This is a pet project that I enjoy deeply writing. And if it pleases people, I'm glad to see it!

Anyways, I don't want to waste much time because I love writing this story, and I love working on it. So together with my long-suffering brother in all but name The Swordslinger, we present our next chapter!


We don't own Transformers or Kamen Rider, or anything else we use for this story! If we did we'd be very rich men indeed.


"So Arcee, who am I supposed to be seeing here? You have a boss? If so, when can I meet him?" The trip to the base seemed to be taking a while as they had driven out of Jasper a good five minutes ago.

Driving down the roads, Jack found himself wanting to try steering himself, but his ride seemed reluctant to allow him to touch her handles more than necessary.

"You'll know Optimus Prime when you see him Kamen Rider Ittune. And I'll have to request that you take off the suit when you meet him."

Freezing up behind his suit, Jack responded with a hesitant tone, "Why? Can't a Rider keep a secret identity? Or is there a no secrets rule I'm supposed to be aware of?"

"If we're meant to trust each other, we have to be able to share this knowledge with each other. Your enemies could very well be ones we'd need to fight ourselves, if so, wouldn't knowing who you really are aid us in that?" Arcee usually wasn't the diplomat, that was Optimus' thing, but even she could tell that the Rider on top of her was hesitant about this.

She was too, but for different reasons than he was. She wasn't sure they should involve a stranger with his own enemies into their fold, but the fact was he helped fight off the twins and destroyed them with her help. He was a respectful if cocky punk, and she hoped that he could be trusted. They had too few allies nowadays, and too many enemies. Someone with the skills and strength of this Kamen Rider would be all but helpful towards their cause.

"Yeah… You have a point Giant Robot Lady." He commented to her, making her purposefully drive over a pot-hole to punish him for his mocking nickname. "Crimeny! Sorry Arcee! Touchy much, huh?"

His question made her respond testily, "I don't have patience to really banter with you. And I don't trust you much more than I did before. You're useful and strong, but I'm not your friend or your partner. So, don't get too friendly."

He merely nodded at her with a sigh behind his mask, "You know, trust is a two-way street. I put my trust in you to watch my back in that fight, you not doing the same tells me that it'll be a rocky start to our little alliance."

The giant robot bike was quiet for a while, before she sullenly told him, "We're at the base. You'll be Fowlers and Optimus' problem then."

In response the Kamen Rider told her quietly, "If you push everyone away, even people who want to be your friends, you'll have only yourself to trust when things go bad."

Arcee's retort came quickly and with as much conviction as he'd heard from her to that point, "That suits me just fine. I've made it this long without needing attachments… they only hurt you in the end anyway."

Before he could ask her what that meant, hoping to decipher more of the Transformers thoughts and feelings, they drove into a massive mountain. Disappearing through the fake rock wall that covered the gate that he barely restrained yelling about, the two drove all the way down a tunnel road.

Eventually arriving at a command center, where she told him, "This is our stop. Get off and watch your mouth Kamen Rider Ittune. Optimus and the rest should be in soon to talk with you."

He turned to her, seemingly silent before he just nodded and got off her. Whereupon she transformed back and watched him look up at her. She found the completely emotionless lenses of his mask creepy to investigate. She wasn't used to being unable to see the face of her opponent, even the Vehicons and Decepticons had faces she could look at.

The Rider here hid his behind a mask, and that made his thoughts and expressions unknown to her. This sense of disquieting silence made her jumpy, she didn't know what he was really doing inside the suit, and she only had his word that he wouldn't attack her. That word wasn't worth scrap to her if she was honest with herself.

"Illdos. Done analyzing her?" His sudden question startled Arcee, before he went silent, seemingly to listen to something.

She tried to ask him what he was talking about, but he was completely unresponsive even when she called out to him, "Hey! Kamen Rider! What do you mean analyzing her? Who are you talking to?"

Inside of Jack's suit, he saw a detailed read-out and blue-print of Arcee's data roll out in front of his visor.

"Cybertonian. Colloquially called Transformers by races they have encountered. They are a technologically advanced robotic species, evolving from an entity known as Primus, who they worshipped as their god. Their race destroyed itself in a great civil war, fought between two major fractions. The Autobots and Decepticons. To put it simply their home planet was also destroyed, and they have wandered the stars ever since."

Jack purposefully asked aloud, "And which one is she? Autobot or Decepticon?" he was aware of the effect his masked form had on people, and knew it was useful in discerning the true thoughts and feelings of those around him.

You can always trust fear and suspicion to reveal what someone really thought about you. Arcee to his surprise didn't get hostile or point those laser guns at him, she merely looked a little more wary now. In this way he relaxed a little himself.

"She is an Autobot. They did not start the war, the Decepticons did, and therefore we are in no immediate danger. You can tell their fractions by the symbols they bare upon their frames, an easy way to distinguish and understand whose side they're on."

"I see. So she's a good robot, then?" He asked aloud once more, taking a strange joy in observing how Arcee slowly relaxed herself and seemed calmer than before.

"Good is a subjective term, as morality isn't so easily defined by fraction or membership of a certain group. But in the Great War that destroyed Cybertron, the Autobots did display morality, chivalry, and regard for their fellows… at least early on before such things were thrown out."

"War is hell, isn't it?" He asked Arcee, his tone one of empathy.

"It is. You're learning about our history, aren't you?" Her question was answered by him giving her a small nod, making her cross her arms in response.

"You should really talk to one of us about that. Optimus or Ratchet. They'd be able to tell you more than some data logs made by another species ever could; especially not ones that weren't there first hand." She said seriously.

"Jack. I don't like what this near-extinct relic said about me or the Omegan. My data records are the most precise and complete of any race in the known galaxy. I hold the sum total of an entire races knowledge in my memory banks, and some blue and pink colored glorified bicycle-hussy isn't-"

Jack held back a snicker as he told Arcee, "My suit AI doesn't like you much Arcee." She merely narrowed her eyes in confusion before he held out his finger for her to wait. He went silent, before he burst out laughing, "She just… ehehe! Called you a two-toned ill-matched scooter… HAHAHAHA! With ehehe…! O-over complicated mechanisms… eheh!" He clapped a glove to his mask, laughing even more now.

