Ok, I am so very sorry! I do truly appreciate all your wonderful reviews and it's despicable that it's taken me this long to get the next chapter up...life got in the way, badly...I'm very sorry. I'm glad that you are enjoying where the story is going and I'm glad you guys liked the Phoenix. I was thinking Fawkes, there's no cannon information as to how Dumbledore came by Fawkes, that I've discovered anyway, so I thought I'd make it part of the story.

Thank you to all those who are following on this adventure! I hope you continue to enjoy it! I really really appreciate your kind words! Your reviews are awesome!

Chapter 15

It was late afternoon when Tina stepped outside Newt's shed inside his suitcase, to find him sitting cross legged on the ground in front of the bow truckle tree, trying to convince Pickett to return there.

"It's only for a short time Pickett, believe me I'm just as unhappy about this as you are". He sighed as Pickett turned his back on Newt, although still continuing to sit in the palm of his hand.

"It's dangerous out there at the moment. I'm trying to keep you safe". Tina had to stifle a giggle at the sound that followed from Pickett.

"Now that's just rude Pickett, we've talked about that noise before! It's hardly fair when you consider the ordeal that I'm about to be put through. I haven't told you Brady's latest hair brained scheme and it seems Dumbledore is going along with it". Newt raised his free hand into the air waving it gently in front of him.

"I can see the Daily Prophet headlines now... 'Disgraced X-student Hired in the Latest of Hogwarts Dubious Decisions'... or how about 'Desperation at Hogwarts, Expelled Student Hired to Cover Teaching Shortage. Pickett remained unmoved at this, only flinching when Newt muttered somewhat defeated "Maybe I should hide out here in the tree with you and leave the rest of the case to Brady".

"How about the headline 'Renowned Magizooologist Hired to Raise Teaching Standards at Hogwarts" Tina suggested gently as she dropped to the floor beside Newt, reaching out her hand to accept the indignant Bowtruckle as he reached towards her.

"Aw come on Pickett, you shouldn't give Newt such a hard time, he's very good to you, you know that" Pickett crossed his tiny arms and repeated the sound he felt best expressed his grievances. Newt let out a groan and sunk his head into his hands.

"This is going to be a disaster! The Ministry hasn't come up with something this crazy since the time the department regulating international travel thought they could train Niffler's as part of their arrival security system".

"What on earth for?" Tina laughed

"I believe Muggles have the same idea, but they use dogs. The idea was to train their natural finding skills to recognise dangerous objects".

"And how did that turn out for them?" Tina asked innocently.

Newt's expression was baleful. "They ignored my warnings and left me to answer to a delegation of irate Irish Ministry Officials that arrived for negotiations regarding the Quittach World Cup. Needless to say the idea was scrapped and I was left with most of the blame for that genius idea".

"Poor Newt" Tina failed miserably to say the words with a straight face. "This isn't exactly the same situation, Dumbledore is handling the logistics. Now that he's got permission from the headmaster, he'll make sure nothing goes wrong".

Newt heaved a sigh as he looked up at Tina, a look of sadness showing in his eyes.

"You have a lot of faith in the man Tina, yet you know nothing about him" his voice was gentle but she could hear the slight rebuke in his tone. "Dumbledore is a great man, I truly believe that, but he is human. Sometimes I wonder how much that man is willing to risk to achieve what he believes should be achieved". Newt sighed again at the concern he now saw developing in Tina's eyes. To lighten the mood he added with a half smile "Can you imagine me being able to control a class full of students, I struggle enough with keeping my creatures in line".

Tina rested a hand on his shoulder. "You can do this Newt. You'll have me to support you. It's only going to be a short time while we establish our cover story". Newt let out a snort, "Going undercover as teachers to trap a smuggling operation, it sounds like something out of that Maltese Falcon book".

Tina raised her eyebrows "The Maltese Falcon? That's been selling on all the newsstands all over New York, it's real popular with the NoMaj community. I can't imagine it appealing to you".

Newt rose from his position on the floor to hide the redness in his cheeks. "I needed something to read on the boat on the way home" he mumbled moving to check on Jacob while Tina gurgled with laughter.

"You really are full of surprises Newt". He turned from Jacob's nest, crossing his arms as he leant back against the tree, once more looking thoughtful.

"Would you care to go over Brady's plan again for me? I think my brain may have switched off after the words "We devise a teaching role for Newt involving Magical Creatures... you know something along the lines of Dangerous Creatures and How to Pacify Them". That's a ridiculous name for the subject to begin with. As I told Dumbledore and Brady it should be called Care for Magical Creatures... How is this insane plan supposed to work?" He watched as Tina got to her feet, moving towards him with a twinkle of laughter in her eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore has managed to convince the Head Master that we should trial a new subject to offer students at school".

"About blooming time really" Newt interrupted

"Before the school term starts Hogwarts is offering families the chance to send their children to a holiday program introducing the subject Care of Magical Creatures". Tina continued unmoved, emphasising the name that Newt had been advocating for the subject.

"Which should be the Grey Wolves first clue to something being amiss, Hogwarts has never run a program during the holidays after the end of the school term" Newt interrupted her.

