"Keith, you done yet?" Shiro spoke into the microphone on his helmet.
"Yeah, just need to get this last plant." Keith replied, using his little knife to slice said plant off. Once he cut the plant off, some other plant just sprouted from the ground and sprayed something right into his face, causing him to stumble back and fall into a coughing fit.
"Keith, you okay?" Shiro asked. Keith collapsed. "Keith?" Shiro called again. "You guys sit tight, I'm going to find him." Shiro announced before going off to retrieve the red paladin. He found him lying on the ground by a dead flower, knocked out. "Keith?!" Shiro ran up to him, concern in his voice. He carefully lifted Keith and the boy began to stir. He opened his eyes and looked straight into Shiro's.
"You saved me." He muttered.
"Well, there was really no threat around." Shiro joked as he helped Keith stand up.
"Thank you." Keith put a hand on Shiro's shoulder. "I mean it." His cheeks were suddenly flushed red.
"Uh, you okay?" Shiro asked, noticing the change of color in his face.
"Yeah." Keith looked away quickly. "Let's just get back to the castle." He picked up the dead flower from the floor and went back. Shiro followed.
"Keith, this is no good! You grabbed the wrong one!" Coran exclaimed when he saw the flower Keith had.
"But it looks like the others." Keith scratched his head in confusion.
"Except this one has a darker stem, it's known for spraying a deadly toxin as well. Or, I think it's deadly. Who knows? Get rid of this, I can't feed it to you guys!" Coran ripped the flower apart.
"Ha, nice one, Keith!" Lance laughed. "I'll go get it." He said before quickly leaving.
"Whatever." Keith began to leave the kitchen but bumped into Shiro. "Oh, uh, I am so sorry!" His face turned red again.
"Keith, are you sure you're okay?" Shiro was extremely concerned now. This was not Keith. What if some alien kidnapped the real Keith and took his place?!
"Y-Yeah." Keith shifted, twiddling his thumbs. "Uh, can we talk in private?" He asked, looking down.
"Uh, sure..." Shiro nodded. 'I'm going to save you, Keith! Just hang in there!'
"I'm back!" Lance announced, waving a flower wildly in his hand.
"Good job." Coran told him before he took it.
"Shouldn't I be the one to cook dinner?" Hunk suddenly suggested.
"Hunk, when did you get here?" Keith gasped. "How much did you hear?!" His entire face was red now.
"Everything? I'm sorry, was I not supposed to? Did I miss something?" Hunk looked around.
"No!" Keith ran out of the kitchen.
"I don't think that's the real Keith." Shiro told everyone once he was out of sight.
"Seems the same to me. Lame as always." Lance shrugged.
"No, Shiro is right. He was acting really weird." Pidge spoke up, she was typing away on a laptop she got as a gift from some random planet.
"I didn't notice." Hunk was sniffing the flowers that were collected.
"Nonsense," Coran clapped his hands together. "He was just infected by the toxins of the incorrect flower."
"What did it do to him?" Shiro asked.
"I'm not sure. I would say it killed him but that's obviously not true." Coran replied. "We can look it up though." He went to the main room where Allura was playing with the mice. "Could you look something up for us, it's the, uh, Krugleschliem flower I think it's called?"
"Why?" Allura asked.
"Keith was sprayed by it."
"Oh no!" Allura gasped. "Who was the first person that he saw?"
"Me?" Shiro raised his hand.
"Great. He's hopelessly in love with you right now." Allura facepalmed.
"You're kidding." Shiro laughed.
"I am not." Allura sighed.
"Well, it should wear off in a couple of quintants." Coran said. "Until then, we just let him be."
"I don't know if that's a good idea." Allura said. "The toxin from that flower is extremely powerful, who knows what he'd do if we just 'let him be'."
"Come on, it's Keith." Shiro said. "I doubt he'd do anything that bad."
"I wanted to talk to you privately." Keith told Shiro later that day. "Why didn't you find me?"