Despite herself, Arcee gained a small smirk of amusement at his honest laughter. The bonding they no doubt were forming was ended when Optimus Prime walked into the room, the heavy metallic foot treads of the head bot in charge heralding the arrival of the other Autobots as well.

"You're Optimus Prime." Jack said to the giant robot, stepping forward slowly to face the leader of the Autobots.

"Just a moment." One of the robots he noticed said. He held out a strange device in his hand. A green light shot out and slowly moving up his entire body and suit, making him leap back when it was done.

"What the hell?! Were you scanning me?" He asked the robot, a red and white one with the symbol of a hospital ambulance over one arm. He was clearly bigger than Arcee and had a disgruntled expression on his face while ignoring Kamen Rider Ittune's question.

"Optimus. I can't tell who's in that suit. It appears to have blocking and jamming frequencies of a particularly advanced nature. Clearly whoever built the suit thought ahead to block anyone from being able to tell who the user was." The red and white robot told Optimus Prime, who gave him a slight nod.

"I appreciate your concern Ratchet, but if we cannot trust this Masked Rider, then we might as well trust no one. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, perhaps you should introduce your new friends as well. They might be able to prove to the Kamen Rider that we're capable of earning their trust." Jack was startled when a massive green robot and a bright yellow and black one showed two figures at their side.

"You two..." Jack was able to hide his surprise at seeing Miko and Raf, his schoolmates and in the latter's case his friend walking in.

Miko was ecstatic and quickly rushed over to the Kamen Rider with a squeal of, "OMG! You're an actual Kamen Rider! I thought you guys didn't leave Japan! Where did you get your belt?! Do you have a bike yet?! Is your suit capable of-"

When she moved to touch it, his gloved hand shot out and grabbed her arm tightly. He only gripped her hard enough to keep her still, not to hurt her, to which she didn't even let loose a loud ouch to. Then the green robot stepped forward in concern until Kamen Rider Ittune let go of her.

"Alright. No. Two things you need to learn there, girl. One. I can't really answer a lot without knowing you guys better. Two. You're being… way too friendly, and I like my personal space." Kamen Rider Ittune told her, silently staring at her with those eerie yellow lenses of his.

One even zoomed in on her face, highlighting the disquieting nature of his stare. "Jeez! Fine! Be moody! See if I care!" Miko backed away, giving him a pout.

Jack just crossed his arms similarly to Arcee. "Okay, sorry for being rude. Just listen, I am already way in over my head with my problems and don't know how much more I can handle it myself to then suddenly have alien robots pop into my life." He said calmly.

To Optimus' credit, he nodded, "Let me hear your concerns, then."

Jack nodded, "Let me be as honest as I can since you care to listen, but let me warn you: I'll be blunt." Here he held out each finger, nailing Miko with a harsh tone and that alien stare from his mask. "I have some more things to say. One, you're trusting Miko, who's as subtle as a bomb, with the secret that you're an alien race on our planet."

She glared back at him childishly, "Well, aren't you polite." She crossed her arms and looked away with an undignified look on her face.

He sighed, "Which brings us to two. Explain to me why we have to work together when you're dragging her into this."

Ratchet stepped forward, looking down on the Kamen Rider with a near furious expression, "Look here masked rider or whoever you say you are, you're finally making sense as this was what my main concern with Optimus was, but he chose to keep her safe rather than have the Decepticons think she's allied with us and go to her. A choice I don't enjoy, but it's better than letting someone suffer at the hands of their interrogators for information that couldn't have existed. They've done so in the past with whoever interacted with us… Far too many deaths to count."

The masked teen nodded, "Alright, that's another thing I have an issue with and just have to address." He asked Optimus, who merely stared at him, as if to encourage him to continue. "Let me ask, why are you at war? What is even the point of the Decepticons? Can they even be reasoned with?"

The green one gave him a rough laugh, responding with a mocking tone, "You think a Decepticon like that exists? That's a laugh. Rider, Optimus has tried to reason with their leader countless of times, and the guy left nothing but pieces of junk like him. They're like a swarm, thinking it's good to kill all who stand in their way. If there's ever one of them that's good, I'd like to see what makes them different."

"Then my new issue is, what makes you so sure there aren't any good ones?"

"How so?" Ratchet asked, "We have tried, Optimus has for far more, to reach to them. None changed."

"That's the thing." He turned to Ratchet now, "I hate guys who would hurt others without a second to at least think about it. And if what you say is true, I can see one of them isn't worth it. Doesn't mean I want to kill every single one that comes my way like they're expendable, and even less when they could say the same about you."

"What do you mean?" Arcee was baffled, "They'd tell us we're nothing but obstacles in their way."

"My point exactly." Jack looked up at her, "Say all you want how you're good and bad, nothing's ever that black and white. If all you do is point someone as evil because they're different, what makes you better than them besides the fact that you believe you're good? All I'm doing is hear you talk, but I haven't seen proof of this. If what you have is a war, I don't want to pick a side after seeing only one."

Optimus who had remained silent, considering the words of the Kamen Rider and contemplating them, gave him a nod that shocked Ratchet and Bulkhead. "Your logic is sound. Trust is not demanded, it is earned. So I request for you, Kamen Rider, Omegan Fire Hero or human warrior. To allow us to earn your trust. You have already forged a bond with one of us."

Startling at that, the Kamen Rider looked at Arcee who merely turned her head away from him, pausing to consider this request before he looked back at Optimus Prime slowly, "…Illdos? Advice?"

He asked aloud, quickly growing silent as a long minute passed. Eventually he looked back up at the Autobots, before he slowly reached for his belt. With a snap, he unclicked the iPhone like device from his belt, a flash of yellow light and strange text rotating around him before Jack Darby stepped forward.

Miko looked shocked at him, "…Jack!?"

"See what I meant with subtle as a bomb?" he rhetorically, and tiredly, asked Optimus.

"She's at least kept our identities secret for some time now, so there's that." Ratchet said without much effort into sounding convincing.

Arcee looked more shocked, looking down at him with an expression somewhere between irritation and confusion, "You're just a human juvenile… What are you doing with weapons like those and in a war?"

