The first time Vegeta saw his daughter, he fell in love a second time. This time it was like a flash of lightning, vs when he fell in love with Bulma which was a slow burn of a feeling. But When he saw his daughter... he was absolutly smitten, even tho he did not know what that feeling was called.
She was laying in the bassinet next to Bulma's hospital bed, hair just ever so curly and blue just like her mother's. And yes, there was her tail. Normally a saiyan's tail is just a medium brown, lighter than the saiyan's black hair color, but due to her half bred status, her tail had a blue tinge similar to her hair, but a darker muted color. He reached to pick her up, hesitating for a moment realizing how TINY she was. How was she so small? Saiyan babies stay in their incubators for several years till they can survive on their own, some as few as two years, some even longer. His brother had to stay in his incubattor much longer for being on the small, and still is on the smaller side, even in his adulthood. But this baby... he had never seen anything so small... so helpless. Not even Kakarot's son Gohan's child was this small... or was she at one point?
He didnt know what to think.
"Vegeta, it's ok, you can pick her up, she wont break. Just be gentle and support her head." Bulma's soft voice broke him out of his thoughts. How long had he been distracted?
He picked up the baby, doing just that, supporting her head as Bulma stated, cradling it in the crook of his elbow. The sleeping infant stirred and opened her eyes; blue just like her mother's. Suddenly he felt something warm and soft wrap around his arm. Her tail found it's way around his wrist, as if to say 'mine.' He felt his heart skip a beat. His daughter made a slight huffing sound in her breath before falling back asleep. He looked over at Bulma who smiled.
"Seem's like someone knows who her daddy is." She said softly.
Vegeta looked down at the small baby in his arms.
"What's her name?" He asked softly, voice catching on something, that he swallowed past.
"Well, her first name is Bura, after my grandmother. Her middle name was hard to pick, I had to do some research to find one that fit."
Vegeta was curious now. Bulma had asked him months ago about saiyan naming traditions, stating she wanted to include some heritage for the baby. Tho he did have to laugh that she was somewhat close on her assumption, but failed in a ways with Trunk's middle name, Nasu, which was a type of eggplant. She had come close but had been so far there.
"So thought 'Lotte' would be a nice pick."
Vegeta thought a moment before nodding, it was a very nice choice for a saiyan name.
"So what are we going to do about her tail?" Bulma asked, moving on to the next subject matter.
Vegeta quirked an eyebrow at her, "She's keeping it of course!"
"I don't think that's the best idea tho." Bulma retorted. "The last thing we need is an infantile giant gorrilla terrorizing West City!"
Vegeta sucked air thru his teeth, his signature responce to something he disagreed with. "Well obviously we keep her out of the moonlight untill she's old enough to be properly trained in controlling the Oozaru."
"Controlling the... that can be controlled?" This was the first Bulma has heard of that.
"Yes, I could control my Great Ape form just perfectly, and I will teach our daughter how to control her's at the appropriate age." Vegeta stated with confidence and pride. "The tail stays."
Bulma had no idea that form could be controlled at all, let alone that Vegeta had been able to control it. She was actually curious.
"I had no idea. But do you think its wise to have that risk? What if she accidentally looks at the moon, and... think of her growing up, wouldnt people make fun of her for having a tail?"
Vegeta gave a shrug, "I'd like to see anyone try to make fun of her when she galick guns them in the face."
Bulma knew this was going to be a losing battle. Most things with this man are a losing battle.
"Fine. But if she turns into a giant monkey, you are changing the diapers."
More to come i promise