Rocinante the Pirate

Title: Rocinante the Pirate
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: Rocinante was never adopted by Sengoku, but was rather taken in by a kind pirate crew, the Death Heart Pirates. He is still angry at his brother for their father's death. Dante wants Roci to forgive Doflamingo, but Roci refuses. An enemy wants revenge on Dante and will take down the Death Heart Pirates if necessary.
Tags: AU; Pirate Rocinante; Baby Law; OC Pirate Crew

Rocinante and Sicarius were sparring on the Dragon's Roar's deck. Doflamingo watched from the deck of the El Flamenco. "Ribbon Blade!" Rocinante compacted his ribbons together to form a sword before charging at Sicarius.

"And Sicarius dodges with ease!" The purple haired man jumped up and kicked the blade out of Rocinante's hand.

Rocinante smirked and flicked his fingers, the ribbon blade being drawn towards him like a boomerang. Sicarius' eyes widened and he drew his own sword to block the attack. As gravity pulled him down he placed his hand on the deck to keep balance and attempted to kick Rocinante while his Ribbon Blade was being used to block.

Rocinante covered his free hand with armament and blocked against the kick before leaping backwards, away from Sicarius. "Gotta do better than that, Sicarius,"

"He's changed a lot, hasn't he?" Dante asked from beside Doflamingo.

Doflamingo nodded. "Yeah. When he was younger he used to immediately run and hide behind me whenever there was trouble. He'd cry whenever he got hurt,"

Rocinante attempted to kick at Sicarius' head only to end up losing balance and falling backwards.

"He's still clumsy though," Doflamingo noted. "Seems like that's never going to change,"

"We tried to help him but his clumsiness defies all of the laws of physics," Dante chuckled. "I'm not sure if it's a talent or a curse,"

"I'm not clumsy!" Rocinante shouted towards Dante. He barely dodged a punch aimed at his head, Sicarius' fist a few inches to the side of him.

Sicarius pulled his fist back, feeling intense heat. "Your shoulder's on fire!"

Before Rocinante could pat the flames out, Law ran up to him with a fire extinguisher and blasted foam at his dad. "Yay! No baby-q Daddy!"

"Law, when did you learn to use the fire extinguisher?" Sicarius asked.

"Aunty Sky teach Law to use the fire egg squisher," Law answered. "Law no want baby-q Daddy,"

"Doflamingo," Dante said to the pink-wearing twenty year old. "I suggest trying to earn Law's trust before you try to get your brother's trust back,"

"I don't know anything about my nephew," Doflamingo said. "How will I get him to like me?"

"He likes fluffy things," Dante answered. "Try getting him something when we dock at the next island, maybe take him to the amusement park if there is one?"

"Do you honestly think Rocinante will let me near his son?" Doflamingo questioned. "Roci hates me right now,"

"I'll try talk to him again," Dante told the other pirate captain. "Hey Roci!"

"No," Rocinante immediately refused.

"But you didn't even hear my question," Dante said.

"I could hear your guys' conversation while Sicarius and I were sparring," Rocinante pointed out.

"Come on Roci, let Doflamingo hang out with Law," Dante told him.

"No," Rocinante repeated.

'Hmm…I'll need to try a different approach,' He looked to Law. "Hey Law, do you want to go to the amusement park with your Uncle Doffy?"

"Daddy can we go?" Law asked with excitement in his voice. "Can we? Can we?"

Rocinante couldn't refuse his son anything and sighed. "Alright Law, I'll take you to the amusement park on the next island,"

"Yay!" Law cheered.

"Don't worry so much Roci," Dante assured him. "I'll be with you guys so that Doflamingo won't try anything,"


It turned out that the island indeed had an amusement park. Law excitedly ran around his father. "It's so big Daddy! I wanna eat cotton candy! I wanna ride the ponies and the roll-ee toasters!"

Rocinante chuckled at his son's excitement. "Calm down Law. The amusement park isn't going to disappear. Wait, Dante is it one of those traveling carnivals or is it a permanent amusement park?"

"It's a permanent one," Dante informed.

"Okay, Law the amusement park isn't going to disappear," Rocinante rubbed his son's hair.

At the pop the balloons stall, Law threw a dart. The dart missed the balloon by mere milliliters, not popping it. Law pouted at not winning a prize. Doflamingo casually flicked his finger, slicing the balloon closest to the dart and popping it. The stall keeper had noticed the movement but didn't want to risk angering a pirate. He grabbed a plushy from the rack and passed it to Law.

Rocinante had also noticed Doflamingo using his Devil Fruit to cheat, but he didn't say anything. Law had received a prize and was happy. That was all that mattered to him.

At the ring toss stall, Law sloppily threw all the rings into the air. They were too far away from the bottles and wouldn't make it. Using his strings, Doflamingo manipulated the path of the rings and had they all land on the same bottle. Law won another plushy.

This went on for quite some time. At each stall, Doflamingo always helped Law to win. Everyone pretended to be oblivious to the cheating.

After a few hours, it began to get dark and Law was getting sleepy, not even having the strength to hold his ice cream. "We should head back to the Dragon's Roar," Rocinante said, scooping his child into his arms.

That's when a loud crash caught everyone's attention. In the center of the carnival, not too far from the group, was a man dressed in dark armor. "Hello brother," He said towards Dante.

I'm working on Chapter 4. Hopefully the wait won't be too long.