Well I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I'm really looking forward to your reactions to it. I do not own RWBY.
Chapter 3- A Regular Day at Work.
Cinder's POV
I finish off the last Beowolf Salem created to fight against me. I start panting with exhaustion, a hundred Grimm dead with just my weapons at fifteen. Not bad.
"Wow, so cool!" I jump back and turn to see a blond boy staring at me with stars in his eyes while Salem is grinning at the boy.
"Yes, Salem has been under my tutelage and care for the past five years and she's come quite far." The boy stares at me in wonder and walks in front of me. I have about a head of height on him but I also seem to have a few years on him. A black t-shirt and shorts are what he wears with a pair tennis shoes that are stylized with Grimm skulls on the tops.
"Are you like me?" Red and black bleed into the boy's eyes and I'm staring at two Grimm eyes. I hope back in shock and the eyes turn back into blue with sorrow in them.
"My Lady?" Salem approaches and then pats the boy on the head.
"No, Cinder is not like you Jaune in that sense. However, you both served a similar purpose in your villages." I stare at her in shock and then at the boy who's staring up at Salem in wonder. "You both were the scapegoats in your towns, a common practice to allow hatred and other negative emotions to be taken care of." I look at the boy with a new eye. My father was a bastard that took his anger out on me and after he killed my mother I killed him after forcibly unlocking my aura. Life after that was horrible, the entire town despised me and it was only my flames that kept me alive. Salem killed them all when she took me with her, their screams were music to my ears.
"Now then I want to see what you're capable of. Cinder, do you still have enough energy for one last fight?"
"Yes milady."
"Good, don't take it easy on Jaune." The boy looks between us with wide eyes.
"Wait what?" I form a bow from glass and dust instantly and fire at him. He ducks and then starts running forward in a zigzag the next arrow hits in front of him and right as he steps near it a pillar of fire erupts. I expect that to end it only for Jaune to rush out of the fire with only a few burns, his shirt is nothing more than a few scraps of fabric crumbling away. His arms ripple an bubble and soon the claws of a Beowolf have replaced them. He slashes at me and I dodge effortlessly. I jump back and begin firing arrows at him once more. Nevermore wings erupt from his back and shield him from my arrows before opening back up and firing feathers at me. Breaking my bow into twin swords I begin slashing away at the feathers.
"As impressive as your morphing is why did Salem think you were worth anything? You really aren't showing anything that impressive." Anger floods the boy's eyes and he rushes forward slashing wildly.
"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" I hide a smirk. Clearly, I hit a nerve. I dance around his slashes hit his sides with the flat of my blades, don't want to rough him up too much. A blast of fire into his chest sends him flying back and rush up and plant my foot on his chest while pointing an arrow at his face.
"I win." I let a smile show but it leaves at Jaune's grin.
"Nope." A black liquid wraps around my arms and points my bow at the ceiling while something, most likely the same liquid, wraps around my legs. The stuff throws me into the air and there I see that the liquid is actually Jaune's shadow. Suddenly l'm sent flying towards the floor and land on my back. Aura keeps my spine from snapping but blood and spit fly from my mouth and my bow is sent flying from my grasp. I lay there for a second before Jaune is suddenly over me and pinned my arms above my head while straddling my stomach. He leans down and bites at my neck. I feel sharp fangs prick me and then withdraw just as quick. Jaune then moves his head back but doesn't release me.
"I win." He grins down at me and I blush once our position and his actions hit me.
"Get off!" Jaune gets off instantly and I stand up with some slight pain. I then smack him across the face.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"What the hell do you think that was for you perv! You don't just bite someone on the neck!?"
"But Pecus said that you should always go for the jugular. Something about making sure prey bleeds out quickly."
"Who is Pecus? Your imaginary friend?"
"No, he's the voice in my head that gives me advice." I look at him in shock, Tyrian was bad enough but know we have another crazy.
"He's telling the truth Cinder." I look over to Salem who is watching us with some amusement. "Jaune has a Grimm consciousness nestled inside of him. It's been teaching him how to fight and kill, if he felt like it that little love bite could have turned into a death grip on your jugular. I would give you a minute before lack of oxygen and blood loss killed you then."
"Shut it brat."
"Make me bitch!"
"What did you say!"
"Bitch, Pecus says that's what you are."
"Well you tell him that the both of you are about to be torn a new one." Jaune's shadow then shoots up and a spike is inches from my face while I have a dagger placed against his throat.
"Enough!" Both of us retract our attacks and stand at attention. "Good, the both of you will be training against each other for now. Please refrain from killing one another, of course if one of you does die then I suppose it just means you were too weak." I glare at Jaune while he glares at me. I open my mouth to taunt him.