"I'm not even sure I can answer that straight…" rubbing the back of his head thoughtfully, he tried to see if he could come up with a proper response, "I guess I'm just a fool that walked in at the wrong place at the wrong time. Thing is, I'm not some chosen hero of legend… I'm just the idiot that has to fix this mess for others' sake."

"Crudely said, but relatable." Optimus replied before looking at him in the eye, "That being said, what is your choice?"

"Let me think on my decision. I'm not sure of anything yet." Jack said, looking at Optimus then Arcee slowly.

"Mind if I talk with Arcee for a bit? I want to get her perspective on this thing. And she is the only one I know personally… besides Raf, but his partner is…" He turned to the large yellow robot who made a series of beeps, clicks, and whirs.

"That's a proper introduction, Bumblebee, but…" Ratchet started to say.

"Yeah, I don't know how to reply to that." Jack said with a slow nod to the medi-bot for helping. The robot looked at him with frustrated blue eyes until Jack sighed and placed Illdos onto his belt once more. After a quick shout of Henshin, Jack was back in the suit.

"Don't worry, I think he gets it." Raf told his big yellow friend.

"I think I do…" Jack said uneasily before he turned to the blue and pink robot watching him silently, "Arcee. I know a great spot to talk and hash things out on. Follow me."

He said as the four rockets on his legs snapped out, lifting him into the air while Arcee gave off a noise halfway between a grumble and a huff, even as she transformed and followed Kamen Rider Ittune as he jetted off. Raf rubbed the back of his head slowly, looking at Miko who was in a completely foul mood herself than at Bumblebee who looked at him with a shrug.

"Well. This didn't go as badly as they could have." He said, mostly to himself.


His jets lifted him up a tall mesa, before he landed on top of the flat surface of the rock, silently dangling his boots over the edge. The sun was hanging low and cast an orange pallor over the rocks and ground, it was in this light that Arcee all but drove up the side of the rock, flipping in midair to land on the smooth top of the mesa.

"Hey. Want to talk here? This place has a great view. Probably the best around If you ask me, you can even see my town from here." Jack asked the transformer, who found it a bit difficult to sit down due to her height, but like him she found her legs hanging over the edge.

"What do you even think we have in common Jack? We're-" Arcee began to say until she was cut off.

"We're both fighting for those we care for." The Kamen Rider stared at the town, speaking again as Arcee considered his words, "Like the Decepticons, the Metalheads aren't going to stop until they pry Illdos from my cold dead hands. Then they'll metallize this entire planet, killing every bit of organic life on it, before they move on to the next. It's what they've always done."

"Jack..." Arcee for the first time realized that the human she had considered cocky and arrogant was just blustering, he was hiding how great the scope of his war was because he didn't want to worry about what'd happen if he failed.

Shifting his helmet to the side, Jack tapped a plate on the side of it, opening his visor plate by way of the lenses sliding to the sides, exposing the empty space so she could see his face and how serious he was staring at her, "You guys will probably be safe, they don't attack inorganic lifeforms. But my mom, and Raf? Everyone in town… Hell, in the entire world. They'll be gone."

Arcee was silent as he talked, the weight of his words felt heavy, even for her. She could imagine how much they pulled down at the Kamen Rider next to her, who even now was staring over his home.

"Jack. You're serious about fighting, aren't you?" She asked him, clenching one metallic hand as she stared at the sky, her optics seeming to shift and move around as she thought about what to say.

"Rhetoric question?" she nodded.

"How strong does that suit make you? Have you tested your limits?" She asked him finally, her expression guarded, Jack tapped the side of his helmet, the lenses and visor snapping back into place.

"I've tested out my physical strength. I can punch hard enough to break steel girders, so at the very least it's about ten tons per punch. With my legs… That's fifteen tons. I've tested it out on small time gangs, the kind of drug pushing punks who'd have small arms. I can deflect bullets easily, sustained fire arm fire too. I'm tough enough for the Metalheads." He explained to her, Arcee quietly gazing at him as his lenses hid his thoughts and expressions from her.

"Then I guess I've got no choice, do I? You'll fight with or without me." she closed her eyes and gave a tired sigh, "Guess you're my partner now. I can't let some punk kid fight all by himself. Besides, what's a Masked Rider without a ride?" She asked him with a chuckle, making Jack raise his fist to hers.

She looked askance until he told her calmly, "It's called a fist bump. It means that we understand each other. It's nothing big or symbolic, but it's something I do with people I call friends."

"Well, maybe it's the start to a good partnership." She said as she bumped her far larger fist on his knuckles.

That got a chuckle out of him, but soon they had to acknowledge that they had to cut it short. After giving the boy a ride, Arcee was about to go back to the base when she heard him talk, "Hey, uh… It's the first time I bring a girl home, so trust me when I say I'm dying slightly inside asking this cliché…" he started to say as he changed back to his civilian form, "Can I call you tomorrow?"

She looked at him quizzically as he shut the door to his garage to talk, "What do you mean?"

He rubbed the back of his head in mild-embarrassment, "You see, we Kamen Riders always have a vehicle to deal with evil, and you're the fastest bike I've ever seen. And this is where it's going to sound weird. A good Rider always finds a copy. Whatever evil they find tends to do its best to find an equal. I've made my research and some of those Dark Riders, as they're called, are pretty tough. If it comes down to it, I want someone like you at my side if anything like that ever happens."

She morphed to her Autobot form, a hand on her hip, "You can't be serious." She started sternly, making him look down… only to smile, "I told you I'm your partner, did you need to ask?"

He snickered, mostly for his initial reaction of shame, at her comment, "Thanks, I mean it."

She crossed her arms, "Though, really… what kind of monster could be a Dark Rider?"


The kind of person she was talking about was in a dark alley. They didn't seem like much, a seventeen-year-old with a massive grin on their face, blond hair done in a spiky Mohawk, and a light tan. With sharp black eyes, a scar on his square face that went from the bridge of his nose to his right cheek, and a chipped ear, he looked like a punk. His clothes even completed the image with a red muscle shirt, a pair of black cargo pants, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket with the sleeves rolled to the elbows.

