A/N: I'm either pushing all the ideas out before I get a writer's block or I'm severely digging the vibe I have going on in this story. ANYWAYS, welcome back to yet another installment of A Ripple Through Time. I've just inspected the cover I used and it has someone's signature on it so I had to remove it. (Last thing I need is any trouble on the internet).

Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defender or any versions of Voltron. I simply own the account that these stories are being posted on.

Chapter 2: The Time Spent Waiting on Voltron

Warning: One song reference, uh- language? Maybe some mentioning of genitals and gore? Sarcastic commentary, and if you squint you can see canon arising.

"So…you gonna put me down or what?" My annoyed voice called out, and of course I didn't get a response.

Well, hello from way above the barren desert!

… I would greet less sarcastically and properly if I wasn't currently suspended in this flat disc that has a mind of its own.

Listens to my signature and needs, my butt.

I let out a long sigh as the disc continued along the skies. I guess I can be thankful I'm not near the mangled body back there or else I would have upchucked whatever was left in my stomach. I attempted to put all my weight against the disc, hoping it would descend to the ground.

All that resulted was an idiot (a la me) making weird noises as they attempted to push something that obviously did not want to budge.

"Guess not." I hummed just before the disc started to lower. Did I say lower? I meant plunge.

My eyes widened as the wind around me started to adjust too quickly and soon I found myself clinging to the edges of the disc as it flung itself down towards the ground. "I didn't mean it like that!" I screeched, before it stopped abruptly and the momentum threw me off. I careened through the sky and finally tasted sand before rolling a few times. I let out a low "Me-hoy" when I smacked right dab into a curvature in the desert wall.

I've got to stop saying that.

I groaned before hearing the thing shift and fall near my hand as a stone. "Fuck you, you know that." I snapped, opening my eyes to see everything upside down.

What on Arus?

Another sound left me as shifted myself. I moved a little too much and my body fell over before I could properly catch it. "Mmmmhhhh quiznak." I hissed out, bringing my knee close to me to check for any damages. "No damages…hurts like a bitch though." I grumbled as I slowly brought myself up from the ground into a seated position.

"I'm alone with a useless stone, and no other resources until the Paladins arrive and wake Allura up." I deadpanned before glancing at the stone. "I could try to sleep but the fact that Julio might be waiting just isn't worth it."

"I'm also talking to myself…though I've always done that so this isn't anything too new." I scooted backwards so my back could rest against the dirt. "I just killed a man…or monster…thing."

What even was that? It looked like a hybrid of beast with a hint of man. A low shudder left me while I rubbed my hands on my arms. That thing touched me. It almost murked me too. If it wasn't for that damn stone responding the way it did I think I would've been bifurcated – and not in a way that could be re-attached…

My head shook to rid myself of the gory images before I gripped my arms. "Okay Amara, let's think about something else…"

"Yes…why don't you think about sleeping so we can continue your training?" My lips pulled a tight line as I looked up from the spot I was staring at. Quiznak.

Whyyyy did I think he wasn't going to show up?

There he was, in his beautiful, disgusting glory. My eyes narrowed in on him as he landed a few feet ahead of me. His features shifted from annoyance to surprise as he met my gaze. I could tell he was formulating questions as his gaze went from my eyes to on top of my head before back to my eyes.

"Why is there so much blood on your face? Did your stone act up and actually maim you?" He questioned and I bared my teeth, "Yes that's why I'm alive and in the fucking desert. Because this stone embedded in the middle of my face like I was part of a Mortal Kombat game." If only looks could kill right now!

"I don't know what that is." Julio made a face before making his way over to me. "You have yet to explain the reason as to why you have blood on your fa –"

"Because my dear Julio, I just shoved a saw insomeone's face hole and nearly plummeted to my death thus." I seethed, cutting the angel off as I brought my legs closer to my body. He noticed the slight flinch but thankfully chose to ignore it. "By the way, you have impeccable timing! You must be early to all the meetings in Heaven huh? Just show up when all the shit finished festering."

"You've annihilated someone? Already –" I cut him off again because only the universe knew how much I didn't want to hear him be all 'hur dur you killed someone? How? You're not ready'

To be honest, I don't know my damn self. No one truly knows when they're ready to stab someone in the face until they're doing it.

