As i was dreaming my mind feels like I just open a door that was locked. I open my eyes to find my self in the same place were my mind went black before the mutal killing game. that's right I need to get to the welcome ceremony to meet the 78th class. I was just walking till I reached the doors. You can do this Mason. You been through hell for one year and you can certainly meet the ultimates. Ok let's do this. When I open the door i see the 77 and 78th class. Some people talking to each other while others are alone. But my eyes landed on a beautiful black hair goddess. She looked gorgeous in person but she is alone. She os always like that. Wait i got a idea. So I walk over there to speak to her. I say " Hey there why are you alone? Don't you want to be with the others like you? It's not every day you get to meet someone like you." She blushes at the i smile and she says " I don't think they would like the ultimate soldier. They might just think I'm scary." I looks at her and say " I don't think your crazy more along the lines of beautiful." She says " You must be mistaken my sister Junko is the one they call beautiful not me." I say with a big grin " I didn't miss speak so I'm not wrong. Well I'm going to talk to the others if you want to come." We both go to the other ultimates and greeted each other. But I didn't tell them about my talent yet. After the greeting with each other Mr kirigiri goes up to the mic and say " May I your attention right now. Today we all greet the new ultimates of hopes peak today. For all of you have a talent that we all need to help grow for the hope of the future. Now I like to say something unique about this class. There will be seventeen students than the normal fithteen we usually have. So I hope all of you have a wonderful year this year. Now all of you go to class." After his speech Hina says " I wonder why there are two more students than normal. Well let's go!" But I hear Taka say " We are about to be two minutes late. That is not acceptable in a school environment!" I just laugh at this.

Time skip to everyone in class

We were all in class in seats but I had to stand become there was only sixteen seats. If I remember I was a very late addition to the class. As they were talking to each other Togami says " if I remember correctly you did not tell us your talent. Tell me now." Well isn't he Mister demanding right now. Guess he doesn't like anyone. Might as well tell them about the blood thing but not the tourchur. So I say " does anyone have a knife?" Mukuro hands me one and I say " Now what I'm about to do might frighten you. So if you got a problem look away." The class stare with curious gaze while I stab the knife throw my hand. They look horrified but then they see the scarlet blood. I take the knife out and they see the wound healing in front of them. I say " My blood has been red my whole life but that and the healing thing didn't get me my talent. The combat skills equal to the ultimate soldier and knowledge equal to the ultimate scientist got me my talent. My talent is the ultimate guardian. My job is to protect the ultimates from outside and inside harm." They all nod but Junko ask " So like are you a babysitter to use? If so no thank you." I shake my head and say " I'm not your babysitter. I'm just here to protect you guys. None of you need to be my friend but if anyone try to hurt you physical or emotional. I will rain down hell on them till they think about that again." They nod but the silence stays. To get rid of it is say " So do anyone know good places in Japan. I'm not from here. I'm from America." The tense atmosphere goes away. As we wait for are teacher comes stumbling out of the door. It's Kohichi Kitakura drunk. As he stumble I help him up to his seat. He says " That was a good choice to help me sunny. So how are all of you students my name is Kohichi Kitakura your teacher. My talent is the ultimate scout. I'm the one who diced all of you to be ultimates. Well besides him." He points at me. He says " He was highly recommend by the headmaster and former headmaster. Heck after seeing all the talents he possed I would of called you the ultimate ultimate. Not ultimate guardian man it sounds like a babysitter. But now you guys do what you want till class is over. I will be passed out till then. Unless someone is dying or throwing up don't wake me." He then passed out on his seat. Great that's are teacher there. I would of love to have chisa as my teacher but no. The class starts to talk with each other. But I notice mukuro not talking to anyone so I walk up to her and say " So how's your frist day going?" She blushes at my smile and says " it okay. I would of like if our teacher was not like him." I chuckle at this and say " You got a point there he is unique. But the again almost every ultimate is weird in there owan way." She nods and says " Yes most of them are loud but you seem to know to deal with there crazy well." I nod at this but she then says " By the way can you feel the pain of getting stabbed?" I nod and say " My body heals but the pain is still there. The body might take away scars but emotional ones none. That be scary to forget all the terrible things in my life." Mukuro looks at me with a some understanding and she says " When did you start to heal?" My mind goes back to the last year but I push that aside and say " I was in somewhere in Japan and I was laying on the ground. I felt some liquid on my stomach to feel my blood flowing out. Then I went unconscious and when I woke up my wound was healed." We talk some more till Junko went behind me and says " so what are you doing babysitter? Are you talking something juicy?" Her voice so very annoying but I say " I was having a lovely conversation with Mukuro and now I about to leave to the library to get a book. Bye." I ran out of there leaving a dust trail behind me.