Harrison Dreemurr- Potter

So I've decided to take up the "challenge fic" (more like whine for someone to write her a story) that ZombieTheSara (just kidding I actually know her she's cool as shit but because of RL issues has decided to stop writing on her AO3 account) posted because I enjoy both Undertale and HP and there aren't enough crossovers with them. So I said FACK IT I'll do this.

I'll put this out there now I am pretty bad at grammar and using the correct punctuations but I still wanted to do this for her. So here I go!

Chapter- 1

The clocks in the town of Little Whinging had struck midnight the moment a crack was heard and an oddly dressed elderly man appeared in the middle of the road. He was wearing what looked to be a bright green bathrobe, and held out a small object that sucked the lights from the surrounding street lamps.

He took a few steps before stopping beside a stone wall, where a cat was seated and watching him, he smiled.

"I knew you would be here, Professor Mcgonagall."

The cat jumped down from where it was sitting but before its paws touched the ground, it transformed into a woman dressed just as oddly as the man. If not less colorful.

"The rumors are true then, Albus?"

The man sighed solemnly.

"I am afraid so."

"And the boy?" the slightest hint of panic could be heard in her voice.

"Hagrid will be here shortly with young Harry."

"Do you think that wise, to let Hagrid transport Harry?" the panic in her voice growing.

"I trust Hagrid with my life."

A few moments later the hum of a motorcycle could be heard approaching.

"Ah, they're here."

Looking up towards the sky the two could see a light closing in on their location, and the hum getting louder. The motorcycle was close enough to see an extremely large man and a small bundle held to himself, as it landed the large man stepped off to show he was holding a small child to his chest.

"How was the trip Hagrid?"

"It was fine Professor Dumbledore, he fell asleep as we was flyin' over Bristol."

"You can not really be thinking of leaving him here with those muggles," Mcgonagall watched Albus take the boy from Hagrid.

"Minerva, they are the only family Harry has left."

"Albus, I have watched them all day. The man has quite the temper and drinks heavily, the woman grossly spoils their son and sneers at everything that she defines as "not normal" as she called that poor handicapped girl."

"Enough," he said placing Harry in the basket he conjured up, with a letter to the Dursley's detailing exactly how to raise the boy.

"I have made the decision and that's final."

Knowing they were unable to see his face he grinned looking down at the boy

"You will grow to play your part in my success"

He knew the type of muggles he was leaving Harry with, and they would follow his instructions exactly as he wrote them and mold the boy into the perfect submissive tool ready to sacrifice himself for his greater good.

"If they want that money they had better"

When the trio finally left, a man stepped out from the shadows of the house across the street. He walked up to number 4 picking up the still sleeping child holding him too his person.

"It's alright young master,"

He ran a finger over the scar on the boys forehead resembling a lightning bolt and pushed a small amount of his power into it destroying the dark being that had latched itself to the boy.

"I'll never let you suffer by their hand again. No matter If in this world or the next."

Without a sound they disappeared, and the morning whet on for the Dursley's without them knowing what had happened that night and there was once a child on their doorstep.

They reappeared on Mt. Ebott beside a large opening in the ground. The man jumped down into the opening, falling a long distance only for it to be softened by the bed of flowers at the bottom.

"Well young master, this is where we must part ways for now,"

He placed a kiss to the child's brow, placing protections on him as he did.

"but fear not for I will always be watching over you."

Then he was gone, leaving Harry once again alone.

It wasn't long after, that Harry awoke.

It was dark all around him besides the almost pillar of light where he lay trying to sit up. Not knowing what was going on he looked around but only seeing darkness he started to sniffle.

"Howdy!" a voice said startling the boy

"I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"

Harry stared at the yellow talking flower for a minute still sniffling but calming down.


The flower taken aback at being called "pwetty" looked for once in his life concerned.

"What is this feeling?"

"Hmmm… you're a little young to have fallen into a place like the underground, aren'tcha."

"Pwetty Flowey!" the boy clapped his hands when the flower got close enough to pet his head with a leaf.

"Golly, you must be so confused…"

Was said at almost a whisper.

"Why do I feel… Protective? I feel as if I need to keep this child safe no matter what."

"I'll be right back."

It didn't take long for the flower to return but with a companion that had the features of a goat in tow.

"Oh you poor thing!" a woman yelled running up the small child scooping him up into her warm embrace.

Harry noticing the resemblance between the furry woman and his toy stuffed animal called out,

"Baa! Baa!" grabbing one of her ears softly making the woman giggle.

"Hello sweet child."

Looking over to the flower that had brought her here, she smiled.

"Thank you Flowey."

Causing the flower to look uncomfortable.

"Pwetty Flowey!"

The flower still looking uncomfortable from the gratitude however smiled at the boy.

While Harry was moving around, a letter had fallen out of his blanket landing on the ground in front of the flower.

"Hey! What's that?"

Flowey grabbed the letter looking at it for just a moment before handing it to the woman.

"It's addressed to you."

Curiously she looked at the envelope, it was in fact addressed to her, her exact location on the front.

Toriel Dreemurr

Ruins, Underground

Mt. Ebott

"How is that possible?"

Flipping over the envelope she noticed it was sealed with wax, the stamp used depicted a triangle with a circle and a line in it.

Toriel opened the letter breaking the seal, and decided to read it aloud as not to be rude.

"Ms. Dreemurr,

The child you are holding in your arms at this very moment is named Harrison James Potter.

He was left on the doorstep of his relatives house, and had I not stepped in taking him, he would have grown up being subjected to neglect and abuse.

I know this as fact as I have seen it happen.

You must be curious as to who I am, and how I know the end result of Harrison's life.

My true name however is for my master and he alone but for the sake of this letter and his safety, you may know me as Death.

Young Harrison even though just a child is my master, he always has been, and always will be.

I would like for you to raise him as your own, and teach him of your history, of the many different monsters in the underground, and anything else you are able too.

Flowey, would you be willing to teach Harrison the ways of the underground. Though not everyone needs to kill or be killed, sometimes what one needs most is a friend.

I am giving you your soul back as payment for bringing Toriel to my masters aid, I hope that with it you can find your way out of the darkness you have been shrouded in since your creation.

I must address something important with the both you now before I leave my master in your care.

Harrison is what is known on the surface as a Wizard, and as he gets older he will experience what is called accidental magic.

When he starts to consciously manipulate his powers I will train him but until then I'll be keeping an eye out from the shadows.

Please keep my master safe and above all else never lie to him.


Toriel getting over her shock looked down to the silent flower feeling what she hadn't felt from him before.

He was holding a leaf to where his chest would be, and he felt it, the pulse of his soul. It was back, he could feel his emotions again almost overwhelmingly so, and without realizing it tears had begun to trail down his face.

"Flowey, would you like to come and live with Harrison and I?"

Not expecting the question and because he was still lost in his emotions Flowey jumped. He looked from Toriel to the once again sleeping child, he smiled genuinely.

"Yeah. That would be nice."

No one realized how much of a change the boy would cause until he grew into a young man, and by that point it was to late but no one would mind the change, instead embracing it and with it hope.

Annnnnnddddd done! Let me know what you think with a review. Every follow equals a pet for my cat and she is obnoxious and loves the pets…. my cat is lesser dog!