AN: Sorry for the unrealistically late update to those who actually read this piece of crap. I have been seriously unmotivated and didn't have enough time to update and ironically when school is starting back up I find time. If you like please review, I'd be eternally grateful… Also any mistakes are mine.

After a couple days with my new title and a housecarl, I already had an assignment as thane. The Jarl sent me to Haafinger to investigate the dragon sightings since I quote 'Don't want to follow my destiny as Dragonborn'. He also said something about me having more experience dealing with dragons, I had to kill the one flying around Dragon's Bridge; and lets add on the fact that somehow a cave bear ended up inside Solitude. In a house. Packing up my things for the trip, I lead Lydia to the stables. I lost my mare in the whole affair of being arrested for no reason, so I had to replace her. He's not as connected to me as she was, but he'll have to do.

I decided to make this trip as fast as possible so I went west, quickly passing the Western Watchtower. By nightfall the next day, we were in Rorikstead. I rented us rooms when I had a feeling something was gonna happen. It was more like the same thing that was that new part of me wanted me to go outside and see what's gonna happen. I stood in the middle of the road waiting for what? I didn't know.

"My Thane? Is there a-"

"Til rok los," a voice that wasn't mine, but was said. My new hearing was able hear him long before a regular mortal. It was a few short minutes till he was close and passed over the small village. I forced my body to relax as I sat at a table in the far corner of the inn. The low hum of conversation sounded like a roaring river, causing a headache.

Ever since I absorbed that damned dragon's soul, it's like all my senses exploded. My hearing is unbelievable so is my sight. My Khajiit blood gave me sharper sight and night vision, but now it's just ridiculous. And don't get me started on my strength. It's to the point where I wasn't even aware, but leaving Dragonsreach, I splintered the giant wooden doors. I thought my sense of smell was already enough, but now it's like I smell everything. It's as if the gods made me into the perfect hunter.

The next day, we left right before sunrise and pushed the horses so we could make it to the village by just before nightfall the next day. I wanted to get there as soon as possible in case the dragon decided he got bored. As we neared, it turned out I was right. We weren't more than five minutes ride when the bronze scaled lizard flew over us. I could've sworn he looked me right in the eyes.

He circled the small town, watching the people running for cover or stare at it in shock. The guards shot arrows and when on hit too close to his eyes, he didn't seem amused anymore. He let loose and sprayed fire, taking out more than half the guards. The rest were petrified, stuck between wanting to break down or run off. Luckily I was there to make the decision for them.

"Hey! Guards fall back, we got this!" I yelled over the roaring. They snapped out of their and took shelter. "Lydia, shoot at its wings, and for the love of Akatosh, stay out of his line of sight." She was still miffed at being my housecarl but responded with a quick 'my Thane' and carried out her orders.

I picked up a rock and chucked it as hard as I could at his face. Unlike the novice skill of the common guard, I hit his eye gaining his attention. He roared his displeasure at me and tried to cover with me fire. My mind was screaming at my body for not moving, but the fire still didn't burn me to a crisp. He may have been lower on the totem pole because he was stupid enough to try it again, this time, I threw a rock in his mouth. I must have hit a spot, not too soon, he was hacking and coughing. He managed to swallow and gain his bearings.

"Holy shit, dumbass ate my rock," I accidentally said out loud. He either took massive offense at the comment or Lydia did a job well done as he finally landed on the ground. He was quick to snap at me. The fight became a back and forth between him biting at me and me rolling away until Lydia decided to get involved. He saw her run past in his peripheral and lunged. My body acted on its own and somehow found its way in front of my companion taking the bite.

White hot, sharp pain shot through my body as it's teeth cut through my armour. I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I was in a large clearing. I felt a weight lifted only to realize I was only in bindings and trousers. Looking around, a waterfall about 20 feet in height filled a well sized and cleared pond. The space was surrounded by tall trees with dark green leaves. I could feel the lush grass under my feet, smell the water from recently fallen rain. Allowing my eyes to close, I lost myself in my other senses.

"Well, it's a pleasure to see my first daughter," a deep voice came from behind me. I snapped into a fighting stance only to be met with genuine laughter and a man. He towered over me at 6'10" and sported a burly build. His black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail and a cleaned trimmed full beard. I would've thought he was human if his eyes didn't give him away. The striking blue eyes with slits that reminded me of the new predators flying around Skyrim. He immediately set off my instincts and I wanted to challenge him but fall down to my knees and bow.

"Easy, my child," he commanded, or at least it felt like he did. Unwillingly, my body relaxed and a sense of calm filled me. It dare say it felt like home.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask, now able to move past instincts that took over.

"You called on me and I answered."

"Called?" I questioned. He was speaking in riddles.

"Yes daughter. You called on me, your father. I am Akatosh. Welcome to the Birthlands," he gestured to behind him and the forest opened and formed a cliff looking over and an expanded forest with a large extravagant city in the middle.

"Well fuck, I'm dead."


Til rok los- There he is.