Chase began thinking, and sometimes it occurred to him if he was in need of a huge emergency Ryder would be his answer. But right now, he kept his mouth shut, because revealing what Rocky found out, might hurt Ryder even more than before. And something serious was bound to happen if someone found out. Other than Chase and Skye.

No matter the consequences, he still loved Rocky no matter what. Each pup mattered to Chase. Ryder and Marshall the most. The others were also family, but he couldn't love them more than his brother, Marshall, even though he wasn't his brother, Chase still loved him like one.

Each pup had their differences. Marshall was like a brother to him. Skye was Chase's crush and love. He would never abandon her whatsoever happened. Zuma was like Chase's little brother and Rubble was a great friend. Then, there was Rocky, who meant family to Chase too. Rocky got curious all the time, and there was no stopping him whether you liked it or not. Sometimes, Chase would argue with Rocky, usually with Chase saying, "Stop poking your nose into other pups' lives, Rocky!" or "Quit eavesdropping on us pups, we have the right to our secrets as you have the right to yours". Usually the pups would try to calm them down when they confronted themselves in that situation. They couldn't handle it, the 'they' being the pups. But Ryder. Ryder always knew the right way to inform the pups about morality. The difference between it, and what the results of the outcome would be.

Chase was glad Ryder was there. Always.

Chase quickly took his mind of his thoughts and gazed at Marshall who was walking towards the Lookout. Everest wasn't with him now, and he saw this as his chance to redeem his thoughts to Marshall, and what was good about them.

As Marshall was walking toward the direction of the Lookout he saw Chase coming over. "What's up, Chase?"

"Listen, buddy, I need to talk to you..." He saw Zuma exiting the Lookout with Skye. "In private." Marshall nodded his head, and they walked behind the Lookout. To the point where they saw none of the pups, they began talking.

"So, what did you want to inform me?" The Dalmatian curiously asked, hoping it wasn't any bad news or anything of relevant to that. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong." And without anything else, the shepherd blurted out the words. "You love Everest." He quickly said looking at a shocked Marshall.

"Woah! Chase, what are you saying?!"

"You should admit it, cause it's the truth."

"I don't love-"

"Yeah, you do." And before Marshall could speak up, Chase continued with a frown. "And don't bother attempting to deny it. You may fool the others, but you're not fooling your best friend. So deal with it." He looked at Marshall with a frown.

Marshall sighed. "I guess." He went on. "Look, would you be a good friend and not tell the others about it?"

"Oh, you got that wrong."

Marshall was dumbfounded. "Huh?"

"I could be a way better friend than a good friend." Chase replied, smirking. Marshall smirked back.

"I also know you like Skye."

Chase shrugged. "What else do we have in common?" He laughed as he walked off. Marshall shook his head while with a smile on his face.

Marshall decided to head in and see what the others were up to but was surprised to see Everest hopping in her Snow Plow. "Everest, where're you going so fast?"

"Oh, I have to head back to Jake's. He needs me. I won't be coming back for a few days which is bad news." Everest told him, hoping he would be okay with it. To her disbelief, he nodded.

"I guess it is bad news. Anyway, come back whenever you like to. You're always welcome here!"

Everest rolled her eyes. "Of course I am, silly!" She said, laughing. "Anyway, I want to thank you." She then whispered a 'thank you' to Marshall.

Much to her surprise, Marshall questioned her. "What do you mean?"

"By teaching me meditation." She said. "And a few pup-fu skills from a really good demonstrator and teacher." She said. "I'm proud of you, Marshall. And thank you so much."

Marshall blushed. "It was nothing." He then waved to her as she began to leave. As soon as she was gone, Marshall's smile faded. "Goodbye...Everest." He then seen Chase walking up to him. "She's gone for a while." He told Chase.

"She'll be back, bud." He then walked off. Marshall stood there alone. Him pondering on a thought. 'I'm proud of you, Marshall.' It was just like what his mother used to say until the 'incident' happened, leaving them separated. He didn't want to consider the different possibilities there were, which were possible and impossible. He disregarded it and was determined to do what he did earlier on. Meditating.

Chase walked inside the Lookout. And then something pulled him to the side. He was already in battle-formation. Then he sighed in relief to see it was Skye. "Well, did you tell him, you know?"

"Uh, yeah. It wasn't that hard, you know."

"What about Rocky?"

"Gosh." Chase face-palmed himself hearing Skye saying the word. "I totally forgot!"

"No worries. He's always around here, so you could tell him."

"Yeah, but that was the right moment. And..." Chase then shrugged it off his shoulder. "I'll see what Rocky's up to. I'll be in-touch with you later."

He loved being with Skye here and there, it was nice to share information with her. Considering their friends. Giving someone's personal information to someone else could be ugly at some stage, considering what that person or pup could do. But it was only to protect their friends. No harm, no foul. Chase knew this, it might've been wrong to share someone's personal information purposely for a reason as it could lead to a bad conclusion ultimately. Chase knew he had to do something concerning these situations, and it might end bad but it would be worth it, nothing else mattered, at least for now.