A/N: Hi guys! Welcome to my new fanfiction! I hope you will appreciate it. I'll try to post a new chapter every day of the week or so (but not on week-ends, I never post on week-ends) In the meantime, don't forget to follow if you want to read more, and review, if you want to! I'll see you tomorrow! Have a good read!
A Happy Holiday
The bar was empty, save for the guy working it, and a lonesome cowboy already half-drunk, slumped on his stool over a glass of whiskey. The bar was located at the border between the US and Mexico, and there were usually more people inside, but tonight was Christmas Eve, and even the usuals spent the night with their families. All of them, except Jesse McCree, who had found himself short on family and friends. The old bartender would have tried to engage a conversation, had the cowboy looked up from the depth of his glass. So instead he cleaned repetitively the counter and the many glasses he owned.
The door swung open, letting for a few seconds the golden light of the inside pass in the dark street outside. The bartender was about to welcome his new customer, but he stopped when he recognized the woman. If it truly was her, then he was in deep trouble. Or maybe not, since she seemed to be more interested in the cowboy. She walked up to him confidently and leaned on the counter beside him.
"Hola Joel!"
McCree suddenly flinched and looked up from the glass to the women beside him.
"It is your real name, isn't it?"
"Don't know what you've heard. Name's McCree. Jesse McCree."
She could hear the tiredness in his voice. She knew she should have come earlier when he was less drunk. If she could interrogate him more than a few minutes she would be lucky.
"If you say so. Tell me, what is a cowboy like you doing in such a dump? I thought you would be with your old friends."
"Don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any friends."
The woman shook her head, and instantly the bartender left two glasses and a bottle of tequila between them.
"Well, now you have."
She smirked. McCree finished his glass before turning to the woman.
"Friends don't come that easy and I would suggest you leave me alone before I feel twitchy."
As if to empathize his threat, McCree placed a hand on his colt. The woman only gave a low chuckle.
"From my point of view, friends are very easy to make. All you need is a reason."
With a cheeky smile, she poured tequila into the two glasses and pushed one toward the man. He took it hesitantly, while she took hers.
"So, what is your reason?" he asked before knocking back the drink.
"All I want is a friend for Christmas. An old Blackwatch pal."
McCree froze completely when he heard the name. One hand gripped furiously his gun, while the other placed the glass back on the wooden counter.
"Don't know what you heard, but Blackwatch ain't a thing."
She smiled again, viciously.
"Sure, not anymore."
She knocked back her own drink and placed the glass on the counter. Then she pulled a sheet of paper out of her jacket and unfolded it. McCree paled at the sight of it. It was the official picture of the small Blackwatch operatives, one which had been given to him by his old mentor, and one he had burned years ago.
"Isn't that you, McCree? Quite the heartthrob, I have to admit. Just look at that smile!"
His robotic hand closed into a fist with the clicking of metal. His other one was about to pull out his gun.
"What do you want?"
"Just an answer to a question."
"And then?"
"I'll leave you to drink on your own. Promise."
He relaxed only slightly his hands. He poured himself another shot. Anything related to Blackwatch was now painful to him, and he truly needed another drink. He knocked it down then declared:
She smirked.
"There was a Blackwatch operation in Dorado paid by Guillermo Portero, only a few months after the foundation of Blackwatch. All I want to know is were you part of the operation."
McCree drank again, but let the hand on his gun relax.
"And if I was?"
"Then we may need to do more than talk," she replied with assurance.
McCree completely released his weapon and knocked another shot before answering.
"I was not part of the operation. I heard about it. Heard it was a messy thing, but I don't know who was part of it. I was still in training at the time."
She smiled, not noticeably affected by his answer, and served him another shot.
"Thank you for your honest answer, McCree. I won't bother you again."
He nodded. His eyes closed by themselves. It seemed the alcohol in his system had finally caught up with him. He barely had time to knock the last shot back before he lightly fell asleep on the counter. As he began to lightly snore, the woman got up and walked up to the bartender, who had stayed as far from them as possible. She sat on the last stool of the bar and asked:
"Got something purple for me to drink?"
He nodded and quickly served her some red wine in a whiskey glass. She looked suspiciously at the glass, not sure whether she'll like the strange stuff. She certainly knew a spider who would, but Talon was like any organization. When holiday came, they all came back to their family, or what was left of them. Not much, most if not all the time.
"Serve yourself a drink, if you want. It's on me, an apology for almost ruining your bar." she declared.
The bartender served himself a beer, and Sombra drank a sour mouthful of wine. Her vengeance was just beginning.