What stood out the most was the teen's short stature… being only two inches from being five foot tall. As for the rest of his body, it was quite scrawny, yet packed with muscle. And, last but not least, he wore a pair of black, fingerless leather gloves caked in someone else's blood. He was holding a large man in a fancy suit at least twice his size and with muscles over his muscles. The guy looked like he ate teens like him for breakfast to be so big, and yet he was down on the floor, held up by the lapels of his business coat.

"Give me a fight next time." The blond teen said smugly before kicking the suited man on the head, and spat on his face, "God damn pricks like you always walk around with money, throwing it like it's water, for some cheap fun…" he reached into the man's coat and pulled a wallet with a handful of big bills, grinning, "Well, at least I can use this."

He threw the wallet at the man's face and turned to the side, a woman in a very short black mini-skirt, a purple tube top, and her makeup a mess with her hair a bigger mess stepping out, "Who…or what the fuck are you?"

"You're not going to call the cops?" the teen asked before kicking the suited man in the ribs, breaking them, "He shouldn't have hit you after you told him no."

"He's the only pimp around, not much of a choice…" was the woman's dry reply.

"Well, I got money out of it, so there's that." The blond punk said and waved at her before leaving, "Sure feels nice to blow some steam, so call me if you need me to break his teeth next."

And that was Benny Howard, punk, undefeated street brawler, and a troublemaker with a record that would make sure he only worked in underground fighting rings. Not that he'd mind. Living with no parents, being born alone and raised into a shitty orphanage, and all around hating many people who had more luck than he did wasn't a good childhood. He discovered he was good punching people when some guy tried to bully him, and he ended up breaking the bully's jaw barehanded.

"Tch… punk ass pimps… Always trying to muscle in on places they're not wanted." He shoved his hands into his pockets, spitting to the sides as he walked away from the scene of his violence.

High above him, perched silently against a ledge, was a long spindly nightmare. Wiry prehensile hair floated behind its odd eyeball head, syringe like devices attached to the ends of each strand. Its body possessed a strangely effeminate design, a smooth and somewhat curvy frame, with an oddly feminine curve to the hips and a rounded chest. Clutching the brick work with triple talon equipped feet, it lifted two long needles for arms, a pair of sharp claws wiggling slowly before the entire thing dropped down behind Benny.

He didn't even have time to spin around before the thing stabbed him in the back, one of the tendrils attached to its hair pumping in a dark blue liquid that made his eyes heavy. His vision darkened, he didn't even have the presence of mind to hear the thing speak with a modulated emotionless tone that seemed to possess a slight purr to it.

"Subject captured. Proceeding with retrieval. Project Antithesis to begin soon."

Clutching the prize to its 'bosom' the Metalhead scuttled off into the dark. Its ominous yellow gaze highlighting the darkness around it as it skittered and clicked across the darkness coated town, heading towards a remote location to await retrieval.

Benny Howard never even had a chance to question what was to happen to him. All he would recall waking up was experiencing agonizing pain and horrific tortures beyond description, but one thing that brought him peace of mind was that he was growing stronger. Through his delirium, he could tell he was surpassing his former humanity. That he was becoming… something more.


"I can't believe our luck!"

Hearing Miko complain out loud at the start of a school day in the hallways was an indication that one is about to have some trouble. Usually she managed to make a mess, but for once it didn't seem like what so many had dubbed the Miko-factor came into play. For starters, when Jack entered the school, no soul tried to make noise and avoided Miko at all costs. Not something unusual when she was in a bad mood, but it would have made sense if they were talking about her rambling, not simply try to downright look away from her.

"Calm down, I'm sure it won't be that bad…" Raf tried to be reasonable, but it seemed like he was trying to fool himself into what he was saying.

"What's going on?" Jack finally asked.

"How can you have not heard?!" Miko exclaimed, putting her face right in front of his, "The worst is yet to come! Abandon hope all who set foot in this place! That's the kind of mayhem you've walked in today, mister!"

Jack gently put a finger on her forehead to keep her still before taking a step back, "Rewind a bit."

"So you haven't heard." Raf started, "Ever heard of the name Benny "the Bloody" Howard?"

"It sounds like a bad luchador name," was the Rider's reply.

Sighing loudly, Miko explained, "He's the worst! The guy literally fights whoever crosses his path for a thrill and he just… walked in! Crazy, I know! Practically all schools in everywhere would ban him!"

"And he just got in today." Raf added, "The principal hadn't a choice, he has to be in because, well, rules and the fact somehow this guy got a paper that says he has to be here."

"Sounds vague at best." Jack explained.

"That's because it is." Raf answered, "I've heard some teachers talk about it, and as much as they want to they do not have the power to kick him out."

Jack arched a brow, "Is he really that bad?"

As he had asked that, a grunt was heard and one of Jack's classmates, a boy who loved to show off his car and all its fanciness, was sent flying and skidded to a halt on the floor. Jack recognized the guy as one of the jerks that made fun of him for his job and even didn't pay him for food to further antagonize him. But a Rider isn't someone to ignore people.

And that's how he came face to face with Benny, who was singlehandedly dragging another student, a big jock in the school's football team uniform, by the head. The guy was unconscious and yet it was fairly and terrifyingly impressive to see Benny drag a nearly 200 pounds teen by the head.

"Hello there, darling." Benny started with a lopsided smile, "See, me and the girls are playing rough, so I would like it if you let me teach the lady behind you some manners. Think you could be a dear? If so, I got lots of thanks for smart guys like you who live longer."

"Yeah, gonna stop you there, bud." Jack firmly crossed his arms, "Much as I dislike the guy, and trust me when I say that I do, he ain't worth beating up."

Benny let go of the jock's head and scratched his head with a distraught expression on his face, "So, what's your name, Joe, John, something random but cliché?"

"Jack, and you are Benjamin, if I'm not mistaken."

"I prefer Benny, but yes." The blond aligned his Mohawk and smirked as he walked to Jack, standing two inches taller than him without counting his hair, "You my fan, sweetie? Or did I rough your girlfriend a bit too much?"

Jack grinned, "Actually, I wouldn't have minded seeing you continue, but…" he sighed and closed his eyes, mentally preparing himself for trouble, "There is a problem here. And that is the fact you don't see that I won't let you do what you want."

"So… is he single?" Miko asked, causing Raf to slap his face, "What? I know this cute girl who'd like him!"

