I have kept this story to rot in my comp for a year. I want to update this because it has the potential to be one of those stories with a bitter-sweetness in them. If you want more updates please do tell. Thank you for reading.

He slept in his bed for more than half of the day. He would usually be up by sunrise singing some ruckus and making his parents annoyed. But not today. Not in his birthday of all days. He couldn't. He just couldn't get the energy to get up. He lost his firefly. His light. All because he had to add a one to his age.

"Len. Don't you want to have some food at least? The morning birthday breakfast is turning bad." His sister entered his room. She knows what's happening. Then why is she still bothering him.

He just grunted and turned around on his bed. Facing away from his sister.

"She left didn't she?" She asked softly. It was like re-living the million stabbings he felt the night before. Everything started to sink in. She isn't here anymore.

He didn't reply to her question. Just acted like he was sleeping under his sheets. He really didn't want to talk. If he wanted to talk, it would only be with her.

"Its okay. Its okay to vent." He felt his sisters weight on his bed. Her hand slowly caressed his hair. "You should hold your head up high. Isn't that what she says always?" He knew she could feel his body tensing up. He is trying a million ways to make her leave. But failing every time.

"Len." She started again when he didn't reply. "I think its time for you to face reality. Rin isn't real. Its a fragment of your imag-"

"Imagination is it?" He got up from his bed. He snapped. He is fed up of everyone saying she isn't real. Its his birthday. All he want as a present is to be left alone. Why doesn't anyone get that? "She isn't real? Well then you are less real than she is."

"What? I wasn't imply-" Lenka got up the bed. Both of them were facing each other.

"Implying? You weren't pointing out that she isn't real then? It was all in my head and I have some mental illness? I'm not CRAZY lenka!" He threw a pillow at her and ran towards his closet. He started to pick some clothes on putting it on. Not listening at all to his sisters opinion.

"I'm TRYING to tell you that you are finally a teenager. But you are still a child Len. Going on about some friend you. Oh wait. Last time I checked Rin kagamine isn't even a citizen here."

"Stop being obsessed with me. Mom and dad don't act like this. Why don't you go learn some adult 101 from them?" He started to put on his jacket. Slowly step by step he started to move towards the window while his sister is busy shouting.

"LEN! You are still such a child-" He heard his sister as he jumped out of the window. He was only one floor up. So it wasn't difficult.

He started to run. Run. Run away from his sister. His family. His problems. But he always couldn't run away from her. She isn't here though. Guess he is running away from her too.

Len was running around the forest. He was in a family trip during the holidays. His mom allowed him to run around the area. He ended up finding a spooky old house. It was really rundown and he tried being careful with the glass shards when entering the house.

"Hello?" There was no one there. Except a horrible stench of something metal. He saw the wall decorated with red swirls. "So pretty."

"You think so?" He turned around to see a girl in a white dress walking towards him. A bow on top of her head making her look like a bunny. But her face was expressionless with eyes so red it matched the walls.

"Yeah. Did you do that? You must be an artist!" He started to gesture towards the wall. The girl almost smiled.

"Aren't you scared? I kill people." The girl asked revealing a knife from once a white dress was soaked in blood.

"Ooh. MY MOM DOES THAT TOO! Except she kills fish. So do humans taste good?" He asked. The girl started to laugh. She laughed like it was the funniest thing anyone said to her in ages.

"You are funny. My names Rin and I would like to be your friend" She held out her knife free hand.

"My names Len. Well we can be friends." They shook hands "Want to meet my family? Lenka is sooo annoying-"

"LEN? LEN!" His mother bursted into the room. She hugged her son so tightly that neither of them could breath. "Where were you? Its past your bed time and you never came home. I was so worried."

"Stop.. hugging" When his mother let go he started to point towards his new friend. Her mother was confused at first and then she realized it was a dead body near the wall. It was a girl. Not older than her own son.

"Len. Is she really… y-your f-f-friend?" She was scared. If it was an imaginary friend somewhere else she wouldn't mind. But this was a literal dead body.

"Yep. Her names Rin. She loves to kill humans! Also really good at making swirls with red paint!"He says smiling. But he could see horror in her eyes. "Are you scared of her mommy?"

"Uh… Len dear lets go home.." She quickly picked Len up and started to run away. She was a very superstitious mother and didn't like that her son was friends with a ghost. Not to mention a girl who has killing humans as a hobby.

He stopped infront of a forest. This was where she smiled for the first time. Those miserable eyes turned into pure blue and it stayed that way… until.. until he arrived to the age 13. Why does a simple number carve you for the rest of your life? With one change of number you have to be an entirely different person. Snobby, buff and muscular. These things are defining the ability of someone getting a girlfriends. Not friendship, care or interests.


"WHA-?!" Len woke up from his sleep to find a familiar face. It was days after the trip and he never expected to see her again. But there she is. On his bed with her blood soaked dress in a much lighter looking color and her eyes hinting a bit of blue.

"Why did you leave? I thought we were friends?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"Well.. we are. But my mother doesn't like me being friends with you Rin. Sorry."

"Should I kill her Len? I learned a new way to slice throats much cleaner than I used to."

"NO!.. I mean no. She is my mother. So no. Understand? Never kill my family. I love them even if sometimes they don't agree with me."

"Ok.. So who can I kill?" The blue bits in her eyes starts to disappear only showing deep red.

"N-no one. Please… Don't kill anyone. I don't like people dying.."

"But I'm dead. Does that mean you hate me?" Her mouth quivered.

"No.. I like you! Then why wouldn't I be friends with you?" Len exclaimed. It was true. "Even though you are very different from my friends."

While they were talking he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Len dear, We have to go." Her mom poked her head into the room. She smiled to see her son already awake and not possessed looking by any means.

"Hurry up. Lenka already took the best seat in the car." His mom dropped a plate off pancakes on his study table and went off to pack their picnic basket.

"So Rin."




"I want to take you to some place MEGA SUPER AMAZING!" He held his hands wide in the air.


"You will see."