
The next night found Regulus and Remus back in their usual spot in the prefect common room. Regulus was sitting on the floor while Remus sat on a coach behind him reading a book and stroking his hair.

Regulus crawled forward and turned around to face Remus.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

"It's a muggle book," Remus said.

"But I'm bored," Regulus whined.

Remus snorted.


"Sorry," Remus said. "You just reminded me of Sirius for a minute."

"Hey! Take that back!"

Remus laughed and stroked Regulus's face fondly. After a moment his expression changed to thoughtful.

"What?" Regulus asked.

Remus bit his lip. "Nothing," he said.

"Just tell me," Regulus whined, knowing he was acting like a child.

"I've just noticed … people seem to be picking on you less lately."

Regulus's stomach dropped. He had hoped Remus hadn't realised how he was treated by the rest his house.

"It's nothing," he said.

"Regulus," Remus grabbed his hand and gently pulled him up into the seat next to him. "Tell me."

"It's just … Avery and Mulciber. The way they've been acting lately, it frightens me."

"They've been bullying you?"

"No, that I'm used to. They're being nice," Regulus said. "The way they look at me now, it's like they think I'm going to join the Death Eaters with them."


"I'm worried about what's going to happen when I go home for Christmas." Regulus admitted. "My parents probably expect the same thing from me."

"You could stay here," Remus suggested.

Regulus shook his head. "No, my parents would never allow that, not after Sirius…"

Remus laid a gentle hand on Regulus's arm. "Let's just try not to worry about it then. It might not be as bad you think." He gave Regulus a strained smile. Regulus smiled back, he appreciated Remus trying to make him feel better even if he could tell he didn't believe what he was saying.

"I still can't believe how kind you are," Regulus said leaning in and kissing Remus.

Regulus felt Remus smile against his lips before they jumped apart as the door suddenly burst open. Regulus's head snapped towards the door and his blood ran cold as he saw Sirius standing in the doorway with his wand drawn and mouth hanging open. A panicked looking Potter was standing behind him.

"Sirius…" Remus said.

"What the fuck Lupin!" Sirius yelled.

Regulus saw Remus flinch at the use of his last name.

"How did you know we were here?" Remus asked.

"How did I know? That's all you've got to say?"

"It's none of your business anyway," Regulus snapped.

"You shut up!" Sirius said.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Remus raised his voice for the first time.

Regulus's head snapped towards Remus. He couldn't believe Remus would defend him like that, to Sirius of all people.

Sirius's eyes narrowed. "You left this in the dorm," he said to Remus, throwing a piece of parchment on the ground.

"Oh," Remus at least seemed to know what the parchment was.

"I tried to stop him," Potter said, "but …"

"You knew!" Sirius spun towards Potter.


"Fuck you Prongs!" Sirius yelled. "Fuck all of you!" He stormed out of the room.

"Padfoot! Wait!" Potter hurried after Sirius.

Regulus avoided Remus's eyes, too scared of what he'd see. Would Remus want this to end now that Sirius knew?


Regulus jumped to his feet and not giving Remus a chance to end things, he hurried out the door.

Regulus sped around the quidditch pitch trying to take his mind off everything. It didn't work of course. The harder he tried, the more persistent his thoughts were. Was his relationship over? Would Sirius brake his silence with their parents to tell them? Would he announce it to the rest of the school and would someone else tell his parents? That seemed more likely.

He was flying for a while before he spotted his brother sitting in the stands watching. Might as well get it out of the way, Regulus thought flying towards his brother with a sigh. His heart was hammering but Regulus tried to keep his face calm as he landed next to his brother.

"You're good," Sirius said awkwardly. "No wonder James thinks Slytherin is a threat for the cup."

"What are you doing here?" Regulus asked. "Shouldn't you be apologising to Remus?" He saw Sirius screw his face up as he called Remus by his first name.

"I spoke to James," Sirius said. "He said I shouldn't talk to Moony while I was mad, said I'd say something I'd regret."

"I guess there's nothing you could say to me that you'd regret."

"Dammit! I'm trying Regulus!" Sirius sounded frustrated for the first time. He sighed heavily. "There's a lot I regret when it comes to you."

Regulus looked at Sirius in surprise.

"When I came here," Sirius said, "people expected me to be just like the rest of our family. It took me a long time to get them to change their minds. That's why I pushed you away when we were young, I didn't want people to associate me with our family."

"I'm starting to understand that," Regulus said thinking of Avery and Mulciber. They wouldn't have bothered with him, and they certainly wouldn't be encouraging him to join the Death Eaters, if his last name hadn't been Black.

Sirius looked like he was going to pat Regulus's arm for a moment before he pulled his hand back.

"Look, James said Moony really likes you, so if you like him too I won't stop you. But … Don't hurt him."

"I don't want to," Regulus admitted. "I really like him too."

"Good … that's good." Sirius looked uncomfortable again. "I should go. You're right I owe Moony an apology. Bye Regulus"

"Goodbye Sirius."


Remus was pacing the dorm room nervously. Him and James had fetched the map and had watched Sirius's dot as it followed Regulus's to the quidditch pitch. James had made himself scarce when Sirius had starting heading back their way.

Remus froze as the door opened. Sirius looked nervous.



They spoke at the same time.

Sirius rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. "I'm sorry," he said. "I think I overreacted a bit."

"A bit?"

Sirius frowned. "You were snogging my brother!"

Remus sighed. "I should have told you earlier."

"I get why you didn't."

"Are you still mad at me?" Remus asked.

"No," Sirius said. "Just be careful OK. You know what my family's like."

Remus was about to argue that Regulus wasn't like that, but then he remembered their conversation from earlier. It sounded like he was starting to be pressured towards the dark side and he was still determined not to let his family down.

"I don't know what will happen," Remus admitted. "But I do know your brother is a good person and I really like him. I guess I'll take things as they come."

Sirius nodded. "OK, but for the record Moony, I really don't want to know anything about your love life anymore."

"Are you sure Padfoot because Regulus …" Remus had a duck as a pillow was launched at his head.

"Oh my god Moony stop!"

Remus just laughed.



It was Christmas break and Remus had spotted Regulus alone on the train.

"Are you looking forward to the break?" he asked.

"I'm a little nervous about seeing my parents," Regulus admitted.

"You'll be OK," Remus said hoping he sounded sincere. "You can always write."

Regulus smiled warmly.

"Do you want to come and sit in our carriage?" Remus asked.

Regulus looked past Remus and frowned. Remus followed his eyes and saw Sirius sitting on the floor leaning against James's knees while James tried, unsuccessfully, to braid Sirius's hair.

"I think I'll pass," Regulus said.

Remus smiled.

"OK well I guess I'll see you after the holidays then."

"OK bye Remus."

"Bye Regulus."

The looked at each over for a moment. Remus was trying to decide if he could hug Regulus or not but before he could make up his mind Regulus was gone. Remus sighed as he returned to his carriage. He really hoped things didn't change after the holidays.