Disclaimer: All characters except for Meagan, Sasha and a few minor other characters, belong to George Lucas, and we are not receiving any profit off this work of fiction.

This is written in first person point of view of Meagan unless otherwise noted.

For those of you just joining us, this is the second part of the story "From Earth to Star Wars." Though this can be read by itself, a more complete understanding of this part is better after having read part one. However, here is a quick summary.

Meagan travels from her home in Colorado to the Star Wars world to discover that it is real, but a little different from the stories on Earth. She meets up with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi on a transport taken over by pirates. She goes back to the Temple with them to discover her hidden Force talents and eventually works with children there. Over the course of a year, she learns about herself and the real Star Wars world and she and Obi-Wan eventually fall in love. Mostly because of his rank of Padawan, the young couple decides to be friends. It is not long after that decision that the Force pulls Meagan back home. Then both the Jedi and Meagan have to adjust to being apart.

Our story opens six years after the end of part one, as Meagan, still on Earth, begins another amazing adventure……

From Earth to Star Wars

Part Two: Post TPM by about four years. (Anakin is about thirteen.)

Meagan comes back to Star Wars and meets up with now Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Follows the movies, but is an AU. (Caution.) Ours does have a bit of a twist to it.

Chapter One

**Earth, Pine Tree, Colorado**

I stood by my Father's grave, next to my Mother. The cool wind blew through my hair, making me shiver. I was still in shock over his death three months ago today.

"Honey." My Mom spoke, breaking into my thoughts. "Can I have a moment alone?"

I sighed, wishing I could say the same, but what could I say to her? She was married to him. "I'll be at the car."

She nodded as I walked toward the car, trying to calm down. Since the car accident, I hadn't a moment with him alone, never a chance to finally say goodbye.

The accident had hit all of us, especially Mom, very hard. For some reason, they leaned on me for support. Seth and Heather lived in Denver, leaving me to take care of Mom. Of course they called me all the time to see about Mom or asked how this or that was doing. (I was the one that mostly handled all the stuff you do after someone dies. Mom couldn't handle it, so I did it.) I was the strong one, the one they all turned too. However I couldn't grieve and had barely cried at the funeral. Even Lisa (my parents sort of adopted her), who lost her own father at a young age, turned to me for support when it should have been the other way around.

I cleared my mind quickly as Mom returned to the car. "Ready?"

She nodded and climbed into the car. The ride was quiet as we drove back home. (After the accident, I moved back in with Mom to help her handle things.) Mom went to rest after we got back, leaving me to finish cleaning the house, and to fix dinner, as usual.

The next few moths continued on as they had been. I'd been back to work about a month after the accident, so I commuted in during the week. I'd meant to move back into my own place, but it just never happened. I didn't mind too much, especially if I was in town, Seth wouldn't let me hear the end of it by not living with Mom.

However, sometimes I wished he would help more, but Heather and the kids depended on him and his job was in Denver. So, they came over when they could, but the majority of the time it was just Mom and I.

My days started out early, extremely early. We lived a little outside of town on a farm that hand been sold down to just a handful of acres. We still had an old barn, but the only animals we had were my Dad's horses. I just couldn't sell them, didn't find it in my heart too. So, they had to be taken care of, along with our dogs. Thankfully, Seth or some friend from town would come out and mow now and then so I wouldn't have to do it.

My grandparent's farm was left to Mom after Dad's death, so that was another thing I handled. Though it hadn't been a working farm in years, I still had go out there and check on things now and then. We mostly used it for get together's and swam in the river or put something in the barn to store. My Grandfather died years ago, but Grandma lived in a nursing home in town, so Mom and I visited her regularly.

Sometimes, late at night, I wondered why I was the one that always took care of things, like my Dad did. I still haven't figured it out if I just shouldered everything on my own or if they assumed I would be the strong one. Maybe, I finally came to the conclusion years later, that it was a little of both.

However, the weight of it all finally began to get to me. So, knowing how well Mom was now doing, I could leave to spend some time by myself, away from everything. This wasn't just a weekend trip either. I had enough money saved up to last close to a year.

"I can't believe you are leaving." Lisa confronted me as I packed. "This isn't like you, being selfish."