"well, I wanted to eat dinner." Shiro shrugged, pointing to his plate.
"Why don't you try some, Keith." Hunk suggested.
"I'm not hungry. My appetite was ruined. Thanks for ignoring me." Keith's eyes were welling up with tears. Shiro just stared at him with an unamused look on his face.
"What the heck? You guys see this, too, right?" Lance looked around frantically.
"If you need me I'll be in my room!" Keith shouted before running away.
"Okay, someone explain to me what just happened." Hunk said.
"Were you not there when Allura explained he was infected by some love toxin?" Pidge asked.
"No, I was busy making a decent dinner for all of us." Hunk grumbled.
"I'm gonna go check on him." Shiro sighed, leaving the dining room.
"Woah, woah, woah, love toxin?" Lance suddenly got close to Pidge. She scooted away.
"Yeah, he's desperately in love with Shiro now." She explained.
"For how long?" Lance gasped.
Pidge smiled mischievously. "Who knows? Coran said it could be forever."
"This better not jeopardize his performance in our missions." Lance then laughed. "This is what he gets for messing up. I have to go see this." Lance began to tiptoe out of the room and down the hall to his room, trying to listen in on Keith and Shiro in the room next door.
"Look, you're just under some weird drug. None of this is real." Shiro said.
"Of course you wouldn't understand!" Keith cried.
"Keith, let's say you really did feel this way, we can't be together anyway. You're almost nine years younger than me."
"A-Age is just a numberrrr!" Keith sobbed.
"I'll leave you alone to deal with this." Shiro sighed before leaving. Lance was trying so hard not to laugh so that they wouldn't know he was listening in on them. Once Shiro went down the hall, Lance knocked on Keith's door. He was going to have as much fun as he could with this.
"Keith, you okay, buddy?" He said.
"Go away." Keith sniffled. Lance came in anyway. "I said go away!" Keith threw his pillow at him. He was literally crying.
"You want to win Shiro's heart, don't you?" Lance smirked.
"Yes, but he said that I was too young for him." Keith wiped his eyes. "You wouldn't understand what this feels like."
"Oh, no, I'm sure I wouldn't. Although, Shiro is pretty dreamy, who wouldn't want him?" Lance was struggling not to laugh.
"You're making fun of me." Keith whined.
"Yeah, I am." Lance gave in. "Seriously though, you do know that this is just a toxin, right?"
"What does that mean?" Keith suddenly looked pissed. "First Shiro tells me what I feel isn't real, now you?! What is your problem?" He yelled. He stood up and got in Lance's face. "Screw you for saying my feelings aren't valid just because it's a stupid toxin. Who cares if it is?! I've accepted it!" Keith screamed at him. Lance was stunned.
"Alright, okay, I'll just, uh, take my leave." Lance said nervously, taking a step to the side. "I'll be on my way, now."
"Oh, I get it." Keith suddenly said as Lance was leaving his room. "You want Shiro for yourself."
"No?" Lance raised a brow. Okay, this wasn't that funny anymore.
"You're telling me this because you want me to give up and once I give up you'll have no competition for him." Keith had his bayard out, formed into a sword.
"Woah, dude, no, I promise that I am not after Shiro." Lance lifted his hands up in surrender.
"I'm watching you. I've known Shiro for far longer than you have." Keith said.
"Yeah, you're right." Lance laughed nervously. "Now, if you excuse me," He began to run away.
"I'M WATCHING YOU!" Keith shouted after him.
"That toxin is no joke." Lance told Shiro. "He was going to kill me or something when he thought that I would get in the way of you two."
"Paladins, someone needs our help!" Allura called out.
"Great, can't wait to see how this goes down." Lance groaned.
Everyone geared up and went to their lions as the castle landed on some dusty and sandy planet.
"There was a signal calling out for us here." Allura said, confused.
"Maybe they decided that they didn't need our help after all?" Shiro shrugged.
