"I- I can't do this… Not again!" screamed Conner. He was sitting on the floor, hands held to his head, rocking back and forth in a panic attack. He had relapsed back into terror at being taken again.

"Con, Con look at me Con." Nightwing had knelt down and put both hands on the sides of Conner's tear filled face. "You're going to be fine Con, we'll keep you safe." Nightwing reassured as he brushed sombre of the hair out of Superboy's face.

Superboy slowed his breathing, then placed his hands on Nightwing's wrist and looked the other male straight in the eyes. "First things first, we need to get out of here Con. Darkseid is assembling his own male task force, and apparently us guys are prime candidates." Nightwing stated.

"The Watchtower, we'll have a majority of our heroes pulled as defense." stated Batman. Both Nightwing and superboy made their way to the zeta tubes.

Batman then set his console to the public league comms. "Alert! This is a code:Red procedure! We need majority personnel to stand guard at the Watchtower, Darkseid is after the team." He commanded.

As Superboy and Nightwing exited the zeta tubes there was a red tint to the Watchtower, everyone had mobilized into red alert mode. "They're here!" announced one of the heroes.

"Come with me," he directed the two heroes. They were led down a hallway with heroes standing stiff on guard. At the end of the Hall was a lead safe, inside was Superman and Wonder woman.

"Batman will be here shortly, but we have enough people standing guard- ehh!" Wonder Woman staggered a bit as well as everyone else when the ground shook. "Is Darkseid, he's here!" yelled Manhunter over the comms.

Shazam then appeared outside the door. "I'm sealing this off till he's handled with." He then backed away and shut the door. On the other side of the door shazam was brought to his knees by a blast.

Walking into view was Red Arrow with a drawn bow. On either side of the archer sped Kid Flash and Impulse, who took out straggling heroes such Hawkman, Fire, Ice, and Booster Gold. All shazam saw next was two red and yellow streaks before he was knocked out. "How's that door looking?" asked RA.

"It's lead, can't vibrate through." answered impulse. "And, there are to many combinations to speed through." KF added

"Boys, sometimes there's an easier way." piped Arsenal as he showed up to help out. Arsenal then unholstered two pistols on either side of him. The two pistols then merged into a sort of energy cannon and trained it on the door.

Understanding immediately the other three boys moved behind the gunner for their own safety. The cannon shot a powerful blast of energy that not only shot through the safe and two rooms, but took superman with it, concussive enough to leave the super knocked out in a pile of rubble.

"What the- Wonderwoman watch out!" Nightwing managed to say. Impulse and Kid Flash ran around the Amazon to confuse her. Wonderwoman tried to get a few hits in only to end in failure. Somewhere in all of this the two speedsters hog tied her in her own lasso.

Nightwing took out two of his batons only to be knocked out by a volley of gymnastic attacks from RA and Arsenal. In the Communications and Zeta hub Robin and Beast Boy stood over the unconscious bodies of Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, and a few other heroes. "Ok Darkseid, the rest is up to you." stated Robin as he held the button on his communicator.

Conner sat on the floor, a mix of shock and terror as he looked at his friends turned enemies. He then flinched as he heard a boom and thunderous sound, a boom tube portal had appeared behind the four boy. Out stepped Darkseid and the other four boys seemed to disappear behind him. Conner shook his head in an effort to get out of his trance, the half kryptonian then rose to his feet in a fighting stance.

"The good thing about a bitch that was broken once is that all it takes is a little snap." Darkseid then snapped his fingers. Conner stood frozen still, his eyes big and dilated, he then fell forward in the waiting intergalactic warmonger's arms. As the other heroes began to stir all they saw was Darkseid and his Jackals carrying off their last two male heroes on the team.


Within days Darkseid had his full harem, a group of mind broken, sadistic, psychopathic boys who destroyed anything and everything Darkseid pointed at. They held Darkseid above reason and logic, calling their relationship love and devotion. Desaad ran multiple tests on Superboy, Robin, Nightwing, and the Roys to make them more combat optimal. Superboy's genetics were reinforced to at least give him flight and frost breath, but he still lacked Superman's level of strength and endurance, Darkseid still wanted to be able to keep him in check. Nightwing, Robin, and the Roys were stress tested to the peak physical durability, strength, and agility possible for humans, their combat regiment also included learning fighting styles as well as equipping of technology stolen from conquered planets.

The boys were in a dark room, Superboy was in the center looking out at the horrid view of apocalypse and the burning red sky.