Ok, this is not an update, but it's also not an announcement that this story has been cancelled, because it's not. I've just been super busy, and I've had a lot of writer's block, and I don't even know where to go from where I left off. The truth is, I'm not in love with this story. Don't get me wrong, I really like it, I like the characters and the fact that they enter a bunch of Disney movies, but in reality, I just don't love it. I think the problem is there's too many OCs, usually I just have one main OC and some minor ones that aren't as involved, but I have an entire cast of blank pallets, and I have to tell all of their stories, and it's really a ton of pressure. That's why when I normally write, it's mainly about the canon characters because their stories have already been told, so I have something to work with. They can continue to develop, but they've already started, to develop, so I don't have to start from the beginning. Which is why I'm going to have to take a break, until I get a good idea. The thing is, I already planned out how some random future events of the story will play out, but they're very disjointed from where I left off, so I can't just skip to the parts that I already know what I want to write, and if I did that, the story would end up really short and rushed. So... yeah. I'll try to come back as soon as I figure out what I want to happen next, and now that I'm saying this I'll probably come up with the perfect way to continue the story twenty minutes from now, but I don't know. Anyway, I'll probably still write other stories on here, I think I was pushing myself too hard with this one to the point where it just wasn't enjoyable anymore. Maybe it's time I stopped pressuring myself to make commitments like this, because it really stresses me out. I mean, I guess someone has to do it when there aren't other people around to try and convince me to do great things, but I'm not the best at it since I'm never pleased with myself, and when other people tell me how great I am, the first thing I think of is how they must not have high expectations if they think I'm good at something. (Although I will admit I'm starting to find my own singing slightly less cringey. Slightly.) So, see you around, I guess.