Disclaimer: For the prompt: "No I'm not wearing that. I will kill you if you put that anywhere near me." It's cold again, so appropriate?

Weiss scrunched up her nose, reaching into the box to touch a knit wool sweater, the garish yellow fabric visible amid the light blue tissue paper. While she expected her girlfriend of several years to go a bit overboard with the gifts this Christmas- she'd been far too much of a bouncing ball of energy in the preceding weeks for subtlety- she hadn't expected it to this degree. A few material things- a new office chair for the home study, a heating blanket for when the woman was gone on missions, the latest scroll update chip- and the customary handmade gifts, like a new coffee cup with 'World's Coolest Ray of Sunshine' printed in Yang's distinct handwriting and a set of bracelet gauntlets in the same vein as Ember Celica, except cast in white and fitted to her slender wrists. Those sort of things, she anticipated and absolutely adored.

But here, she had to draw the line.

"Yang. What in Remnant is this disaster?" She didn't even pull it fully out of the box; she absolutely detested wool sweaters, the sort of picture perfection they seemed to reflect. Matching family sweaters for a matching family- she'd grown up in that sort of dishonest illusion and the agony it brought. She'd never told Yang the full story, of course, never wanted to dive too deep in the eternal disappointment that was her upbringing, but she'd thought her tastes tending towards silk and satin would discourage anything in the realm of wool.

"It's a sweater!" The blonde cheerily replied, a huge present sitting in her lap and her crossed arms resting atop it, light blue sleeves of her own sweater visible with the same garish yellow breaking up the solid color with little designs. "I made us matching ones. Try it on, Snowfall."

"Absolutely not," she replied, removing the box from her lap and setting it aside. "I'm not wearing that and I will kill you if you put it anywhere near me."

Yang frowned, shoulders slumping. "But-"

"Look, I appreciate the sentiment, truly I do, but I can't stand wool sweaters." She got to her feet, wading through the sea of ripped wrapping paper so she could lean over and press a kiss to her girlfriend's forehead. "I'm sorry, Sweetheart, but there's no way you're getting me into that thing. Yours fits you rather well, though. The colors are… certainly eye catching."

"Well, yeah, I…" she paused, then shook her head. "So, there's nothing I can do to get you to wear it to the party tonight?"

"You'd need a deal with the Devil, Maidens, and every deity from here to Mistral before I'd even consider it." Weiss slipped a hand beneath the blonde's chin and directed her into a kiss. "I'm sure you worked hard on it and I am impressed. I absolutely adore the time and care you put into these sorts of things." She sighed. "But I can't and won't be wearing it."

Yang looked absolutely crestfallen, with her shoulders slumped, and it pained her to be the cause, but certain lines wouldn't be crossed. "Oh, okay. Well. I mean. I'm-"

"Don't apologize," she said, rubbing her thumbs along her girlfriend's cheeks. "It's a heartfelt gift, time consuming and thoughtful, but I absolutely refuse to touch wool again. It's something to be mindful in the future, my little Sunspot, and I truly love that you did this for me."

Her lips quirked up into a small grin, seemingly soothed for the moment. "Yeah, well… I'm gonna go check on the bird. It, uh, should be ready for basting, and I don't wanna dry it out."

"You've still a present to open though." She gestured to the one in Yang's lap.

"Oh, uh, I'll get it when I get back." The blonde stood, still holding the present in her arms and turning around to put it in her seat before heading towards the kitchen. "It'll just take a few minutes."

"Very well." Weiss put her hands on her hips. "And while you're gone, take your sweater off. I'd like to give you a hug when you get back."

For a moment, Yang went stock still, turning back towards her with a question on her lips, but it went unvoiced. Instead, she merely nodded with a weak smile and slipped out.

But Weiss had caught a glimpse of something on the front of the sweater- letters in that garish yellow spelling out words- and her brows furrowed. She could've sworn she'd seen "I finally asked" written on the front of the sweater, which she hadn't had a proper look at now that she thought of it; her girlfriend had slipped it on after they'd sat down to open presents and Yang had kept the big present- the latest gaming system bundle, something she'd expressed a significant amount of interest in- in her lap the whole while.

With a furrow to her brows, her gaze fell on the yellow sweater still inside the box and, though loathe as she was to touch the blasted fabric, found her curiosity winning out. Using the tissue paper as a buffer, she pulled the sweater out to find blue letters along the front of it.

