*WARNING* This chapter is very serious and may contain a scene not eligible for certain people to see. If you wish to skip this chapter, please do so. *Warning*

Ash and Johnny held each other in a soft embrace. The only sound in the entire apartment was their low breathing. Ash's eyes were closed, she'd fell asleep. Johnny's chest must've been more comfortable than her own bed. In mere seconds, she was out. Then again, maybe it was the fact that she was alone for most of her time after she broke up with Lance. Sleeping alone for the first night was pure torture for her. So, feeling someone's arms around her felt nice. She felt protected when she was with Johnny. Johnny wasn't as asleep as Ash was, but he was getting there. He mainly stayed awake to continue rubbing her back.

Ash never told anyone, but she really likes it when her back gets rubbed, by people she closely knows. Some people are scared to even go behind a porcupine, afraid they get shot with quills if they sneezed loudly. Ash really doesn't resort to her quills very often. She's more clam than you expect. If anything, she'll let some of them loose if she gets too into something. Ash ended up falling so into sleep that she even started to talk.

"Oh…. Johnny, come closer, I want to…"

But there was a loud bang on the door. Ash groaned. Whoever it was, they were ruining a good moment. One she always wanted to experience something like this. Her pupils widened at the second knock. She knew exactly who it was.

"Babe, open the door, I just want to talk."

Ash panicked. Johnny sat up, wandering who was knocking.

"What's wrong, Ash?"

"Its Lance." Was all she managed to get out. "Johnny, you have to hide, if he finds out you're here… he'll…" She didn't finish.

She hopped up, quick as lightning and dragged Johnny to her room's closest. Johnny wasn't sure why she had to hide him, or what Lance would do if he found out he was here. Before the closet door was slammed shut, he managed to ask her if she was just going to let him in.

"No, but Lance is unpredictable. If he gets in, he might not be persuaded to leave."

With that the door closed and Johnny was left in the dark closet. Ash, didn't want to open the door, but how else could she tell Lance to leave. She took a deep breath and grasped what little composure she had and swung the front door open.

"Lance!" She yelled. "Will you just knock it off and leave me alone!"

"Come on, babe you know how sorry I am."

Ash's face showed immense disgust with his response.

"Yeah right. You just want to get back together so you can farm me for my recent fame."

Lance of course, was not having that and being the somewhat, larger and stronger male, forced himself inside. He gazed around, seemingly loving how she cleaned up the place.

"Wow, babe you clean up real nice."

"Get out of my apartment and stop calling me 'Babe'" Ash demanded.

Lance just rolled his eyes. Making his way down the hallway, towards Ash's room. He wandered his way inside to be chased by Ash. Ash was now furious with his action and demanded she leave her house before she called the police. Lance only chuckled not being moved by Ash's retaliation. He slipped closer to her. Inside the closest, Johnny was trying not to reveal himself, especially counteracting the urge to run out and nail Lance. He didn't want to cause more trouble by revealing himself.

"Lance, for the last time, get out of my house."

"Aw come on, Babe give me a second chance." He asked, caressing her cheek.

Ash's response; she slapped him back to the stone age. Lance fell backwards. Johnny gasped, but covered his mouth so it wasn't audible. Lance's fake caring face went away in a heartbeat. It was quickly replaced a mean, angry and snaring look. Lance stood up and growled. His face showing pure rage. Ash realized what she did and she became terrified.

"Ha, funny to see you're still scared of me." Lance chuckled, finally revealing his true nature.

Johnny was hoping Lance wouldn't do anything. Ash was worried, Johnny never was violent, so he might not even show himself during all this. But she knew, deep inside he wanted to pummel Lance. Lanced shoved Ash on her back. Something, she'd never thought he'd do. Lance towered above a terrified Ash. Lance looked rather smirk like.

What is he going to do to me? Ash thought.

She then saw his peculiar smirk.

Wait… Why is he smirking? She heart, stomach and mind dropped.

I'm on my back and he's smirking. I'm on my back and he's smirking.


But before she could finish Lance had shoved himself down on top of Ash. His mind foggy with rage, never fully realized what he was doing. Ash became terrified. Lance was face to face with Ash. Tears began to form in her eyes, as she soon would face the most horrible moment of her life. But, before Lance could intrude her. The closest door finally swung open. Lance turned his head.

"Who are yo-."

Before he knew it, he was picked up slammed against the wall. His back felt like it exploded. He was face to face with Johnny. Lance heard about Johnny before. Johnny's eyes were filled with pure hatred and rage.

"If I ever see you around here, or near Ash ever again, I will not be afraid to beat you so hard you'll feel like you've been hit by the metro. Do you understand?"

Lance nodded fearfully. Johnny looked towards Ash, her eyes were still wide and she was crying. Lance soon found himself, quite literally flying out the door. His body slamming against the sidewalk. Johnny gave one final stare before slamming the door and locking it. Lance now knew the hard way, never to step foot on Ash's street ever again. He limped away.

Johnny raced back into Ash's room and scooped her up.

"Oh my gosh, Ash are you okay?" He asked, tears now forming in his eyes too.

Ash couldn't respond with words, but she nodded.

Ash squeezed Johnny as hard as she could. Johnny did the same. Once Ash began to calm down she still didn't let Johnny go.

"Ash, are you okay?" Johnny asked one more time.

"Y-Yeah, Lance didn't do it… but, holy… was he close." She responded softly.

Johnny leaned his head into hers.

"I promise, that will never happen again."

"I know… I know…"