"Cinder wake up." I jump up and regret it when my arm screams in pain. I hate this cursed thing so much. A hand gently holds my arm and cool aura flows through my arm. The pain fades and the arm stops rebelling. I look up and see Jaune smiling down at me. "You were tossing a lot in your sleep, what were you dreaming about." I grab my scroll and start typing.
"Oh? Our first meeting huh. Man, we fought like cats and dogs back then." I nod and think back to when everything changed. Salem brought one more servant back with her a year after Jaune. A man named Onyx. He was a monster in combat and any other time. He was with us for one year before he decided to leave Salem, something you never do if you value your life, and we were all sent out to hunt him down. I found him first and while I injured him he still beat me. He decided to take me with him as a prize or trophy of some sort. He said I'd fetch a good price on the black market. Jaune was the one to find us and I saw exactly just what Salem found interesting about him. What he terms as his true form is terrifying and awe-inspiring at the same time. Onyx was dead in minutes and I got to see how easily Jaune could have torn my throat out. After that we started to interact and now I would readily call him a friend.
"So, Cinder we got a quick little job. Just the two of us." I look up at him in surprise. "Yeah it surprised me as well, Salem wants me to see how you do against humans and faunus in your current condition. I'm on standby in case something goes wrong." I nod and get off my bed. I then notice that Jaune's in the same clothes as yesterday and so am I. I send him a questioning glance and he gets what I mean.
"You were out like a light and I stayed to make sure you weren't faking. I was really worried about you." I feel my cheeks burn and see that Jaune is rubbing the back of his head. A tell-tale sign he's embarrassed. I point to the door and he nods before leaving. I quickly change into another copy of my outfit and wrap some clean bandages around my new arm. The thing sickens me when I look at it, not so much the physical look but the remainder of my loss. With that done I walk out and see Jaune tilting his head to the side while staring at a Seer. I wait a few seconds before he accepts a flash drive and turns towards me.
"Looks like you're ready. Salem was just giving me another mission once your test is done. Want to come with me?" I nod excitedly at that. One of the main problems I had with my last mission was not getting to work with Jaune. It's surprising how close we've grown but it makes life a little more fun. Jaune then offers me his left arm and a portal of shadows opens up next to him. "Shall we go my dear." I blush slightly, to this day he's still the only one that can make me blush, and accept his arm. I notice the Seer is staring at us intently, at least I think it is. We move through the portal and come out in a mountain. Smoke rises up from below us and I can see a few tents. Jaune hands me binoculars and I look through them with my good eye. I count around twenty men.
"Just some bandits, not even part of Branwen's clan. It's your show now." I nod and start walking down towards the camp. A scout spots me and alerts the others but they make no move against me, idiots. The one that must be the leader judging by the higher quality of armor he's wearing approaches me. A swagger in his step and a sword resting against his shoulder.
"Well look at what we have here boys. The little lady apparently thinks she can take the bounty on us." A chorus of laughter fills the air and man undresses me with his eyes. "I normally like my girls a little less scared but I suppose you'll do. The men can have their turns afterwards." I've let them have enough fun. I swipe my right arm through the air in front of me and a whip of fire sends him flying back. A flick of my wrist and two condensed balls of fire plow through two of the others. I kill another two in the same manner before the rest come to their senses. While I can't move as gracefully as before dodging these fools is easy. I form a dagger in my hands and drive it into the back of the next attacker and drag him in front of me to take gunfire for me. I use a bit of aura to burn the idiot's blood off me and rip the dagger out of his corpse. Another second sees that dagger buried itself in the shooter's skull.
"You bitch!" I lean back to avoid the swipe of a sword and shoot a concentrated beam of fire through the attacker's lung. He falls dead at my feet and I kick out at another. One by one I cut down the others until I'm alone in the smoldering ruins of their camp. I make to leave only to stumble forward as something swipes across my back. My aura keeps me from being cut but the force still sends me forward. I look back and see the leader of the gang. Burns cover most of him but he's still standing. Rage fills his eyes and he makes to swipe down. A shadow covers him and then Jaune crashes down behind him. The bandit turns around but Jaune is faster and swipes up. The bandit's top half falls back while his bottom half continues downward. Jaune's shadow then rushes around and engulfs all the corpses and his blade.
"Well given the fact you've had to learn a completely new fighting style I think that was awesome." I look down at the ground in anger. I got hit, I shouldn't have even been touched by this filth. Curse that stupid little reaper. Thanks to her I've been set back years in my strength.
"I… will.. kill… that… Rose."
"Nope." I look up ready to argue only to see a macabre smile on Jaune's face. Bloodlust fills his eyes. "The instant Salem is done using her for whatever she wants you and I will have our fun. We'll make her beg for death." I nod at his words. He is right after all. The instant Salem's use for the brat is over I'll take great pleasure in making her scream.