"I said yes?"

And then she saw the little pouch just beneath the words, bulging a bit with something contained within it.

Weiss blinked, shoulders falling a little as the pieces fell together. Forgetting the paper for the moment, she dug into the pouch and pulled out a little velvet box, prying it open to find a gorgeous engagement ring inside.

The air fled from her lungs as tears came to her eyes, other hand dropping the sweater and going to cover her mouth.

"There, it should be finished cooking… by the… time… oh." She looked up, gaze landing on Yang as she entered the room, bereft of the sweater and with a blush rising in her cheeks. "I… uh. Wow, this didn't go like I planned. At all."

"Well, I wouldn't want to make a liar of you," she said, voice watery as she offered a smile. "You can't say you 'finally' asked if you haven't yet."

"… alright." Smiling, the blonde came around to kneel down in front of her, using both of her hands to cup Weiss' holding the ring box. "Weiss Schnee, these last few years have been the best of my life. For all the hardships we've faced, you've been by my side for every step of the way, and I absolutely love you with every little part of me. Will you marry me?"

"Yes," she replied, launching herself forward and bowling Yang over in the process, pressing their lips together in a kiss that quickly became heated. "Yes, yes, yes."

"Okay, I get it." The blonde chuckled, looking up at her with all the adoration in the world. "And here I thought I was gonna have to come up with something else."

"Oh, perish the thought." Weiss smiled, glancing down at the ring box. "It's a beautiful ring. Did you pick it out yourself?"

"I had a little help." Yang took it from her hand. "Lemme just slip it- wait, what happened to your hand?"

She glanced down, noting the red rash appearing on her pale skin, a prelude to the horrible itching that would surely follow. "I'm allergic to wool. Have I really never mentioned that before?"

Horror passed over the blonde's face. "No! No you didn't! Weiss, I wouldn't have made you a wool sweater if I knew you were allergic!"

"People forget things sometimes, Love; I just assumed I'd mentioned it at some point and you'd forgotten."

"Well, you didn't!" Yang slapped a hand to her face and groaned. "Damnit. No wonder you don't want to wear the damn thing. I thought you somehow knew I was proposing!"

"How was I supposed to know?" Reaching over for the sweater, she quickly slipped her arms through it. "Really, Yang, as sweet as this is, a little warning might've been nice. I wouldn't have dismissed anything outright if I'd suspected you'd be proposing on Christmas morning."

"C'mon, it was supposed to be a surprise- wait, what are you doing, Weiss stop that."

Too late; she'd already slipped it over her head, the sweater fitting rather snugly around her torso. "You wanted me to wear it to the party. I'm still a little critical of the color choices, I'll admit, but it certainly will ensure everyone is aware that we're now happily engaged."

"You're allergic to wool, you can't wear that!"

"I can and I will." Despite her rising discomfort, she leaned down for another kiss. "I'm truly sorry I never told you before. I… suppose it just never came up? My father used to force us to wear matching wool sweaters for Christmas parties at the company; it was absolute hell for me every year and it took weeks for the rashes to go away."

Sighing, Yang laid her head back with a thud against the floorboards before looking at her. "Okay, here's the new plan. Take off the sweater, I'm going to slather you in calimine lotion, and we'll find a turtleneck for you to wear under the sweater for the party."

"I'm only taking the sweater off if I can wear the ring."

"Both of your hands are swelling." The blonde reached up, taking off a plain gold chain she'd taken to wearing- a birthday present from Blake a few months back. Slipping the ring onto the chain, she reached up and put it around Weiss' neck. "There. Does that meet the standards of our agreement?"

"Yes, I will accept this." Weiss quickly pulled the sweater off, resisting the urge to begin scratching at the rising redness on her pale skin. "I'm lucky, you know."

"How do you figure?"

She smiled, leaning down for another kiss. "I have a very thoughtful and sweet fiance. Tell me; what better Christmas present could I ever possibly receive?"

The twinkle she saw in lilac eyes at that… she didn't know when or even how, but she realized all too late that she'd just set a goal for her beloved, and Yang Xiao Long, her future wife, would do everything in her power to attain it.

She rather looked forward to what the woman would come up with… as long as it didn't involve fucking wool.