I stopped cold. "I'm not being selfish. I just need my own space for a while. I need a break."

"Then get your own place."

"No." I said firmly. "I need to get away for a while. Mom's fine and I've done everything for the past six months, let Seth do something for once."

"Meagan think about this."

"I'm leaving Lisa and nothing will change it."

She sighed. "It's him isn't? He gave you a crazy idea and you're going to him again."

Oh, how I could use Obi-Wan's calm presence right now. "Nope. This was all my idea."

"You can't be serious?" Lisa asked, still stunned.

"Lisa, please try to understand this. I just need a little space for a while and then I'll be back."

"How long?" I heard her sigh, not understanding my reasons, but wasn't going to argue with me any longer.

I shrugged, zipping one bag closed, and turned to pack another. "Honestly, I don't know."

Lisa sighed again, and turned to leave. "Goodbye Meagan."

I smiled at my old friend. "Bye Lisa."

She smiled back and let herself out.

I finished my packing, loaded it into my car, said goodbye to Mom and drove off toward the Rockies, not looking back.

**Obi-Wan's point of view**

**Jedi Temple**

One evening, Anakin and I were headed away from the cafeteria after dinner. "Master?"

I turned slightly as we continued to walk down the hallway. "Yes Padawan?"

"When can I start making my own lightsaber?" I thought on this as he continued, nearly jumping up and down. "I mean, I have a practice one, but a real one, like yours."

I remained quiet for a moment or two as Anakin did calm down, patiently awaiting my answer. "After this current term is over, I was going to have you begin making one. You still have a lot to learn, but you're skills are competent enough to carry your own lightsaber."

He smiled thankfully. "Thank you Master."

I smiled back as we headed back to my quarters. After we finished working on the work the Council gave us, he looked to me. "So, I get to decide what it looks like and everything?"

I nodded. "One of the greatest trials a Jedi goes through is to make his or her own lightsaber. It is a great honor to make one."

"Where you my age?"

"About. I had a practice one for a while, but one day, Qui-Gon told me I had developed enough so he let me build my own."

"Did he show you how to?"

"A little, but it's your weapon Anakin, and you must make it alone." His face dropped slightly. "However, there are books on how to construct one, and I will help you if needed. But the Force will always guide you." I looked into his eyes, making sure he got the meaning.

He nodded. "Yes Master." He paused before asking. "Do I really have to wait to the end of the term?"

I, on one hand, knew his impatience wasn't a good thing, but his desire to be a Jedi and work toward it was admirable. "Yes, Anakin, you do. But you can start reading the books about building one starting in a few weeks."

He let out a cheer, but quickly hushed it to a smile at the look I sent him. As we continued to study together, I could feel his excitement at the thought of building his own saber. I was about to say something to him, but the flash of a memory held me back. The look in Qui-Gon's eyes when he told me I could build my own and the pride that my Master thought I was ready to use my own weapon. I put my hand on his shoulder as he looked up at me and smiled, somehow knowing my thoughts.


**Meagan's point of view**

**On Earth: Colorado**

As I drove, thoughts crowded into my head, about the accident and the last six months. Dad and I had always been close and losing him was ruff, especially since I'd never been given my own space.

I sighed, letting the cold mountain air kiss my cheeks. I was driving up and Northward. There was a family cabin that we owned in a retreat center, almost like condos on the beach….some cousin or something… but everyone was allowed to use it. I knew no one lived up there and it wasn't being rented right now. I figured I would stay up there for a while, at least until I decided where to go and what to do. I knew I couldn't live up there all winter, but at least it was a starting point. But most important, there would be no one I had to take care of but me. I didn't care if it sounded selfish or not. I needed to take some time alone and handle this my own way.

No one really understood, except Mom did a little, though she did try to talk me out of it like everyone else did. She called Seth and he was so close to talking me out of it. He invited me to stop on my way up for a few days, see the kids and such. However, I full well knew if I stopped there, I wouldn't get any further, so I added close to a hundred miles to the trip just to avoid seeing them.

At one point in time, I pulled over, at the spot where the accident occurred. I closed my eyes, nearly seeing the semi-truck that lost control and hit my Dad's truck. Being a mountain road, they were going slow enough that where if Daddy's truck hadn't gone over the edge he would have undoubtedly lived.

