A/N: We're back with chapter 2!

Summary: Parents Day can be avoided, sure. But you can't avoid a Parent/Teacher meeting.

Adrien has faced akumatized victims, personal loss, and living Plagg. He sometimes felt like he could face anyone and anything at any time and come out alive- but he was quickly finding that even he wasn't that invincible. There were higher powers that were out of his control. Things that made him feel like running away would be the better option. Or burying himself alive, that was also a better option than what he was doing right now. Sitting between his father (Or- rather a propped up tablet with his father on video call) and Nathalie in front of the school principal, wishing for an akuma to attack, Adrien felt more than powerless.

"You're not in trouble, Adrien." The Principal said.

Adrien felt a blush form on the tips of his ears. He felt that his fears were obvious, but he didn't think they were actually showing!

"If hes not in trouble, then why did I have to leave work?" His father snapped suddenly.

Despite only being on a tablet, his outburst still caused an uncomfortable tension to form around the four almost instantly. As embarrassed as Adrien was, he knew the conversation was going to continue one way or another. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much more painful than it already was.

"Sir- We had a few minutes to spare in your schedule." It was times like this that Adrien was thankful for Nathalie.

"I understand that, Nathalie-" There was a pause, but it was simply followed by silence. "Nevermind. Go on."

"Um, right..." The Principal cleared his throat awkwardly, glancing over at Adrien from a moment. "I just wanted to call you both down here to discuss Adrien's grades."

In an instant, the tension was back in the room. This time it was amplified, by two sets of eyes glancing down at Adrien simultaneously and Adrien's own eyes silently pleading to the principal to explain before the atmosphere of the room killed them all. Sometimes people just needed to get straight to the point instead of just beating around the bush. Adrien was starting to enjoy public school- he didn't need one miscommunication due to a pause for dramatic effect to ruin it all for him.

"Hes doing very well." A sigh a relief.

"I left my work for this?" Gabriel said. "I don't see why we couldn't be informed of this via email."

"You're only on a tablet, father." Adrien said, trying to be helpful, but shrinking back instantly when his father shot him an annoyed look.

"I don't believe Adrien was being facetious." Nathalie added gently.

"Regardless..." Gabriel muttered. "Let the man continue so we can get on with our lives."

With that, all eyes returned to the principal, two pairs sending silent apologizes to him. Its how things tended to go whenever they took Gabriel out in public like this. Anyone outside of the family unit tended to find his manner of speaking to be blunt and harsh, but they knew better.

"Well- Adrien is doing so well in fact, that his teachers were discussing allowing him to skip a grade-" The principal went on. "A final decision would have to be made by his parents or guardian. You can take your time in deciding-"

"Very well. We'll be going then." Gabriel cut in, his voice raising a few octaves. It was only a slight change, but it honestly surprised Adrien a little. Hes never heard his father raise his voice THAT loud. "We'll be taking Adrien with us, if thats alright."

At the sound of his name, Adrien scrambled to get to his feet and followed his father and Nathalie out of the office. Despite the good news, the boy couldn't help but feel nervous. It was only noon- hardly time to leave school. It made Adrien worry that he was leaving early because he was going to be homeschooled again, or something.

"We're very proud of you, Adrien." Nathalie said suddenly, halting in her steps so Adrien could catch up with her. Once he was at her side, he could see the look of pride on her face for him. That reassured him a little. "And you should be very proud of yourself as well."

"Thanks... I had a good tea-" Adrien was cut off by his father clearing his throat. Within an instance, all attention was back on the tablet.

"You don't speak for me, Nathalie." Gabriel huffed suddenly, disregarding Adrien's comment before he could even make it. "But yes, we are proud of you."

"S-so, why am I leaving?" Adrien stuttered, scooting ahead so he could see both his father and Nathalie.

"I'm going to let Nathalie treat you for your accomplishments." Gabriel said stiffly. "You both have the afternoon off, but I expect you both back at your usual times."

"Yes, sir." Both said, the call ending abruptly after.

"So, what would you like to do, Adrien?" Nathalie asked.

Now that the two were alone, they were free to do what they wished. It was one of the few times Adrien truly felt like he had his freedom. He didn't need to run away, or be Chat Noir to get it. For once, he had earned it, and was going to enjoy it to the full extent that he could.

The afternoon had started with lunch, and ended with Nathalie and Adrien taking full advantage of Gabriel's vague instructions on how to celebrate. The pair had spent their afternoon on the town, and Adrien eventually convinced Nathalie to get a full face paint with him. Adrien had gotten a cat drawn on his face, and Nathalie had a peacock done. This earned them a few strange looks from others on the street, but it was fun, regardless.