"Yes, I've "annihilated" someone." I airquoted as I scoffed, "Apparently, you and God weren't the only ones thinking of dropping meat bags on Arus." I didn't notice the angel's expression draw a blank as I continued ranting. Or, I guess I did but I didn't care because I was going to get my rant out. I needed to as it helped me cope with the current predicament I was in.

That and some sleep. Which I've yet to have because of this ill-informed trashcan angel.

"And you know what? You gave me a jank stone and because of this jank stone I almost died."

A pause.

"Again. I almost died…again."

"I mean, it also saved me…but that's not the point! You're twisted ideas of me helping you guys out is utter garbage and I hope you feel bad -" My voice faltered as the angel got increasingly close in my personal bubble. Usually I never minded but when you have such a dark expression and you're all up in my face – it's uncomfortable.

"Cease your mindless chatter." He ordered and I felt my lips zip up like they had done before. My eyes widened as my hands slapped against my mouth. "…" The angel moved away and I could hear my heart start up again and the held breath I had released.

"This is bad. If he had sent someone here, he must know that we have recently acquired someone to stop him…" The male stroked his chin while walking towards the place he landed. "This isn't good…" He muttered. He whipped around and I immediately looked away.

"Show me where you disposed of the cretin."

Don't say it like that… I grimaced before pointing to my zipped mouth. His eyes narrowed before his wings spread. "You'll only be allowed to speak when I need my answers. Let's go." I struggled up and started walk-hopping, my grimace never leaving my face. It only got sour with each second I walk-hopped in the direction where I last hovered.

Stupid Julio. My knee's all hurt because that stupid stone disc thing flung me like I was a javelin. Stupid God. Stupid shit. Stupid desert. Stupid Julio. Vete pa' carajo, el diablo. Go suck a nice huge fat d-

"I know you're cursing me out in your head." He sighed, before he lifted off the ground. "You take too long. Come along now." He flew ahead and I growled at him. How the hell do you expect me to move as fast as you? My eyes asked as he paused and turned to me.

He clicked his teeth and I could see his patience wearing thin with me. I don't give a fuck though. Fuck he thought. I was magically going to spread some wings and fly like him?

It seemed like I was triumphant and a muffled 'mhm' left my form just before I shrieked. Well, more like muffled shrieked since I still can't talk. Stupid Julio.

Something had swiped under my feet and I found myself hovering right next to the male. I blinked rapidly and glanced down.

Ah. Ah.

Stupid disk.

"Quit dawdling. Show me where the cretin is."

It didn't take us long to get back at the edge of the cliff. The hover disc started to lower with Julio as he caught sight of the deformed body.

"You really did a number on him, didn't you?" He muttered as he dived towards the body and my hover disc responded with him. I gripped the edges tightly that I was afraid my entire skin would change from brown to bone white.

A muffled sound left me but it fell on deaf ears as we neared the body. I heard the angel retch before he landed. "The carcass is already dissolving. That makes our job a little easier…" He mused, gripping the twisted arm that happened to be stick upwards into the sky.

I got off the disc before it got a chance to drop me off and I power-wobbled over to the angel. He was amid inspecting the twisted arm just before he felt his…his… I'm assuming it's a toga – was tugged by yours truly.

He nary glanced over as he ran a finger against the flaking film of flesh. "If I remove the bind on your mouth, you are to refrain from…doing what you were doing not too long ago." My brows wrinkled together in anger before a low huff left me.


He finally took a glance at me and I could tell he was debating whether to release the bind. I bat my lashes towards him and immediately he grimaced and turned his head back to the carcass. My grimace appeared once more and I clicked my tongue in my mouth. He sighed loudly and with his other hand he snapped his fingers.

"Thanks, bitch." I spoke and I could feel the bind teeter over my lips, as if it was going to snap shut. I took a few steps backwards and yelped when I fell over. An amused smirk showed up on his face before he turned back to look over the carcass.