Benny, though, just grinned, "Well then, Jackie Boy, color me impressed." He shrugged, "Do you really wanna take a punch for him? Would you go that far?"

Jack clenched his jaw and nodded, "Is that all it takes for you to leave everyone here alone?"

Everyone gasped, and Benny whistled, "Man, you got them big brass balls, don't you?"

"I'm afraid I'm out of ideas, so call me an idiot…" Jack ground his teeth and prepared himself.

Benny nodded, "Fine then. Take a punch from me, stand tall, and I won't treat your girlfriend rough. If you bitch out, your ass is mine."

Jack opened his eyes and nodded, "Shoot, then."

Grinning maniacally, Benny reared back his fist, stomped forward, threw a lightning fast punch forward… and stopped. Mid-swing, just a couple of inches from Jack's face, he froze dead in his tracks. Benny could just stare at Jack, for the black-haired boy was still clenching his jaw, but he didn't close his eyes. In fact, he looked surprised by the fact Benny stopped and looked as confused as him.

The blond arched a brow, "Huh…" was all he said before turning around and shrugging, "Man, it ain't fun to beat up guys like you. Big brass balls indeed, Jackie Boy. Very gigantic ones."

Jack stared dumbfounded, "Uh, thanks…?"

Benny shook his head, "Way to kill my mood, too." He turned and, to everyone's shock, beamed, "Tell you what, you're the first to fight me to not be a bitch. I'll forgive your girlfriend and her gal pals, free of any charge. In return, I wanna have fun with you, Jackie Boy, the first darling to not be a pussy-ass bitch."

"What just happened?" Raf asked.

Miko gasped, "Oh my god, he faced the equivalent to the mad dog of legend in Kamurocho!"

Raf was baffled, "Who?"

"Goro Majima, a legend in Japanese underground and very infamous for loving to fight everyone he comes across." She explained, "The guy's said to have fought over a hundred yakuza barehanded for the funsies, and he lived to tell the tale."

"…I don't even want to know." Raf shook his head slowly, preparing to walk away.

"Jeez just live a little!" Miko gave him a glare, only for him to raise his hand above his head, shaking it out to indicate he didn't care.

After that, classes were as usual, a drag. People kept their distance from Jack, though a few girls did stare at him after hearing about how he stood up to the scary new kid.

"Same old, same old…"

He tried to focus on his inner meditation. He ignored the chatter around him and zoned out, his body on autopilot. He took notes while focusing on what his 'sensei' Shadestar had taught him on meditation.

'Rei, Ichi, Ni, San, Yon. Rei, Ichi, Ni, San, Yon.'

In the mind's eye, he was practicing against his sensei, fighting against her with a practiced martial arts kata. A flowing kick was blocked by her knee. Back-step. Dodge to the side when kicked himself. Counter with his arm, thrust forward in a punch, roll with the motion, and dodge again when she flung her leg out in an attempt to stomp kick him.

The mental sparring he performed was an exercise in keeping his mind at a constant combat readiness, never once losing his edge or attention to his surroundings. The only downside to the meditation was that outside of automatic responses towards detected threats, he was absolutely dead to anything that wasn't worth his notice. As such, he completely ignored Sierra talking to him after class, his body simply leaving the classroom while his gaze was focused on something in the distance.

"Jack! Hey Jack, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to-" she tried to get his attention by standing in front of him with her best award-winning smile, only to see him move around as he kept walking towards the school doors. The stunned expression she had turned to rejection, then frustration, and finally anger.

'Rei, Ichi, Ni, San, Yon. Rei, Ichi, Ni, San, Yon.'

Dodging a palm thrust from Shadestar, Jack whirled to the side, grabbing her arm and attempting to throw her over his shoulder. She rolled with the movement, swiveling about with her body twirling over his back, her leg clocking him in the face. He stumbled back, holding his nose as he saw his sensei give him a smug smirk, her three fingered hand going into a come hither gesture at him.

'Rei, Ichi, Ni, San, Yon.'

He took his own stance, before charging forward, his fists coming out in a practiced combo, his passion and anger burning bright like the flame, and his hits moving at the speed a burning conflagration spread. Grasping the style of the Omegan Fire Warriors in its intricate nature required a certain train of thought.

It required a strength of will and character very few people possessed. To put your all on the line for the innocent, and fight without regard for your own safety, if it meant protecting just one soul who needed your aid. That was what formed the core of the now long dead heroes. It was in this spirit that Jack fought, to prove himself worthy of those who came before him and those who might come after.

'Rei! Ichi! Ni! San! Yon!'

He neared the end of his spar, his mind's eye had never been clearer as he fought at double the pace. Pushing his sensei further and further back. He thrust both elbows down and onto Shadestar's shoulders, pushing her back with one knee and acrobatically kicking her legs out from under her with a spin of his body. Moving with the kick he just did, he grabbed her head and pummeled her stomach, slamming the full length of his arm into it until he was able to knock her flat on her back. She slowly rose as he panted, giving him an approving nod, and she clenched one fist and slammed it into her open palm. Making him respond by doing the same motion, both bowed to each other.

In real time, he had been so checked out, he had failed to notice Vince approving him angrily, "Hey! Darby! I'm talking to you burger flipper! Did you not just hear Sierra talking to you!? Do you think you can treat her like garbage?! Who do you think you are!?" Jack's silence and gaze didn't focus on him, his stride unbroken and moving right past the non-threat had enraged the bully to the point that he took a haymaker swing at the black-haired teenager.

Jack merely ducked to the side, spinning around his 'opponent' and then shot his palm forward like the snap of a viper's jaws. He held it in front of Vince's face. His instincts told him that the 'threat' was so far beneath him now it needed no further aggressive retaliation. The bully stumbled back in fear and shock, surprised by the reaction as was everyone else watching. Jack clenched his fist shut, and continued walking.

His spar completed, the focus returned to his eyes and he sighed in relief as he neared the entrance to school, finally he could get to something productive for his time. He looked back behind him on a whim, wishing to see what he had no doubt missed while walking out of class. He almost wished he hadn't upon seeing Vince near close to wetting himself, Sierra gaping, and the shocked expressions of his classmates who couldn't believe his actions thus far.

