Hi, it's me again! I apologize for the suspense and all... don't be too mad at me. :) Read on! You are going to love this!

Leanne found herself in another time. At first, she didn't recognize where she was, but then she looked around...

It was a cramped metal corridor, rusty in some places, gone in others. Leanne suddenly noticed the corridor was vertical. She was climbing up it. She looked down to a trapdoor way at the bottom, swinging open and closed. Leanne swallowed and kept going. She didn't want to fall.

Wires sparked, lighting her way when she couldn't see. Finally, she arrived at the top. A tiny platform stuck out, and a flat roof rose over her. Leanne stepped carefully onto it. There was a dashboard with hundreds of glowing buttons. Before she could even think, Leanne's arm went out and pushed one. Then another. Nothing happened.

Then the corridor began to shake and wobble back and forth. Leanne grabbed hold of the dashboard to stop herself from falling, accidentally leaning on another button.

The roof began to cave in, slowly denting, the area where Leanne was getting smaller and smaller. Leanne panicked and pushed buttons in desperation. The corridor started to move forward like it was walking. Then a shock ripped through the machine, and Leanne mind went black as she fell...

She opened her eyes suddenly. Where was she?

It all came rushing back to her. Dr. Thorn. Bianca. Percy.

Percy? They were late, because Thorn had done something... Leanne sat up and looked around. She was relieved to see her family close by, some sitting in chairs, the rest standing. Both Percy and Annabeth were there, unharmed. Alive. "Percy!" she called.

He was at her bedside in an instant. The look on his face was wonderful to see. "You're okay! Leanne, what happened-" He broke off, but it wasn't a question. It was more like, What happened isn't something we should talk about now. That scared Leanne a little. She turned to face her worried parents.

"Mom, Dad, can I talk to Percy by myself, please?"

Her parents exchanged a look that she couldn't read. At last, her mom said, "Of course, honey. Come on, Paul. Annabeth?" Annabeth glanced at Percy, and he nodded. Everyone but Percy left the room.

When they were alone, Leann suddenly didn't know where to begin. Thankfully, Percy started talking first.

"Leanne, that monster... You saw it, right? I mean, for what it was."

Leanne was surprised. "How did you know?"

Percy looked down, hesitant to tell her more. "Thorn sent monsters after us."


He continued, "And the way you reacted to him, was like you were viewing him as, I don't know, something un-human."

"Because he was."

"And Annabeth and I figured that you could see through the Mist, because of our mother-"

"Mom sees monsters, too?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah, but I think it's not so bad for her, now that she's not so young anymore. When you're a kid, you see more."

He continued. "But as for our story, Annabeth and me, we were driving down the road when the monsters attacked. I pulled over and we fought them." He paused and took a shaky breath. "They were after you, Leanne. Thorn only sent them to delay us, to stop us from interfering with what he was planning with you."

Leanne couldn't breathe. "But what did he want with me? He said something about revenge, but-"

"Revenge." Percy looked troubled. "Could it be... by killing her, he'd get revenge... my flaw..."

"Percy? What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Come on, we should get Annabeth-"

"Annabeth? She knows? I mean, about Thorn, and monsters, and everything?" Just then Leanne remembered the "dream" she'd had many years ago. Of course Annabeth knows. She's fought Thorn already.

"Yeah, she knows," Percy smiled. "Hey, speaking of Annabeth..." He fumbled for something in his pocket. "I was going to do this at your party tonight, but I wouldn't if you couldn't be there to celebrate. But the doctors said as soon as you woke up, if everything was okay, you could go home. So, I thought I would give you a little sneak peek." He held out something in his hand.

As soon as she saw it, Leanne gasped with delight. She grinned up at her brother. "Percy, it's-" She was too happy to say any more. "That's it. I'm going home now! I can't miss this!" Percy laughed and helped he out of bed. "Let's go, then!"

They walked out of the hospital together, with the rest of the family close behind. Leanne could barely contain her joy.

In Percy's hand was a box with a ring.

So, there it is! Sorry again for the suspense. Was it worth it? Review or PM me and let me know!