to have everyone actually in a bed when your parents got home. Besides," she lowered her voice and glanced at her and Rufus's two smaller kids asleep on the couch, "our kids are already out."

Amy and Ethan both shared a resigned, "Awww."

Rufus cocked his head in confusion and looked at Jiya.

"Wait a minute. Do you know that story?"

"The one where she fell off the horse? Uh, yeah, we all know that story. That's one of Wyatt's favorites."

Rufus shook his head.

"No, no, no. Not that one. The one where they fell in love?"

Jiya nodded.

"Oh yeah, Bonnie and Clyde."

Outside, Wyatt and Lucy shared a quick glance and grin. He reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Rufus scrunched up his nose.

"That's not when they fell in love."

"Uh, yeah it is. That was their first kiss."

"A first kiss doesn't mean falling in love."

Jiya put her hands on her hips.

"No, but it can awaken feelings." Rufus rolled his eyes. "Okay, then, when do you think they fell in love?"

"Benedict Arnold."

Jiya's mouth fell open.

"What? No way. Lucy was definitely not in love with Wyatt then."

Wyatt looked at Lucy and raised his eyebrows. Lucy shrugged and gave him a smirk.

Rufus turned his full attention to Jiya.

"So, when do you really think they fell for each other?"

Jiya sat on the floor, unconsciously pulling a sleepy Denise into her arms.

"Probably…somewhere after Paris. She was definitely feeling something when you two went back to the 80s though. But fell in love? Both of them?"

Amy piped up.

"But, I thought mom and dad were together from the very beginning?"

Jiya shook her head.

"Not at first. Your dad – he- well, he was sad for a while when he and your mom first met."

Ethan spoke up.

"About losing Aunt Jessica?"

Jiya's heartbreak was written on her face.

Lucy's heart broke in a million pieces. She glanced up at Wyatt. He clenched his jaw and gave her a small smile. He'd long ago laid Jessica to rest, but the kids had seen pictures and wanted to know. So, they'd told them. And, from then on, they'd all accepted "Aunt Jessica" into their lives.

"Yes, Aunt Jessica. But after a while, he and your mom became really close and they eventually fell in love."

Rufus narrowed his eyes.

"Hmm…should we go to the source?"

Jiya nodded.

"I think this calls for it."

Rufus stood and walked to the nearby bookshelf. He reached for the small black leather bound journal and held it up to show everyone.

"Guess what, guys? It's story time!"

Ethan and Amy, and a very sleepy Denise, all shouted at once.

"Yay! James Bond! James Bond!"



Lucy took a deep breath. That journal had originally caused so much heartache in her life. In all of their lives. But she eventually found a way to change it.

Instead of writing down only the missions, she decided to focus on each of them. So, rather than creating a mission journal, it became more of an adventure book. Wyatt was the one who'd actually suggested it.

She felt Wyatt's arm wrap around her waist. He pulled her a little closer and whispered softly.

"I think it's time we go inside."

Rufus walked over to the fireplace and sat just as the front door opened and Lucy and Wyatt walked in. Lucy gave them both a small wave. The kids never took their eyes off the journal, except for Denise, who was fast asleep in Jiya's arms as she sat on the floor next to Rufus.

Lucy took off her cardigan as she spoke and smiled at the scene before them.

"Don't mind us."

She and Wyatt sat on the floor in front of the sofa, careful not to disturb any of the children.

Rufus nodded and looked back to Ethan and Amy.

"Okay, so what were we looking up?"

Wyatt smirked.

"I think you wanted to know when Lucy and I got together."

Rufus feigned shock and confusion.

"What? Oh- uh. No. Jiya wanted to know."

Jiya smacked him on his arm.

"You were the one who brought it up!"

"No way!" Rufus turned his attention to the kids. "Actually. It was Amy."

Amy shrugged.

"I did ask but, apparently, no one knows."

Jiya cocked her head.

"Well, I think some people know. But they probably want to keep it to themselves."

Lucy and Wyatt both grinned. She reached for his hand and held it in her lap, looking at him as she spoke.

"I think that's probably right."

Rufus cleared his throat.

"Okay, then. Another story?"

Wyatt chimed in.

"But a short one. These guys have got to get to bed."

Rufus's mouth fell open. He held up the journal and pointed to the front cover.

"Does this say 'Journal of Short Adventure Stories'? No, it does not. It says 'The Time Team – The Adventures of Rufus, Lucy and Wyatt.' I was there for most of these. There are no short stories in here."

Ethan turned around to Lucy and Wyatt.

"Please, momma! I wanna hear another story!"

Amy agreed with her brother, a rarity.

"Yeah, please? Just one more. Then we'll go to bed. Promise!"

Lucy and Wyatt shared a resigned look. Lucy called it this time.

"Fine. One story. But, remember, Rufus. G-rated, please."

"So, basically like C-3PO when he's telling Luke, Han, and Leia's story to the Ewoks. Got it."

Wyatt laughed and shook his head.

"Yes, exactly."

Rufus thought for a moment.

"So, which one? Which…one…? Oh! I know! Did you ever hear about the time your dad got jealous because James Bond was hitting on your mom?"

