Dash stood up and looked over believing that Danny was dead, he then smiled but then it dropped when he heard Sam yell at him, "How could you?!"

"He was my friend!" She screamed and then started climbing down.

Dash looked at her and then Danny, his face then changed to a look of regret. Sam finished climbing down and kneeled beside Danny not caring if she was getting wet. He was alive but really weak. He opened his eyes and looked weakly at her, she saw the small amount of ectoplasm in the water and saw his wound was still bleeding. Dani, Demetri, Victor, Tina and Marge arrived at the scene and they all froze at the sight.

Dani ran over and watched as Sam ripped off her sleeve and cleaned Danny's wound. Dani then hugged him gently as she could and said with tears falling down her face, "Danny! Mi bedaŭras. Ĉi ... mia tuta kulpo"

He managed to sit up and wrap his arm around her and hugged her gently, he winced as he leaned against the wall but the wound was staring to heal. He then looked at Sam and said, "
Sam. Mi ne scias ĉu vi povas kompreni min, sed mi amas vin. (Sam. I don't know if you understand me but I love you)"

Sam was on the verge of tears as she said, "I can't. I'm sorry but I don't understand you"

Danny then let go of Dani and reached out his hand, Sam then grabbed it and then he pulled it towards his heart and then looked at her sadly. She finally understood and then started to cry as she said, "I love you too"

They both then hugged each other and then Dani joined in, Jeremy then arrived and saw the sight. They all then heard a mystical noise and looked to the sky to see the lights gathering around, a light then shone down on Danny, Sam and Dani.

"The spirits?" Danny asked.

Sam gasped and said, "Danny! I can understand you"

"I asked the spirits to turn you back into a human so you can be with Sam" Dani said.

"No Dani…" Danny shook his head. She then hugged him and said, "It's okay. I just want you to be happy again"

He hugged her back and then turned back to Sam and said, "Sam I can't"

Sam looked up at the spirits and then her eyes widened as she thought of something. She then smiled at him and said, "But I can"

Danny looked at her in shock knowing what she chooses will mean. Jeremy then said, "Am I the only one who understands what these ghosts are saying?"

Sam smiled and ran over giving Jeremy a hug. They pulled apart and Jeremy asked knowing what Sam was about to do, "Is this what you want? Will this make you happy?"

She looked into his eyes and nodded. He smiled proudly at her and said, "You are my daughter and I will love you no matter what you choose"

They both shared another hug and then Sam walked over to the light, Danny and Dani moved out of the way. Sam smiled at them and they returned the smile, with a deep breath she entered the circle of light and looked up at the sky, there was a bright flash of light and then all around them rainbows of colours and images of animal spirits danced in the sky. She watched in amazement as an image of a ghost appeared in the sky, she was then lifted into the air and they all watched in awe as she was floating in the image of the ghost and then there was a bright flash of light and Sam had been changed into a ghost.

They all smiled as she was gently placed down on the dry ground, her hair was still black and but now she was in a green sleeveless dress that was ripped a little at her knees. Danny then walked over and asked, "Sam are you okay?"

She groaned a little as she woke up her eyes now green instead of purple, she then noticed her outfit and admired herself. She then asked Danny, "So how do I look?"

Danny smiled and said, "Like a ghost"

He then decided to joke a little and lied, "Except they gave you pink hair"

"What?!" She shouted disgusted at the thought. She looked at her reflection in the water and then looked at Danny annoyed as he started laughing, "I'm just kidding!"

They all then started laughing at Danny's joke and Sam discovered that she had the ability to control plants which just amazed her even more and now they could all be together. The next day at sunset, the villagers played music. On one side was Jeremy and all the other villagers and on the other side of the aisle was all the ghosts including Skulker and Ember.

Life is simple and clear

When you make the right choices

It's true that you're here

When you find your own voice

Danny then smiled as Sam came walking down the aisle holding a bouquet of flowers she made with her new powers. Dani smiled as she stood beside Danny. Sam then stood on the other side of Danny and they both said their vows.

Oh, my brothers and sisters believe

You are just what you are meant to be

Oh, Great Spirit

Hear my voice, today

They both smiled lovingly at each other and then they both kissed each other passionately, everyone cheered for the newlyweds. Danny and Sam both then hugged each other and then Dani as she jumped in between them.

"I love happy endings" Demetri said.

"I love happy endings too" Victor agreed.

"And happy beginnings" Tina said as she and Marge hugged their boyfriends.

Sam then through the bouquet and who caught it? Ember! Jeremy then hugged his daughter as Valerie stood to the side and smiled at Sam.

Look all around you

Welcome, magic

Welcome sweet sun ray (sweet sun ray)

Love is no secret

Look all around you

Welcome to this day

Everyone watched as the lights danced in the sky and then the lights travelled back to Hokani Falls and changed the picture on the wall to make it look like Danny and Sam in their ghost forms.

Love is no secret

Look all around you

Welcome to this day