Slight harry potter and the goblet of fire A.USpoilers for harry potter and the goblet of fire

A young harry was walking along an old stone path. It was still a week until he would start his fourth year at Hogwarts. Harry needed a break from the Dursleys, he didn't know where he was going but he could smell the fresh water of a lake.

As he walked down the open stone path towards the lake, he saw a young man walking back up the path, the man looed no more than ten years older than Harry the man had dark raven hair that was messy and resembled Harry's hair, his skin was light and his eyes were an light, ice blue, but were deep and heavy with grief and tiredness and they seemed to carry the weight of a thousand ages, he wore an old deep blue long-sleeved shirt with a red rim around the neck and sleeves, he had dart trousers and dark old leather boots, he had a leather bag, slung over one shoulder. His shape, hair and skin indicated that he was quite young but everything else about his seemed old and worn.

As they were about to cross paths a loud piercing pain enter Harry's head, he stepped back in pain, putting his hand to his thunder bolt scar. He looked up at the man who had his hand on the front of his head and also seemed to be in a great deal of pain. When the man noticed that Harry also felt the pain he looked at him with a raised eyebrow knowing that it couldn't be a coincidence. His eyes flashed up to Harry's thunderbolt shaped scare, he stared back at the boy, his eyebrows began to furrow together as he stared through Harry's round glasses. Harry stared back at the man, curious but was also positioning his arm, ready to grab his wand from under his hoodie. Once again, the man's eyes darted around Harry before settling on Harry's arm. The site made the man lean back, but not with fear, but with confidence as his suspicions were confirmed. He looked straight into Harry eyes, calm and relaxed he said "You're Harry Potter." His voice was slightly deep and clear, he had a soft light British accent with a hint of Irish at the end of some of his words. Harry was slightly surprised to hear this, this man must be part of the wizarding world, he replied with "You're a wizard." Harry sounded slightly sceptical but he knew he must have been right, Harry's name was only known in the wizarding world, in the muggle world he might as well not exist. The man looked back a Harry, with a glistening in his eyes he said "I prefer," A smirk played at the corner of his lips as he said the last word "Warlock" His eyes widened ever so slightly. Harry raised his eyebrows in shook as the man-now known as a warlock stuffed his free hand into his pocket as he passed harry, walking off the stone path onto the grass slightly to avoid any further pain for him or Harry. As the man continued to walk up the path Harry snapped out of his confusion and called out to the stranger "Wait!" Harry took a breath to calm himself from his outburst as the stranger turned his head over his slopping shoulder. Harry called out in a calmer voice, "Since you know my name isn't it only fair that I know yours" a smirk played at his lips again as he said smoothly "in time, perhaps." And with that he continued up the path leading into the patch of trees. Harry stood for a moment, puzzled by all the man had said.

Harry sat by the lake as the sun went down skimming stones and pondering what the man had said "Warlock" he said to himself "What does that even mean?" he looked up at the small island in the centre of the lake. He sat there until it was completely dark and too cold to bare.

Harry was even more desperate for the summer to end so he could find out what in Merlin's beard a warlock was.