"During this week long program students will have the chance to meet renowned writer Newt Scamander author of the best selling 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. Tina was now standing in front of him smiling up at his concerned face. "Students will have the opportunity to study some of the amazing creatures that Newt has cared for, along with a very rare and exotic species of animal that many Hogwarts students will never even have known existed"

"Which will consist of a creature so incredible the Grey Wolves will be drawn out of hiding like a Niffler to a jewel with no other choice but to travel to this area in the hopes of stealing the hapless creature after disposing of a group of defenceless Hogwarts students" Newt finished for her.

Tina gently touched Newt's face enjoying watching the redness creep into his cheeks. "Dumbledore would never let that happen, there will be no danger to the students. By the time the Grey Wolves are even slightly tempted to come this way we will have Ministry officials in place. Besides, something tells me that no student in this school would ever be classified as helpless" she leaned closer to him resting her head on his shoulder. "It's the Grey Wolves I'd be feeling sorry for".

Newt let out a huff of breath as he wrapped his arms around her. "You could say just about anything and make it sound like a picnic couldn't you". Newt rested his head against hers with a final sigh of resignation.

"I wasn't exactly an extrovert at school Tina, standing in front of a group of students and trying to teach them is about as high up on my list as de-gnoming the garden. What am I going to say to them?" Pickett let out a chittering sound and climbed from Tina's shoulder back to Newt's pocket.

"Talk to them about your creatures Newt. Trust me, once you get started talking about your family you won't be at a loss for words".


"I'd be careful Newt, they can sense fear" Brady advised as they arrived at a group of students of various ages waiting in varying states of restlessness in the open space close to the forbidden forest.

"I've been working with animals a long time Brady, I think I know how to handle them by now".

"Whose talking about the creatures?" Brady laughed, still grinning at Newt's discomfort as Dumbledore introduced them and Tina.

"I trust you will treat them with the same respect..." As Dumbledore addressed the students Newt studied the group of fifteen teenagers in front of him. He was unsure why two of the older girls were smiling and waving at him, he was sure he'd never met them before in his life. There were two very short students that looked like they might possibly be in 2nd year but most of them seemed to be 5th year and above if Newt was any judge of these matters.

All too soon it seemed to Newt he was standing in front of the class with all eyes looking at him. He was relieved to find that Tina was right and once he brought Pickett out of his pocket was easily able to communicate the subject he was so passionate about.

"Bowtruckles are extremely sensitive creatures..."

"Oh he's so adorable! He stuck out his little tongue at me! Make him do it again"

"Do they make good pets?"

"Do they do anything interesting?" The last comment was from a burley 5th year that looked like he would make a good beater on a Quittach team.

"That depends what you call interesting" Brady interrupted Newt in a theatrical tone, drawing a pair of Muggle handcuffs and securing an unsuspecting Newt to a tree.

"I hardly think that's necessary Brady" Newt complained, frowning as he realized that Brady had all of the students undivided attention as they watched to see Pickett's reaction. Newt rubbed his wrists amidst cheers from the students as Pickett freed him easily from the cuffs.

"I think you're so brave, writing that book to protect the Wizarding world from all those fierce horrible creatures" Newt sputtered in disbelief at the young girl in front of him who looked to be in her final year at Hogwarts.

"I didn't... I wasn't..." correcting her misconception went unfinished for the time as Brady was once more speaking to the class.

"You didn't come all the way back to school just to play with Bowtruckles did you? You tell Mister Scamander here you want to see something more interesting than that".

"Yeah!" Cried the class as Newt glared at Brady shaking his head as he guessed where he was going.

"We are not studying the Swooping Evil with students" Newt hissed, completely ignored by Brady.

"How about a brain eating monster?" Brady asked the students with a grin

"Do you have one of those?" Asked one of the young second year girl who looked almost ready to faint.

"How many brains as he eaten?" A fifth year Slytherin boy asked eagerly, his eyes alight with interest.

"Come on Newt, we don't have all day. These kids could be at home practicing jinxes on their Muggle neighbours, they didn't come all this way to play with trees. Let's introduce them to Frankenstein". Newt groaned inwardly as the highly insulted Pickett left with a parting raspberry at Brady and returned to Newt's pocket. He couldn't believe Dumbledore had taken Tina away to speak with the Ministry and left him with Brady.

The rest of the lesson continued in much the same manner, with Brady challenging Newt to bring out bigger and more dangerous creatures. They managed to survive the day with all students intact, although by the end of it Newt didn't hold out the same hope for Brady. He managed to gain the sanctuary of his suitcase, lying on the couch in mental exhaustion as Tina made him a cup of strong tea.

"It can't have been that bad!"

Newt's expression was baleful. "I had a 7th year girl ask me to come back to the Ravenclaw dormitory to care for her sick owl!"

"Well that's nice to see the students are putting their trust you" Tina commented lightly, trying very hard not to laugh.

"I was halfway there before her friend let slip she doesn't own an owl" Newt grumbled as Tina lost the battle and dissolved into laughter.

"Between that and Brady egging on a group of sociopathic, blood thirsty students I fear your original assessment may be right, maybe we should feel sorry for the Grey Wolves! "

"Undoubtedly" Tina managed to gasp with a somewhat straight face. "Well Madam Piquery is all for the operation, she believes this is our best chance of catching them".

Newt leaned back onto the couch sipping his tea. "Well if I have to be involved in this madness, at least I have you beside me".

Tina sat down next to him very gently touching her mug of tea to his in a gesture of cheers. "You definitely know how to make life interesting!"