Feliciano smiled as he leaned against Lovino and tried to show him how to make the marshmallows absolutely yummy and flawlessly perfect.

Lovino rolled his eyes as he watched his brother set the marshmallow on fire before slowly turning it in the air before quickly blowing out the flame, leaving the blackest of marshmallows.

"They are gooier and yummier when they are burnt!" Feliciano cheered, ignoring how Japan easily only browned his and how Germany only let his get warm before assembling smores with a small piece of chocolate and some graham crackers.

"Why burn them?" Lovino grumbled as he slowly leaned his S'more stick towards the fire though he felt Feliciano move in, nice and quick, and press the marshmallow on his stick against his lips. "It's hot." He grumbled though ate it.

"See?" Feli giggled, leaning close and watching his brother.

"It's good. Don't you think it's a little too gooey though?" He spoke up with a playful smirk as he pulled the stick away from the fire and blew the fire off of it quick enough to leave only a slightly blackened marshmallow that he chose to make a S'more with, carefully eyeing the order that Germany and Japan had easily followed.

"No." Feli pouted, watching his brother's pleased face as he ate the S'more and starting to smile despite himself.

Japan smiled a tiny smile at seeing his joy, "So you found another way to enjoy S'mores."

"I guess so." Lovino shrugged as he leaned against his brother and wondered if his joy was from being with them when he tried something new or from trying the sweet treat.

"Lovi." Feli cooed as he shifted over to find room for the other two that they'd fallen in love with to lay down.

Kiku sat just a little farther off while Ludwig stood waiting for space to lay down despite helping Lovino in earlier when he'd nearly dozed off from the late night.

Lovino grunted but did move over though he hoped his smile wasn't too obvious when Ludwig had to pull the Southern Italian closer from where they lay on the bed.

Kiku smiled slightly, and Lovino knew he was caught.

Feli squealed, "Kiku, come here."

The Japanese man found himself tugged into the mess of slightly tangled limbs on the bed as he pressed back against Feliciano, still somewhat timidly as the Northern Italian hummed quietly, just loud enough for Kiku to hear in front of him and for Lovi to hear from behind him.

They barely managed to lay down on the same bed though Feli was insistent from the beginning that they could as they slowly dozed off, tired from a late night and a bit of a sugar crash.