Chapter 2 - Two New Arrivals

Halfway through Tiana's pregnancy, Crusher realized he needed some way to make money to support his family, so he got a job as an engineer at Mario's Mechs, a popular mechanical factory in Axle City; and given his gifted engineering abilities, Crusher made plenty of money off of his new job.

But one day, Crusher was working alone at an assembly line, as his two partners were out sick on the same day(somehow), and he had to set the conveyor belt's speed to slow since he could only build so many things at once.

And on this slow day, it got boring very quickly when he had to continue to assemble desk lamps…yeah, real fun!

"Crusher, Crusher, CRUSHERRRR!"

The said dark blue monster truck didn't even have to look up from the desk lamp he was working on to know who was approaching him.

"What is it, Pickle?" Crusher sighed, and the said green hatchback monster truck's brakes suddenly screeched when he stopped right next to him.

"It's…it's…it's uh…" Pickle mumbled with confusion, "I forgot."

"No surprise there," Crusher scoffed and finally finished the desk lamp, and he then set it on the assembly line and drove away.

"Where ya goin'?" Pickle asked as he quickly caught up.

"Ta lunch."

"But don't 'cha wanna hear what I have to say, Crusher?"

"Not really."

"But it's REALLY important! Oh, if only I could remember what it was!" But just as Pickle finished his sentence, he suddenly ran into a stack of large boxes on accident, knocking the top one over and spilling its contents of various-sized, metal baby rattles.

"Ooh, what are these for?" Pickle asked with a big smile, and he picked up the smallest rattle and shook it excitedly.

"They're baby rattles for dinosaur trucks; built them just yesterday," Crusher replied nonchalantly.

"Baby rattles…baby…baby…baby! THAT'S IT!" Pickle suddenly exclaimed, "Crusher, I remembered what I was going to tell you!"

"Oh, really?" Crusher questioned sarcastically.

"Yeah! It's Tiana, she's having the baby!" The very second Pickle said that, Crusher nearly lost his mind.


"I-I just did," Pickle mumbled meekly when he had to shake the dizziness from his head when Crusher suddenly grabbed and shook him violently.

"Well, what're we waiting for?! We gotta get ta the hospital!"

Luckily, Crusher and Pickle were able to rush down to the hospital just in time to get to Tiana's side during labor. And before long, it was all over, and their precious baby was finally brought into the world.

And when little Crusher Junior was bundled up and fast asleep with the other new deliveries in the infirmary, even Crusher was already welling up with tears.

"Look at 'm, Pickle. He's perfect, a chip off the ol' block," Crusher sobbed and wiped a few tears away.

"He sure is. He's got your handsome looks," Pickle complimented with a smile.

Crusher Junior was certainly given the right name, for he looked completely identical to his father; with the same semi truck shape, dark eyes, dark blue paint, and even the same light blue lighting designs on his sides.

Suddenly, a dark purple baby to Crusher Junior's left awoke from her slumber and started crying, and Crusher wasn't amused when she woke his son.

"That one's a real crybaby, isn't she?" Crusher huffed.

"Well, she IS just a baby, Crusher. I'm sure even you cried like that when you were their age," Pickle calmly protested.

"Not likely."

"Hey, Crusher." A familiar happy voice that Crusher still despised came from the end of the hall, and he sighed and reluctantly turned to find none other than Blaze approaching.

"Ooh, hiya Blaze! What're you doing here? Did you come ta see Crusher's new baby too?" Pickle inquired with excitement.

"I didn't know he was here yet, but congratulations anyway, Crusher," Blaze replied with a smile, "I'm actually here for my new baby."

Both Pickle and Crusher immediately stared at Blaze in complete shock, but Pickle soon smiled brightly.

"You mean little Ember's here already? Hoo-ray!" the green hatchback monster truck cheered.

"What? Ember? Pickle, you knew about this?" Crusher asked with surprise.

"Sure, I did! I've known for about seven months."

"What didn't you tell me?!"

"You never asked."

Crusher was about to say something, but he realized his friend was right and immediately closed his mouth in embarrassment.

"Aww, it's ok, Ember. Daddy's right here. Shh, shh, shh!" Blaze gently reassured from the other side of the window, and it seemed to work when Ember quickly calmed down and cooed happily when she saw her father.

Ember looked very similar to Blaze, with the same shape, driver's cab, and bright blue eyes, but her paint was dark purple due to the mixture of her parents' red and blue paint.

"Awwwww, she's SO adorable!" Pickle giggled and started crying tears of joy.

"Thanks, Pickle," Blaze admitted with a blush, "You're baby looks good too, Crusher."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, I guess," Crusher spouted quickly.

"Howdy, Fellas!" the southern voice of Starla called, as she and her family, including her three year old twins Sal and Stella, drove in with the rest of their friends: Darington, Zeg, and Little Light.

"Hi, Starla! Guess what?! We've got TWO new babies?! Isn't it great?!" Pickle informed the others enthusiastically.

"Really?" Darington asked with surprise.

"Yup! Everyone, say hello to Ember and Crusher Junior!" Everyone followed where Pickle's tire was pointing, and they all immediately 'awwed' when they saw them; all except Sal and Stella, who were a little too short to see over the high window.

"Ma, we can't see!" Sal whined.

"Yeah, we wanna see too! Up, up!" Stella begged, and she was lifted onto her dad's back while Sal was lifted up onto his mom's. And when they were finally able to see over the window, they smiled when they saw the two adorable new baby trucks.

"They're so…tiny," Stella eventually admitted.

"Well, they were just born, Darlin'. You and your brother were that small after you were born, too," Starla informed her daughter with a smirk.

"But I was obviously bigger 'cause I'M the oldest," Sal boasted with a cocky smile.

"Only by ten minutes!" Stella protested with a pouty face, and the adults all laughed at the kids' bickering.

"Zeg so happy for you both!" Zeg happily added.

"Aww, thanks Zeg," Blaze chimed, but when the two new fathers turned back around to look at their babies, Zeg realized something on his mind, something he has wanted for a while since his friends have been starting families.

"Zeg just wish he could be dad too," the dinosaur truck sighed sadly.

Later that night, after spending a lot of time with all four of the new parents, Zeg returned home to his cave out in the desert, his mind still heavy with the thought of having children of his own.

But just before Zeg was about to go to bed, he heard a quick knock at the door. Curious, Zeg rushed to the door and opened, only to find no one was there.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Zeg called out, but there was no answer. So, he shrugged and started to close the door…until he suddenly decided to look down, and he caught sight of the strangest item on his doorstep.

It was a large football-sized dinosaur egg, much like the truckodactyl egg he and Blaze rescued that one time, but this egg's shell was very bright yellow with a few green spots.

"An egg? How did you get here?" Zeg asked the egg, driving outside and taking a closer look at it. When he saw no cracks, he checked his surroundings and still saw no one, at least no one that could have placed the egg and knocked at his door.

And when he looked back, Zeg realized that the egg was all alone now with no one to take care of it. So, Zeg made an important decision.

"Don't worry, little egg. Zeg will take care of you," Zeg informed softly while pulling the egg close, and he then carried it inside.

Sorry for waiting so long to update.


They're so cute, right? I sure hope so. But if you want more cuteness, don't worry 'cause there are more babies on the way!

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!