So, I'm all ears. I love that catchphrase by Tracker. Anyways, I'm back everyone with another STORY just for you viewers! I decided that since taking a break from writing 'Left Isolated' and 'Shenanigans', I should continue with 3 new stories. I really need to conclude the two stories in the near future and I will, but right now I'm more focused on three upcoming stories, with this one being the longest, the other being 4 chapters long, and the other about 17 chapters. All details are confirmed below for this story, so do check that out!

1. Each chapter contains approximately 1700 words to 3200.

2. If you aren't satisfied with something, then do please contact me via PM.

3. Each chapter will be released every 3-5 working days. Be noticed that every chapter after the one updated is already concluded as I'm working on the following.

4. Any suggestions, then PM me.

5. I take all criticism for misspelled words and sentences not making sense.


So let me know your thoughts in the review section and I hope you all are filled with excitement! Have fun reading! :)

Marshall's Endearment.

Marshall, the typically occurring clumsy pup had his own way of things. And there was one special thing about him, that no one could say it being simultaneous or coincidental. The one term that could be used for the pup, was no other than 'love'. He loved the PAW patrol the most. Not the idea of it, but the pups. They were family to him; that's all that mattered to him. He loved them with all his heart and would never capitulate his friends. He would risk his life to save them, even sacrifice himself just to prove that he truly loved them with all his heart. Clumsy, not clumsy, nobody cared about his clumsiness. They would thank whoever gave Marshall to them, and never cease it. But just as things looked like they wouldn't get any better than they were, Everest approached the PAW patrol. Three months has passed, and Marshall has his own endearment for the very first time. not coincidental. This is the way it is. And Marshall couldn't have been more happier than ever ./p

"Well, that's weird." Chase was observing through the telescope any signs of predicaments, or dangers that might need the PAW patrol's help. Ryder put him in-charge of that, while he wasn't at the Lookout at the moment. Chase was really bored, and seeing the other pups playing outside non-stop made him jealous. He made an attempt to put his mind to the test and challenge himself to stay bored and owe Ryder that favor but he couldn't help it. It was tricky. "They're so lucky to be playing." Chase said to himself, despite being alone. He didn't really care. "Hmm..." He pondered over whether he should inadvertently neglect doing his task Ryder assigned him to do and play with the pups or otherwise, no. He sighed. He heard a 'bling' behind him.

The elevator rose and came to a halt as the doors came wide open, and a familiar Cockapoo appeared. Skye. She walked to Chase and began to enquire him of why he wasn't tagging along into one of their spirited games. Chase answered respectfully as this was the pup of his dreams but he was never nervous to talk to her. His sentiments sometimes got the better of him, yet here he was, still no sure what to do or what was right or what the outcome would be.

"Chase, why are you here and not outside?" Skye looked at him with bright eyes and that cute smile he loved to most about her. Skye saw he was staring at her, daydreaming. "Uh, Chase?"

"Oh, sorry. What did you ask me again?"

"Why're you here?"

"Oh. Just accomplishing some task Ryder asked me to do. So I accepted it. And here I am, looking as a moron through the telescope while I should be playing with you guys out there."

"Have fun." Skye turned her back on Chase, and raised her tail.

Chase was perplexed at the sight. He thought he might have said something wrong. "Wait...that's it?"

Skye smiled and jumped at him. He got a fright, as Skye giggled at him. "Ha. You should've seen the look on your face..."

Chase rolled his eyes gently. "Yeah, yeah. Very fummy."


Chase slapped his forehead in frustration. "I mean..."

Skye giggled anew.

"You know..."

"Yep." Skye looked at Chase and confessed something to him that made him jump. She whispered in his ears and he chuckled. "SO."


"Are you daydreaming again?"

"No, I know what you said but to make it more clear, is that ok?"

"Sure. Being optimistic has gotten you this far. What else? Depression?"

"Haven't thought of that yet."


"Yes, because I won't experience it."

Skye poked him. "Yeah, you will."

"Hey!" Chase rolled his eyes again. Seeing the pup she is, he liked it a lot. And so, he thought he was wasting her time so he continued the conversation so they would conclude it at some state. "So, aren't you going back to the pups?"

