A/n: Oh dear readers how wonderful you all are. I have enjoyed bringing this story back to you and receiving all the love you have for it! I officially have OVER 500 reviews which is INSANE to me! Thank you for all the love you have given me.
There were a few of you, probably because you reread the whole story, that reminded me that Hermione had lived with Harry at Grimmauld Place but I wrote her as having a flat. Thanks for correcting me, when this story is finished and I revise I'll fix it, but for now let's pretend she has her own flat. Just because I haven't picked up this story in so long but that's the train of thought my mind is on now.
In my facebook group I will show a picture of how I picture this room to look, so if you aren't already there with me, feel free to join. The link is in my profile.
I hope you love this curious bit of magic.
Draco was holding Hermione's hand as he led her down the long corridor, past the door to the suite she had stayed in. The hallway was dark, though as they walked sconces on the paneled walls would light. Hermione noticed that there were no portraits along these walls, just empty wall space except for the randomly spaced doorways. He seemed to be walking towards the set of double doors at the end.
"This will be our room, obviously if there is ever a night where you are cross with me, you can have our room, and I will put myself in the dog house," Draco said a hint of humour in his voice as he continued walking.
"Our room? Is it your current room?" Hermione asked unable to ignore the way her heart sped up at his choice of pronoun.
"No, this is not currently my bedroom, this is the largest suite in my wing. It was always going to be the room that I moved into with my wife, and now that you've moved in I can move us both in," Draco said, and as Hermione looked over at him, she could see the smile on his face, pride evident in his features.
Hermione squeezed his hand before he let go of her hand as they reached the door. "This room has been saved for the time when I would find the person I would spend my life with. It's been left virtually blank as the room is charmed to decorate once we both walk in. It will decorate itself in a way that is a perfect blend of us, let's just hope it doesn't end up being Slytherin Green and Gryffindor Red, or we'll think Christmas is every day," Draco said his features lit up with joy. Hermione could tell how much this moment meant to him, and while the magic sounded incredible. She couldn't help but feel nervous, what if the room wasn't convinced they belonged together and chucked her out.
"Hermione, what's wrong, are you having second thoughts?" Draco said his voice changing as quickly as his feelings.
"No, but what if the Manor doesn't think that you and I are supposed to be together, what if it chucks me out or simply does nothing," Hermione asked. She avoided his eyes that she knew were trying to meet so he could look deep into her soul, or so it felt every time he did look at her.
Draco grasped her chin between two fingers and lifted it until she looked at him, "Hermione, that is impossible. You are my mate, you are the witch I will spend my life with, this is our home, and if you need more proof, look at the door."
Hermione glanced at the door and gasped. Draco let go of her chin and retook her hand, a smile plastered on his face again. The previously cherry wood set of double doors with antique brass hardware was gone. Instead, they faced a set of white double doors with old glass door knobs and silver hardware.
"The room is already changing to welcome its new Mistress," Draco said placing a kiss to her hand before he pushed open the doors, his own jaw-dropping when he looked at what was before them.
The large room was full of soft neutral colours, with the majority of them being whites and greys, but neither one of them had missed the hints of green that were dotted around the room. The bed was a large four-poster with an upholstered headboard that rested against a paneled green wall. There were soft white curtains on the four posters, very similar to the curtains they each had on their dormitory beds back at Hogwarts. In front of the bed was a low, dark green leather bench that matched the headboard in everything but colour.
The bed was a mixture of whites and greys, except for two Slytherin green pillows set in the very front. A nightstand stood off to each side, mirrored in a style that Hermione had honestly drooled over while shopping a few months ago. The room seemed to know which side they would sleep on, as the one to the right of the bed featured a stack of books, that Hermione recognised as some of her favorites, including the Pride and Prejudice copy she and Draco had been reading lately. While Draco's side had two books and what looked like a wand holder and watch winder.
To their left were large windows, draped with even longer grey curtains that when open gave them a perfect view of the back gardens. Along the wall with the door, there were large white built-ins full of books, though there was a lot of empty space left. And nestled near the windows and bookshelves were two chairs, both were dark green velvet, but Hermione instantly knew which one she preferred. It was larger than the other and looked perfect for curling up with a book.
Hermione knew her mouth was hanging open, and she almost couldn't believe how perfect it actually was. She wondered briefly if the charm that this room had was similar to the charm that created the various Rooms of Requirement. Draco began to pull her to her right, towards another set of doors that she hadn't noticed.
She gasped when he pushed open the doors to reveal the most extravagant bathroom she had ever been in. The middle of the room was dominated by a glassed-in space that could easily fit her and the entire Weasley family but instead was equipped with multiple jets and shower heads and a stone bench. Directly across from the shower was a large tub that sat in the middle of the room, and Hermione wasn't sure whether the tub or shower commanded the most attention in the room. This room also had doors leading off of it.
"Thru there are our closets, though we'll have to actually go in to see which one belongs to who, unless the house charmed it to be one large one," Draco said. He didn't look surprised but he was still impressed, this was something he had been waiting to experience his whole life.
Hermione turned to look at Draco, "This is absolutely too much, there is no way this is where I'm supposed to sleep."
"Well witch, I assure you it is where you will be sleeping because I won't let you sleep anywhere else," Draco said lifting her up and walking her to the bathroom counter. He stood in the space between her legs, and they were finally eye to eye.
"Draco, do you understand how insane this is, for me. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around everything, and now I have to introduce you to the Weasley's who are like my family. This place is supposed to be my home, but you could barely call this a house. It's just...This is so much," Hermione said overwhelmed as the weight of everything new crashed over her.
Draco pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly while he whispered, "I don't want to overwhelm you if it would be easier we can stay at your flat except around the full moon. I just want you, Hermione, this is just a building, nothing more. I have been lost for years, and though this has always felt like home to me, I would tear it down brick by brick if that's what you wanted. Tell me what you want Hermione, and I'll give it to you."
Hermione pulled back from Draco to look in his eyes, and she saw nothing but love and truth in his stormy grey orbs. She had only read about these moments in books, and she wanted nothing more than to pinch herself to make sure this wasn't actually a dream. She looked away from him to look around the bathroom, her eyes eventually going to the bedroom beyond, and she sucked in a deep breath.
Even as she sat in his arms, she could feel the pull within her that wanted Draco, wanted him to bite her, wanted to be his mate, and she knew exactly what she wanted then. She looked back at Draco and her eyes filled with tears. This was it, regardless that it was fast, regardless of what her friends thought, this was her future.
"You say you'll give me anything," Hermione said and waited until Draco nodded. "Good because I want to marry you Draco, make me your mate and then make me your wife."
To be continued. . .