Hello hello fellow fans! This is my first story only one this fandom, so I hope you enjoy it!

For now this will be a drabble-ish series, so if you could help me with them, I would really appreciate it.

Age: 4

"Tou-san, why is that when you look at the mirror you look the same, but when I do I look different?" Yukio was four at the time, his blue eyes calm and a frown adorning his features.

Fujimoto Shiro frowned in turn. Yukio had always been a very intelligent, if quiet child, preferring to observe the world around him rather than being boisterous. It was quite out of character for him to ask something so odd.

The man humored the boy and let himself be led to the bathroom's mirror. "To me you look exactly the same." the priest admitted. Yukio's face fell.

"There's a boy copying all I'm doing! Stop it!" Yukio insisted, glaring at the mirror and sticking his tongue out at it.

Shiro made sure neither the boy nor the mirror were possessed by a demon of any kind. Once he was sure, he brushed the incident off as a quirk of the bespectacled boy. Kids often had imaginary friends, didn't they?

On Yukio's side, it wasn't long before he realized no one could see the other in the mirror.

"Are you trapped in there?" the young boy asked innocently. "Should I get you out?" No answer, of course. The other had never copied his lip movements.

The other boy was always smiling, so maybe he was happy to see Yukio. Dark hair, blue eyes, pale skin. That's where the similarities ended. The other had darker hair than he, was shorter, and had a black tail and blue flames coming out of his body. It made Yukio wonder if he should douse himself in water, to put out the fire of his reflection. Fire hurt, after all.

"Your parents didn't believe you either, right?" Yukio grimaced.

The other one copied him.

Being a prince of Gehenna wasn't at all like it was chalked up to be. Rin knew that very well. He wasn't allowed to go out of the castle, for one. His brothers were all older than him and too violent for his tastes, so playtime with them was out. And to top it off, he had finally realized there was no way his reflection in the mirror was himself. He didn't have that contraption on his face (What was the word... Ah, it didn't matter) and it was obvious the other was a human. Well, either that, or a demon kid who hid his tail all the time. The other boy didn't have blue flames either.

Rin could see one good side about that though. He could pretend there really was someone else in the room, kinda like a friend. Moving around and doing funny faces, the young child still presented his usual smile as he moved around to see if the reflection would copy him. "Hey, I've told you this before, stop copying me!"

Even if his reflection was different, he always felt some kind of joy when he saw this boy. Was it how most human children looked? How was life in Assiah compared to Gehenna? Why did the other have that strange thing on his face?

"I'm not copying you." the unexpected voice almost made Rin jump out of his skin, though he didn't stop looking at the other boy. One of his brothers startling him was a common occurrence by now.

"Amai-nii, what do I look like in the mirror right now?" the dark-haired boy asked the passing demon.

Amaimon raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? It's a mirror, you look like you." without even pausing from his stride the second youngest of Satan left his little brother's sight.

Rin grimaced and looked at the brown-haired kid. "Did your family believe you?"