"Oh, I will. But I got something important to tell you." Chase got his hoped up. Was she gonna confess that she likes him? He felt a bit nervous, but decided to not show it in front of Skye.

"So, what is it?" He asked. He began biting his lip.

"Our friend, Marshall, has a secret crush on someone."

Chase's eyes went wide. 'He likes SKYE? HE LIKES SKYE TOO? That little-!'

"You daydreaming again, aren't you?"

"Wait, what?" Chase looked at her. "Was I? Forget it. It's not important. What's important is for you to tell me who Marshall likes. So...uh...who is it?"

Skye whispered in Chase's ears. Chase sighed in relief. At least it wasn't Skye. Then he felt happy. He felt happy for Marshall, his best friend to secretly admire someone, and like or love them. He smiled.

Skye smiled and walked away and after she stepped foot on the elevator. She looked at Chase and smiled. "No reason for you to keep your secret hidden from me. I know you like me." The elevator then descended to the last floor. Chase was in shock. 'She found out?! How did she find out!? Gosh, Chase, way to go!' He went back and chuckled once.

"With a lack of carelessness comes great stupidity."

Skye went back to the pups. She couldn't help but smile as she was ambling towards them. She liked Chase too but she didn't want to tell him yet and she wanted to keep it that way. Nonetheless, this was Marshall's time to confess his feelings to Everest so Skye knew he needed help.

Marshall wasn't here at the moment, as he was helping Everest find some logs for Jake's fireplace. She planned it smoothly with Marshall. Marshall offered to give her a paw and she let him. No wonder he loved being around Everest so much. Usually, it would be like, "Can I help?" Or "Everest could really use a helping paw so I'll be happy to offer her it." Or even, "Pick me, Ryder! Pick me!" That would happen sometimes, when Everest would tell Jake or Ryder that she needed help from the pups, and Marshall would always be hyper to get picked. He'd get enthusiastic of helping Everest and the other pups wondered what Marshall was up to. He sometimes got over enthusiastic. Maybe the Dalmatian liked her or liked helping people and pups. Nah. Any pup would help out at any situation given with a simple explanation of what occurred.

Ryder had already figured out Marshall's crush. He loved seeing his pups growing so fast. It made him feel like a father figure to them, and in a way he was. Contention is what he felt. Ryder, anyway, wouldn't tell the pups concerning Marshall's crush because he hated being that way. And his personality wasn't like that.

"Skye, what's Chase doing?" Rocky asked, out of curiosity. He wasn't in a good mood the past days and the others could tell. They didn't know what was up with him but they hoped they'd get to see the same old Rocky. "He was supposed to help me with recycling something. We were gonna bargain something." Rocky sighed. "DO you know where he is?"

"Yeesh, what's with the attitude? And yes, he's in the Lookout. Ryder assigned him a task to do while he's gone for a moment."

"Sorry. a bad mood."

"Dude, you've been in a bad mood for three days." Zuma said.

"Zuma's right. What's up?" Skye asked, trying to get to the bottom of this. She could tell Rocky was nervous about something relevant to him. And she decided to help her friend. "You've been acting strange, lately."

"It's nothing." Rocky muttered. He went to his recycling truck and before driving off, he assured them something. "Stop worrying about me. And I don't mean to be rude or anything, just leave me alone for a bit. Just need to get this job done and then I'll tell you the situation right from the beginning. Sorry, pups." After that being said, he drove away as if nothing ever happened. He was heading to Mr Porter to recycle some things Mr Porter didn't need that would help him like junk and that sorta thing.

"I'm worried about him." Zuma said, as soon as he was gone.

Skye giggled. "He said the opposite of that." Zuma frowned at Skye. He then nodded and walked inside the Lookout. Now that she was thinking about it, where was Rubble? She wondered where the English Bulldog went.

She thought of communicating trough her collar with Marshall but then she received a beep. Ryder's voice came through. "Skye? Tell the pups I'm on my way. Got the job done."

"Alright, Ryder. You can count on me."

"Thanks, Skye. Tell Marshall to come back home before it gets dark, and tell Chase that he can take a break from sight-seeing. I apologize for it."

"Want me to tell Chase that?"