Snap. "I see the bones are still functional." Snap, Snap. "Ah, the spine is supposed to be…here." Snap. "I suppose the cretin did look like a human being. I must say…he really did get all the parts right…" The angel rubbed his chin before turning over to look at me, who found myself gaping at how nonchalant he was just moving and snapping things around like it wasn't a living breathing thing a while back.

"For someone who had just annihilated an enemy and is in front of their corpse, you're taking this quite well." He started, and I slowly brought myself up to a standing position. "Well…I'm sure at some point this is going to bite me in the ass as a panic attack." I shrugged and brushed debris off my body. I should blame my father and strike this up as a daddy issue – but honestly he was a nerd and liked to show his children cadavers. There's absolutely, positively nothing wrong with that.

At all.

… I think.

"I think I still have some anger towards the thing so my rage is telling me that I'm glad it's dead." I provided my gaze shifting from Julio's perfectly chiseled brows to the mangled garbage near his feet, "Though, if I stared at it long enough I could pro –hur…" My hands went up to my mouth as I felt a sinking feeling.

Oh shit… I knew this feeling. This was the same feeling I had after getting off The Hulk at Universal…

And again, when my friend had explosive diarrhea in the dorms and accidentally shat on my bed before running to the bathroom. (I burned those sheets by the way. Sorry, grandma.)

Or even an hour or so ago when I was airborne on a disc and the adrenaline settled into my stomach…

Hell, no.

I gulped it down.

Slowly, I moved my hands away from my lips. "I could probably feel li-hurr…" I pressed my hands into my mouth again. Come on Amara, you're a lot of things…but you are not the girl that threw up in front of an angel. He watched me curiously for a few seconds before he turned back to the carcass. "I think if I can bend him into a pretzel I can get him into a container and take him back…" He mused and my mind wandered to a pretzel'd dead body and the feeling rushed back.

I only managed to move maybe a few steps before a low hurk left me. With it, whatever was left in my stomach. "Ah…yes, that would be your response to a corpse. And that's it over there a few feet." The angel fanned out one of his wings in the direction to where my airborne puke from a while back lay.

"If you were planning to hit him with your regurgitated meal, you missed by half a foot."

"Fuck…y –" I started to snarl out, but another hurk and sounds of vomit entered the vicinity instead of my profanity.

Hearing his low chuckle, I knew he did it on purpose. Bonafide prick.

"I'm not carrying you. You smell like vomit."

"And who's at fault for that?! You are the one that brought me back to that fucking dead body!" I snapped back, waving my hand to the floating box near us. "You used my stone to make a floating box to hold that decrepit body and I can't sprout angel wings like you! How am I supposed to get back to the Arusian village?"

"Well, you see you wouldn't be able to as you're not necessarily a divine being." He answered and a low growl left my lips. "Also, there are other methods. You could walk, for example. I hear it's good cardio for mortals." He supplied and I crossed my hands against my chest.

"If I was a divine being I would've finally kicked your ass." The words left me before I could stop them and he turned to look at me.

"What was that?" He sharply spoke, brushing off his garment and gauging my reaction. I pressed my lips together before sighing loudly. "Please, carry me." I need my mouth and I need him to carry me so I will swallow some of my pride.


There are some things that are too much to swallow all at once.

HA, I'm funny.

"Well, when you say it like so…" His wings opened and I had to back away so it didn't smack me in the face. "Mmh…No." His wings batted once, pulling up debris and dust from the ground as he took off into the sky, the box following him. I immediately covered my face with my sleeve as strangled coughs racked my body.

"You did that on purpose!" I screeched finally, moving my sleeve down when the debris and such stopped. The angel looked down at me and I could see a shit-eating grin appear on his features before he called down, "This is training. I'll go slow just in case you might fall to your second death." With that, he continued away from me, taking my only modes of transportation with him.


I hate him.

Am I dead yet?

"Ah, you're almost there. Just a thousand or so more rocks to climb."

My fingers gripped the rocks tightly as my lips drew into a tight line. He had a knack of being a little shit. I guess he only was truly serious in his work place because Julio wasn't this much of a shit then. I rose a hand to flick him off, but his wings unfastened from his back as wide as they could and I slowly brought the hand back down slowly. His eyes almost dared me to bring my hand up and I shriveled internally.

