***This is a Fem Harry and Draco Malfoy one-shot. I'll do more if you want! Set after the war, everyone is back for their 8th year, and fem harry was named after her mother as Lily. ***

"I'm not working with him." She said firmly to Professor Slughorn, who was twiddling the buttons on his waistcoat, and trying, unsuccessfully to get eighteen year old Lily Potter, the girl-who-lived to work in partners with Draco Malfoy.

"But Miss Potter, surely you two have gotten over childish rivals and come to terms as allies? Hasn't the war changed anything between you two?" He sighed in experassion. Lily Potter was getting more and more stubborn overtime he taught her. He remembered her mother, how kind hearted she was and who tried desperately hard to befriend some of the Slytherins in her time, even though she was a muggle born and always seen as a 'Mudblood' to them.

"Nothing has changed! He hasn't changed in the slightest! He's still as much as a slick haired greasy git as he was before!" She snarled and crossed her arms. There was no way she was working with him. Sure she had saved him a few times in the war, and yes she spoke in court for him and his family to keep them out of Azkaban but that wasn't because she liked him. She felt guilty after the war, guilty that Draco had to witness all of that in his own house, have people tortured, have Voldemort make Draco himself torture some. Draco was mean and a school bully but Lily never believed he was evil. No, just a mean, snotty little git.

"All of us have changed in some way or other! I certainly have. Draco my boy, your a polite gentlemen aren't you?" Slug horn pursed his lips fighting a smile.

"Of course sir." Draco replied, his eyes on the black haired, green eyed girl standing 5 feet away from him.

Lily laughed humourlessly and turned her head towards the platinum blonds direction. "Bullshit."

"Miss Potter! How can you have not gotten over all of this? Did you not speak for him in court? Did you not try to help him and his family have a better life?"

The whole class had gone silent. No one really knew what had happened in that court room. Sure, there had been rumours but no solid truth. Lily only ever confided important things with her fellow Gryffindors, so all the Ravenclaws and Slytherins in the room perked their ears, waiting for the answer.

"So it's true then?" A Ravenclaw girl with long auburn hair in a plait, blurted out.

"No it is not true." Lily said through clenched teeth. She didn't want anyone to find out about that. She had only told Hermione and Ron about that and even they had looked shocked at the news.

"Isn't it?" Draco's voice came out softly and a little hurt. His silvery grey eyes fixed on Lily, his jaw clenched, his strong forearms gripping each other tightly. Lily stared into his eyes for a moment, before remembering where she was, and she quickly looked away blushing. She took a deep breath before picking up her bag, and making for the aisle that led to the door.

"You know what? I'm leaving." She snapped. She opened the heavy iron door and stepped out into the dungeons, leaving a very confused and hurt Draco Malfoy.