Hello everyone! This is the very FIRST fanfic of 3% (or 3 por cento) on Fanfiction. I originally requested it because I am a really big fan of the show, cannot wait for the next season. And I am very impatient to wait on the hiatus, process of production, post-production, leading up to the release. I want to make my own predictions on what "Offshore" is like because in the first season we have always heard the characters mention it, but never seen it. Although I guess it was smart for production to do as such to make a big, utopian, reveal for the next season.

Anyways, I hope you like this first chapter. Also Pai means father in Portuguese (not Brazilian lol). I mention Pai for father because I want to refer to the show 3%'s Brazilian production and language. IMO it is a complete breakthrough in the Film/TV Industry in Latin American countries such as Brazil. What I have noticed in Latin American countries over the years is that they are constantly doing the same thing with telenovelas over and over again. I comprehend that the telenovela (aka soap opera in U.S.) is different over there than the U.S. (where soap operas are watched by people w/ no cable or by old people). But eventually, the population might grow out of telenovelas and be accepting of more Film/TV plots other than an extended weird complicated families where this unfortunate girl has been poor all her life but recently found out that she inherited land or this other woman who is desperate to get out of the slums and gets what she wants after cheating on men (literally as well) for their money. But who knows?

Here's another thing, diversity. From what I see in Latin America telenovelas and other TV shows and film I always see white-passing latinx in everything. I always see the same damn actor/actress like Angilique Boyer or some other famous person in every damn thing. The format of the media, costume design, and how characters look like is always the same (from hair to clothing). Too typical. The only time I see an afro-latinx or an indeguinous latinx person on TV is when they are doing a documentary on Celia Cruz or about the Aztec. I like how this Netflix series reflects the population of Brazilians properly with black POC characters as one of the main characters as well as the "extras" or "guest stars" in the series.

One last thing, the first season displayed pure brilliance. The concepts were executed interestingly, with constant surprises. I'd give it a B+ on my scale. I liked how they show the Process with the 4 main characters as well as the "supporting" ones who were in the Process with them, as well as the characters who already have a life in the world like Ezekiel. The only two things that I do not like is 1) excess water dunking 2) no in-depth explanation of "the Cause" 3) Fernando as a little boy. Hopefully in the next season things well change with less water and more explanation on what the Cause is about. My favorite character so far is Joana. Joana is a badass black girl full of emotions who knows what she wants. I love her. My least favorite character is Julia, I do not like her or the episode "Water" that was dedicated to Julia and Ezekiel's relationship, I understand the production want us as an audience to have empathy/sympathy for the bad guys~but they are the ones who already passed the Process and are repeating history once again by orchestrating the Process for future generations.

Welp. That's it. I promise to make my author notes shorter, this is just the first fanfic of the 3% on fanfiction so this is a VERY big deal to me!

"Come child! Come!" Pai beckoned the young man. The young man slowly made his way through the crowd of people in the service. He was frail and skinny, it was evident that he was malnourished. Food is what he needed, but the Process is what he wanted.

"What has brought you here to day my child?" Pai de Fernando questioned.

The question appeared rhetorical. It was obvious that the Process will begin in a week. This was all part of pai's routine.

"The Process is in a week, and I want to pass," he states firmily, "but I know I cannot pass, I do not have the strength to do so."

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk," Pai circled around the boy, hands behind his back, shaking his head. "With that mindset you won't be able to do so, child, all you have to do is believe. Believe that you can pass the Process. I believe that you can pass the Process." He turned towards the crowd. "Do you all believe he can pass the Process?"

The congregation cheered on with encouragement. Which is what they needed in this point of time. Majority of people recently came to the service not too long ago, most are young men or women who are of age or parents who hope that their child will not be a reflection of their own failure.

Pai turned his attention back to the young man. "You see, child, we all believe in you. We all believe that you can pass the Process." The crowd roared. Pai de Fernando held his hand up for silence. Silence passed before he continued. "Unfortunately, my child, no matter how many or how much faith we give to you the ultimate decision is dictated by God. It is God's will as to who will pass the Process, God is the one who is in control because he created this world. And we, here, are his children; as well as everyone else who don't believe in God. God is watching, and he chooses the ones who rightfully deserves to pass the Process–"

Someone started to clap, causing a section from the mass to clap, which eventually caused the whole room to clap.