I hastily wiped my eyes, staring at the cross that we put up that had a small wreath around it. I placed the flowers that I had picked up in the nearby town and placed them at the foot of the cross.

I stood there for a moment or two, just wishing I could see him one more time. "I miss you Daddy. I love you."

Sighing, turned, got back into my car and drove up the hill, feeling I had made one small step in letting everything go.


It didn't take me much longer to get the center and check in and drive through the woods to the cabin. I did stop by at the store and picked up the cold stuff. (I had stopped by a grocery store early to get everything else.) After I unpacked, I changed into something more comfortable and sat out on the back porch, holding a mug of hot cocoa. I stared up at the stars, wishing that everything would just go back to the way it was before, but I knew it never would. Now I had to learn to adjust.

However, over the next few weeks or so, I just couldn't seem to cry or grieve in any way. It was like my heart stopped and I wasn't quite sure how to unstop it either. I had thought stopping by the car sight would help more than it actually did. So, I continued to read, take long walks, biking and other things. I had called Mom to let her know I arrived safely, but that I wouldn't come home or return any messages until I was good and ready. Of course, I had no idea of when that would be.

It was one day that I was sitting in the small bedroom, reading when I fell asleep that the most unexpected thing happened again…….


I opened my eyes and took in the different surroundings. The room was unfamiliar to me but yet there was a sense of familiarity. I propped myself up to gaze around the room. In a split second I knew what was so familiar. It was Obi-Wan. I recognized him before I even saw him. His unique Force signature was written throughout the room simply because he lived there. He was standing in the kitchen with his back towards me, but there was no doubt in my mind of who it was. He turned his head around in shock and surprise, not believing who had just sensed him. I then realized why he appeared different from the back. I now noticed the longer hair and the beard. It then hit me that I had come back to this universe, but it was years later.

"What . . . how . . . where did you come from?" Obi-Wan was finally able to put some thoughts together.

Before I could answer, a young boy, probably at about twelve or thirteen, with blond hair, a small ponytail and a padawan braid walked into the room.

'Anakin.' My brain told me, though the kid didn't look a whole like Hayden Christianson.

"Master, I felt a disturbance in the Force." He informed Obi-Wan as he walked into the room. He stopped short when he saw me sitting on the couch. "Who is she? Where did she come from?" The questions poured from his mouth, "Her Force signature is very different from ours."

'Not again.' I thought, realizing the mess I would have to go through with the Jedi Council again. Now they would have to discuss why I had returned.

"Hi, I'm Meagan." I introduced myself and decided to let Obi-Wan answer the second question.

"Meagan? I've heard about you." Anakin informed me, looking extremely interested.

"Really?" I asked in spite of myself. It isn't everyday someone changes galaxies.

"Well you did cause quite a stir when you disappeared six years ago." Obi-Wan answered.

"Six years?" I asked. 'Six years, that would be in between the Episode I and II.' I thought, mentally calculating when I was in Star Wars time.

"So…." Obi-Wan prompted. It was more than obvious that he wanted to hear my story.

"Well, the last thing I remember here was going back to my quarters after talking to you when you and Qui-Gon returned from the Corellian Sector. I went to sleep and woke up on Earth. I've been there for the past number of years thinking I had gone back home for good. I was just sitting in my room reading and the next thing I remember I woke up here."

"Master, what are we going to do? If I felt a disturbance, certainly the Jedi Masters did as well." Anakin pointed out.

I inwardly groaned. I was not ready to face Master Yoda, Master Windu or the rest of the Council yet. I was just getting used to the fact that Obi-Wan was no longer the Padawan instead of the Knight with an apprentice.

"Right you are, Padawan. But let her adjust to what happened before we summon the Council." Anakin nodded in return and I gave Obi-Wan a grateful smile, relieved that he picked up on my discomfort.

Anakin turned his attention towards me with a curious look in his eyes. "Is it true that you called a lightsaber to you, killing some space pirate and saving not only two Jedi, but an entire transport?"

"Don't you have classes to attend to Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked him before I could even begin to explain what really happened.

"Yes Master," Anakin rolled his eyes. "We'll talk later." He told me as he walked by.

"What was that all about?" I asked after Anakin had left.

