J'onn and Kara had left a while ago, Mackenzie had just gotten the last of the food unpacked and put away. Jeremy had gone out to get some of the firewood from the pile they had put together last summer.

Mackenzie had been a bit surprised that Jeremy had wanted to spend time together before she left for college. She wasn't sure if she would have to convince him to go to the carnival with her for a day. She's glad he suggested this though. Just the 2 of them at the cabin. Although she knew Maggie was going to call their grandfather and have him check-up on them tomorrow. Nothing wrong with that either. It would be nice to see Papa before going to Tennessee.

"You want to go to the creek for a bit Jer, before it gets real late?" Mackenzie asked her brother as he set the last load of logs next to the fireplace.

Jeremy wiped the sweat off his brow and looked at his sister, "You don't have to ask me twice."

They grabbed any supplies they would need and made their way to the creek. They walked along in silence most of the way. Mackenzie thinking about her upcoming departure from National City. Jeremy about his sisters' departure and being alone with his moms.

"Kinz, what are you most excited about with college?"

She had to think about that one. She really wasn't sure. "Honestly I don't know. I mean, getting out of the house and living on my own is kinda cool but I guess getting to learn some things too."

"But you already know a lot about a lot of things. You mean there is still more for you to learn?"

Mackenzie laughed, "Yeah, there is even things mom could learn. That's partially why I haven't declared a major yet. I already know so much about so many things. This is a potential career we're talking about. I don't want to go making any decisions that could affect my future. I love bio-engineering just as much as mom but do I want to do that for the rest of my life. I don't know. So, I'm going to take the first year to just figure things out."

"Do you think your smarter than mom?"

"I have a photographic memory. I don't think that makes me smart. Mom is really good at problem solving. That is something that is a bit difficult for me. Now that I think about it mama is a better problem solver than mom is. She takes the emotion out of it. Rationalizes things. That's my problem my emotional side and rational side do battle with each other and I end up not making the best choice."

Jeremy thought about that and he supposed she was right. He couldn't image doing what she was doing in a few days. Going off to a new city and basically a new life. "I don't know how your gonna be able to do it. Leave us all behind. I don't' think I'll be able to when the time comes."

"Well you've still got a few years to think about that. I don't know how I'm going to do. I know I'm going to miss you guys like crazy but this is something that I have to do. I'm equal parts nervous and excited. I think our moms are going to miss me more than I'm going to miss them. But they still have you. You gotta take care of them Jeremy."

"I will. It won't be so bad. I don't know if mama told you but Aunt Steph and Aunt Lizzy are coming for a visit a few weeks after you leave. She said Hudson should be good to travel by then. She'll never say it but she wishes they lived in National City. But the new baby should be a good distraction for them. You know how Mama has been wanting to get her hands on her new nephew. Xavier and I can keep each other company so I think we'll be fine."

They walked the resto of the way in silence. Mackenzie was thinking about the latest edition to the Sawyer side of the family. Hudson was almost 2 months old. For the longest time, they had all thought Steph wasn't ever going to settle down and have a family. Then she met Lizzy. A musician that stole her heart. Steph had taken a break from the DEO to tour with Lizzy before they settled down in Nashville.

That was one good thing about choosing to go to Tennessee. She would at least be close to family. Wouldn't be the same as her mother's and brother but still it was nice to know family was close. "Do you remember when mama tried to teach you how to swim?"

Jeremy recalled the memory with a smile and a chuckle. "Yeah then you had to come in and help. I was too afraid of her letting me go and drowning. Looking back, I know she wouldn't let me drown I was just afraid. But I guess back then I trusted you more than her. Now I don't know might trust her more than you." Jeremy said with a mischievous grin.

Mackenzie laughed. A nice deep laugh. She hadn't laughed like that in a long time. "We both know that you trust mama more than you trust me or mom. You remember when you and mama tried to play a prank on mom?"

"Oh man I forgot about that. Oh, that was epic and it was all her idea. She did instigate the whole thing. How long did mom stay mad at her?"

Mackenzie thought for a minute, "At least a few hours. But mom never could stay mad at her for long and vice versa. Have you ever noticed how our moms are different from all our friend's parents?"

"Yeah they don't act anything like our friend's parents that's for sure. Have you ever gotten the full story on how they met? I mean I know mama made mom realize that she was gay but we've never heard the full story."

"No but I'm hoping to get it out of mom before I go off to school. Although grandma told me that mama did so much for the Danvers family especially her and mom. Apparently, mom was a completely different person before she met mama. Of course, she didn't go into any details about it either. But we did get lucky with pretty great moms."

"I can't imagine her being anything but who she is. Aunt Kara did tell me that she almost got kicked out of school for falling behind. She wouldn't tell my why at first but I eventually got it out of her."

Mackenzie chuckled, "Let me guess pot stickers were involved."

"Of course. Apparently, mom started partying and it got bad enough that J'onn came and got her and had her join the DEO. That's all she would say on it but I never would have pictured her as a partier." If her were being completely honest he couldn't picture his mom being anything but the smart as a whip, tough as nails woman she was.

"Sounds like I have a lot of stories to get out of mom before I leave."

They both sat back to enjoy what was left of the afternoon sun. Jeremy knew he was lucky to have the family that he did. He couldn't help but think of Mackenzie's ex and the struggle he and his siblings went through during their parents' divorce. He even counted himself lucky with the extended family that his mothers created. He couldn't wait for the exciting adventure Mackenzie had ahead of her but was unsure of what it meant for him. He still wasn't sure how he felt about becoming an only child. At least in the sense that he would be the only child in the house.

Either way he loved his mothers and would make sure they didn't have to miss Mackenzie too much. But that didn't mean he would stop his pranks. He could think of a few he could do by himself and a few he would need mama's help with.

"Hey Kinz, how made do you think mom would be if I played a trick on her that would involve some of the equipment and gadgets she has in that hidden room she thinks we know nothing about?"

A small smile played across her lips. She could only imagine what he had in mind and it would no doubt get him in trouble. "I'm not going to tell you that it is a good idea but you better make sure you don't touch anything that you aren't entirely sure how to use or how it operates. If you need to get mama to help."