Ouran High school Host Club and Sekirei

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

Miya, Number 01 of the Sekirei, Former Head of the Disciplinary Squad, The Queen of Sekirei, and Pillar… the one Sekirei that was supposed to be impossible to wing… and she was reacting to Haruhi. That was what was going through Kagiri's head as he walked towards the bath house with some of his casual clothes in hand for Haruhi to wear until her outfit got done washing.

"Hey Haruhi-kun. I got you some dry…clothe…s…" Kagiri said entering the bath house where the brown eyed Host was drying off, Kagiri's words trailing to a stop and his eyes widening as he stared at the sight before him.

Haruhi was staring at him wide eyed, a towel held in front of her body from where she had been drying off her arm, her slender frame and a size D bust showing that she wasn't a feminine male…she was just a female with short hair. Haruhi blushed brightly at his staring as she covered up with the towel.

"GET OUT!" Haruhi screamed, her voice several pitches higher than normal and making the Inn's visible residents and several armed men rush to the bath house in a hurry. Miya was the first to burst into the area, worry for her destined one causing her to loosen her hold on her human disguise a bit. She froze when she saw her destined one, not even noticing one of her other tenant's and 'sisters' Uzume appear behind her. She stiffened however when the group of armed men burst into the room, pointing guns at the three fully dressed people.

If they pointed one of those anywhere near her destined one, they would not live long enough to even think of pulling the trigger.

"Back away from Haruhi-sama!" The lead armed man ordered pointing his gun at the shocked silly looking man staring at their charge as she hid behind a towel with a bright red face as she tried to cover her body from everyone's sight.

"You're…a…girl?" Miya asked slowly, her face flushed a deep red as she stared at the half naked girl that was to be her other half. Miya didn't even wait for Haruhi's answer, she could see it for herself and she realized that so could everyone else.

They were staring at what was hers! Only she was allowed to see her dearest one's body like this! Her possessive instincts reared greatly at that.

"I'll bring you one of my spare outfits to wear." Miya said pushing the others, even the guards, out of the bath house with more force than was strictly necessary before going to grab a spare kimono from her room. When she returned to the bath house door less than two minutes later, she found that it was being guarded by two of the five armed men that had burst into her Inn.

"Halt! What are your intentions towards Haruhi-sama?!" One guard asked raising his gun to point it at her when she walked towards them. Miya's eyes narrowed at him, biting the urge to say something that would probably shock those that didn't serve on the Squad with her as her infamous Hannya Mask appeared making the two police officers pale and tremble in fear.

"I am the owner of this Inn and I bought her some clothes to change into since Kagiri-kun forgot to leave his here with her when he discovered her gender." Miya said before she seemed to disappear from in front of them and appear beside them, knocking on the door.

'Such Speed! Only Honey-sama and Takeshi-Sama have shown such speed before and they were going all out!' The Guards thought jumping back from her surprised as they stared shocked at the rather dainty looking woman.

"Haruhi-chan it's Miya. I bought you some of my clothes." Miya announced as she knocked on the door before it cracked open to show the girls head and a single brown eye.

"Thank you Landlady." Haruhi said smiling thankfully at the older woman who smiled back and handed her the clothes.

"Not a problem Haruhi-chan, and please. Call me Miya." Miya said smiling warmly at the girl and earning a small blush, one which nearly drove her other side crazy with it's desire to claim the girl as her own. She had an effect on her Haruhi!

"We'll be down in the living room when you are ready to join us Haruhi-chan." Miya said making Haruhi nod thankfully at her as she closed the door. Miya turned and ignored the gunmen pointedly as she walked back to the kitchen to brew a nice cup of tea.

"Thank you for allowing me to use the bath and borrow your clothes, Miya-sama." Haruhi said less than five minutes later as she walked into the living room, the two gunmen flanking her protectively.

"Not a problem Haruhi-chan, and the 'sama' is unnecessary. Just Miya, or Miya-san if you have to be formal, is perfectly fine." The purple haired woman said smiling warmly at her destined one, fighting the urge to wing herself to the girl right now.

"Thank you Miya-san. Now I believe we were discussing the terms of me living here?" Haruhi asked calmly sitting down on the only empty space left at the table, right across from Miya.

"Wait so you're not going to mention anything about really being a girl or about these armed guys?" Kagiri asked looking at Haruhi who blinked for a second and looked at him.

"Not really. I don't care if you identify me as a male or female, I've been 'hiding' myself as a male for several years now and not really trying hard to keep it hidden. The armed men here are merely a few of the members of a private police force that belong to one of my old friends and Sempai's from the High School I attended. He assigned them to watch out for me because he and the others can be vastly overprotective of me and refused to take no for an answer. Especially considering the kidnapping incident a year or so ago." Haruhi said shrugging it all off easily and causing the lead guard to cough slightly.

"Kyoya-Dono is merely concerned for you Haruhi-sama, especially considering your lung condition and the kidnapping which had happened two years ago next week." The guard said making Haruhi roll her eyes while Miya was instantly alert and worried.

"Lung Condition?" Miya asked worriedly, wondering if her dearest was sick. Goddess she hoped it wasn't anything dangerous or terminal.

"During the kidnapping, my kidnapper broke some of my ribs. A piece of one rib pierced my left lung, thankfully it was small and easy to stitch up however it makes breathing difficult sometimes which is why I bind my chest. The bindings makes it easier on my lungs. Kyoya-Sempai should know that after my training with Honey-Sempai and Mori-Sempai I can handle myself even with my lung being damaged. By the way can you guys go make sure the Apartment Manager isn't messing with my belonging?" Haruhi explained before asking the guards who saluted and left. They weren't gone for more than three minutes as Haruhi sipped her tea and then looked at the worried Miya.

"I believe we were about to discuss the details of me staying her-" Haruhi never finished that sentence, she was cut off by Miya nearly tackling her and pressing her lips to Haruhi's.

Haruhi was wide eyed at seeing the large purple wings explode from Miya's back, growing larger and larger and eventually phasing through the walls of the Inn.

Of course the large semi-transparent purple wings drew a lot of attention as they covered the northern part of the city protectively.