Wyatt rolled his eyes. Jiya grinned. Lucy blushed and hid her head in her hands.

Rufus spent the next half hour recalling tales of working with James Bond, Lucy's ability to fall off things, and Wyatt's toughness, which earned a huge "Yeah!" from Ethan.

By the end of story time, most everyone was sleepy. Lucy patted Wyatt's leg.

"Come on, let's get these kids to bed."

They both stood. Lucy walked to Jiya and took a sleeping Denise from her arms. Rufus then gave Jiya a hand, helping her off the floor. Wyatt ushered Ethan and Amy upstairs.

"Come on, you two. Bedtime. Brush teeth, pajamas on. Mom and I will be up in a few minutes."

Jiya and Rufus each picked up one of their kids off the couch. Mason and Josephine (Josie for short) were twins, a year younger than Denise. Jiya wasn't sure she could even have children and they did have a difficult time for a while. Another side effect of time travel. But when they found out it was twins, Rufus was over the moon. He went straight to Wyatt and Lucy's house and told them as soon as he and Jiya left the doctor's office, but then broke down crying in their living room. Happy tears, he'd confess. A relief.

Lucy and Wyatt's kids had already accepted Rufus and Jiya as honorary uncle and aunt. And Rufus and Jiya adored Lucy and Wyatt's kids. But…it wasn't the same. Jiya had told Lucy this on a few occasions, so they were all aware of how much it meant to them to have children. Jiya said it best, "Sometimes, you never know you want something until you're told you can't have it." Lucy assured her she knew that all too well.

Jiya picked up the kids' bag and walked to the door. Everyone spoke in hushed tones. Wyatt clapped Rufus on the back.

"See you later, Rufus. Thanks again for watching them."

Lucy adjusted Denise in her arms and stood next to Wyatt. She and Jiya leaned in and gave quick kisses on each other's cheeks.

"Yeah, thank you. Really, I hope you guys know how much we appreciate this."

Jiya smiled compassionately.

"Believe me. We know." Wyatt opened the door for them. "We're happy to do it anytime."

Wyatt nodded.

"Same here."

Lucy waved.

"Night, guys. Drive safe."

Wyatt closed the door and turned to Lucy.

"You take care of her and I'll get the other two. Meet you down here in our room in fifteen?"

Lucy lightly laughed.


She'd cleaned and changed Denise, all without managing to wake her. (Still a success, even with the third child.) She checked on Ethan and Amy, but both were already fast asleep. She walked back downstairs to their bedroom but stopped short when she met Wyatt in the hallway, just outside their room. He'd already changed into a white t-shirt and his favorite blue flannel pants. He leaned against the wall, arms crossed against that beautiful muscular chest. His gorgeous bare feet crossed, too.

"I thought I was meeting you in there?"

He smirked and shrugged.

"Changed my mind. Thought I'd meet you out here first."

She knew where this was going. This was how they had three kids.

She giggled as he picked her up and carried her across the threshold into their bedroom, laying her gently on the bed, kissing her tenderly, softly.

"Wait, I need to change."

He rolled his eyes, smiled, and winked.

"No need."

No need, indeed.

The kisses didn't stop that night. Their clothes were scattered all over. (It'd be two days before they found her bra.)

But as she woke early the next morning, the sunlight in their bedroom filtering through the windows, their legs and arms tangled in a mess of sheets, she knew.

Really, she'd always known.

She'd fallen in love with him all over again.

He was awake when she turned her head to look at him. She instantly snuggled closer, deeper in his embrace. Their faces were inches apart.

He still smelled like heaven.

"Morning, babydoll."

She smiled wide. His voice still gave her chills and curled her toes.

"Morning, sweetheart."

He kissed her, softly at first, but his hand on her back pulled her closer. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers.

"I love you."

It had become their tradition. They said it every morning as soon as they woke and every night before falling asleep.

Just in case.

But, no matter how often they said it, the pang in her heart and flutter in her stomach never went away.

She pulled her bare leg up and around his (also) bare legs, hitching him closer to her.

"I love you."

They laid there in the warm sunlight, a tangled mess of arms, legs, sheets. They held each other so tightly, neither wanting to be the first to let go.

However, a scream from upstairs, followed by a very loud "Mom!" brought them both back to reality. They looked at each other and shared a resigned sigh.

"And it starts."

"Back to life."

He closed his eyes and gave her that adorable half-smile that she would forever find adorable.

"Sometimes, I think time travel was easier."

She laughed.

"But I wouldn't trade this for anything."

He kissed her once more.

"Me either."

And as they slowly rolled away from each other, both prepared to get up and take care of their ever-growing family, she realized something.

All of her life, she'd been searching for something. Approval, acceptance, knowledge. Home, love, family. In fact, she'd been searching for so long that when she finally found what she was looking for, it took longer than it should have for her to recognize it.

In Wyatt Logan she not only found a wonderful husband and father, but a home, a family, and unwavering love. She found her best friend, lover, soulmate.

He'd already told her, on more than one occasion, that she was all of those things and more to him, too.

For when they finally decided to face the future together, they realized they could do anything.