Did I mention this is my fifth try trying to get up? Thankfully, I only snapped at him when I was yay-high from the ground so the fall wasn't too painful. But nonetheless if I try anything and he sends me off to my death it's going to hurt.

Like…hurt more than getting three bullets into your sternum and that was a slow and searing ache.

"You're a sadist." I called out, looking down at where my foot was placed before moving it to a nearby jutted part of the rock and tested a bit of my weight on it. It didn't budge so I leaned on it a bit and proceeded to move onto it. I could hear his wings move back, cutting through the air in an intimidating manner.

Amara, just shut up. Please.

"So, your wings are huge…you overcompensating for so – " I couldn't finish my jab at his masculinity as a gust of wind caused the rocks that I thought were stable to loosen up and fall – taking me with it. I squawked the moment my back hit the bottom and brought my hands up to cover my face as the stray rocks that fell afterwards. I heard something land next to me and peered to glare at the figure.

He had crouched down next to my side, watching me with a blank expression. His wings were still outstretched, almost ready to blow me away should he feel the need to. "Overcompensating for what." It didn't come out as a question. I glared harder before his wings pulled in and he huffed. When his expression shifted to something akin to a human emotion, the held breath I had released. He was a sadist.

A very beautiful one, but a sadist none the less.

"a small dick."

His wings fanned out immediately.

But I guess you could call me a masochist, then.

When I finally managed to make it up back to the top, it had been nightfall. My chest heaved as I rolled onto my back to look up at the sky. That was annoying as hell. I wanted to lay there longer but the gust of wind and the feet landing next to my face made me sit up. I grabbed my head in pain at the sudden movement while a low groan left me. "You should probably get that checked out."

"You should probably go fuck yourself, you overcompensated prick." I hissed out, shutting my eyes as the pounding headache didn't seem like it wanted to stop anytime soon. The angel hummed at my insult and brought his hand down to the top of my head. I gripped my head tighter and slight tears involuntarily from my shut eyes as the pain increased. God, it hurt so much. I brought my knees close to my body as I fell over to my side, still gripping my pounding head. The male watched amusedly, before his own face turned into a grimace.

"Alright, alright…" He spoke, just before he walked over to my curled-up form and brought his hand towards my forehead. My eyes opened up and I moved my head up and bit his hand quickly.

"..." He sucked in air through his teeth before he shook his hand. The movement caused the pain to be unbearable and I released him almost immediately. His hand moved to my face and grabbed my skull (so gentle). "You are very lucky our God is forgiving." He sighed, before a wave of relief washed over me…just before he dropped my head down. He wiped his hand against his tunic before straightening himself up. "I have to go, Amara. Find your way back to the Arusians to recuperate and I shall see you in the morning to continue your regimen."

Julio walked over to the floating box that held the carcass and brought his wings out. "Not to worry. Your stone will be free of any excrements from this carcass and cleansed thoroughly before handed back to you." With that being said, he flew up into the air and the box followed him. I didn't dare look up as I heard the soft 'pop' as Julio left this plane.

I still needed to collect my thoughts.

Collect my ass. You know, all those important things. The Arusians can wait. Low pants continued to leave my crumpled form as I slowly shifted from my curled ball to laying back on the ground. "What's taking them so long." I finally spoke, the sob wrapping each word like a sweet caress. Where were these damn Paladins?

Why were they leaving me here to deal with a sadistic angel? Why was I chosen for this garbage? "Why did I have to die…" The sob racked my core while a smile managed to find its way to my face.

I know, it's a bit weird. Smiling while sobbing like a baby. But you would too if placed in my situation. But thankfully I didn't have too much time to wallow in rage and sorrow.

"Guardian…of the Lion Goddess?"

I blinked rapidly, the tears slowing as I heard the voice speak. Shit.

I slowly pulled myself up to see Raibloo standing not too far off, beady eyes worriedly watching me. I stared him down before rolling my eyes. "C'mhere." He grinned before running over, slamming into my form. "You are alright!" I squeezed the soft Arusian before placing him down. "Yeah…I guess…"

At least for now I am. He helped me up fully before the two of us made our way back to the village. "Did you defeat the intruder?" He asked, almost excitedly as I scowled at the question.


