"Gracie, come on. Get up."
Danny came up the stairs as it appears that eight year old Grace was still laying in bed. The detective and father to a sweet little girl entered his daughter's room in his apartment. It was just them now since Rachel, Step- Stan and the baby moved back to the mainland.
Since Danny got custody of Grace, they stayed in Hawaii since that was home now.
They had 'ohana here.
Steve McGarrett, the hardcore Navy SEAL who always pulled these crazy stunts.
Chin Ho Kelly, a native Hawaiian and husband of Malia and Kono's cousin, and who had Steve's father as a training officer.
Kono Kalakaua, once a professional surfer and Chin Ho's cousin.
They were all members of Hawaii Five- 0 Task Force implemented by governor Jameson. Although she's dead now, killed by Wo Fat.
And then there is Catherine, Steve's friend from the Navy as well as Kamekona, a native Hawaiian and the owner of the shrimp truck.
And of course there is Grace, his sweet little daughter, she's his everything. And Danny, the cop from New Jersey that came to this pine apple- infested island to get to see his daughter regularly when his ex- wife Rachel and Stan moved his daughter to Hawaii. But in the end it all worked out. He got a close- knit family here in Hawaii. That was something he didn't have in Jersey.
When he entered the room, he instantly saw the small frame of his daughter below the blankets covering her. Slowly, Danny lifted the blanket and put his hand on her arm in an attempt to get her to get up.
"Nooo, Danno. Don't wanna get up."
Grace protested loudly and persistently as she held onto the blanket with strong force.
"School starts soon, monkey. We don't want you to be late." Danny reminded her. Grace turned away from him. She doesn't want to get up. "But I wanna stay home." Grace mumbled, feeling her heart race in her chest. Her eyes were still closed.
"Is there a reason?" Danny asked softly.
"Do you feel sick?" He added, now concerned. Grace pondered the question for a moment.
"I'm okay, Danno." Grace replied, sitting up and taking a glance at the clock.
Danny sighed as he stroked his daughter's hair, then he said: "If that's the case, little Miss Grace, then it's time to go and get up. Because I can't keep you home if you are not sick, monkey. You know that." Grace pouted. "Hey, Grace, it's monday, so school. Whether you like it or not." He tried to convince his daughter to get up and get ready for school. "At school, you can play with Lucy and your other friends. You always liked school, remember? Think about all the nice things you will learn at school."
Grace sighed. "It's just that we have maths."
"What's the problem with mathmatics, Grace?" Danny asked concerned. "I don't like it. The teacher is not that great and I don't really understand it." Danny looked at his daughter who avoided looking at his face. Danny put his finger on Grace's chin and made her look at him. "Grace, that's something we can solve. Like with a tutor or something. But we'll talk more about that this evening, okay, monkey?"
Grace nodded sleepily before yawning.
"You tired?" Danny asked.
"Yeah, kinda."
"But you went to bed around eight. You shouldn't be this tired if you slept through the night."
Grace shrugged at what Danny said. "Anyways, Grace, remember you are smart girl and we will solve the maths problems." Danny promised his daughter.
"Fine, I'll just get up." His daughter stood up to leave for the bathroom.
"I will see you downstairs for breakfast."
With that, Danny left to go downstairs. Before Grace reappeared, his mobile phone started to ring. It was McGarrett, probably he was calling because they caught a case and to tell him to 'get his ass to work', Danny sighed. He thought he could enjoy a breakfast with his daughter before having to drop her off at school.
"Yes, Detective Williams speaking." He answered his cell.
Steve laughed and said: "I obviously know who you are, Danny." Danny cleared his throat and replied: "Okay, fine. Why are you calling anyways?" "Always getting right to the point, aren't you, Danno?"
"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?"
"Do you really wanna do this over the phone?" Stephen McGarrett asked with a laugh.
"Yes, of course I do, Super SEAL. No, I don't. So, Stephen, why are you calling?" He waited for his partner's reply. "We got a case. We need you to come down to Diamond Head Trail."
"I will be there, as soon as I drop Gracie off at school."
"Danny, school starts in about twenty minutes, you know that right?" "I know that we are late, I don't need the reminder. But thanks anyway." "Okay then, bye. See you at the scene." Steve replied.
"Okay then, partner." Danny replied quickly, and before Steve could add anything, Danny ended the call.
He looked at the clock, realizing that his partner was indeed right.
How did he know about Grace's schedule?
Danny shook his head in confusion.
Then he noticed that it has been awhile since he got Grace to get up and she still was not downstairs which was weird for her. Normally, she'd be down like way earlier since it normally doesn't take her as long as it takes her now to get ready.
"Grace, are you okay?" He called out to his daughter.
He could not pinpoint it, but something was definitely wrong. Daniel Williams had a feeling. And if Daniel Williams had a feeling, it usually wasn't meaning anything even remotely good. So he was worried. But he told himself that it was nothing, that there was nothing to worry about and that Gracie was okay.
Grace Williams was in the bathroom, getting herself ready for school. Her heart was still racing wildly in her chest, making it a little bit harder to breathe. It was something Grace had never really experienced before, at least not that strong. But it had happened before. The first time it happened was a couple months ago, then it stopped and since two weeks this feeling was recurring like once or twice a day. But it had never been as bad as now. Out of a sudden, she felt dizziness creeping up in her, making it difficult for her to think. She grabbed onto the nearest thing she could find and waited for that weird feeling to pass. She was breathing at a faster rate than normal. As the dizziness dissipated, Grace sat down slowly.
The girl felt something she hadn't felt in a long time.