He cursed to himself, "Oh…god dammit."

"Ahahahaha!" up on the roof, Benny was lying on his side, propping his head with a hand and laughing so hard tears welled up in his eyes, "Jackie boy, I like you more and more! Eahahahaha! I knew you were no pansy, but damn, you're breaking my heart not giving me a fight."

As if hearing the mad blond, Jack growled as he could see what would happen. This would be a pain in the rear end to straighten out tomorrow. He wasn't sure he wanted to deal with all the hassle no doubt to occur. It was a pretty crummy end to his school day all things considered. But the upswing was that as he got outside after them, he saw Arcee parked by the entrance.

"Sorry about that, kneejerk reaction, you know." He blurted out at the stunned Vince before going straight to his bike.

"I see you're happy to see me." she whispered once he got on.

"Like you got no idea." He whispered back and drove off.

And as they left the school, Benny crouched on the edge of the roof, a smile plastered on his face and it spread fast, "So, that's the bike you want me to get you?"

A shadow loomed behind him, "Affirmative." An artificial voice that carried a slight degree of life told him, "Commence chase as soon as possible. You've approached a likely vessel of what we seek to destroy. Keep your distance, for mistakes could end with your life."

Nodding slowly, he grinned, "Sure, sure, sure!" he gave a feral smirk, "If he's this Kamen Rider or whatever you call it, I don't wanna bite it easy. But..." he tilted his head back enough to stare at his kidnapper and current superior, "Can't you gimme a ride? It'd be easier to chase him that way. Also, you're quite a fine thing. I would love to be as close to you as he seems to be to that super-tall robo-babe."

His blunt declaration didn't get the robot woman to twitch, "Processing... Regarding the vehicle, your request shall be discussed. However, as a human chosen to be the antithesis, you are to do your role. Our orders are absolute." Her words soured his mood.

"Eh, what a kick in the dick... Looking like my type even if you're not human..." he shrugged with a lazy smile, "Oh well, you gave me a chance to avoid getting bored. May as well make the most out of it."

"Go forth and destroy your enemy." The Nurse told him, her spindly form disappearing into the shadows.

Benny closed his eyes, dug deep into the core of his very being and ripped out what he wanted, "Heh…so how does those actors on TV say it? Oh yeah…Hen. SHIN!" He cackled madly as armor formed around his body, a helmet encircling his head and sealing it within impenetrable armor.

Two glowing red lenses shined in the darkness along with Benny's maniacal laughter.


It was a day like any other when Benny attacked. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and on that day… Jack Darby realized that his dream of a quiet life had ended.

It had ended the second he put on Illdos and became a Rider.

It had ended when he met Shadestar and realized the threat of the Metalheads.

Now and forever, he was fated to become a Rider and fight against evil and injustice in the world.

He had been walking home from school when it began. A rumble had drawn his attention to a barrel of rainwater, the tremors in the water made his eyes shoot to it.

"Raf. Get to Bumblebee." Jack's voice carried with it a tone of resignation and weary acceptance.

It made his young best friend curious, "Jack, what's up?"

"Gotta fight." Jack said, dropping his backpack and adjusting his collar, "Illdos, we good to go?"

"Scanning. No one is around for a roughly fifty-meter perimeter. We are clear for transformation." Jack stared up at the sun in the sky, his eyes closing as he thought to his mentors' words after Illdos gave him her report, he wrapped her his waist, his arms already falling into an X-shaped pose.

'You must fight. You must protect what you love and who you love. Be the hero that we couldn't Jack. Please. I'm sorry for putting this burden upon you, I truly am.'

He whispered to himself quietly, "I don't want to hear you apologize for anything, Shadestar. I'm not sure if I'm worthy or capable of being a hero, but I've made my choice." Spreading his arms wide, he threw one fist in front of his face yelling in a single breath, "HENSHIN!" Illdos formed around his body, and his yellow lenses proceeded to scan the area, data coming up rapidly, "…Crap. There's a lot of them. Just sitting on the buildings, watching us."

He swallowed, Illdos replying to him, "Affirmative. There are too many to fight without help. Jack, they're waiting for something…or someone."

He turned around, as did Raf when they heard a bike's engine roaring. A dark array of junk, broken pieces of steel put together in a jagged mess with the shape of a motorcycle, appeared. Every inch of it was one random broken piece of metal put together with two wheels held together with bent yet sturdy pipes. It wasn't pretty, but it looked powerful as two large exhaust pipes blew out fire beside the back wheel. And from it they could see a new Rider, or a mockery of one.

"Hey there, Ittune, right?" the new Rider asked as he crouched casually, staring at Jack.

Benny's transformation wasn't pretty to look at. First, dark metal coated his body like a second skin as steel wires and tubes sprouted out of it like roots. It looked painful as every inch of his flesh grew out the pieces of armor as if his veins and muscles were being pulled out of his flesh by invisible hands. By the end of it, he looked like a humanoid pile of junk, barbwire, tubes, and thick plates covered what looked like a humanoid body coated in black paint. Crimson lenses shined with malicious glee with a near featureless face. Broken plates of iron made up an eye mask of sorts while an array of spikes and short blades covered his shoulders, shins and forearms like spiked armor. Two blades in particular adorned the top of his head as if mimicking his Mohawk with their shape and promising a brutal deadly headbutt.

"Another Rider?!" Kamen Rider Ittune asked, shocked by the change that Benny had underwent.

The Dark Rider chuckled darkly, his hands up and shrugging, "Call me… Kamen Rider Discordia!" He held an arm, morphing it into a quad-barreled cannon, each barrel forming around the fist.

Kamen Rider Ittune didn't bother responding, he was already in motion. Dodging each shot and rolling to the side, explosions detonated all around him, and he was sent flying from the shockwaves more than anything. With a yell, he landed on his feet, staggering up and being blindsided by Kamen Rider Discordia crowbarring him across the body, his arm morphing into a huge metal club that he used to plow Kamen Rider Ittune to a wall! Spikes extended out and caused sparks to fly from Kamen Rider Ittune's suit, the white colored Rider struggling to break free to the best of his ability.

"Severe damage is being-" Illdos was cut off by Jack snapping.