"Now then let's get my mission over with." I nod before taking his offered arm and following him into another portal. We come out in a pristine white room. I shoot Jaune a questioning look and he grins at me. "Don't worry you'll like this one." The door to the room opens and a young boy, maybe around the Rose brat's age, walks in.
"So you must be the people Salem was talking about." I shoot Jaune another glance and he answers.
"Whitley Schnee, one of Salem's newest recruits. Just for the record you've never sent Ironwood any written messages or any texts, right?" I remember Salem saying something about a new recruit but it was during my training and I was a bit focused on the Ursa trying to flatten me.
"Of course not. Like I would ever associate with that plebian more than necessary." Jaune nods while I simply take a seat in a white, like everything else here, chair.
"Good. Send the contents to him." Jaune tosses the brat the flash drive he received and Whitley plugs it into his computer. "What are you getting for helping us out anyway?"
"I'm insured my sisters are dead. The SDC will be mine and no-one is going to take it away from me." How … shallow. While using him for a pawn is easy thanks to his greed it's honestly pathetic.
"Well we can take care of one of those two right now. Isn't the younger one here?"
"She ran off last night, we have no idea where she is. And done, what did you all have me send anyway" Jaune's hand covers the brats mouth and nose and he keeps the brat still while he struggles.
"You just sent Ironwood a confession along with proof of all the Schnee's crimes. Perfect material to start a private battle between the military and your father. With them distracted Salem can move more freely. And isn't it great that you felt so guilty for your family's crimes that you took your life to atone." The brat struggles harder but I think a toddler would do a better job fighting back. Once Whitley is unconscious Jaune lets his body slump forward on the desk and he goes and grabs some sheets along with a few curtains. He then ties them together and wraps one end tightly around the brat's neck. He then stacks the desk and some furniture to look like the kid jumped from the pile. With a toss, the makeshift rope is over the chandelier. Jaune then pulls on the rope to hang the brat. Whitley wakes up halfway and struggles futilely as his eyes bulge. Tying the other end around the bottom of a bookcase ends the chore and Jaune sits down on the arm of my chair.
"So is this entertaining enough?" I look at the twitching body and smile at Jaune
"Yes." Jaune nods and his shadow wraps around us before pulling us down. When we come out we're in a meadow somewhere I don't recognize along with our subordinates. Penny and Neo are sitting on a blanket while Emerald and Mercury are over by a portable grill cooking something. I look at Jaune, who is grinning like a fool, with a suspicious glance.
"I figured this would help you relax a bit. Come on and enjoy it while it lasts." With that he drags me over to the blanket and gently makes me sit down. Mercury and Emerald come over with a plate of burgers and I glance behind them. Some of Jaune's personal pack are patrolling the area. I glare at my two subordinates and Mercury tilts his head in Jaune's direction.
"Hey, I was not going to argue with the guy who can pop out of nowhere at any moment. Especially when his eyes are doing that Grimm…mode…thingy." I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Emerald hands me a burger made to fit my tastes. Well done with all the toppings. Jaune takes his burger which I know has to be rare, it's the only way he'll take his meat, while the others take theres. Emerald stares at Penny in confusion.
"Why do you have a burger."
"I am capable of breaking down solid matter and have all the necessary data to understand taste." Jaune chuckles and looks at me with mirth in his eyes.
"Cinder wasn't wrong about how it was weird Penny looked like a young girl. She's actually meant to infiltrate human forces. Atlas wanted a head start in the next war. Imagine a dozen or so robots activating in the middle of a battalion with power similar to Penny." I can see the thought terrifies the two of them. Penny then stares at Emerald and Mercury in an unnerving manner
"Yes, I was meant to fight Atlas's Human or Faunus enemies. Now I shall fight Jaune's in return for the freedom he has given me. I do however feel a desire to rend the two of you to pieces for your part in the event that cut me to pieces. I believe this is called a desire for revenge, it is fascinating. My thoughts constantly go to the best way to cause you two to suffer. Jaune however says you serve some purpose so I am not allowed to do so." Emerald and Mercury back away from her slightly and stare at Jaune in shock while Neo looks amused.
"Why don't you want to hurt Cinder." Emerald smacks Mercury upside the head while Penny tilts her head.
"Because Jaune cares for Cinder. I believe that it is mutual given how both their heartrates increase when they see one another and both attempt to look their best when the other is near. I believe the next phase in this situation is for the two of them to have intercourse and create a child followed by raising their offspring together." I choke on air while Jaune chokes on his burger. Mercury is barely holding back laughter while Emerald looks distraught and Neo is rolling around on the blanket. I feel my cheeks burn while Jaune is no better. Mercury is the first to speak
"You know what, you're alright Penny."