Something she felt when she got word that Danno got shot or something similar at work. She knew Danno's job as a detective or more, member of Five- 0, was dangerous at times. But she trusts Steve and the rest of Five- 0.
That something was wrong.
She didn't know if she should tell Danno. But if she does, he'll worry and Grace doesn't want to do that to her daddy. Grace does not want to worry her Danno. So she got up slowly, as she steadied herself while gripping tightly onto the next best thing.
Her heart was still little bit racing, she could feel it. But her heart rate had come down a bit, so that she was feeling better already. Then she could hear her father call out to her.
"Grace, are you okay?"
After what seemed like an eternity for Danny, Grace answered her father.
"I'm fine, I'm coming." She was already dressed and now on her way downstairs to eat breakfast.
"What were you doing up there so long?" Danny asked lightly, masking his worry for the wellbeing of his daughter. "I got caught up in something." Grace replied seriously. Danny eyed her curiously but said nothing. Instead, he pointed to her toast, the toast he already prepared for Gracie.
Immediately, Grace understood.
"Thanks, Danno, I love you." Grace said quickly, as she gave her father a quick hug before sitting down and eating her breakfast.
8: 27
After another twenty minutes, both Danny and Grace were ready to leave the house and get into the car. "Grace, go wait by the car, please. I have to do something." Danny said to his daughter. Grace nodded and quickly obeyed. She knew they were really late and she also knew that Danno hated being late. It was embarrassing. Then Danny came running, his car keys in his hand.
"I forgot the keys, Grace."
After he had seen Grace's questioning glance at him, he offered her this as an explanation. Grace laughed in response to that.
Even Danny cracked a smile.
"But now we really have to hurry." But when the detective tried to start to key after putting the key in the ignition, there was only noise from the machines. He hoped it was not was he thinks this is. He tried again.
"Danno, why isn't your car working?" Grace asked from her seat.
"It is, monkey. Just be patient" Danny replied, while restarting the car's engines.
He breathed in deeply and then exhaled. Grace was staring out of the car window, studying the houses in next to their apartment. And the third try actually worked and they were now on their way to Gracie's school.
But they barely made five blocks before they had car trouble again.
But they made it to the main road leading to Grace's school. Danny cursed silently as he felt the car skidding towards the telephone pole. Grace screamed as she realized what happened. Danny hit the brakes as hard as he could. Desperately, he hoped that the car would stop before something happened to his baby girl. Or if something happened, it would be him and not Grace. He prayed for a miracle.
Then, suddenly it was over.
It was like nothing ever happened.
Danny didn't realize he had closed his eyes before he opened them again. He did not know how much time had passed since he had lost control of the car. The detective let out a small gasp as he realized that the car came to a hold milimetres before smashing into the pole.
Danny and Grace Williams were incredibly lucky.
Danny breathed a sigh of relief.
Danny was one lucky guy. Then he got out of the car, to make sure Gracie was okay. Grace was again breathing faster than normally. But this time, she thought it was probably related to the whole situation.
"Gracie, monkey, are you okay?" He asked her, while caressing her cheek.
He saw the fear in her eyes.
But she responded with a quiet 'yes, Danno, I'm okay.' Danny pulled his daughter into a tight hug. "I love you, monkey, you know that, right?" Grace nodded instantly. "You too, Danno." "Now give Danno a kiss." Grace smiled and kissed him on the cheeks before putting her arms around him again.
In the distance, they heard sirens nearing.
"Damn it." Danny said silently. "What is it, Danno?" Danny looked over at his daughter, fear could be seen in her eyes.
"Everything is okay, monkey."
Danny calmed her down.
"I think someone called it in." He continued.
"What?" Grace was clueless, she had no idea of what her father meant. "What I meant is that someone saw us almost crashing and called the Honolulu Police Department."
Realization painted on Grace's face.
A few minutes later, a police car stopped next to them. Two officers wearing HPD uniforms came up to them. Danny got out of the car to talk to his colleagues at HPD. "Sir, are you okay?" The older one asked him. "What's your name?" "What were you doing?" He added.
"We're fine, Grace and I. I was going to drop her off at school and then go to Diamond Head Trail." Danny stuttered but then pulled himself together. He was a detective after all.
"Name." The officer replied patiently, although there was an edge to his voice.
"Daniel Williams, I'm Five- 0." He explained.
"In the car is my daughter Grace." The officer retreated to exchange words with his colleague.
Danny waited patiently.
He could not change anything anyways. A few additional minutes would not make anything worse than it already is. He was just having a bad day.
"What are you going to do?" The officer glanced at Danny who threading his hands through his hair in a stressed motion. "I will call a tow truck and then my partner, Steve McGarrett, to come pick us up." Danny explained quickly.
The officer nodded and a small smile could be seen.
"You sure you are okay?" The younger officer asked for another time, Danny concluded he was only a few months out of the academy and that the older officer was his training officer.
"Yeah, we are, aren't we, Gracie?"
Danny directed his question to Grace pulled away from her thoughts. Grace nodded but stayed quiet.
"Okay, then brah." They shook hands.
"Good luck." That was all the officer said to him before returning to his vehicle, leaving Danny and Grace to deal with the situation alone. Danny watched his car drive off before reaching for his phone.
But he had no idea what was to come. That what was to come would make this morning look like a walk in the park, even some of the situations he encountered as a cop would be put in the shadows by what would happen.
A/N: So this was the first chapter. For the purpose of this story, Malia is still alive. This story mainly focuses on Grace, Danny and Steve and the rest of Five- 0 also plays an important part. Also, I won't be focusing on the current case as it's not the main story line. Please review review.