Pai held is hand out for silence. "Thank you, thank you." Pai plopped a hand on the young man's shoulder, embracing him from his side, he patted his shoulder as well. "Excuse me child, I don't recall asking your name, I apologize for not doing so. What is your name?"


"Now Mauricio, God is watching you." Pai leaned his head near him, almost forhead to forehead. Like as a father gives advice to his son. "It is up to you to be your best, for God to grant you to heaven, Offshore. It is understandable that you are scared, nervous, and afraid–even everyone in this room are as well, but you must not let them get to you. Be your best in the Process and ignore the demons in your mind that leech on you. For it will cost you an opportunity for freedom."

Silence flowed into the room. Pai's counsel to Mauricio is over. Although, everyone was unsure.

"You can return to your spot Mauricio, may God will bless you, child." The mass hollered at the young man as he return back to his spot. People nearby pat behind his back cried out 'May God Bless you soon' 'Good will bless you soon' and similar cheers of encouragement for the man.

"Now, now, now," Pai held up his hands up high and paced around. "Who is next?"

Young adults frantically raised their hands to be picked by Pai. Parents berated their children to receive a blessing as well. Everyone in the room either wanted to be choosen or want someone the loved to be chosen. To be given the opportunity of Pai's blessing. Pai is not God, Pai stated previously that 'the ultimate decision is dictated by God.' But, these people see Pai is their savior.

They see hope in him.

People need hope because they have nothing else to do at this time of importance. The weeks before and currently, leading up to the day of the Process, is when they see hope. Parents that have failed once before, hope that their children will not repeat the same mistake as they did decades ago. Young adults brace the Process, in hopes of living a better lifestyle. All as children observe the environment they reside in, they hope so too they get to pass the Process as well.

Hope gives people a way out of the poverty they live in. Hope takes them out of the rags that they wore. Hope takes them away from their house, the neighborhood, Inland–away from this shitty wasteland. Hope gives people dreams of the future that they can see that is getting closer and closer. These people have dreams because they do not want to live in a home built up by the debris on the streets, they do not want to constantly go hungry, they do not want to wear rags, they do not want to be dirty. People have dreams because they want to have their dream house, they want abundant amount of food to be full, they want beautiful and refreshing clothing, and they want to be clean. To obtain their wildest dream is to go to the Process, because that is where all your wants and needs will be met.

Fernando witnessed everything from the back. Welp. Not everything since everyone is standing up. But he could here the rejoice of his father when he's giving his sermon to his mass. It's been awhile since he has been here. He has gotten into a lot of trouble with his Pai when he came back. . . but that treks into a different story.

I am thinking about adding some more description about Fernando, but IDK. This is what I immediately thought of. I want to make a fanfic one year after Joana and Fernando and Rafael AND Michele's Process. Fernando POV is kinda difficult. At first I started thinking about scenes with Joana (my fav character) and her journey. I like Fernando too, but IMO his POV has to deal with emotions and all, and I have never written anyone with a disability so I hope I wrote the disability part clear. If not, then I will continue to edit this chapter along the way.

I feel like either 1) something is missing and I need to add more 2) leave it as a cliffhanger. I was going to name chapter by names of narration, and list them by name but then I cut against that because I want to see how a different character 'blah blah blach' he/she needed and I kinda admire George R. R. Martin novel series 'A Song of Ice and Fire' where each chapter is a different character.

Anyways, how do you guys feel about this chapter? Do you think this chapter is an accurate representation of the citizens hope? Do you believe it is understandable for the congregation to have "hope"?–even if it is based on a 3% chance?

Also, how did you like the first season of 3%? Was it too slow? Confusing? A bit weird? How did you watch the season (i.e. w/ subtitles or dubbed)? Who is your favorite character? What character would you like to know more about? What do you expect in the next season? How does 3% compare to other dysotopian themed TV/Film (i.e. The Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Divergent)?-was it better or more cliche'?

Guys, I want you to please review on this chapter. I want to hear your opinion on it, if you believe that it is too soon to voice your opinion on this fic, please do spare the time to answer other questions I have for you all. I want to connect and start a conversation in the 3% fandom, while I see interests in 3% on tumblr and all, I have not heard anything via media about 3%-I had to stumble upon it on Netflix-then I eventually looked the show up if Netflix even marketed the show. But I'm in America, so probably the Netflix team marketed the show to their Brazilian or Portuguese audience.