"As we thought you would! Oh, the Lion Goddess has given us a good warrior!" The Arusian clapped his hands together before I sighed. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Hey, why don't we have me explain everything in detail?"

"Very much so, and that would be splendid! We'll have a story to re-enact."

I kept myself from glaring at him. He didn't know better. Not everyone is accustomed to my sarcasm. "It's probably for the better that I don't have you reenact that."

"But you were victorious! Shouldn't you enjoy –" He stopped abruptly when I picked him up. I brought his face close to mine.

"I shan't. So, drop it." He blinked rapidly before nodding his head. It looked like it he was going to scream but thankfully he reined it in. "O-Of course. My apologies."

I placed the Arusian down before continuing my trek towards my temporary living arrangement. The Arusian followed close behind, nary saying a word. I hope the hours that lead up to tomorrow take forever.

Three Weeks Later

"You're improving."

I warily stared at the bouncy ball laying near my feet while gently nursing my bleeding arm. "Yeah…thanks –" I started, before feeling a dull ache in the middle of my chest. All color drained from me as I slowly looked down to see a long spear protruding through.

My eyes widened just a fraction before they rolled into the back of my head.

"But not fast enough." Julio chimed, a platonic smile on his features as he watched my legs give out and my body crumple into the ground lifeless. He hummed as the blood started seeping into the ground, causing it to look muddy. "If you're not aware, how are you ever to defeat Cain?"

Gasps left my body as I shot up from the floor. "Fuck!" I screeched, twirling around frantically to see if there was going to be anything to attack me. I expected to see dark mountains and lots of soggy dirt but instead in my vision I just saw –

Scared Arusians holding a basin of water.

Aw, damn. My breath slowed as I tried to force myself to calm down. I looked around slowly, drinking in each piece of furniture and non-terrifying landscape before I allowed myself to crumple into the ground.

My chest hurt.

"Are you alright?" One of the Arusians asked, finally having enough courage (or was it stupidity) to walk a little closer to the hut I was in. I smiled but the way the Arusian immediately backed up, I guess I was baring my teeth.

"I'm fan-fucking-tastic."

"Guardian…your stone…" the other Arusian, female, spoke. Her hand shakily rose up and I followed the direction of the point until I was staring face to …spear. I blinked owlishly before the stone shifted back into its original smooth self.

I didn't need a reminder of what impaled me in my sleep training.

"Right...thank you…Aikanar was it?" I managed, before the Arusian nodded and grabbed the other female. "Well, we'll be on our way!" She concluded, the two making haste to leave the area. I frown before placing a palm on my forehead.

"He's trying to get me to have PTSD and I promise you it's fucking working."

A girl can take dying so many times before she goes mad.

And with how I spent 3 weeks dying each day after that fateful encounter … All I have to say is this: Where. Are. Those. Fucking. Paladins.

I laid back on my grass mat, grabbing my stone in the process. It wrapped around my wrist as a large bracelet and I shut my eyes. I was going to kill him.

In my dreams, first.

When I got back there, I found myself in grassy plains this time. I frowned before looking at my wrist. The chunky bracelet was still there.

"Is he going to try something new…?" I mumbled, willing the bracelet to become a disk and hopping on top of it. It lowered for a moment due to the weight before it started hovering. I glared as I saw trees in the distance, willing the disk to slow down.

I bet you he's there.

My eyes narrowed for a moment before I heard it. It was faint, but it gave me enough leverage.


I brought the disk up just in time. I pulled the disk down to see the arrows embedded into it. "You're a weak bitch for that!" I called out, ripping the weapons off my disk before the disk shifted into a bow.

I pulled the arrow with the string and started my walk towards the trees.

"Have you even shot an arrow before?"

I glowered at the source of the noise and shot the arrow there. It missed by a long shot. "No, but I can always try, you ignoramus." I didn't hear anything for a while and paused in my footing. That never meant good things if he went silent. I immediately willed the stone to shift and it thankfully did – as a dome.

I hugged my knees as the dome covered me, just as more arrows came soaring at me.