"-given back!" he exclaimed as he lifted his right knee to his chest and extended his leg to kick Discordia on the face. A simple tactic but a useful one as the Dark Rider rolled over his back to end up on his knees.

"Damn! I knew I joined these rust-heads for a reason!" Benny cackled as he rolled around his arms with a smirk under his armor, "They said you were strong, and I wanna see you not be a punkass bitch!"

"You want to see me not be one, huh!? Alright, you're asking for it! Illdos, let's really bring down the pain!" The pumps that connected to Kamen Rider Ittune's body went rigid and glowed a bright red, bringing a heavy rush of adrenaline and vigor to the Rider's body.

He pulled out the Torch-knife while at the same time he held his other hand at his hip as withdrawing a gun from its holster. With a snap of his wrists, he extended both his Cym-Clapper Gun and the Torch-knife, holding both in a classical CQC pose. Kamen Rider Discordia circled his opponent, warier now as he felt a sense of danger emit from his rival Rider.

"Hey, you goin' to make a move or-SHIT!" He was blindsided by an utterly vicious low-blow.

Jack had aimed for his head in a feint, then when he blocked it with his arm morphing into a huge pair of scissor blades, he got the Cym-Clapper rammed into his chest and a sonic bullet unloading through his gut. Clapping an arm onto Discorda's shoulder, Jack held him in place, ramming the gun through the body and unloading up, down, and all-around, making parts, blood, and gore fly everywhere. Discordia flew back, smashing into a wall in a bloody heap, the twin yellow-lenses of Ittune staring him down as he got shakily up. His wounds sealing shut quickly and then repairing themselves.

"YEAH-HA! You're really playin' for keeps Ittune!" Discorda got up with a yell of excitement, clutching his stomach then moving his hand in a jazz hands like pose, "See? Good as new! This body of mine repairs all damage and then 'improves' the imperfections that got me hurt in the first place! Thank th-"

"If you're going to fight, fight, don't talk!" Ittune shouted.

Discordia was blindsided by the Torch-Knife launching into his skull, cleaving it down and sending brain and oil flying everywhere. It regenerated just as quickly before, but Ittune was already blasting his skull at point-blank range with the Cym-Clapper! Each sonic bullet made the air reverberate until Discorda had enough of the aggressive attacks and morphed both arms into twin cannon-barrels that he connected into a quad barreled rail-gun! The immense stream of white light was dodged as Ittune went airborne, shooting up with a hot-blooded yell, the first sign of emotion since he started fighting.

"That's right, get into it..." Discordia exclaimed as he got up, "Man, I can't get enough of this. The pain is a bitch and a half, but damn if this isn't fun!"

"Tch, I knew you guys weren't human, but you're more stubborn than one." Ittune said warily, keeping his sights on the guy.

"Oh, you think I'm not fully human still?" Discordia chortled as he stood up, "Wow, some hero, trying to kill first instead of rescuing what little humanity I may have." He snickered when Ittune said nothing, "Oh, what's the matter? Don't feel so good if you're told the truth? Think you're heroic for protecting others, keeping gullible cowards safe? Nah, if you fight, it's because you wanna, and that should be it. What does someone need to just get that point!?" he roared in the end, his two arms morphing into monstrous drills with jagged metal blades on each, "If you're fighting, stop trying to paint one side as good or bad! Just go and have a hoot!"

"…Good? Bad? Are you an idiot, a maniac, or just full of your own hubris? There's no 'side' here." Kamen Rider Ittune shook his head slowly, "Your 'side' is trying to exterminate all of humanity. My 'side' are the people who don't want to be Metallized into little more than tools of the Metalheads! Justice, good or evil, the only thing that matters to me…!"

"What!?" the dark Rider exclaimed as his opponent charged forward, and then rammed the full force of his fist into Discordia's face, breaking the face plate and showing the human's surprised face before Ittune flicked his wrist like a whip and punched him again!

"Is protecting everyone I care about on this world!" Both fists were replacing by the ball like Clang-Bash Knuckles, he rammed Discordia up, then used a double-hammer blow to bounce him painfully off of the concrete! "You think I'll waste my breath, trying to appeal towards a sociopath like you?! What have you ever tried to accomplish in your life that didn't involve using violence or cruelty?!" He blocked Discordia's arm from skewering him with his drill arms, right before Jack spun with the block, crow-barring Discordia across the neck and letting him drop onto the ground.

"So what!? I'm honest towards my desires, you pompous prick! You think you're doing yourself a favor, pretending like you don't enjoy fighting? Be honest! Be real! Let your feelings burst…!" Discordia smashed into Ittune, pinning him to the wall with one hand which had morphed into a clamp, the other changing into a pile-bunker which kept ramming into his head, smashing the helmet back and forth against the hard brick wall until he finished off the combo, "OUT!"

"Severe damage..." Illdos warned Jack as Discordia chucked the Rider up, rose one leg up which morphed into an axe blade from the foot down, and axe-kicked him into the earth. Walking towards the fallen Rider, Discordia threw his head back and burst out cackling, shaking his head with a cold grin behind his mask.

"Hehehe…know what's the difference between you and me? I know when to call out bullshit. You might be fighting for others, but deep down, this is about something simpler than that… You wanna be validated. Want to know you're not just some burger flipping punk with average grades in a shithole town out in the boonies." Discordia grabbed him by his head, bending over in a squat, "Spare me the psycho-analysis bull!"

Ittune slapped his hand away, raising up shakily before he hardened his stance. As a response, Discordia brutally headbutted him, sending Jack back on the floor with a mad cackle. Ittune was out of breath, had lost his sense of balance, and could hear ringing in his ears. Discordia's body was less durable, but the guy packed a punch and was more than willing to get hurt if it meant landing a hit. Ittune saw it, the dark Rider's mask was cracked! Discordia headbutted him so hard that he broke his own head just to hurt him!

"This guy was a monster to begin with..." Jack groaned with a hand on his head as he and a dizzy Benny struggled to be on their feet, "Shit, Illdos, how bad is..." he felt his body get heavier and Illdos didn't reply.

"Ah yes, forgot to tell you." Discordia snickered, "I'm a mean big chunk of what keeps the rust-heads in one piece. I'm told other races can't really take it, so think of it as an infection."