"There are plenty of rumors about you flying around the Temple." He answered.

"And I can only imagine how far stretched they are." I stood up and followed Obi-Wan back into the small dinning area. I grabbed a piece of fruit and took a bite, more out of habit than of hunger. We sat there in silence as we ate until I noticed that he kept looking up at me.

"What?" I asked instead of trying to sense his emotions because if he wanted to tell me he would.

He simply shook his head and mumbled, "Nothing," and turned his attention back to his now empty plate.

I could tell that something was bothering him and it appeared to me that it had to do with me showing up again, especially if he still had feelings for me. "Obi-wan, something is on your mind. What is it?" If he didn't answer this time, I would drop it.

He looked back up at me and I could tell that he was contemplating whether or not he should tell me. I was just about to give up hope when he answered.

"I missed you." Most of the time, Jedi did not openly express their emotions. Their emotions were controlled and hidden. Those three small words meant so much.

I couldn't help but smile in return as our eyes met. Memories of our time together came flooding back and in those few seconds, I realized that the years I was on Earth, I believed I got over him, but now I knew I had just been lying to myself. "I missed you too. I'm sorry that I've missed the last six years."

"I am too." He replied. He picked up the plate and got up from the table, ending the discussion. "I still have some of your possessions."

"You do?" I was surprised that he would have kept them all this time.

"Yes." With that said he strode out of the room and I had no choice but to follow him.

I followed him into what I could tell was his bedroom. Everything that was present in the room reflected a certain aspect of him. He opened a drawer and took out some writing paper.

"My journal. You kept it." I said as I took it from him. When I went back to Earth, I thought I had lost it forever.

He nodded. "Don't worry I still can't read it."

"That is why I wrote in my own language." I replied, laughing, still remembering the times Obi-Wan looked over my shoulder while I wrote. He complained that I chose not to use the Republic's written language. He claimed that he thought that I should write in their language so I could practice reading and writing it. While that did make sense I knew that he just wanted to be able to read my journal.

I looked up from my last entry and noticed a frame that sat on the top of his dresser. As I looked closer, I could see that flowers were pressed inside the frame. I gasped.

"My flowers." I reached out and tentatively touched the frame. 'I can't believe he kept these,' I thought, 'It's so sweet.' I still could close my eyes, seeing the way my flowers floated into my open hands.

"Go ahead and take them. They are yours." Obi-Wan said, breaking me out of my trance, then set several things on the dresser. Looking at them I couldn't believe that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon kept my locket, the crystal (both pieces) and one of my rings.

I finally picked up the frame and looked up at him. "Where am I going to put these? I'm taking a wild guess that I no longer have my quarters."

"No, I'm afraid not. More than likely you'll be sleeping here for awhile."

I nodded my head in agreement, placing the flowers back on the dresser and went into the main living area where I sat down to start writing about my new adventure.

"Meagan, stay here. I have some business to attend to." Obi-Wan informed me as he put on his brown robe.

"Okay, I would have been surprised if you had a free day."

"I shouldn't be too long. I'll see you later."

"Bye." I watched him walk out the door and then I turned me attention back to my journal.


**Obi-Wan's point of view**

I stopped after the door slid shut behind me. In my wildest dreams, Meagan never came back to us. Yes, I often dreamt of her, but it was often times in our past or just wishful thinking. I sighed, calming my beating heart. Seeing her again, really again, brought out emotions that I thought were long gone. I had always known she was my other half, but I didn't realize seeing her again would unleash a turret of emotion.

I starred walking down the hall toward the turbolift, trying to decide how to handle this. "Very carefully. The last thing I need right now is another broken heart. She's liable to leave again." I thought, pulling my robes closer to me, as if shielding myself would help the ache in my heart knowing Meagan had returned.


**Meagan's point of view**

After I had finished my writing, I thoroughly searched the apartment, wondering why it had two bedrooms and if Anakin actually lived here. I hoped Obi-Wan hadn't given me Anakin's room without his permission. However, the door to the smaller one was open and a quick peek told me that this was not a teenage boy's room.

Shrugging it off, I went into the refresher and found myself trying to remember how this stuff worked. Sighing, I finally changed out of my clothes and took a nice, long hot shower. Time and space travel is hard on the body, but at least this time I wasn't hurt.

