She didn't know how it happened, she didn't know when it happened but King Sombra took over the Crystal Kingdom Shining Armor, Cadence and Flurry Heart have been captured and been encased in pure crystal never to see the light of day. Princess Celestia and Luna have also been captured and suffered the same fate. Meanwhile, the Mane 6 plus Starlight were separated to help protect Equestria but some managed to get captured. Now only the rich and despicable are making the rules thanks to King Sombra.

Currently, in Manehattan a slave trade auction was being held ponies were bought ponies of all ages doing whatever they want with them. Currently two of the main six, Twilight and Applejack, were being auctioned off together both were scared of being separated, Applejack already lost her family, twilight was the only one she had left as they lined up the auctioneer began taking bids as some bid for Applejack she started to hyperventilate, Twilight knew she could let them take her she then decided to try and free herself and to get the magic inhibitor off her neck that's when the guards came force Twilight to the ground they held a sword above her head.

As it was about to kill her loud voice yelled "Stop!" everyone looked over to see the ruler of the land King Sombra, they all bowed as he made his way towards the stage.

"Esmeralda, this is not how my number two should act." He said

"Forgive me, my King." She said King Sombra then walked up to Twilight and held out his hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked Twilight then took his hand. "I'll be taking this one home with me Esmeralda pays the auctioneer." He said

"Wait, but my friend I can't leave her." She said

"I'm sorry but she was already bought theirs nothing can do." He said Twilight then looked back and saw Applejack with a smile she mouth her "It's okay." but Twilight knew that she was lying.

Many Hours Later

Twilight was being escorted down a long hallway till they reached large doors once they opened Twilight was met with a bunch of ponies that were dressed like belly dancers. Twilight was then pushed into the room.

"Get her cleaned up for the king." One of the guards said

"(Gasp) T-Twilight?" She looked up to see Rarity.

"Rarity!" She yelled as the two hugged.

"I thought I would never see you again." She said

"Me too Darling." She said till one of the servants tapped her shoulder

"Sorry to break up this reunion but we have our orders." She said

"Right I understand." Rarity said as she backed away from her friend the servants then took and stripped her down to nothing, twilight then covered herself as they took her to a large bath and began cleaning her. They did her hair in a bun and gave her some easy access underwear.

"Well, you do look good with that hairstyle Darling." Rarity said

"Yeah I'm sure it's good with this collar on my neck." She yelled

"Hey is she ready!" A guard asked.

"Yes, ma'am." Rarity said. "It'll be alright Twilight you where to find me." She said as she was taken away she was then forced to ride a litter as she was carried she could hear the ponies groaning in pain as they stopped twilight was taken out of it and found herself in front of two large doors the guard opened it and pushed Twilight in.

"Have fun." She said as she closed the door Twilight then tried to opened it but it was sealed with magic.

"Don't bother it's won't opened." Twilight then turned around to see his silhouette standing by a window. He turns to see her she felt exposed like he was undressing her with his mind. He then went to his bed and sat down.

"Come here sit next to me." He said. Twilight then went over and sat down with her back turned.

"You must be hungry?" He said as he passes her a tray of fresh fruit. She didn't anything from this man but her hunger was getting the better of her, she took a fruit and bit into it savoring the taste, King Sombra then reached for her underwear but Twilight stood up and got away from him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" She said. King Sombra didn't say anything he just motioned her to come here. Twilight hastily went over not wanting to face his wrath she sits down on the bed but King Sombra lied her down.

"You know I don't want to hurt you." He said.

"Then what do you want from me." She asked.

"I want you to bare me child." he said

"What no way!" She said

"You have no choice in the matter." He said. "Or would you rather end up like your brother and his family, Princess Twilight?" He asked

"No please." She said

"Then do as I say and I'll spare you." He said

"Fine under one condition." She said

"Anything besides freeing your brother or find your friends." He said shocking her. "I know about you Twilight and your magic is useless with your friends." He said

"Then grant me my dragon, get me, Spike." She said.

"Fine you shall get your spike, but tonight your all mine." He said as he started to kiss her neck. His hand then moved down her sides she then felt a child coming from his hands causing her to shiver. His snake tongue dragged it across her muzzle the slimy tongue was disgusting to her. He then pulled her to his lap and cups her cheek.

"You are beautiful, I'm pleased that you are mine." He said as he kissed her, Twilight was shocked at first but soon she fell into it, she wrapped her arms around his neck grabbing his mane with her hands as she felt his tongue danced around in her mouth as soon as they broke apart Sombra laid her on her back and positioned himself between her legs he then started to lick her pussy.

"Ahh~" She moaned as the tongue flew around her. "Oh no, it's too good I'm gonna! Ahh!" She then gripped the bed sheets as she reached her climax, King Sombra then sat up and licked his muzzle clean.

"Seems like your ready." He said he then grabs her legs and spreads them apart he then took his erect member and aligned it with her opening.

"W-Wait!" She said

"What now?" He asked

"It's just that, well I'm still a virgin." She said with a blush, he then smiled warmly he then bends down and whispers. "Don't worry I'll be gentle." Twilight then felt his member being inserted into her she gasped by how big he was she then felt a sharp pain she clenched her teeth as blood trickled out of her, she was now breathing heavily. King Sombra then started moving, it hurt Twilight for bit before she started to feel the pleasure rise inside her, King Sombra began to move faster and faster till Twilight was screaming with pleasure

"Yes, yes King Sombra!"She moaned.

"I'm cumming!" He grunted as he released his cum inside her. Twilight then rested on his chest, Sombra then reached down and inserted two fingers into her and started pumping.

"I won't be satisfied until you are." He said she then climaxed his fingers as he pulled out he brought his fingers to twilight's mouth.

"Lick it clean, Twilight." He said twilight then sucked on his fingers getting every bit of her .

"Now that was so bad was it." He said.

"I guess not." She said as she got under the blankets.

"Give it time Twilight, you'll adjust." he said as he pulled her to his chest he then kissed her temple he then watched her fall into a deep sleep her breathing evened out King Sombra then laid back and began thinking.

"She would make an elegant Queen and an excellent mother." he then fell asleep with her in his arms.