"Oh crap..." Jack gasped when seeing his hand covered in black metal flakes, as if his armor was rusting.

"Man, and they told me the other guy had withstood this." Benny chortled, then paused and playfully slapped his forehead, "Oh dear me, did I give you a hint? Am I being a bad boy, rust-heads? Will that sexy lady of yours come and give me a spank?"

"Who-" Jack asked, only for a blur to leap into view, grab Benny, and leave.

"Oh come on, Nurse, didn't you wanna see how strong he is?" Benny chortled as the mechanical woman left with him in her arms.

"Indeed, but so long as this works."

Punching the ground with repeated curses of, "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Jack deactivated his Henshin, Illdos utterly silent. Her yellow lenses closed shut and Jack panicked as he held her in his hands. "No, no, no! Not like this, c'mon Illdos, you've seen too much and endured too much to just go out like this! Dammit! C'mon! Please, wake up!"

He ran off, clutching his partner to his chest, "J-J-J-J-J-Jack." Her lenses slowly opened up, her synthesized voice coming out in a rapid stutter.

"I'm here, I'm here Illdos!" he reassured her, feeling a measure of relief as she talked, "Don't you dare die on me now Illdos, I can't lose you too."

"S-s-s-systems critical, v-v-v-virus infecting m-m-m-most of my p-p-p-p-processing power. N-n-n-need you to f-f-find cure for i-i-i-i-it."

"There's a cure?!" he asked, running forward to where he knew Arcee would be waiting and probably growing increasingly worried, if she wasn't already looking for him.

"Y-y-y-y-yes. S-s-s-s-Shadestar h-h-h-had it. H-h-h-hid it a-a-a-away, l-l-l-location is a-a-a-at these c-c-c-coordinates." What had once been a rare cloudy day, threatened to burst into a rain fall, droplets surging down and pouring onto Jack's head, drenching it and making the normally upright hair fall flat over his face. The way the rain fell and dripped over Illdos lenses, simulated tears, "J-J-J-Jack. I-I-I-I am s-s-s-s-sorry. B-b-because of me, y-y-y-you are i-i-in-"

"Would you stop apologizing!? I may not have chosen to fight, but that jerk, Benny, he's right. I don't want to be just another guy. I want to show the world what I'm made of." He told her, running faster, trying to reach Arcee as fast as he could, "I…I've grown to enjoy fighting. I like putting my life on the line. I don't know why, but it brings a thrill to my heart." He saw the road up ahead, Arcee's motorbike and holographic rider circling the street until she turned and saw him dashing towards her, he wiped rain from his face, gritting his teeth sharply, "I wouldn't trade it for anything, not now at least."

He paused for breath, breathing in and out as Arcee got close by, "Jack!? What happened to you!? What's going on with Illdos?"

"Virus. That psychopath Benny Howard infected her with something, I-I don't know what." Jack gasped out, getting atop Arcee and putting on a spare helmet kept at her side, "So where is it located? The cure then?"

They were already in motion, Arcee well synchronized to her partner's thought process. If he was riding her, they needed to get somewhere. Jack followed the directions sent to him telepathically, his connection to Illdos allowing him to figure out where to go.

"Illdos, can we still fight?" he asked her, Arcee speeding up to attempt to reach it faster.

"C-c-c-combat routines w-w-w-will b-b-b-be compromised. B-b-b-but our armored s-s-s-state will be u-u-u-u-usable."

"Then let's do it. Arcee we're counting on you, Illdos will back me up, we've got to get to the cure. We've got a minute to win this." Jack reattached Illdos to the belt, his arms forming an X.

"You sure about this Jack?" Arcee's cold tone belied her genuine concern and worry for her partner, he threw one hand up, the other placed in front of Illdos' lenses.

"When do I do things I'm not sure of? HENSHIN!" Kamen Rider Ittune gripped Arcee's handles, his lenses having turned to a faded amber color, rust was collecting and moving up from his hand, but he was still going strong.

A minute to win it. He wouldn't let anyone close to him ever die. Not on his watch.

From her perch on a rooftop, the Nurse observed them go, "So, baby girl, what say you, me, a nice little dinner under the moon to celebrate?" Benny was back to his human self, smirking as he observed her rear shamelessly. Perhaps he was really insane from what they did to him or had been born weird, but he liked what he saw, "And please, tell me I can call you something other than Nurse."

"Nurse is my function, name, and purpose. As for dinner, it is not needed. You are to do your job and I am to do mine." She replied mechanically, causing Benny to smirk.

"You know I'll just try harder to make you think and say nice things about me, right?" he retorted playful like any flirty boyfriend would with their girlfriend. "Wouldn't it be better to go through the easiest route and give me a chance?"

"I heard motivation moves you humans, so prove yourself." She said and walked away, swaying her hips.

Benny smirked, "I'm not sure if she's into me or using me, but hey, I get to fight Jackie-boy some more." As he said that, he looked at the bike speeding off into the distance, "So, cure, bike robo-babe, and that bitch I got for Nurse to play with. I'd say I earned a proper compliment."

"Benny." He turned to see her eyeball focusing on him, "I shall aid you in case the Cybertronian proves a danger to your mission. Please, take care of me and yourself."

"Can I get a kiss?"

"I don't have lips."

"Worth a shot."


Heyo! This is the Lord Of Pages here, telling you to be patient for Life is Cosmic. I wanted to get this chapter out while school's been kicking my ass and a lot of changes came the way of my big bro and me. I've been studying to get my drivers license, and been busy with the last few bits of college before I head off to university. I was having trouble writing this chapter, which is why it took so long to do, thousand apologies. I promise that Life is Cosmic chapter sixteen will come out before the end of the month, so please hold out a little more! Sorry for the long wait there too, been extremely busy with school, the family, and seeing my classes through to their end.

Here's to many more years of writing fanfiction, no matter how old I get, I'll always have time to spare with writing for you guys. So take some hope in that! Until then, this is the Lord of Pages, off to record another chapter!

The Swordslinger: I had a big hand on Benny's design, personality, and motivations for The Lord Of Pages to actually get his big fat ass moving for once. He wanted a Dark Rider, the Rival Rider, to make this story flow. Also, we just wanted to have fun making someone an unapologetic asshole.