Since my clothes were feeling a bit icky from space and time travel, I found a robe of Obi-Wan's and wrapped myself in it. It felt rough and course, but the deep masculine scent that was all Obi-Wan gave me great comfort. Extremely tired, I laid down on the couch, and immediately fell asleep all the while wondering why I was brought back.


A small gasp brought me from my sleep. I slowly sat up, looking at a young Anakin Skywalker. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

I shook my head. "I needed to get up anyway."

He smiled sweetly and I didn't want to think that this was same boy that would become Darth Vader.

I fully sat up, then patted the spot besides me. "How was class?"

He shrugged as he sat down besides me. "One was history, not my favorite."

It had never been my favorite either. "What is your favorite Anakin?"

He smiled again. "Saber technique. We get to duel each other."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you did today?"

Anakin shook his head. "Nope. Today we just went over basic maneuvers."

I nodded, wondered what that exactly meant, but I decided not to ask. "Do you have your own lightsaber?"

"I have a practice one, but in a week or so, I'm going to start studying how to make my own."

"That sounds like something to look forward too."

Anakin nodded, then studied me for a long moment or two. "So, you are really from another galaxy?"

"Yes Anakin, I am." I gazed at him for a second. "But don't believe everything you hear in the Temple."

"I don't." He paused then continued. "Master Obi-Wan told me."

"He did?" I gasped, trying to mask my surprise.

Anakin grimaced for a second. "Some, but I would like to hear it from you."

I felt instant relief, though I didn't know why. Very few people had discovered or knew about the feelings Obi-Wan and I had for each other. So, I began my story, leaving out my feelings for the boy's Master, staying strictly with my job at the Temple, the things the Jedi taught and such like that.

By the time Obi-Wan returned that evening, Anakin and I had become friends.


Anakin was in the middle of describing a mission when Obi-Wan came in. He didn't look too surprised to find Anakin with me, but utterly shocked at the sight of me in one of his robes. He set something down on the end table, finally finding his voice. "I brought you some clothes."

"Thank you." I said quietly.

Anakin seemed to have sensed the tension between us and voiced up. "Master can we go to Earth sometime? It sounds so wizard."

That brought both of us out of our trance and we laughed slightly before I answered. "Anakin, I would love to show you around my home, but we've never found out how and why I've come here."

"Really?" He looked intrigued. "Maybe this time back will tell us."

I glanced up to Obi-Wan and back to the Padawan. "Maybe so."

Obi-Wan headed into the kitchen, calling over his shoulder. "Anakin, please come help me with dinner."

He wrinkled his nose, but rose from the couch to obey his Master. Thankful for a moment alone, I took the clothes into the spare room, and quickly changed into something more comfortable. Relieved to be out of another man's clothing, I slipped the robe into his immaculate room, and headed into the kitchen.

Obi-Wan and Anakin were making something simple, but it smelled wonderful. My stomach growled, letting me know I hadn't eaten since this morning.

"Hungry?" Obi-Wan asked me as I started to help them.

"Yes." I admitted, the first time in a long time I had felt hunger.

During dinner, Anakin asked me quite a few questions and I did my best to answer them. Throughout the meal, it was obvious the two were close, but still were working through things.

After a while Anakin left, leaving the Master and I alone. After a hot cup of tea, with the two of us barely speaking, I crawled into the spare bedroom and fell into a deep sleep.


AN: It's good to be back and letting you guys read Part Two!! Thanks for continuing to read and review and a warm welcome to our new readers. We both hope y'all enjoy this new part.

One thing we did want to touch base on was in the fact Meagan has returned to the Star Wars world. Originally the idea was to have her jump through the timeline and not go back to Earth, but straight to part two. However, that posed some problems. One being she looses six years of her life or that there will be a six year (in age and life and such) difference between Obi-Wan and Meagan. Since, the end of part one ended with the couple's break up and Meagan's father's death in the beginning of this part, we thought the best thing would be to send her back to Earth and then back to Star Wars again. (Of course the Star Wars world continued on, as it should.) So, here begins Part Two.

One last note from a review from Part One. We both have read some of Stacy Lee's story early last summer, but have read none of the interludes.