"My design insures that I am more then alright."
Three hours later
Jaune's POV
Oh, Oum that was so embarrassing. Penny just had to say something like that. The rest of the picnic went find but I could feel myself blushing just looking at Cinder. After it was over I got us all back to base and we went our separate ways, I didn't have it in me to punish Penny though, she simply doesn't understand "human", and I use that term loosely with me, behavior.
"The bot wasn't exactly wrong you know. You do try to groom yourself in front of her, I don't think you even realize you're doing it, and your heart does start beating faster in her present. Face it kid, you got the hots for Cinder. Ha, that was actually pretty good."
"One that was a horrible joke. Two, shut it. Let's say that I do like Cinder, how the hell do you think that could work? I don't know what Cinder wants in life after Salem wins. I don't know what I want after Salem wins. It just doesn't work out any way I think about it."
"So, you admit that you have thought about her."
"I'm shutting you out now."
Oum, Pecus can drive me up a wall like no one else. And it's not like he's wrong. What isn't there to be attracted to about Cinder? After we stopped going at each other's throats we became good friends and then I started to like her more than a friend. She is a beautiful, fiery woman that can kick my ass half the time. My Grimm instincts are attracted to her for her strength and I'm attracted to Cinder herself, it's a double whammy and once my body started gained a mating season of all things it got worse. I have to spend a month each year spending as little time around her as possible. The worst part is that I can't tell how she feels about me. I used to be able to read her emotions but after she got the Fall Maiden power her emotions have been unreadable, it supports my personal theory that the power has at least a fragment of the original Maiden's soul.
A thought from a Seer then catches my attention and I focus on it. It passes along a message to meet Salem in her chambers and I head there. Once there I knock on the black door and wait for a summons to enter.
"Come in." I open the door and find Salem reading through a book. "Do you know why I wanted to see you?" I nod as I have a good idea, our picnic wasn't exactly approved.
"We went somewhere without your permission." Salem nods and closes her book.
"Normally I'd be punishing you right now." I hold back a gulp, I've had a few punishments over the years and they are not something I want to suffer again. "However, I had a little impromptu training session with Cinder a few minutes ago by having a few Alpha Beowolves ambush her. She managed to use the other elements the Fall Maiden power grants her access to rather than just fire." I keep my shock down, Cinder has been trying to do that forever. "After checking over what happened at your little outing I overheard what that robot said about the two of you. I believe she is on to something, perhaps her feelings for you are helping the Fall Maiden power integrate within her."
"With all due respect Milady, Penny has little knowledge on normal behavior and as such will of course come to a …" I trail off at her glare.
"Don't take me for a fool, even a blind idiot could tell the two of you are attracted to each other." I shake my head at that.
"You remember what could have befallen Cinder if I had not found her and Onyx when I did?" Her glare tells me that indeed she does remember. "I believe that it is that event that might make her feel a slight bit of attraction to me. It has nothing to do with me but rather my actions." Salem stares at me with something akin to disbelief.
"You really do believe that don't you? Never mind that for now. Lionheart has confirmed that Qrow Branwen will survive. Apparently, a patrol found Ruby Rose and her group after they caused a ruckus killing a Nuckelavee." I clench my fists, I should have used a deadlier venom rather than a King Taijitu's. "As such I want you to ready yourself to cause a bit of trouble for them. With luck, you'll succeed this time." I grin at that.
"I shall begin training right away my Lady." I rush off after she waves me off. I need to practice, next time I will gut that drunk and insure he is dead.
Salem's POV
Idiots the both of them. I didn't tell Jaune but I had a very similar conversation with Cinder after my little test. She acted much the same way, denying that Jaune feels anything for her beyond friendship. How people that I know are quite intelligent can't see what's right in front of them I honestly don't ever want to find out. Normally I would discourage quite violently two of my subordinates trying to get together but in this case, I'll allow it. Jaune is much more vicious when Cinder's safety come into play and Cinder is progressing much faster than expected with Jaune's influence. It's quite beneficial for now.
However, should their ultimate loyalty waver from me I will have no choice to but to kill Jaune and imprison Cinder until I find another to hold the Fall Maiden power at which point I will kill her as well. I honestly hope it doesn't come to that, such good underlings are hard to find and I suppose I feel a slight bit of fondness for them after the years I put into training and raising them.
Just enough to make their deaths as painless as possible should it become unavoidable.
So I hope you guys like this chapter. Also if you like this kind of story check out Venomous by Saint Danielle, it only has one chapter so far but it looks incredibly promising. As usual thoughts? Opinons? Hopes?