"Shit." I whined softly. This would get me nowhere. At some point he was going to find a way to end me. "God, like a cornered animal." My eyes widened before my hands touched the dome. I could do this.

The smile on my lips grew a tad wicked as I made the dome shift and tremble before it happened. Spikes formed out of the dome, lashing out in all directions.

"Gotcha, bitch."

I waited a few seconds, before I crawled out of the dome. It brought all the sharp tendrils back and I noticed some blood and feathers. Did I do it? Did I finally end Julio's existence?

I frowned as I touched the substance. "…this isn't blood."

"No. It's strawberry jelly. I added the feathers for false hope."

I whipped around to see Julio standing there in all his stupid glory, holding up a…a…

"You were eating?"

His pie had a gaping hole where the tendril had smashed through. It actually looked really good, not gonna lie.
"The idea of eating and actually consuming the food are two different things. I don't need to eat, but I enjoy the process that leads up to eating."

"… So… you like baking." I deadpanned and he nodded once. "Why the fuck didn't you just say that? That was more extra words than the time I had to finish an essay on Scotland the hour it was due."

"Because Amara, it allowed me to do this."

Oh God.

It dawned on me exactly what he meant and I jumped to the side as my own dome shot a sharp tendril at me.

"Your imagination is quite creative." I kept forgetting he could fuck things up a bit closer when he had a visual of the object. I growled before standing up and willing the sharp tendril coming at me to become a wet noodle. "I do hope you have more up your sleeve, Amara. I would hate to have to restart this."

To be honest, I didn't… but it'd be a cold day in hell before I let him hear me say that. I just continued to change each tendril that came at me into a wet noodle, glaring as Julio increased the speed of them attacking.

"You will slip up."

"Fuck…you…" I seethed through clenched teeth. I finally jumped out of the way for a few of them before one managed to get my shoulder. I grimaced at the pain before grabbing the tendril. Instantly, it loosened and dripped off of me.

"Solid to liquid. How fascinating." There was no fascination in his voice. He was more interested in peeling the top crust of the pie back. "Now Amara, before I send you back to contemplate what wrong you've done this time around…I have just one question for you."

I look down and noticed two tendrils griped my legs tightly. Shit.

"What, Julio." If it's a stupid question I swear to God…

"Is it standard measure to wait for the pie to cool or does it taste better when the higher temperature of heat is transferred to another form of energy…" I blinked a few times before tilting my head slightly. "If you look into the pie, I'm sure you can see what it looks like when its cooled."

He made a noncommittal sound before peering into the object. "You're quite ri-."

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. I honestly, truly couldn't. It was so wrong, but it felt so right. I wanted to take a picture of this.

"Congrats, you finally managed to land a hit on me."

My smile dimmed. "Why didn't you die." You would think being impaled right through the eyes would automatically kill you. The angel's lips pulled into a dry smile before the tendril in his face slowly melted off. "If I could die that easily, then we would have such a problem. I am an angel of God, after all."

"You however, are still impressionable to expiring."

It was the last thing I heard before something white and sharp rushed to my face.

My eyes slowly opened, only to see the hut ceiling.

"Just in time, too."

I look over to the angel manifested near me before looking back up to the ceiling. "What do you even – " I pause in my wording as I heard it.

The distinctive roar.

My body moved up faster than I wanted it to and before I knew it I was running out of the hut. The male angel watched amusedly before he dissolved.

Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god-

I ran out of the outskirts of the village, ignoring the Arusians who looked up at the sky in shock. Before I knew it, the bracelet had shifted into a disk and I jumped onto it as it wrapped around my feet to hold me down.

I stopped just a mile or so away from the castle, staring at it.

No, at them.

Each of them came out, confused as ever – but … so very real. Hunk. Pidge. Lance. Keith. I could hear my inner fangirl scream into the abyss as I laid eyes on the leader.


I didn't expect him to turn his head in my direction though.

Oh my god, look at that face.

A/N: And there you have it! We're digging our fingers right to where canon begins so strap on your seatbelts kiddies, we're in for a hell of a ride.

Did you get my reference at the end? Let me know if you did!

Stay tuned for the next chapter! I hope it comes out soon, I wanna know what happens next lol