Ok this is a specail announcement
To all those who've read and suported me thank you but I've decided to do something that many of you will like and others might not.
Simply put I'm rewriting this fic because I'm frestrated with certain parts of it.
Bascially its full of grammer mistakes because I'm bascially doing a half assed job of really checking through the chs when their completed because I want tp rush to post them. All in all I'm really frustrated with myslef for the limited effort I put in especially at the later parts.
And there are just some parts where I didn't put the effort in the I should have and I know I can do better than this if I actually try and stop simply just writing chapters with mediocre effort because the story has suffured for it and I really want to remedy that.
I'm no operation meteor (they're a far better writer than me by a wide margin.) But like I said I can do betyer than this at least in terms of making sure the story doesn't have visible errors almost EVERY OTHER LINE and scene that just a couple lines of dialogue with no real detail put into them.
Now that being said. I'm making clear now that the OC's are staying because they play a major role in the plot I'm using meaning their roles will stay as is the only thing I'm gonna do is reduce Roland's growth (not his potential so don't misinterpret) as a pilot because I realized I made him too powerful at the point in the story where he fought Heero in the desert.