"Yeah. Be right back. Over and out."

Skye took a moment to clear her mind and see who she should call. She decided Chase, then Marshall. She would find the pups later on and tell them about Ryder's arrival. "Chase?"

"Yeah, Skye?"

"Ryder apologizes for the task he gave you. He said you should take a break and come down."

Chase was relieved to hear that. "Yes! Finally!" He hung up and walked inside the elevator. The elevator would then do its thing. As the elevator descended he began to ponder over what Skye told him concerning Marshall liking someone. That someone was Everest. Could she be wrong? That someone could've been the pups, or someone not from Adventure Bay but Chase knew the fact, that, if Marshall would secretly talk with a pup outside Adventure Bay, then he wouldn't constantly be around Adventure Bay. So no, there was no other pup besides the pups and Tracker. So, the question was, was he gay? Chase shook his head, thinking of his best friend being gay, was pretty reckless to him. There was no way, even at a very unlikely chance, that Marshall was not straight. Marshall was one of the sweetest pups Chase has ever met, and never considered to doubt him as his friend. As to being friends, helped them in a many situations developing their friendship more. Going from friend to best friend was incredibly something because you couldn't leave that "friend" behind. A clue popped in Chase's head. If it's Everest, that might be the pup, he secretly likes or loves. He hung out with her practically every day. That was some proof right there. So Skye was right. Marshall totally likes Everest, and Chase would attempt to comfort Marshall and tell him that being "in love", was a normal thing and that there is no fright to consider being love. Actually, from the very first day Everest joined the pups, Chase had a feeling they would become a couple. For him, it was like a match formed in heaven. Fire and snow. Two symbols combined.

The elevator reached its floor and Chase hopped out successfully, with a big grin on his face. He told himself not to do anything stupid that can ruin Marshall's chance of admitting his love to Everest. He smiled and walked out the Lookout. As he walked towards the pups, another pup followed Chase. Chase, however, because of his concentration, did not notice any sudden movements.

"Chase. Finally, you're here. Marshall, what took so long?" Rocky asked, frowning at Marshall. Marshall scratched his head with his paw.

"Sorry, guys. Had to help Everest with a thing."

"Dude, you hang awound with her all the time and barely have time to hang out with us." The pups frowned at Marshall. The truth was, they weren't angry at the Dalmatian. They understood completely that Marshall wanted a "girl" to hang around with and to help her. But none of the boys found out about Marshall's little crush. Just Skye, followed by Chase. Even Everest did not know. But she was dumbfounded he was there to help her at different kinds of situations.

"Look, I know you're busy and all that, buddy, but just like Zuma said, where's the love for us? What happened with the hyper, lovingly, playful pup who was energetic every second of the day. Who wanted nothing more than to just play with his friends?" Chase had a point.

Marshall sighed. "Yeh, I guess you're right. I took it too far. I should leave Everest to her thoughts, I might as well stop bothering her for the heck of it."

Chase shook his head in disagreement. "No, it's not that. You can visit Everest just as much as you want, but you gotta promise to help us when we need our fire-pup at different times too. And hang out and play with us more."

Marshall sympathized with that and nodded his head, slightly hesitating. "Okay. I promise, pups." Marshall smiled at them. The pups howled in excitement and began chasing each other. As they were, Marshall took aside the thoughts of Everest. He loved being around with her all the time, but now he should appreciate that he had other friends too. He was practically at Chase's tail but slipped, regretting it all the way. Not that he had a choice.

Rubble chuckled. The pups formed a circle around Marshall. "Good to have you back, buddy."

"I guess, so?" He said, upside down. The pups laughed in amusement. They hoped he'd stay like this way for a looooong time.

So what are your thoughts for the first chapter? With each chapter updating every 3-5 working days, I think that's a really good deal. This story is mostly centered on Marshall, Everest and Rocky (With Chase being the secondary character). Give all your opinions for I do want to hear them! When I put up the authors note someone asked, "Why are the stories revolved around Marshall so much?" Let's just say, I love that pup. He's my favourite character, with Chase being a close second.

So I hope you all enjoyed this new story so far and review! JoshDD at your service! :D

Other than that, Stay tuned and have a nice day!