"You guys should go out and explore." Allura instructed.
"I'll go with Shiro!" Keith jumped up so fast he tripped.
"Uh, yes. You will all be together." Allura told him.
They got off the castle and began looking around.
"Seems like the gravity here is weak." Shiro said after jumping very high and landing very slowly.
"Shiro, look out!" Keith called out, jumping toward him but floating very slowly to him. Once he got to him, he gently shoved him and Shiro just stared at him.
"The point of that was...?" Shiro crossed his arms.
"There was a hole in the floor." Keith pointed to said hole. It was very small.
"Hey, Keith, you want to see who can reach that hill over there first?" Lance called out, hoping to distract him.
"Screw off!" Keith latched onto Shiro's arm. Pidge started laughing really hard.
"Keith, let go of me." Shiro tried to push him off.
"I'll race you Lance. But I'll tell you right now, you'll win." Hunk said.
"I appreciate the gesture." Lance sighed. Suddenly the ground started shaking and a small section of it opened up to reveal a platform going up. Some weird, small aliens, were standing on it.
"Voltron!" An alien announced. "We very glad to see you here." It approached Shiro with its hand extended but Keith stood in the way. "Ok. We need Voltron help to prevent sky from falling."
"Sky from falling?" Shiro asked.
"The sky has been shaking. It will fall. Please help us." It nodded.
"Okay but stay away from Shiro." Keith crossed his arms. Shiro picked him up and put him next to Lance and Hunk.
"Stay." He commanded. "I'm going to go check and see what they mean, you guys patrol the area in case there's any monsters or something." Shiro said. Everyone knew he was just saying that so Keith would stay away.
"You got it." Pidge said.
"You need someone to come with you." Keith said.
"Hunk will go, won't you?" Lance nudged him.
"Oh, uh, sure." Hunk started to go toward Shiro but Keith stood in the way, gripping his bayard tight.
""Woah, Keith, none of us are threatening him." Hunk said.
"You stay away from him! You guys, too!" Keith pointed to the aliens.
"Keith, that's enough!" Shiro scolded him.
"To the castle. NOW." Shiro yelled. Keith put his bayard away.
"I-It's not like I asked for this. It just... happened. And I don't know what to... to... to..." Keith was forcing down a sob. "Dooo..." He slowly floated to the castle, crying.
"That's just sad. And by sad, I mean pathetic." Pidge shook her head.
"I don't think this is just some love toxin as Allura said." Shiro sighed. "We'll do more research on it later, though." He looked to the aliens. "Lead the way."
"Yes, yes. You stand here."
After explaining to the aliens that they were actually living underground the entire time and that in order to prevent the sky from falling they should move to the service, the four remaining paladins returned to the castle tired and covered with dust.
"How's Keith?" Shiro asked Coran.
"I don't know, he was with you guys the whole time."
"I sent him back to the castle." Shiro said.
"He never came back here..."
"Damn it."
"Yo, Coran, that love toxin, it's more than just a love spell isn't it?" Lance asked.
"Well I'm not sure, Allura is the one who seemed to know what it was." Coran said. "We can look it up though." He typed the name of the flower into the computer and results immediately came up. "Side effects include uncontrollable love, over possessiveness, violent mood swings, soon the infected becomes a danger to themselves and everyone around them..."
"Oh quiznak." Pidge muttered.
"Do we really have to wait until it wears off? This is too serious to just leave alone." Shiro asked.
"I'm looking right now." Coran scrolled through the articles. "Okay, it says here that the only known cure is to get a kiss from the person they liked before they were infected."
"What if they didn't like anyone?" Shiro asked.
"There's no other cures mentioned." Coran shook his head, scrolling again. "I'll keep my eyes peeled just in case, I'll contact you when I find something."
"Alright, we're going to go look for Keith. Shouldn't be too hard considering there was nothing out there anyway." Shiro said before leaving the castle. Everyone else followed.